Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 390: I was tricked (5,000 words large)

69 Net 69, the fastest update of self-cultivation starts from the crossing year! As far as the spirit is concerned,

The situation went downhill in an instant!

I was full of hope just a moment ago, and as I watched the plot develop in the direction I wanted.

The result did not expect the next moment,

The two who were originally beaten to death shook hands and made peace.

Turn on yourself!

Are all humans that cunning? !

for a while,

There are thousands of words in Zhenling's heart, and I don't know where to start.

And for such a change,

Zhenling has no follow-up rescue preparations at all!

damn it!

What should I do next? !

How can I survive? !

Seeing that the circular trap arranged by the sand at that time was torn apart by the two lives, completely broke through the bondage, and escaped from that vacuum.

The phantom of the phantom is as anxious as an ant on a hot pan at this moment!

At this time, the world,

The cage of years has been completely destroyed!

Chaos is torn apart,

Two streams of light burst out of the sky!

at this time,

The old man Kukai opened his arms and laughed wantonly, a thunderous sound resounded in the heaven and earth,

Caused the entire cave site to shake violently at this moment,


It seems that the next moment is about to collapse!

At this moment, the spirits,

A heart is also mentioned in the throat!

There is no doubt that when the two of them break through the cage and escape, the one who will be dealt with must be the one who guards the Taiyizong Dongtian Ruins!

Even Old Man Kukai will tear it apart to vent his anger over the years!


Now it has absolutely no way of coping!

After those prepared,

It can only work after killing the old man Kukai!

Because this is the restriction that was set by the head of Taiyizong before his death!

now it,

I can only watch the two of them break free from their shackles and escape into the sky!

this moment,

Even if it is a spirit, it can't help but produce a despair from the heart!


With the strength of these two people, even the traps handed down from the upper realms were broken.

Then the two of them,

It can already be said to be invincible!

Next, even if they hide and dodge, the two of them only need to destroy the outer formation a little bit and dismantle along the veins of the formation, and they will eventually be able to find their core and destroy them.

At that time, he himself will definitely disappear!


Just when the spirits were desperate,

at this time,

The situation has changed suddenly!

Boom! ! !

Just breaking free from the endless chaos, one after the other, the two people who turned into a streamer and escaped from the trap and cage of that side, and the old man Konghai who was a little behind suddenly appeared!

violent attack,

A punch was thrown from behind Zhang Qingyuan!

The terrifying Vast Ocean Avenue lingered, and wherever the fist marks went, it was full of mist!

The space shattered in an instant, the punch seemed to have broken through the sky, and the sound and light disappeared in that instant!


Attacked fiercely with extremely ferocious power,

this power,

But the old man Kong Hai wanted to kill Zhang Qingyuan on the spot in one fell swoop!

On that old face, there was an unprecedented hideous look!

Zhang Qingyuan is in front of him,

seems not to notice,


As far as the fist mark came, the space shattered, and the Great Ocean Avenue ran through the sky, and smashed Zhang Qingyuan with the power to shatter the world!

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant,

The sky was shattered by the power of the vast sea!

That place was completely shattered!

The sky tore apart a terrifying void that was hundreds of miles long!

The dark chaotic air appeared,

The light was swallowed into the huge space crack, and the dark abyss that could not reach five fingers was extremely hideous!

The dome of the sky for thousands of miles vibrated violently.

The vast storm swept across,

The sky is shattered!

Such terrifying power has caused unimaginable destruction!


There was not the slightest hint of joy on the face of the old man Kukai!

It doesn't feel right!


for a moment,

The old man Kong Hai suddenly felt an extremely dangerous danger!

Without a moment's hesitation,

The power of the whole body burst out!

boom! ! !

At this moment, the sky shook!

The endless tide swept through in an instant, and in an instant the vast sea of ​​10,000 miles drowned the entire sky, and the endless vast sea reached through the vacuum, bringing the endless ocean to the world!

The Yangtze River is surging, big waves are every day, and rows of huge waves are surging like mountains, distorting large areas of space!

At this moment, the whole figure of Kukai's whole figure also changed.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ It has faded, the clothes on the body and the body are gradually turning towards translucent blue,

The body becomes sea water,

Become a part of this blue ocean!

Merge into the boundless sea of ​​the sky!

But at the same time,

almost at the same time,

call out!

A bunch of golden rays of light exuded a frightening air, and suddenly came from the vacuum behind him, pierced through the sky, penetrated the body of the old man Konghai, and broke a huge gap in that body!

The remaining sword power is even more vertical and horizontal!

in silence,

The vast ocean on the sky that day was cut open by a sword!

The sky seems to have been penetrated!

look up at the sky,

The whole sky is like being split by a deep sword mark, split in half!


The body of the Konghai old man, which was pierced in the air, was like a viscous seawater liquid, dripping like a melted candle, and disappeared into the rushing ocean.


this blow,

Couldn't do any damage to it!


That swipe of golden light crossed an arc in the air, flew back thousands of feet in the sky, slowly rotated, and emitted golden light fluctuations that made the void also fear.

at the same time,

The originally empty void suddenly appeared a figure.

It is Zhang Qingyuan!

Zhang Qingyuan dragged the sword pill,

Looking at the scene in front of him, looking at the vast sea that was torn apart but still lingering, constantly rolling up the monstrous waves and crushing the sky, his brows were slightly wrinkled.


This blow didn't work!


According to the calculation of the previous battle, the opponent should not be able to dodge this sword!

"Tsk tsk, kid, your perception is very sharp, so you can avoid it in advance? Yuanjin Jianwan? How could this thing be here with you!"

Not far from Haitao, a mass of flowing water rose up and quickly condensed into a line of people.

The blue brilliance gradually emerged, the space distorted and surged, and the figure of the old man Kong Hai appeared. When he saw Zhang Qingyuan's sword pill, he uttered aloud!

He stared at Zhang Qingyuan's Jianwan, frowning tightly,


As if thinking of something,

His eyes suddenly lit up with a terrifying gleam.

"Ning not go back to that bastard, killed by you?!"

The eyes of the old man Konghai flickered, running through the world, with a fascinating power!

"Oh, how do you say that?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed,


Shengsheng swallowed the words he originally wanted to question why the other party attacked.

Your own sword pill was originally called Yuanjin Jianwan?

listen to him,

This Yuan Jinjian Pill originally belonged to the leader of the Wild Heaven Sect, Ning Bufu?


The leader of the Desolate Heaven Sect, Ning Bufu, once sent Jin Jizong's Jin Sheng Dao Zun to the South China Sea to search for news about Jian Wan, and for this reason, he also took the Bei Xuan Gate, where Si Zun Cave Real Realm sits!

This has absolutely nothing to do with Ning!

in those days,

This sword pill was acquired by Zhang Qingyuan from the Linghai Sword Sect in the South China Sea. Back then, he had learned that the Linghai Sword Sect seemed to be related to the Desolate Heaven Sect that perished a thousand years ago.

I just don't know what's going on with it.

By coincidence,

Kenmaru fell into his own.

"Looks like that guy is really dead!"

"Humph! Back then, the old man and him obtained the guidance of that existence at the same time, but because they were half a step behind, the Yuan Jinjian Pill fell on him!"

"However, that's fine. In this way, this Yuan Jinjian Pill will still fall into this old man!"

"Hahaha! Today is really my lucky day!"

"Once you break free from the cage of thousands of years, you will get another Upper Realm secret treasure that exists and spreads, and after that guy dies, the credit for that existence is all the old man! Hahaha!!!"

The old man Kukai laughed,

The hearty laughter resounded throughout the world, causing the world to be stirred up!

The wind is blowing,

Thunder shock!

Once freed from the cage that had trapped him for five thousand years,

It was even more so when he learned that the competition would die, and the precious legacy that he originally coveted and could not get was delivered to the door.


The feelings that the old man Kong Hai has suppressed in his heart for many years is like a volcano that has been suppressed for thousands of years. One blow erupts, and the heart is filled with endless joy!

Under this hearty feeling,

Elder Kong Hai's self-confidence has reached its peak!

At this moment,

However, the old man Kong Hai directly regarded Zhang Qingyuan as a dead person.

the sword pill,

And of course for his possessions!

"Which one exists? It seems that your Excellency and Na Ning no longer have a good relationship with each other! I don't know who that one exists?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up, and he said aloud.

It looks like it is!

It is no wonder that for thousands of years in the future, there has not been an existence of heaven and earth, and

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Kukai and Ning Bufu are in the same era, but both of them have reached the level of heaven and myriad transformations!

these two,

There really is a big secret!

I don't know what the credit is, what it is, and whether it has anything to do with the other party's demise of Taiyizong!


Zhang Qingyuan thought of a certain possibility,

Suddenly, a storm surged in my heart!

I can hardly keep my calm face!

"Hey kid, don't be curious about things you shouldn't inquire about, and a dying person knows so much about what to do!"

The old man's expression changed, and he snorted coldly.

As if realizing something was wrong,

His face was gloomy as water.

"One moment ago, I was afraid of the promise on my chest and left a lot of promises. The next moment I got out of trouble and immediately turned my face and didn't recognize anyone. Your Excellency really taught the junior a very wonderful lesson!"

Facing the old man Kong Hai who did not hide his gloomy polish, Zhang Qingyuan didn't care at all,

Instead, he sighed with emotion.

"Jie Jie Jie! Boy, when you get to the Yellow Springs Hell, you must remember a truth in your next life. The so-called promise of faith is just a joke in front of the strong!"

The gloomy voice of the old man Kukai rolled like thunder, shaking the sky.


With a grim expression on his face, he said solemnly:

"As long as you are killed, it means that you don't have that blessing, but the old man doesn't keep his promise!"

"Death to the old man!"

no more nonsense,

The old man Konghai burst out!

Boom! ! !

Come to the hurricane waves to slap the sky and set off a tsunami that is overwhelming!

At this moment, the old man of Konghai did not have any reservations, and motivated it with all his strength. Under the impact of the boundless tsunami, the earth shook in an instant, and the boundless power of the vast sea made the sky bow its head!

The faint blue light surged and swept across the sky thousands of miles away,

boom! ! !

Facing the attack of the old man Kong Hai, Zhang Qingyuan also moved,

I saw his five fingers spread out, grasping the vacuum, the powerful Five Elements Law implementing the heaven and earth void, majestic and turbulent, reflecting thousands of miles of heaven and earth, like a big sun and stars, shattering the vacuum, and slamming up against the Konghai old man!

when! ! !

between heaven and earth,

There was a resounding sound of a powerful shattering vacuum!

The terrifying law avenues collided with each other, annihilated each other, and the vast power generated shook the world and the whole cavern secret realm was trembling at this moment,

The sky is falling, the earth is falling!

From a distance, all these are seen in the spirit of the array, and at this moment, it also has a sense of the rest of my life!

Not only rejoiced by the sudden turn of eyes from the two, but also terrified by the terrifying power of the two!

this power,

It's so scary!

"Fortunately, these two still fought after all!"

"The plan hasn't failed! When they both lose, it's time for me to move!"

"The human heart is really complicated!"

The terrifying energy storm swept through, flooding this one-million-mile-wide cave and secret realm, causing the entire small world to shake violently at this moment, and the power swept across the area!

Under this impact, the phantom of the spirit array,

The figure also became a little shaky.

But that Zhang Qingyuan and the old man Kong Hai turned against each other,

It made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The strength of these two

It is beyond imagination!

Especially the old man Kukai,

Even if the kid named Zhang Qingyuan didn't show up unexpectedly,

With the strength of the other party, in a few hundred years, there will be enough strength to tear apart the prison of time laid by the sand of time!

At that time,

You will surely die!


Everything will be there!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The shocking shock swept the whole world.

In the chaotic vacuum,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was shocked, and he took five steps back.

And the old man Kukai opposite,

The figure is like a reef,

Do not move!

"You hide your strength?!"

Feeling that the other party was even more domineering than before, Han Hai reached strength,

Zhang Qingyuan looked straight ahead and said solemnly.

"Oh, if you don't hide some paragraphs, how can you agree with the old man's suggestion and break the cage together?"

A sneering smile appeared on the old man's face.

Everything is under control!

"Previously, it was just for you to take the bait and agree to break the cage together, so I deliberately suppressed my strength and showed you the performance!"

"If you didn't show strength not far from yours, how would you feel at ease?!"

"Actually, with the strength of this old man, it's easy to kill you!"

The old man Kukai stepped on the vacuum and attacked again!

That figure was like a hurricane, rushing towards Zhang Qingyuan!

A palm turned upside down, setting off a vast turbulent between the vacuums, and the Great Ocean Avenue tore apart the void, crushing the sky, and the sound was extremely domineering, as if to connect Zhang Qingyuan with that piece of space

Dear, this chapter is not over, and the next page ^0^ are all smashed!

But also at this time,


A roar resounded, the starry sky trembled and shattered, and the Tianhe collapsed!

Zhang Qing's vitality spread out,

Behind him, a black-and-white Tai Chi picture that is difficult to describe in words, enveloped the heaven and earth, turning slowly like a grinding disc of heaven and earth,

Under this terrifying force, Jiu Tian was crushed and turned into powder!

The supreme power of the fusion of yin and yang descends,

between breaths,

The turbulent waves of the vast sea caused by the old man Konghai collapsed and shattered under the mighty force of this Tai Chi circle!

The move section melts in an instant!

at the same time,

A golden fist slammed down in the air, and the scorching radiance distorted the chaos, and the chaotic vacuum was filled with frightening power!

The old man's complexion changed slightly,

If this punch is smashed hard, it will be hit hard if you don't die!

Whoa! ! !

The empty talk old man lifted his palm to the sky, and the boundless power of the vast sea was lifted up, possessing the supreme might that lifts the sun and the moon and destroys thousands of miles of starry sky!


fists meet,

The supreme Dao law between heaven and earth clashes, and the colors of the world are dimmed at this moment!

Then the chaotic vacuum exploded one after another,

A terrifying and boundless force swept across,

The two figures quickly retreated again, pulling thousands of feet away from each other!

This time the confrontation,

But it is comparable!

"It seems that your strength is not as strong as you imagined!"

The chaotic storm slammed into every corner, Zhang Qingyuan's figure hung steadily, standing in nothingness, facing the old man Konghai not far away, his voice was faint and authentic.

"Humph! Boy, the old man admits to underestimating you!"

The old man Kong Hai looked a little unkind, gloomy like water.

this kid,

It is also hiding strength!

Is it possible that he has already seen the sinister intentions of the Taiyizong spirit, so he has reservations?

Thinking of that Ning will no longer have a high probability of dying under this person,

And not long ago,

It is also a precondition that Yuning is no longer a friend, and invites the other party to break the cage together.

The old man Kukai's expression became even more gloomy!

He realized one thing,

I was fooled!

Since Ning Bufu is dead, most of his previous promises were rootless duckweed!

Even if the two of them have a great hatred of life and death, they will become each other's enemies together!

But the kid didn't say anything!

Instead, it showed a look of anticipation!

Damn it!

This is also pushing the boat!

There is no intention to actually cooperate at all!

It's no wonder that the sneak attack just now didn't work. I'm afraid that kid was already prepared, and he didn't take his promise to heart from the beginning!

Always be on your guard!

Such equanimity!

No wonder it is possible to achieve so much at such an age!

for a moment,

Elder Kong Hai's killing intent towards Zhang Qingyuan has been raised to the limit!

It was even stronger than the spirits of the Taiyizong ruins who deceived him back then!

This child is not removed,

He will surely die in the future!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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