The huge yin and yang taiji map fills the sky and the earth, imprisoning time and space, and the terrifying power freezes the tidal ripples of the ten thousand zhang vacuum.

Blood Yama was solidified in the roulette of heaven and earth, and even the flowing blood-colored light was solidified, reflecting the virtual sky a bright red!

The ferocious figure, the frozen blood-colored avenue, is almost clearly visible!

almost at the same time,

Boom boom boom!

Shen Zheng on the other side also shot!

The dazzling golden light rose up like a torrent, reflecting the entire heaven and earth, as if a round of sun rose from the boundless horizon, bursting with dazzling light, squeezing the void of heaven and earth!

The power of terror, at this moment, set off a turbulent wave in the vast sea,

The phantom of the Void Realm Cave appeared, obscuring the heaven and earth, separating the chaotic sea, and the ten thousand li sky was torn apart at this moment, and the terrifying golden light turned into a beam of light that shattered the heaven and earth, and savagely killed the frozen figure!

The stalwart power of the virtual sky level has no reservations at this moment!

If an ordinary celestial being of the virtual sky level forcibly takes this blow, he is afraid that he will be severely injured that cannot be healed even if he does not die!

At the same time,

After retreating a hundred steps, Yan Beigui also recovered within the first time. The giant sword in his palm raised a sharp sword energy, piercing the sky, and Yingying's sword light ripped apart the chaos, and was ready to burst into a violent explosion again. A powerful killing move, killing the blood Yama!

The three join forces,

At this moment, almost all the dodging spaces above and below the void are blocked,

Turned into a gorgeous and boundless murder!

"It turns out that I found another helper, no wonder I have the courage to fight back again!"

Between the void imprisoned by the Taiji map, there was a cold and harsh voice of Blood Yama, like a sound from the underworld, and it was an indescribable feeling like a sharp sharp object being caught in glass!

Gloomy eyes glanced between the voids.

In particular, he took a deep look at Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan's expression did not change in the slightest.

almost at the same time,


Shen Zheng's attack has also arrived!

The vast force swept across, the sky was torn apart, and the blood-colored figure, along with the vacuum of thousands of meters in radius, was pierced by the bright light in an instant, and it was completely destroyed!

Large tracts of void collapsed, setting off a torrent of chaos!

That **** figure aura also disappeared?

It's that simple?

Zhang Qingyuan was a little stunned, but his inner vigilance did not relax in the slightest.


almost at the same time,

Shen Zheng's reminder came in his ears!


A great danger suddenly came, making Zhang Qingyuan feel cold!


A blood-colored thunder light flashed, and the vacuum of thousands of meters was torn apart. In the interlaced light and shadow, a pair of blood-colored eyes were like an abyss, revealing the deep killing intent of Yin Hong!

almost teleportation,

A scarlet and blood-colored blade, like a living demon blade, radiated a terrifying blood-colored avenue halo, appeared from behind Zhang Qingyuan, and immediately chopped down at his head!

The attack of the blood shadow came suddenly!

this speed,

Even Shen Zheng and Yan Beigui couldn't catch it!

The power contained in it, even the virtual sky will be hit hard!


The blood shadow is fast,

But Zhang Qingyuan's reaction was not slow at all, the chaotic aura covering the world emerged, and the surrounding void collapsed, revealing the chaotic darkness that swallowed all the light and couldn't see the five fingers!

Chaos Avenue!

The terrifying Chaos Avenue appeared, but it was just the breath that escaped, and the vacuum couldn't stand the collapse and shatter!

The strands of the power of the Great Dao, like living creatures, are intertwined and entangled with each other, forming a void-free field around Zhang Qingyuan where everything is repelled, and resisting the brutal blood blade!


The blood blade fell,

The violent collision erupted with earth-shattering energy!

Swept away with a bang!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flickered, and his body was pressed down several feet.

But the lingering power of chaos is indestructible, carrying the terrifying blood-colored blade down!

"What's this?!"

Blood Yama's pupils shrank sharply,

What avenue is this?

Can't even solve his blood slaughter?


What's going on with this terrifying fluctuation? !

Blood Yama lost his mind for a while,

Zhang Qingyuan did not waste this good opportunity,

Divine Ability: The Great Reincarnation of the Five Elements and the Heavens!

With the strength of his own way, he resisted the attack of Xue Yan Luo. On the other side, Zhang Qingyuan raised his hand and clenched his fist. The terrifying power of the five elements gathered, and he punched the Xue Yan Luo in front of him with one punch!

The fist is like a big sun and stars, full of incredible terrifying power, crushing the universe!

Large tracts of vacuum are annihilated,

At this moment,

Blood Yama just felt as if the end of the apocalypse had come to an end, and he was about to face the feeling of destroying the world!

Click! !

A layer of space was squeezed, and the blade condensed from the **** evil avenue collapsed at this moment, and the vast force bombarded the blood Yama!

The perfect Five Elements Avenue, the terrifying power that has reached its peak, makes Blood Yama worth retreating helplessly!


The blood-colored figure smashed through the void and retreated thousands of feet.


Stepping on the void with one foot, stepping on the void, the whole person turned into a blood-colored electric light and rose into the sky, about to escape into the nine-day sky!

"Damn it! That kid is only a mere celestial being, why is his power so terrifying!"

"Forget it, leave first, and then make plans in the future!"

The fight that broke out at this moment,

It just happens in a few breaths.

But Blood Yama had already sensed the crisis through the collision within a short period of time!

If it was just that Yan Beigui and Shen Zheng, he would still be able to deal with them, and even forced to reveal some secrets, it is not impossible to swallow them into the background!

But with an inexplicable spooky kid, it's not that easy!

Being able to survive being wanted by the entire Central Continent comprehension world, Blood Yama is definitely not an idiot!

"Unfortunately, it's almost finished! Damn guy, I will skin you and cramp in the future!"

The monstrous look in Xue Yanluo's eyes flashed away, and the terrifying evil spirit made the sky tremble!


Just as he turned into blood and escaped, he suddenly hit a space barrier!


The space shattered and opened, breaking a large hole.

But ahead,

A thick light curtain appeared,

The entire light curtain is like an upside-down bell, shrouding him and the whole world!

This is a formation!

Before starting,

Shen Zheng was the Void Killing Array that was set up to prevent him from escaping!

"Blood Yama, UU reading is that your escape speed is amazing, you can't even think about or leave here today!"

between heaven and earth,

The roar of Yan Beigui came,

His eyes were red, and he held a giant sword in both hands. The sword light cut through the sky, and he came to kill Xue Yan Luo with rolling killing intent!

The majestic power slashed the world into two halves!

the other side,

Zhang Qingyuan and Shen Zheng, both on the left and on the right, joined forces to kill!


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