Remember [] for a second,!

On this day, the scene of Shenjing's original sky and clouds suddenly changed!

The celestial phenomenon changes drastically in a short period of time,

The thick cloud layer that came from nowhere, in just a few breaths, covered the sky and cast a bleak shadow on the sky and the earth!

Everyone felt a very strong depression.

It is like the calm before the storm, but it is thousands of times stronger than that!

And the strong among the gods,

Even more horrified!

They all looked in the direction of the Soul Mountains,

This level of coercion is divine!

Could it be the direction of the Black Domain Sky Prison, what happened? !

deep inside the palace,

At the level of the virtual sky that no one can see, the golden dragon energy is tumbling, as if an angry dragon is tumbling, setting off a huge scene!

The existence who lives in the deepest part of the palace is also alarmed at this moment!

The outbreak of Chen Lei, the director of the Black Prison, caused a turbulent situation in the outside world.

However, as the protagonist Chen Lei who caused this incident, he has no time or mind to pay attention to these.

At this moment,

In Chen Lei's heart, an unprecedented shock and despair rose!

because he found

Even though he broke out the accumulation of thousands and tens of thousands of years in the black prison, and reached the power of heaven and human series, he still felt the despair of death!

That sword cut through the void,

in a trance,

In the sword light, there seems to be a scene of a weed from growing to aging and dying, going through the reincarnation of spring, summer, autumn and winter!

Under the shadows,

Time and space seem to be affected,

The power of the years goes by,

Turning the vast world into a field where time is slowed down, his entire figure is frozen in mid-air, and he can only watch the sword light that penetrates the sky and kills him in front of his eyes!

"Do not!!!"

Chen Lei, who was suspended above the sky, widened his eyes, and he was unable to exert the power of the series of heaven and man.

Boom! ! !

An earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the sky!

I saw that the sky on the ninth floor of the Black Prison was cut open by a huge abyss at this moment, and the entire sky was cut open!

At the same time,

The remnant sword power runs through the endless prison world of the entire ninth floor, like an indestructible energy beam, successively running through the eighth floor, the seventh floor... and even breaking through the entire black prison sky prison all the way, turning into The monstrous light soared into the sky!

In this episode, Zhang Qingyuan's swordsmanship is a great swordsmanship, and with one sword, the nine-fold world of the Black Prison is destroyed!

at this time,

The monks who were rescued, were gathering together, and were about to escape, looking at this scene in the sky, they couldn't help but open their mouths, their faces were full of horror!

"This kind of power is already comparable to the heaven and man at the peak level of Hedao!"

Qi Tiandao, the leader of the Feixian Alliance, is extremely weak, and needs to be supported by Xiaoyao Laodao to be able to move reluctantly. He looked at the sky with a pale face, opened his mouth, his eyes were a little lost, and he murmured in a low voice.

As an existence at the level of Heaven and Man, with his vision, he understands the horror of this even more!

Even if the person facing this sword was himself in his heyday, I am afraid that he would not be able to take a breath, and he would perish under this terrifying sword!

Hearing the words of the alliance leader around him, Xiaoyao Laodao also opened his mouth wide, with an indescribable complexity on his face.

He hasn't forgotten,

That young man has not yet broken into the realm of heaven and man,

Now it's just a monk in the realm of myriad transformations!

At the level of the realm of myriad transformations,

A sword kills the existence of a **** who is in harmony with the Tao,

Such strength,

How incredible!

Not only him, Wu Fei, Song Yuan and other monks from the Feixian League around him also had a feeling of speechlessness in front of the Jianguang that made them kneel and surrender.

And those bosses from all over the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm who have been locked in this place for an unknown number of years can't help but have such a thought.


Are the young people outside so scary?

"Hurry up! The one from Shenjing was disturbed!"

Just when everyone was beheaded by Zhang Qingyuan's sword, Chen Lei, the director of the Black Prison, stood in shock, and his figure did not move.

Zhang Qingyuan's calm voice came from above and clearly entered everyone's ears.

at this time,

He was looking up, his eyes looking through the hole cut out by the sword, looking out into the sky.


There was a vast and terrifying aura, which was disturbed!

It's just that the awakening of that existence has set off an earth-shaking monstrous trend between the sky and the void, as if it drowned everything in the sky and the ground!

Mighty and As if the gods and gods of the Immortal Emperor came to the world,

The boundless breath of the great shore covers the world,

Shocked for nine days!

The entire sky has dimmed at this moment, as if it was crushed by the air machine of the figure that filled the sky and the earth!

An indescribable terror descends,

this moment,

Even the leader of the Feixian League, Qi Tiandao, who has been promoted to Hedao Tianren, turned pale!

The rest of the people have cold hands and feet, and the blood from the whole body seems to be solidified, and they can't move a single muscle!


It's that old monster from Shenjing!


There are still 500 words here, and I will finish writing it in half an hour.

Chapter four hundred and eighty sixth departure

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