The crystallization of the source of heaven and earth!

At first glance, Zhang Qingyuan recognized the suspended spar by feeling the air that escaped from it.

"It seems that when you were in Qingzhou or Yuzhou, you would get the source of heaven and earth by killing alien demons... What's the reason for this?"

Looking at this scene,

A thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a special reward from Tiandao after killing the enemy.

This time, in the process of using Yimu Shenlei to unite the heavens and the earth, to punish the heavens, and to kill the enemy, Zhang Qingyuan's mind merged with the way of heaven, and he already had more insights into the way of heaven in his heart.

Using past life knowledge as a metaphor,

If the human body is a world, then the way of heaven, the human defense system within the body.

Once a virus invades, the immune system in the defense system automatically responds and produces corresponding means to eliminate it.

The Yimu Shenlei used by Zhang Qingyuan to kill the opponent is similar to the entry of foreign drugs into the body. The human defense system cooperates with the drugs to carry out higher-intensity killings.

The will of heaven is something similar.

It itself operates according to a certain order, and there is some kind of will between the two, which is not true wisdom.

It is also for this reason that after beheading the intruder, perhaps because the behavior is beneficial to the way of heaven, he may get the kindness of the way of heaven, which is similar to "merit".

But if you want to be humane, kill the invading foreign enemies, and let the contributors directly get rewards like the source of heaven and earth.

That's basically impossible!

"Perhaps, the source of heaven and earth is the means they use to smuggle and deceive the way of heaven."

"Similar to human cancer cells, they deceive the human immune system by some means and make them think of themselves as their own!"

Seeing that the crystal of the source power of heaven and earth began to dissipate and merge into the void, Zhang Qingyuan immediately took out a jade box, put it in it, and sealed it several times.

No matter what the principle was, Zhang Qingyuan didn't intend to go into it.

Compared with the Heaven and Earth Origin Force he obtained by killing the alien demons in the past, or the essence of Heaven and Earth Origin Force, the Heaven and Earth Origin Force condensed by this spar is even greater!

Anyway, with this piece of crystallization, there is basically no need to worry too much about resources in the next practice.

Zhang Qingyuan roughly estimated,

This can at least allow him to cultivate to the level of Consummation of Heaven and Human Beings,

In addition to the nine-turn flower,

It can be said that the virtual realm is basically not a big problem.

"With this harvest, it's not a waste of time!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed in his heart, and was also a little happy.

At this time,

First, they were hit by the blood Yama Luo, and then they were affected by the terrifying Yimu Shenlei. Shen Zheng and Yan Beigui were overturned thousands of miles away.

After a short recovery, they all rushed over.

The two people with scars, the moment they saw Zhang Qingyuan who was almost intact, their eyes were a little complicated.

That terrifying attack that thousands of thunders descended into the world, the stars fell, and thousands of miles of heaven and earth were annihilated,

Don't say it's false,

I am afraid that even if it escapes,

Can't stop it either!

such means,

It is simply unimaginable!

This was originally a forbidden area of ​​the Monster Beast Mountain Range, but it has been transformed into a huge abyss, which is the proof!

"Cough, my move is actually just because I got the help of Heavenly Dao."

Feeling the strange eyes of the two, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help coughing and explained simply:

"That thunder attack, the two brothers have also seen it, that is the Yimu Shenlei that was displayed after the fight with the virtual sky of Wanlei Mountain."

"The blood Yama itself attracted the wrath of the sky and got the wrath of the gods. This move of mine just became an outlet for the wrath of the sky. With the might of the vast world, there is no reason to fail to deal with the enemies outside the territory."

"It's just that the invaders from outside the sky disappear, and it is impossible for Zhang to perform such a trick again."

Hearing Zhang Qingyuan's explanation,

The expressions of the two men just softened.

"I see!"

Although he still looked at monsters, he didn't feel like seeing a **** anymore.

after all,

The power displayed by the blood Yama might even be above the rumored great power of escape!

Such existences were completely killed by him with one move,

If they have such terrifying means under normal conditions,

Then they say no to bow their heads,

Respectfully called the grandfather!

But it is very strong now.

"It seems that the blood Yama was expelled from the mountain gate by the Daluo Zunjiao, and several major holy places issued a wanted order at the same time. I am afraid that it was found that the person had sneaked into this world with an extraterritorial spiritual sense on him!"

Yan Beigui sighed and said authentically.

As such,

I do understand the reason for all this.

Regardless of whether that Blood Yama was forced or accidental, if he colluded with extraterritorial beings, he already belonged to a category of traitors.

No wonder the world of comprehension is gone.

"Years of blood feud, today will finally be repaid, Daoyou Zhang, Yan Beigui is here to thank you!"

Yan Beigui's eyes were a little dazed, he recovered, clasped his fists towards Zhang Qingyuan, bowed deeply, and saluted.

"This time, there are many Daoist friends, otherwise I can't say that all of us will fall here."

Shen Zheng sighed,

He also saluted Zhang Qingyuan.

"What are you two brothers being polite? I still owe you a big favor for the matter of the previous nine-turn and Daohuahua. In contrast, the trivial matters are nothing to worry about!"

Zhang Qingyuan Lang laughed, and with a flick of his palm, an invisible force lifted them up.

"Brothers, don't be too polite."

After a little chat,

The matter also came to an end.

It's just a little pity that,

The Ottomu Shenlei punished by Daitian is too terrifying, even if it is Blood Yama, there is no space storage equipment that can be preserved.

But speaking,

The harvest of this trip is also good.


[You cast Yimu Shenlei, your mind is integrated into the way of heaven, and under the sympathy of heaven and man, you are punished on behalf of the heavens, and your perception of Yimu Shenlei has been greatly improved. 】

[Otomu God Thunder: Dacheng (2/1000)]


Yimu Shenlei's perception has been greatly improved.

It has already entered the state of Dacheng!

and this,

After incorporating a trace of calamity-like power, the power of Ottomu Shenlei will only be stronger than before!

punishment for heaven,

Zhang Qingyuan had already caught something.


at the end of everything,

Before leaving the battlefield,

Zhang Qingyuan seemed to look back at the top of the sky unintentionally,

Back then, after he beheaded the alien demon beasts in Yunzhou, he once received the reward of heaven, which is similar to the state where the understanding of the sympathy between heaven and man increased greatly when he was promoted to Wanhua.

this time,

Any more?

Perhaps after returning, one's mind sinks into the void, comprehends the way of heaven, and there will be unexpected gains?

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan had a strong premonition!

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