"Is this the true power of the virtual sky level!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was pale, his breath was disordered, and a dignified color flashed in his heart.

When I was in Qingzhou,

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor sacrificed all living beings and gained power far surpassing that of the Heavenly and Human Beings. Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan, who was fighting with him at that time, felt that the other party should also belong to the level of the virtual world.

But now it seems that

You are underestimating the power of the virtual sky level!

At the virtual level, that opened up a cave world!

The accumulation of pure mana power has no qualitative change at the level of mana. In front of the power of the virtual sky, the suppression is far beyond one's own imagination!

If it wasn't for the divine power of the Immortal Technique Ottomu Shenlei, even with the tyrannical Dao power of Chaos Dao, facing the joint blow of the previous three people, he would definitely suffer heavy losses!

This is the quality level gap!

The three major virtual world caves came together, like three worlds rolling in, destroying the entire world!

This kind of power at the level of heaven and earth,

Only the power of the fairy level is enough to compete with it!

"It's also because of your bad luck, Yimu Shenlei is already a power at the level of immortality, and your Thunder Road, Thunder Cave, is still at the level of the mortal world, and has been greatly restrained, otherwise, I can't be so easy. Destroy your combined attack!"

Looking at the three great masters of the Wanlei Mountain who were knocked flying, spitting out blood, and being beaten and battered, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were deep.

"I'm really sorry. I really didn't expect these old guys from Wanlei Mountain to be so shameless. Three old guys who have lived for tens of thousands of years would join forces to attack a junior."

Shen Zhengchao apologized to Zhang Qingyuan, and at the same time a stern look flashed in his eyes.

"If that's the case, then there is no need for Wanlei Mountain to continue to exist today!"

A dispute over a top-grade spirit stone ore vein would not have resulted in human life.

Originally, according to the plan, basically two high-end people fought a battle, and if they lost, they left, and the winner would have the dominance of the top-quality spirit stone vein.

The top strengths of both sides are similar,

Even the strength of the East Branch of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce is much weaker.

A life-and-death struggle will only hurt both sides, and it will be cheaper for outsiders.

What's more, in a fight of this level, unless it is crushed by strength, it is not strange to have a winner and a loser and fight for three days and three nights. Basically, there will be no fatalities. The battle was fiercer, and those who lost were seriously injured, and they went back to cultivate for hundreds of years.

But this time is different!

The three great ancestors of Wanlei Mountain did not talk about martial arts and made a sneak attack. If Zhang Qingyuan had not had the means to save his own life, where would he still be alive? !

There must be an explanation for this!

not to mention,

The three ancestors of Wanlei Mountain failed to attack and were severely injured by Zhang Qingyuan!

And the three of them are still in perfect condition!

The balance of strength is tilted instantly,

How could Shen Zheng let go of such a good opportunity? !

It's good to say that you couldn't kill the opponent with a stick before, but now there are hundreds of opportunities to show in front of you, and the concept of cutting grass and rooting is clear enough to be able to go this far!

Sudden heart attack!

Murder is empty, the temperature plummets!

Yan Beigui silently stretched his hand behind his back, holding the hilt of the giant sword, ready to shoot.

Murong Yue, whose face was shrouded in white veil, flipped her hand, and a guqin appeared in the void, suspended in mid-air, exuding a terrifying aura!

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan's complexion was also moved, and the majestic aura rose along with it!

The breath of the four of them carried through the heavens and the earth, and the sky was pale and trembled violently!

The overwhelming murderous intent rolled towards the three great ancestors outside the chaotic void. The chaotic vacuum seemed to be collapsed and shattered by layers at this moment!

"and many more!"

Feeling the monstrous murderous intent swept up by the four, Patriarch Lei Wang's complexion changed greatly!

this moment,

He only felt that the whole person seemed to have poured a bucket of ice water on his head in the long winter, making him cold from the inside to the outside, and the crisis of death was all in front of him!

Immediately shout out.


Shen Zheng, Zhang Qingyuan and the others didn't seem to hear them.


step out,

The breath that penetrates the sky and the earth, like the stars on the sun, hangs above the nine heavens, exuding endless dazzling brilliance!

The chaos of the virtual sky is violently surging, like setting off a huge tsunami!

The four of them shot together,

A terrifying attack runs through the heavens and the earth,

The terrifying light of the Great Dao collapsed into the void, as if the next moment would smash the Thunder King Patriarch, Lei Song, and Lei Mie to pieces!

Lightning Fairy Mirror!


times of crisis,

The ancestor of Lei Wang's ancestor, the virtual world, gave birth to a round sun, shining thousands of rays of light, and the immortal light oscillated, resisting the front of everyone's joint efforts!

It is a precious mirror decorated with mysterious and simple lines around one side.

extremely smooth,

The terrifying immortal light is reflected, and even the boiling chaotic vacuum around it is affected. The chaos is folded like paper, and ripples are visible to the naked eye under the radiance of immortal rhythm!


The four piercing attacks smashed through the sky, annihilated thousands of avenues, and bombarded with the killing energy of thousands of miles. They slammed into the round mirror heavily, and made an earth-shattering violent sound!

A terrifying light exploded,

Like a sun exploding over the nine heavens,

The dazzling light emitted made even the heavenly and human powerhouses who flew away from the shield to tens of thousands of miles felt a dazzling feeling and shed tears one after another!

"The Dao annihilates each other, and the Xianguang Dao is vertical and horizontal. Is this the battle of the virtual sky level?!"

Someone was lost and murmured.

"I don't know when this war will come."

The torrent of the Great Dao that collided and annihilated above the Nine Heavens obscured everyone's vision, so that the cultivators of the Heavenly Humans at the moment could not observe the level of the battle above the Nine Heavens.

Countless people raised their heads,

Looking at the battle of the top-ranked powers who will decide the outcome of this war at a high altitude, I feel both anticipation and anxiety in my heart, and it is also deeply complicated.

It was even more trembling under the endless power of heaven!

"It's my Wan Leishan that's wrong this time, and I'm willing to compensate!"

At the center of the collision, under the terrifying power, several cracks were struck on the mirror surface of the Leiguang Immortal Mirror, and then it was knocked away by the majestic force!

Seeing that the sacred relic of Zhenzong was defeated under this blow,

In the next moment, I am afraid that death will come!

Ancestor Lei Wang was even more horrified and shouted loudly!

"Humph! Killing you, destroying your Wanlei Mountain, why can't you get compensation?"

Shen Zheng said disdainfully,

The sound rolled like thunder, passing through the chaos swept by the storm and entering the ears of the Thunder King Patriarch.

Then the four made another move, UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The terrifying ultimate move once again set off a vast avenue of turbulence, and the breath carried through the nine heavens and ten earths, turning into a ray of light that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth, and blasted away towards Lei Wang Laozu and others!

"My Wanlei Mountain has a nine-turn flower! If you kill me, there is no way you can find it!"

The crisis of death is approaching, and the cold murderous intention comes,

Ancestor Lei Wang's complexion changed dramatically,

back quickly,

Shout out loud.


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