boom! ! !

The vast expanse of the void exploded, and the terrifying aura of the avenue rolled, pressing down on the four fields, the sky sagged at this moment, and the surrounding mountains were shaken by the reckless aura!

The thin light curtain shrouded on the mountain shattered in an instant.

The starry sky burst brightly!

almost in an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan has already crossed ten miles and landed on the mountain where the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu are hanging!


Point out with one finger,

That invincible, as if the avenues of heaven and earth will also be cut by the law and physics into a mysterious sword shadow, instantly cutting the Buddha's energy bound to the two!

Immediately, both of them were swept away by a gentle force and fell to Zhang Qingyuan's side.

"Qing Yuan. Be careful!"

The two seemed to be restrained by something, and they were extremely weak, but they still struggled and warned Zhang Qingyuan.

At the same time,

not far away,

Seeing this scene, Jin Shengdaozun's eyelids jumped,

The power displayed by that kid at this moment is really too terrifying!

Don't be too slack,

When the previous arrangement is about to start,

Boom! ! !

Earth shakes,

Infinite golden rays of light rose up, like the tides of the vast ocean, almost swallowing the entire world in a short period of time!

Immediately after,

The mighty golden light condensed in the sky above and gathered into an upside-down golden bell, inverting the world with a radius of 100 miles!

The vast Buddha Yuan rose into the sky, the lines of the law intersected, and even the space was suppressed and shattered!

This is the golden bell array set in advance!

Under the shroud of the golden bell formation, unless the main formation is defeated, even the powerhouse in the realm of Heaven, Human and Dao Ancestor will never be able to break it!

"Amitabha, the poor monk Wuxin has seen donor Zhang."

Seeing that the enemy was trapped in the golden bell, and there was no way to escape from the sky, the Holy Buddha who was sitting at the mouth of the spiritual spring of the earth stood up.

Boom! ! !

According to a piece of heaven and earth, it boils, thousands of mountains and rivers tremble, and the golden sacred light shines on the heavens. In every inch of light, there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and there is a kind of compassion that makes people put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!

Like a holy Buddha descended into the world,

Turn the heavens and the earth into a piece of Buddhist pure land!

At this moment,

Because of this big event, the passers-by who wanted to see the existence of the celestial and human and Taoist ancestors and gathered around to watch the battle were all touched at this moment, and they all moved towards the huge figure that exudes golden light. Reverently bow down!

The soul is baptized,

I want to convert to Buddhism.

At the same time,

Jin Shengdaozun also had the same feeling.

But as a monk in the realm of myriad transformations,

Barely able to resist this naturalized power, maintaining a line of sobriety, looking at that figure, his eyes became incomparably horrified!

Is this the true strength of the Heaven and Human Dao Ancestor series? !

It's just the movement of the mind that produces such a terrifying effect!

Under that kind of will, even the existence of Wanhua Realm is difficult to compete with!

Venerable Jin Shengdao bit his tongue with hatred,

Pain came,

Just now, he barely resisted this will, so that he would not kneel on the spot!

But in horror,

There was also a look of joy in Jin Sheng Daozun's heart.

As such,

That kid named Zhang Qingyuan is sure to die on this trip!

I don't know what the face of the kid would look like in the face of such a terrifying enemy?

Jin Shengdao Zun looked in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan,


To his disappointment,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was shrouded in the golden bell formation and had no way to escape, did not show any horror and fear on his face.

Instead, showing disappointment? ? ?

"Is this the basis for you to lie in ambush for me?"

Zhang Qingyuan was suspended in the void, and his face was not without disappointment.

Especially when he looked at the tidal-like golden light, the holy Buddha, who was rolling in, shook his head.

And this scene,

Undoubtedly, the warm smile that the latter originally had disappeared.

Even with the calm nature of his mind for many years, a gloomy look could not help but rise on the face of Saint Buddha.

"What a big tone, you think that you have used tricks to defeat a seal. I don't know how many years, and the strength of the demon king is invincible in the world, but you don't know that people who sit in the well and watch the sky don't know how high the world is. Today, I will let you see what it is. God?!"

The Holy Buddha was provoked,

The aura of anger caused the void to collapse, the torn vacuum, and the golden rays of light swept through the sky like a tsunami.

"I originally wanted to spare your life and enter Buddhism to become a King Kong. Since you want to court death, don't blame the poor monk for being cruel!"

a roar,

With the quake of the void,

Thousands of miles of Buddha light are shrouded, and Buddhists also have angry eyes, which turn into boundless angry will!

I saw the holy Buddha raise his hand,

In an instant,

The Qi machine flows into the Nine Heavens,

Between the heavens and the earth, there is an incomparably stalwart, sacred and boundless figure, emitting a phantom image of Buddha that reflects the vastness of the sky and the earth, exuding the divine brilliance of the eternal sun!

The phantom figure of the Buddha is thousands of tens of thousands of meters high, rising from the horizon, breaking through the sky, and overhead is the outer starry sky!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Buddha raised his hand and patted it with one palm,

That palm covers the entire world, the majestic pressure has not yet been lowered, the heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of miles are collapsing layer by layer under the terrifying pressure, the mountain peaks are collapsing, the sea is overturned, and this whole world seems to be under this palm. Destroyed and destroyed!

The terrifying and boundless power made Jin Shengdaozun, who looked up at the sky, open his mouth At that moment,

It made him feel the boundless insignificance of an ant facing the starry sky!

It was all day,

The whole world is down!

Heavenly Man,


This is God! ! !

Heaven is me,

I am God's will!

Jin Shengdao Zun is really unimaginable, what kind of existence this kind of power needs to be able to resist!

"Is it the real realm of heaven and man?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky,

The palm that repeated thousands of miles across the sky was reflected in his pupils, his expression still indifferent.

"It's good, but it's not enough!"

raise your hand,

make a fist,

The shoulders contracted back, the muscles bulged, and there seemed to be a surging sense of power between the bulging muscles.

next moment,

Slammed into the sky!


In an instant,

The whole sky shattered like glass!

That punch was like a meteor from outside the sky, the power of the Five Elements Immortal Dao merged and condensed, and turned into a mysterious light that penetrated the sky and the earth. The whole world was shaking violently, resulting in trembling fear!

The Five Elements Immortal Sutra!

The breath originating from the Immortal Dao suppressed the brilliance of everything in the heavens and the earth!

The golden light of mercy that filled every corner of the void of heaven and earth was covered by the even more terrifying Five Elements Immortal Light!

Countless people were awakened from the transformation of Buddhism and Sanskrit,

At this moment, my heart fell into an endless dark abyss!


the sky is broken,

The big hand that covered the sky and the earth was instantly shattered by the big yen wheel that penetrated everything!

above the void,

Saint Buddha's eyes widened in shock, his eyes bulging, unbelievable!


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