The sudden change took everyone by surprise.

No one expected that the abandoned son of Daluo Zunjiao, Xue Yan Luo, who was wanted and hunted down by several holy places in the cultivation world of Central Continent, actually colluded with the outer world!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan felt an extremely terrifying danger!

Almost at the moment when Shen Zheng's voice came,


The three figures, at a faster speed, fled towards the heaven and earth behind, leaving a long afterimage in the air.


"Can you go?"

The scarlet light flashed in "Blood Yama"'s eyes, he raised his hand,


The blood-colored light visible to the naked eye swept away in all directions, sweeping across the entire world in an instant, covering the sky and the earth in a huge blood-colored lotus!

Under the blood-colored light, the space became as thick as water, with layers of stagnation.

The three of Zhang Qingyuan felt as if they were caught in the mud for a while, and their speed was greatly reduced!

Boom boom boom!

at the same time,

The thunder above the nine heavens was even more angry, tearing apart the sky, resounding through the sky, and the way of heaven seemed to be provoked again.

One after another bucket-like thick thunder and lightning slammed down from the sky one after another, smashing on the body of the huge lotus phantom that gathered blood, and burst out with brilliant rays of light!

The whole sky seemed to be filled with the mad dance of electric snakes, ten thousand thunders roared, the fear of the sky turned into an unfathomable majesty, and the thieves who escaped from the world were to be killed on the spot!

The expression of "Blood Yama" changed, the aura of the abyss fluctuated like a sea, and the aura seemed to be suppressed by the nameless, and suddenly lowered a level.

He looked up at the sky, looked at Thunder Sky Wrath, and thought to himself:

"I didn't expect that the will of the Dao of Heaven still has such a strong repulsive force. It seems that there is still a period of time before the change of the sky, and a quick decision must be made!"

Blood Yama has already felt it,

Great malice from all directions, from all directions.

this means,

The will of the Dao of Heaven is still manifested, and the time to enter this world is not ripe. The more power he exerts, the more he sees the rejection of the world.

Must be fast!

With a calculation in mind, Xue Yanluo did not delay at all, and pointed to a sword, some kind of deep, mysterious and unfathomable terrifying aura permeated out, and shot forward with one finger!

boom! ! !

A sword light piercing the sky and the earth pierced out, and the sky exploded, and suddenly there was a magnificent aura that flooded the sky and covered the sky, filling the sky and slaying the heavens and the myriad ways!

In an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan, Shen Zheng, and Yan Beigui only felt an incomparably vast, boundless pressure directed towards them, using all corners of the world, the heavens and the earth as a terrifying sword force!


Yan Beigui shouted.

The giant sword in his hand emits a dazzling light, and the sword world slowly emerges behind him. The boundless sharpness of the sword merges into the giant sword's fingers, slashes horizontally, collides with the sweeping sword force, and the arc sparks bloom one after another. , exploded above the nine heavens, and that piece of space was destroyed!

There is no need for him to remind, the moment the world was shrouded in blood-colored light, the space became sticky and sluggish their figures, Shen Zheng and Zhang Qingyuan were already ready to defend!

"Xianshu·The Great Reincarnation of the Five Elements and the Heavens!"

"Wandering for nine days!"

Zhang Qingyuan and Shen Zheng burst out with the most powerful killing moves.

The sky exploded, the ten thousand li sky suddenly collapsed, and the breath that penetrated the sky burst into a splendid brilliance, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings trembled under this terrifying pressure!

At this moment, the starry sky is gone!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion shattered the vacuum of thousands of miles around, and collapsed the entire sky, and the dark abyss that could not be seen by the fingers spread, swarming holes, swallowing all the light!

In the terrifying shattering shock, the three of them were all knocked back hundreds of feet, and they were barely able to stop their bodies in the air.

"At this speed, there is no escape!"

Zhang Qingyuan's figure stabilized in the void, and the power of the Chaos Dao that escaped lingered, opening up a world with a radius of 100 feet.


Zhang Qingyuan could clearly feel that in this blood-red world, sticky hysteresis forces were being forced from all directions, making it impossible for them to escape quickly.

Running away blindly will only fall into giving the back to the other party!

"However, the one at the moment is probably the level of the legendary escape... The mere release of the connotation of the Great Dao has already completely suppressed me."

Yan Bei returned to the sky with his sword swinging, and the sword world stretched out. The power of the Great Dao was constantly fighting against some kind of blood-colored and viscous force around him, causing the chaotic vacuum to oscillate like a tsunami.


Even if he has completely exploded the power of the Void Realm Cave, but under the terrifying blood red light, he can still only maintain a space of thousands of feet.

Outside the sword world, there is a mighty, **** sky with no end in sight!

The whole world seems to have been sunk into a sea of ​​blood!

Hard to break free!

"The practice system outside the realm is not necessarily called Dunyi, but it is possible to detach from one's own world and enter another world. For such existence, the means of supernatural powers are no different from Dunyi!"

Shen Zheng let out a long sigh and stared at Xue Yan Luo not far away, his eyes full of fear.

"This person is not perfect for taking blood, Yama, and he is suppressed by the way of heaven. Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have died under his hands in the first time!"

" it so powerful?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed,

At the beginning, before he was promoted to heaven, he was able to kill the Great Zhou Divine Emperor above the heaven and earth.

Even if the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign is not an empty sky, it is still half a step into the empty sky.

After he entered the realm of heaven and man, his strength increased greatly, and with some means, he thought he could at least fight against the heaven and man at the first level of the rumored peak of immortality.

But now it seems that he is too confident.

"Dun Da Neng is terrifying. Brother Zhang, you will know it by seeing it with your own eyes."

"What's more, Dunyi and Dunyi are different. Everyone who has reached such a state is an outstanding person among the outstanding people of the era. Even if the road to immortality is broken, there have been people who are amazing and brilliant in the past ten thousand years. At the end of this immortal way, I took another step, and with my own strength, I initially traveled beyond the heavens and the earth.

"Being able to cross the sea of ​​​​world in the chaotic sea of ​​nothingness is the absolute pinnacle. The person in front of me is probably the most close to the immortal in the world!"

Shen Zheng let out a long breath,

As the branch president of Jiuzhou Chamber of he knows more than ordinary people!


It is estimated that this person in front of him is just a distraction from the existence of the immortals, and he has also been rejected by the heavens. Otherwise, they will be reduced to blood food if they meet each other!

"No matter how strong the opponent is, now I can't do anything about it. Brother Yan, Brother Shen, I wonder if you have the means to suppress him for a while. I have a trick that may help."

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky,

Looking at the terrifying Sky Wrath at the top of the sky, he thought deeply.


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