ps: Don't subscribe yet, this is a repeat of the previous chapter, the second chapter has not been written yet, please post it first, and stay up late for a few hours to finish writing it.


behind the battlefield,

Under the terrifying confrontation, the entire world seems to be shattered at this moment!

Looking at the staggered collision in the sky, blasting the heaven and earth out of big holes, so that the laws of heaven and earth are two figures that are broken, the phantom of the spirits has almost lost words at this moment!

At this moment,

The confrontation between Zhang Qingyuan and Shenwei Puppet has reached a fever pitch.

one breath,

The two figures have already collided and collided thousands of times.

Every confrontation is an explosion of ultimate power. The chaotic power merged by the five elements, yin and yang, has a powerful terror that destroys all the powers of heaven and earth!

Especially after fighting with the Xenophobic Demon King of the Five Elements Realm,

Using the proficiency panel, the relationship between the battle scene can be traced back,

Zhang Qingyuan spent a lot of time re-experiencing that battle!

In the image, the existence of the other party is like a heavy hammer, constantly forging himself again and again, and the strong pressure has become a catalyst for his continuous improvement!

At the same time by backtracking the battle,

It's almost like walking on the edge of life and death again and again!

Under this circumstance, Zhang Qingyuan's control of his own strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds!

The harvest of that battle and the various insights from the battle were also completely absorbed.

Also from this,

After the digestion and sublimation of closed-door insights,

Zhang Qingyuan has been able to use the power of chaos more skillfully,


After several mana upgrades,

Let his chaotic power already have the mana to compete with the level of the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

At this time, facing the attack of the guard puppet,

Zhang Qingyuan is already not at all disadvantaged!


And this scene,

Impressively, he entered the eyes of that phantom.

In his heart, a huge wave was set off!

However, the little ghost in the Wanhua realm actually possesses the power to compete with the series of heaven and man? !

How can this be! ! !

On the phantom face,

In this moment is full of unbelievable looks!


Due to the relationship between the gods and the puppets, the power of the gods has reached such a level, and there is no corresponding mysterious ability of heaven and man.

But even so,

With the power of heaven and man, is it not possible to crush an ant in the realm of myriad transformations to death at will?

What's going on now? !

The scene in front of him almost refreshed its three views!

A little devil in the realm of Wanhua has the power to compete with heaven and man!

The late monks from the outside world,

Has it become so powerful now?

at this moment,

The phantom of the spirit formation couldn't help but have such a doubt at this moment!


This is impossible!

This **** guard puppet is the sacred object of the sect that was finally sent to the lower realm by the Taiyi Immortal Sect in the upper realm!


for so many years,

With the passage of time, the demise of Taiyizong, no one can repair and manage it, so the combat power has dropped significantly, and finally this situation occurs!


It must be so!

As the formation spirit evolved from the guardian Taiyizong great formation, it is more aware of the gap between the realm of myriad transformations and the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

Those who can overcome this class challenge,

Even in the ancient times, it is an existence that is qualified to become an immortal!

In this day and age,

Want to appear such a defiant character!

How can this be!

The phantom of the phantom forced himself to explain in his heart, finding reasons for his thoughts.

"It must be that the guard puppet was damaged... Then again, it seems that a kendo genius came in hundreds of years ago and took away the super-suppressing supernatural power sword, and I don't know how it is now. …”

The battle behind had an unexpected turn of events,

The phantom of the spirits did not intend to leave.

Looking at the terrifying battle that broke out in the world, on the illusory shadow, his eyes flickered for a while, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time,

The battle is getting fiercer!

Facing the divine guard puppet with the power of the Heavenly Human Daozu series, Zhang Qingyuan was evenly matched, and he never saw any sign of defeat.

On the contrary, under this unprecedented opponent,

Fight more and more bravely!

The terrifying chaotic power formed by the intersection of yin and yang and the five elements,

Just the aftermath that escapes is enough to tear apart the sky and the earth, destroy the sky for thousands of miles, and affect the weather of heaven and earth for hundreds of thousands of miles!

And the guard puppet on the opposite side,

It is by virtue of the mana power of the Heavenly Human Daozu series, and by virtue of the strength of a level higher than Zhang Qingyuan, to forcibly break the vacuum and annihilate each other with Zhang Qingyuan's chaotic power!


Puppets are puppets after all.

Lack of agility and responsiveness.

The moves and attacks are rigid and single,

After being unable to be crushed by the strength of the realm of heaven and man, the longer the battle, the more flaws!

Soon Zhang Qingyuan was in the fierce battle, and found the flaw of Shenwei Puppet!

"it's over!"

Seeing that the opposite Shenwei Puppet bombarded with another punch, the fist was like a meteor, and the black arc of fire shattered and bloomed in the vacuum, as if the chaos had been penetrated, and Zhang Qingyuan had to be punched on the spot!

A divine light suddenly bloomed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes!

In the hundreds of thousands of collisions and battles between the lightning and flint before, he has already seen through its flaws!

boom! ! !

The powerful momentum erupted, tearing apart the vacuum chaos,

At this moment, the surrounding heaven and earth seem to have cracked the avenue, and the sun, moon, and stars collapsed!

Infinite Moko golden body!

Glazed golden body!

At this moment, the Dharma body and the body refining realm are activated at the same has blessed itself with an indestructible and terrifying true meaning, the dazzling golden light bursts, and the whole figure is like the sun of a golden sun!

A great golden hand, melding the great sun,

Like holding up the sun, moon and stars,

Wrapped in the momentum that makes Chaos terrified, he patted the fist of Shenwei Puppet!

Boom! ! !

If the confrontation of the gods and emperors is like a confrontation, it seems that the whole world will be torn apart.

Under the terrifying collision, thousands of miles of space cracks instantly tore apart nine days, running through the universe, and under the violent vibration of the whole world, it seemed that the whole world would be shattered!

The laws of the avenue are destroyed!

Large swaths of the sky collapsed, revealing a chaotic hole in a radius of hundreds of miles!

The world is shaking!

Heaven and Earth are crying!

As if the next moment is about to usher in death!


, as if to destroy the whole world!

The laws of the avenue are destroyed!

Large swaths of the sky collapsed, revealing a chaotic hole in a radius of hundreds of miles!

The world is shaking!

Heaven and Earth are crying!

As if the next moment is about to usher in death! , as if to destroy the whole world!

The laws of the avenue are destroyed!

Large swaths of the sky collapsed, revealing a chaotic hole in a radius of hundreds of miles!

The world is shaking!

Heaven and Earth are crying!

As if the next moment is about to usher in death! , as if to destroy the whole world!

The laws of the avenue are destroyed!

Large swaths of the sky collapsed, revealing a chaotic hole in a radius of hundreds of miles!

The world is shaking!

Heaven and Earth are crying!

As if the next moment is about to usher in death!

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