After a war, Zhang Qingyuan did not gain much.

But fortunately, whether it is the essence of the source of heaven and earth or the jade slip, it is of great use to Zhang Qingyuan.

Back at the gate of Feixianmeng, Zhang Qingyuan simply exchanged greetings with Xiaoyao Laodao and others who had gathered, and then left.

In the face of this existence that is almost above the entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, the people around them also obviously have a lot of awe and estrangement.

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't care too much.

Feixian League is just a place to stay for a while, and there is no need to deliberately make friends, just keep a friendship with Xiaoyao Laodao and so on.

After Zhang Qingyuan left, Feixian League began to clean up the damaged mountain gate.

At the same time, the monks who were rescued from the Realm of Ten Thousand Transformations also began to leave.

Or stay away from Qingzhou, stay away from the disputes that may kill many people in the future, and return to the sect forces of their own juniors.

No matter how,

It can be seen that with the departure of this group of people, the entire Qingzhou cultivation world will be even more turbulent!

The end of the dynasty, the troubled times will begin!

Over the years, the Great Zhou Dynasty has long been due to years of brutal expropriation, which has caused the grievances of the people at the bottom to boil, but it is only because the aristocratic class of the Great Zhou Dynasty has absolute force, and no one can resist.

Now, once this incident breaks out, it will completely offend many large-scale forces in Qingzhou with the Dao Zun of the Wanhua Realm!


Soon to be visible!

But all of this has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

What follows is a chaotic era in which every cultivator of the Qingzhou Cultivation World belongs to the mighty world, and a chaotic era when a genius has soared and heroes emerge from a chaotic world!


This so-called chaotic era of heroes is nothing but a storm that he inadvertently set off!

With his strength,

The entire Qingzhou Cultivation Realm can run according to his will!

For such him,

Troubled times are not troubled times, heroes are not heroes, and they are not worthy of too much attention.

Back in the secret realm of Dongtian where the Feixian League Mountain Gate settled, Zhang Qingyuan began to concentrate on digesting the gains of this battle.

Although it is dangerous to fight against a powerful enemy, if you are not careful, you will have a life-and-death crisis.

But at the same time,

A fierce battle of life and death, but also the best practice!

When the mind is tense, it is easiest to force out one's potential and let oneself have a deeper understanding of the means mastered by oneself.

This battle, too!

During the confrontation with Guo Taiping, Zhang Qingyuan recognized his own shortcomings, and at the same time, in the process of collision and battle, his mastery of his own strength also improved to a higher level.

Although the chaotic power of Yin Yang and Five Elements did not play a big role in this battle,

But it was precisely because he was forcibly defeated one after another that Zhang Qingyuan discovered his shortcomings in using this kind of power.

With further improvement, the perception of this Chaos Avenue will definitely go further!

And this way,

It is the ultimate road that Zhang Qingyuan is going to take after heaven and man!

Every step forward will greatly help Zhang Qingyuan to control Chaos Avenue in the future!


Zhang Qingyuan first absorbed and digested the gains in this regard.

After several days of hard work,

Along with making up for the flaws, the power of chaos from the fusion of yin and yang and the five elements has become even stronger!


Zhang Qingyuan also knew that in order to continue to make progress, it would take time to accumulate.

Most importantly,

It's the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra!

Zhang Qingyuan had a hunch,

As long as the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra is in hand and integrates the five elements, then he will have no difficulty in condensing the Chaos Avenue!

"By the way, Senior Xiaoyao Xuantian Mirror is related to the forbidden land of Shenxu. There have been so many things in this period of time, I almost forgot about it!"


Zhang Qingyuan had a flash of inspiration, remembered something, and patted his head with a look of annoyance on his face.

"I don't know where the land of Shenxu is, why there is the existence of the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra, and there is a sacrifice platform that can be connected to the upper realm. I hope that everything in it will not be destroyed, otherwise, I will end up only I can go to the Shenjing, and then have a fight with the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, and see if the other party has this Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra!"

A light flashes in the hand,

A white jade mirror full of cracks appeared in the void,

The light on the mirror has already dimmed.

This made Zhang Qingyuan frown slightly.

In order to resist the attack of the three million army of the capital, the Xuantian Mirror was almost destroyed, and I don't know if it can still be used.



Zhang Qingyuan thought of something.

Take out the essence of the source of heaven and earth from Guo Taiping!

His face changed a few times,

In the end, a drop of the essence of the source energy of heaven and earth was poured out and dropped onto the cracked Xuantian Mirror!


I saw the moment when a drop of the essence of the source power of heaven and earth dripped onto the mirror surface, the mirror surface seemed to be turned into a water surface, and the essence of source power was soaked in an instant, rippling in all directions!

The light is on, the fairy light is blooming!

Zhang Qingyuan clearly saw that the tiny cracks on the mirror had healed!

it works!

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up!

The repair of the Xuantian mirror is in sight!

There are still 400 words here. It's too late to go to bed first, and I'll finish writing it after noon tomorrow.


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