ps: If you see this line of words, don't subscribe yet. The second chapter has not been written yet. First, send a chapter to mix up the full attendance, and everyone will read it tomorrow.

I don't feel it, it's really uncomfortable, but full attendance is the only thing that can hang the author twice a day, so I can't give up.

After a few days, the Yunshui Sect stopped the preparations for the relocation.

Instead, the disciples of the sects under his command and the monks within the sphere of influence gathered together to shrink the line of defense, and at the same time used a lot of resources to build an extremely strong line of defense.

Shrinking the sphere of influence seems to be preparing for a war with the alien demons.

The accident in this,

Not only did it cause a lot of waves in the entire Yunshui Sect, but even the cultivators from the outside world were talking about the actions of the Yunshui Sect.

Especially when the news comes out,

This command is when the above Wanhua Dao Zun's great power came out,

sparked more heated debate.

There is support, there is opposition,

However, the vast majority of people are still full of despair about the future.

The hustle and bustle of the outside world,

For Zhang Qingyuan at the moment, it has nothing to do with it.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan had already entered the secret realm of the Yunshui Sect and started a new round of retreat.

"Which harvest do you want to absorb first?"

The harvest in the Taiyizong site is really a lot, and even Zhang Qingyuan was entangled for a while.

However, this struggle did not last long.

Soon there was a successive calculation.

"First absorb the spirit crystal, refine the source power of heaven and earth, and improve my mana! Then look at the secret of the immortal essence in the immortal stone, and then refine and deduce the avatar of the vast sea road that is about to come to an end, and finally solve the wisp of immortal. Qi, and the Taiyi Immortal Sutra I brought from the Taiyizong ruins!"

After a little thought, Zhang Qingyuan had a record in his mind.

First of all, refining the spirit crystals and refining the source power of heaven and earth is an aspect that can maximize one's strength in a short period of time.

After all, directly improving one's own mana level is almost directly linked to the improvement of combat power.

The current situation in Yuzhou is not very good.

No one knows when the alien demon king who was locked in the Five Elements World got out of trouble and hit the mountain gate. Before that, he had absorbed and refined the spirit crystal and the source power of heaven and earth, and his mana had been greatly improved, and he had at least one or two to contend with. the power of!

As for the latter ones, the difficulty is not low, or the improvement of strength is not obvious.

For example, absorbing and refining the clone of the old man of Konghai, comprehend the vast sea road that is about to come to an end, and use this as a reference to improve his own waterway.

Even if Zhang Qingyuan has the proficiency panel plug-in, he may not necessarily be able to complete it in a short time.

Even if it is completed, the waterway avenue has come to an end,

Before the rest of the Five Elements avenues have come to an end, they cannot use this to increase the power of their own Five Elements.

As for immortal energy, immortal scriptures and so on, let alone.

In the past, it took tens of hundreds of years of effort to analyze a wisp of immortal energy that was about to be wiped out and exhausted.

That immortal scripture also has to be tens of hundreds of years of effort.

Under the circumstance that the alien demon king did not know when to break the seal, choosing the latter is really not a good choice.

"It is said that the crystals condensed by the laws of the spirit crystals and auras are for the existence above the top-quality spirit stones! There is no such thing in the natural world of the blue world, and it is something that was gathered by the great masters of the upper realm using the means of supernatural powers. ."

Zhang Qingyuan sat in a vacuum,

Looking at the size of a fist floating in front of him, the whole body is crystal clear, and it shimmers with wisps of crystal light, making the vacuum also a distorted spiritual crystal.

I pondered inwardly.

His brows furrowed slightly at this moment.

He hesitated inwardly.

Do you want to refine this spirit crystal?

Because first of all, he has no experience in refining spirit crystals.

The second is the energy problem of Shenwei Puppet.

After the immortal essence in that immortal stone is used one after another, it is estimated that there are only a few strands left.

And for the remaining chance of immortal essence, Zhang Qingyuan also thought about absorbing and refining one or two, to see if he could find an aspect similar to immortal energy, thereby speeding up the refining analysis of that strand of immortal energy.

Immortal stones can no longer be used.

As for Tiandiyuanli, the treasures that can directly improve his own mana, Zhang Qingyuan's refining and refining is already very familiar, and he has very rich experience in refining and absorbing it.

Compared with Lingjing, it is obviously better.

"Shen guard puppets cannot be given up in vain, even if the first-class energy sources such as spirit crystals or heaven and earth source power are used, the power that can be exerted will fall to the level of the peak of the realm of ten thousand transformations, but the puppets are the puppets of the realm of heaven and earth after all. , With the puppet body of the Heaven and Human series, it must be a cultivator who is more than half a step from the Heaven and Human, and it is not a problem to hold the opponent of the Heaven and Human series for a few breaths."

"Then, keep the spirit crystals and use them as backup energy for the guards!"

Simply weigh the pros and cons of each other,

Zhang Qingyuan had already made a decision in his heart.

Don't procrastinate any more,

wave your hand,

A burly figure with a dark body in one fell swoop then appeared in the air, surrounded by a terrifying aura that dimmed the light.

without the slightest hesitation,

Zhang Qingyuan slapped it with a palm, and his divine sense moved a certain level, and a fist-sized hole opened behind the guard puppet.

The hole at the entrance of the cave leads directly to the core of the guard puppet,

The flesh and blood materials inside are densely engraved with mysterious and simple runes, which seem to lead directly to the avenue of heaven and earth, and are linked with the Taoist law!

at the same time,

the core,

A stone emitting a divine light that shocked the world and shocked the world was quietly placed in the core!

"Huh, Immortal Stone!"

The divine light is reflected in the depths of the pupils,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a ray of This made him tremble.

without the slightest hesitation,

The hands quickly formed a seal like a butterfly, and at the same time, the power set off waves of light ripples in the surrounding vacuum. After performing a series of complicated methods, the spirit crystal was finally replaced.

As for the immortal stone, it was sealed by Zhang Qingyuan in a top-quality mysterious jade box.

It is densely engraved with the rune magic circle that bans everything.

After doing this,

Put the box that seals the immortal stone and the guard puppet into the storage space.

Zhang Qingyuan took out another jade bottle containing a strong source of heaven and earth.

"It's like a condensed version of the source of heaven and earth that I swallowed earlier. I don't know how much mana this bottle can improve!"

Feeling that the inside is extremely pure, but once it appeared, it caused the outside world to vibrate violently, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the source of lightning and thunder, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Then don't delay,

Open the jade bottle,

One gulp in!

In an instant, the rich source energy of heaven and earth poured into Zhang Qingyuan's throat like hot magma, as if his throat was burned into coke, and his entire body was burned to ashes!

But at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan's expression did not change in the slightest.

Sitting in a vacuum,

The palms make a mysterious Indian style,

The vacuum behind him reflected an invisible circular wheel that descended from a different degree of vacuum, turning the world into an oven, burning the source power of the world in the dantian!

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan's violent aura was rising steadily at this moment!

One percent, two percent, three percent.

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