ps: Don't subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. In order to force yourself to update twice a day, you can only use this method. Let's watch it tomorrow.


"Senior Brother Deng, I never thought that this kid would have such strength. It was the younger brother who miscalculated and got into such a big enemy!"

Between the mountains and forests, three figures fled in a slightly embarrassed manner.

The skinny monkey cultivator behind him swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned to Senior Brother Deng in front of him with a panicked expression to apologize.

"I don't blame you for this. If I get the thousand-year-old Zhu Guo, my strength will definitely increase to a higher level."

"I was careless, I was attacked by that kid and almost got planted there!"

Flying ahead, with blood still on the corners of his mouth, a cold and bitter color flashed between Deng Yunian's brows in a slightly embarrassed white shirt.

"Damn it, this is never over!"

"Does Senior Brother Deng recognize that person's origin?" Hearing this, the skinny monkey man behind him brightened.

"Humph! Didn't it have been rumored a few days ago that there was a great master of Dongzhenjing who escaped from the imperial court and joined the Dongshan Society? That day I saw that kid, one of the people brought by the new Dongzhenjing cultivator. one!"

"Ah! Behind that kid, is the backer of Dongzhen Realm's great master?! Deng, Deng senior brother, why don't we forget it..."

The fat cultivator who had been panting behind him heard the words, a look of fear appeared on his face, and he trembled.

The thin monkey monk on the side also showed a retreat.

Even though it is on the land of Qingzhou, Dongzhen Realm is not as young as Yuzhou Cultivation Realm.

But the existence of that level, for the monks in the spiritual realm, is still like a giant and powerful existence!

Just standing in front of those characters, I'm afraid not all will be scared to death by that terrible breath!

Not to mention calculations or anything.

"Trash! There is a cultivator in the realm of the real world behind that kid. Why doesn't the Deng family behind me, Deng Yunian, have no real power in the realm of real reality?!"

"My ancestor Deng Long, Deng Family, is one of the five giants of the Dongshan Association, so how can I be afraid of him as an outsider!"

Deng Yunian raised his head and said proudly.

"But, but..."

Fatty was in a hurry, unable to speak completely, and was directly stolen by the thin monkey monk beside him.

"But Senior Brother Deng, the ancestor of the Deng family is a big man in the sky, how can he see a few small people in the spirit realm like me?"

The skinny monkey monk licked his dry lips and said dumbly.

"Heh, don't worry about it, I Deng Yunian is such an idiot who gets carried away by anger so easily?"

While flying through the forest, Deng Yunian said indifferently,

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes at the same time.

"Not long ago, my father was able to serve the ancestors closely, and learned that the ancestors were very dissatisfied with the two new monks in the cave, and threatened to make them look good!"

"What are the plans of the big men at the top? Whether it is because of conflicts of interest, we little shrimps don't know, but since the ancestors made such a clear statement, they must be ready to deal with the two newcomers."

this moment,

Deng Yunian's eyes lit up with a frightening gleam of ambition.

"Jie Shi, I will stab this matter up and ask the ancestor to call the shots for me, which is equivalent to giving the ancestor a reason to take action!"

"As soon as this matter is completed, as long as I meet the ancestors, I am afraid that there will be no rewards in the future!"

"According to what I said earlier, the thousand-year-old Zhuguo was discovered by me long ago, and was snatched away by that kid. When I was trying to reason, he suddenly attacked and injured me... two as witnesses, don't lose the chain at that time!"

Deng Yunian's eyes flashed a crazy color.

A junior cultivator like him at the seventh level of the Spiritual Origin Realm, in the Deng family I don't know how many people, and he is the one who is inconspicuous.

If it goes on like this,

His future may stop at the real yuan realm, and he will spend his life mediocrely as a member of the family.

But if this is successful,

In line with the mind of the ancestors,

Maybe he can still leave an impression in the heart of the ancestors and get the opportunity to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.


Maybe he can still leave an impression in the heart of the ancestors and get the opportunity to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.

......Maybe I can leave an impression on the ancestors and get a chance to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.

......Maybe I can leave an impression on the ancestors and get a chance to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

This game he bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.

......Maybe I can leave an impression on the ancestors and get a chance to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.

......Maybe I can leave an impression on the ancestors and get a chance to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.

......Maybe I can leave an impression on the ancestors and get a chance to stand out!

The rewards you get when you are introduced are also a hundred times more than a thousand times the benefits!

this game,

He bet!

Seeing this, the two people behind them swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

However, in Deng Yunian's red eyes, the two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads and think about what to say next.


"Luck... Or, this is cause and effect?!"

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