Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 386: Old Man Kukai (2 in 1)

"It really is the source of heaven and earth!"

Zhang Qingyuan murmured to himself in his heart, and a light flashed in his eyes.

He could feel that the source power of heaven and earth emitting an extremely bright blue light from the bottle in front of him was far more intense than the source power of heaven and earth that Zhang Qingyuan had previously obtained by killing the alien demon with the strength of the ten thousand level!

Almost ten times the concentration of the latter!

But the problem is,

Why do you get trophies like Heaven and Earth Source Power after beheading the alien demons at the Myriad Transformation level? !

some of,

Is there any secret involved?

For a while, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have many thoughts in his mind.

Some kind of aura flashed away,

But couldn't catch it.

That's it,

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head, put aside many thoughts in his mind, and stopped thinking.

No matter what secrets the aliens have,

For the time being, it has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

what you have to do now,

It is an effort to improve one's own strength.

If one's strength reaches the peak of the world, then what secrets are irrelevant in front of him.

He has always done so.

Back then when I was in the Yunshui Sect,

The internal system of the sect was in conflict, and the struggles between the various veins continued.

But he did not get involved in it, instead he decided to withdraw from overseas and focus on cultivation and improvement.

As a result, two or three hundred years later,

I returned with the strength of the realm of Wanhua,

In the past, those people in the sect fought, and the time became a joke!

Those guys who had stumbled upon themselves in order to seek some kind of benefit were directly dragged into liquidation, and they were directly driven to the most dangerous front line of Zongmen's fight against alien demons.

It was directly abandoned by the sect,

in danger,

Nine deaths!

Even if he earns a ray of life and breaks through one after another, even if he is promoted to the middle stage of the real world and the later stage of the real world, in front of Zhang Qingyuan's absolute power, he can't even turn a small wave!

Originally, he should have become the elders, the masters of the veins, and the head of the sect.

As a result, it fell into the dust,

The future is unknown!

Now that just a few years have passed, most of those exiled people have already died!

And from this to the end,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't even know the inside story of their struggle back then.

what exactly happened,

The minutiae of various power struggles,

Know nothing!

When he returned with an unstoppable strength, he didn't even need to tell him, just the release of his breath caused him a lot of trouble back then. It can be said that the invincible enemy ushered in the earth-shaking doomsday!

if we assume,

At that time, he did not avoid the whirlpool of internal struggles in the sect, but avoided overseas and single-mindedly cultivated to improve himself.

Instead, he was actively involved in the struggle of the sect,

spend a lot of mental energy in it,

Would you still achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time?

final result,

Will it be that easy?

I'm afraid not!

human energy,

is limited!

Even if he has the plug-in of the proficiency panel, his energy is still limited.

While concentrating on something,

Another thing will fall too!

If he was caught in the vortex of the sect struggle back then, he would never have cultivated to the pinnacle of today's Yuzhou in such a short period of time!

No matter what the origin of the aliens,

No matter what secrets their existence holds,

As long as it can't hinder his cultivation and improvement, let it go there for the time being.

If one day,

Zhang Qingyuan reached the peak of the world,

It is enough to compete with the existence of the realm of immortals, and is invincible in this world.

So the so-called secret,

Of course it doesn't matter.

"I can accept your request, lead the way!"

With one hand grabbed out,

After taking away the spirit crystal and the bottle of Origin Power Essence, Zhang Qingyuan calmly spoke to the phantom in front of him.

Although the change in front of him made him a little uncomfortable.


This Taiyizong's immortal scriptures, he is bound to!

Then it is inevitable to meet that ancient power.

"Okay, come here."

The phantom of the spirits nodded,

I don't see what it is doing. I just point at the virtual space, and the space is distorted, forming a space channel entrance.

The phantom of the spirits led the way, stepping into the vacuum channel one step at a time.

Zhang Qingyuan followed closely.

"That old ghost, I heard that the ancestors of the sect called him the old man of the sea before. He practiced using the way of the vast sea. Once it was used, the vast sea swept away and almost drowned the whole world. The supreme figures from Haizhou just did not know why they appeared in Yuzhou, and on that day they raided the Taiyi Sect and wiped out the sect."

"That day, the old ghost of Konghai came too fast, and he also had the help of his internal counterparts. In the end, many of Taiyizong's back-hands were hit hard in an instant before they could use it... For example, the one you captured. A **** guard puppet, the power inside the door is not without means, but unfortunately it has not played a role."

"Of course, it's not necessarily that the old ghost of Kongshan has mastered other methods that others don't know. You should pay attention to this."

"After all, back then, the head of the sect was holding a talisman that could burst out the rank of Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor, and there were two or three backhands of equal power, but in the last battle, there was no such thing as yet. If you can display it, you will lose!"

"The sect has been destroyed and cannot be recovered."

"Now that old ghost has been tempered for thousands of years, and his body and mind have been tempered to an unbelievable level, and his cultivation base is even closer to heaven... With the means he has mastered, I am afraid that it may not be a **** guard puppet. His opponent now!"

talking room,

The phantom of the spirits looked back at Zhang Qingyuan,

for a while,

There are thousands of words in my heart, I don't know where to start.

"The gap between the level of heaven and the realm of myriad transformations is almost like a moat, is there something wrong with the outside world, why are these heaven-defying evildoers appearing one after another?!"

The strength of the old ghost Kukai trapped inside is so strong,

The same is true for this young enchantress in front of him!

What's wrong with this world?

in the past,

Isn't it said that the gap between the heavens and the Wanhua is like a moat?

What's the situation now? !

Let’s not talk about the old ghost of Konghai who was trapped inside. After all, the other party has been trapped in the same place for thousands of years. It can be called a sword for thousands of years. If you don’t want to be crazy in loneliness, you can only use your time and energy. It's all about sharpening one's own way

At the same time, constantly sharpen the Taoist mind,

The lead is washed away,

Not only did he not go crazy in the endless loneliness, but he took it to the next level.

to pay such a high price,

In this way, it is not surprising that he has the strength comparable to that of heaven and man.

But what about the boy in front of him?

The boy in front of him is not very old no matter how old he is.

Why was he able to reach the level of the Heaven-level Wanhua in a short period of time, and he also had the strength to compete with the Heaven-Human Dao Ancestor series? !

The realm of ten thousand transformations is not something that can be achieved casually.

When Taiyizong was destroyed,

Of course there are many reasons,

But if there was a cultivator in the Myriad Transformation Realm that year, even if he was a first-timer, he would definitely not be so easily crossed the sea and perished!

Not to mention that in the realm of Wanhua, it is possible to compete with the strength of the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

You must know that many cultivators who are at the peak of the Heavenly Rank and Myriad Transformations, in the presence of half-stepped into the realm of Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor, can’t resist the trick of a real Heavenly Human!

And the latter, in front of the real cultivator of the Heaven and Human Realm, can't beat two or three moves!

The difference in this,

As you can imagine!

But this monster in front of me,

It really broke the cognition of its existence!

For a moment,

The phantom of the spirits couldn't help but have a feeling of doubting life!

"But that's fine..."

The phantom's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan was vaguely aware of it,

Looking forward to the phantom,

If you are thinking,

in the heart,

But it added a little bit of caution.


some space,

The world is a vast expanse,

As if shrouded in thick fog,

There is only a room-sized space area left standing in this boundless dense fog.

within space,

A person is wearing a Taoist robe, and there are strands of light on the clothes, like a vast ocean rising and falling on it, escaping an incomprehensible aura, causing the surrounding vacuum to be like a wave at this moment, turbulent and oscillating!

This man is full of white hair,

It looks like it has been washed away for an unknown number of years,

But a pair of eyes are still sharp, like falcons, piercing through the vacuum, as if seeing the world beyond the thick fog!

He did see the world beyond space!

See beyond the edge of the thick fog!

It's like just taking a few steps,

to get out of this space,

Get out of the boundless thick fog that surrounds you!

Yet he knew very well,

It's just an illusion!

He is the old man Kong Hai!

During the first thousand years of being trapped here, the old man Kukai was angry, irritable, exhausted all means, exhausted all means, including flying in the sky, all means were used,

I've tried so many times,

But every time you go a hundred miles away, you will only return to the original point in the end!

like a world in an infinite loop,

The landscape at the end of the thick fog ahead,

It's just a ghost of a mirage!

No matter how hard you try,

Can't even touch it!

"Today, is something going to happen?"

The old man Kukai stood with his hands behind his back,

Looking out at the dense cloudy sky,

thoughtful face.

At this time he,

The face is smooth and rounded with a healthy rosy complexion.

There is no sign of aging that has been washed away by time.

beside him,

A stone monument stands,

It is densely engraved with traces,

Each trace represents a year spent here.

But further back,

The traces are getting more and more blurred,

In the end, it was completely crooked and out of sight.

Because it is no longer necessary.

"Perhaps, today is the time for this seat to get out of trouble?"

When the cultivation base has reached his realm, he is already able to feel something in his heart.

these days,

There was a faint unease in his heart.


The accident is today!

To this,

Not only did the old man Kukai not have the slightest worry, but Gujing Wubo's heart was filled with excitement at this moment!


There will also be opportunities!

Thousands of years of trapping and confinement, like a prison, made him hate a peaceful life without any changes!

Accidents are coming,


Need to prepare yourself for it?

While thinking,


heart feels,

The old man Kukai raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

boom! ! !

The heaven and the earth shook violently, and a vast air machine penetrated the vacuum, opening a space channel between the voids.

The breath shakes the sky, stirring the figure of the sky,

As if stepping on the heaven and earth,

If it were a self-differentiated void,

Come from the space tunnel!

Under the boundless and vast aura, the entire sky seemed to be dimmed at this moment!

The situation has changed!

A strong man is coming!

The eyes of the old man of Konghai shone brightly,

"There is a friend from afar, not to mention, this empty sea, welcomes the arrival of the Taoist friend!"

The grand voice is like thunder resounding through the heavens and the earth!

The vacuum caused vibrations visible to the naked eye!

at the same time,

Boom! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation, the old man Kong Hai shot with a bang, a big hand covering the sky shattered the vacuum, and a large piece of chaotic darkness collapsed. The space channel was caught!

The stars shake, the world shakes!

At the moment when the old man Kong Hai made his move, his qi machine that penetrated the sky and the earth carried through the whole world!

Thousands of miles of wind and clouds are surging for it!

Until the end comes!

No matter who the person who came here is, and no matter what means the dead remnant uses, if he can take this opportunity to escape from this place in one fell swoop, the old man Kong Hai will never give up!

With one shot, there is no room for retention at all!

"Senior, this is not the way of welcome!"

Facing the vast and terrifying star-picking hand, near the space channel that was suppressed and solidified by the supreme force, a clear voice spread like a clear Then,

Boom! ! !

Above the sky, the sky for several miles was shattered like glass at this moment!

turned into pieces of the sky,

Instant crush!

The powerful chaotic air machine lingered out, shattering the space, and converging into a big round of rounds, like a black sun, reflecting the heaven and earth, and smashing it towards the big hand that covered the sky!

Boom! ! !

terrifying collision,

In an instant, the sky will be torn apart, and the heaven and earth will be shattered!

The sky in the ten-mile land was shattered at this moment, and a huge gap was revealed above the nine heavens!

The vast energy is charging in all directions,

Exploding like a sun,

Hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven and earth have fallen into ruin at this moment!

"Senior's strength is really powerful. If this hand appears in the outside world, I am afraid that the two continents of Yuhai are now invincible!"

in a quiet voice,

The huge energy on the sky that swept the sky automatically left a passage, like a rushing river encountering a huge rock that cut the drinking water into two sections, and automatically bypassed it.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure appeared!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended in the sky, surrounded by mysterious chaotic mana, and he looked at the figure on the ground in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

at the same time,

In the corner of the eye, I found a vacuum surrounded by thick fog. After the collision and tearing, it healed quickly at an extraordinary speed!

In almost a quarter of an hour,

The ten-mile vacuum that was smashed by the previous collision has been completely restored!

The fog is still there,

dark space,

As if nothing happened!

This scene,

Let Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrink slightly.

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