The organization of the monks is very efficient,

In almost a moment, the order was conveyed.

The Yanxingmen monks in the brigade dispersed, and began to drive people in various areas of the city toward the center of the city in an organized manner, like driving a flock of sheep.

There are those who are behind, without the slightest mercy, they slashed down with a knife, and blood splashed and spilled on the street!

The crowd was even more frightened,

The noisy and chaotic sound of crying father and mother resounded, restless, but did not dare to stop.

The streamer figures in the sky behind him were expressionless and extremely indifferent.

crowd gathered,

Under the butcher knife, most of the people were forced to the center of the city. The residences of several major families that were unattainable in the past have now been fragmented and turned into scorched ruins.

At this time, the monks at the Yanxingmen high in the sky formed a cage around the crowd one by one.

The remaining Yanxingmen monks began to patrol the city continuously.

In the crowd, an uneasy atmosphere condensed.


Looking at the crowd gathered below, Gongsun Wen sneered in the sky and gave orders to the Yanxingmen monks under his command!

"Gongsun Wen, you dare!"

Seeing that something was wrong, a cultivator immediately roared and attacked!

Central Continent is prosperous, and there are also many monks. In this city, there are many loose cultivators who are temporarily resting in the city. Originally, they did not care much about who occupied the city.

After all, the above is fighting for power and profit, and no matter who wins, they are still the ruled party.

But now it's different,

The knife has already been driven to the neck, and it is natural to rise up and resist!


A swipe of sword light like the Milky Way hanging upside down rose from the crowd and slashed towards Gongsun Wen in the sky!

Seeing Yanxingmen killing people, the monks in the crowd couldn't hide.

There was a sudden attack.

"Ninth Level of True Yuan?!"

The razor-sharp light of the knife crossed the void almost instantaneously, and when it came to the front, Gongsun Wen was shocked, and a terrifying true essence burst out from his body. He stepped on the vacuum, and the whole figure quickly retreated, and at the same time, his wrist turned. , the long sword in the palm swept and fell, turning into a stream of flying light, tearing the air in a radius of ten feet, and slamming on the knife light!

The sword energy roared, unstoppable!


Violent collision, high above the sky, the sword qi and knife light surging, wrapped in heavy air currents, exploded like thunder and lightning, and the impacted true essence swept in all directions!

Several houses below Gongsun Wen were directly impacted and collapsed by the powerful airflow, the smoke swept up into the sky, and the monks not far below were directly blown away by the airflow!

The terrifying real yuan shock,

The weaker monks can't even bear it!

At the moment when the collision broke out, the light of the sword suddenly appeared in the crowd, and the figure merged with the sword, tearing the air that swept the smoke and dust, breaking through the crowd of Yanxingmen besieged in the sky, and fled in the direction of the outer city. And go, in the blink of an eye, it spans a distance of thousands of meters!

"I'll deal with him, you guys can't let anyone go!"

Gongsun Wen's face was gloomy,

Directly give orders to the surrounding Yanxingmen monks,

The sword light was sharp and sharp, almost like tearing the vacuum, and the speed was extremely fast, only in time to leave a trail in the sky. White traces!


Boom boom boom! ! !

The remaining Yanxingmen cultivators began to kill one after another, preparing to kill the 200,000 city people who had already gathered here at this time.

But among the crowd, there were also a lot of loose cultivators, and seeing this scene, they naturally rose up to resist.

Various fireball techniques, wind blade techniques, and other low-level techniques were flying all over the sky, one after another attacking the disciples of Yanxingmen above the sky.


The strength of the Yanxingmen disciples is stronger than that of the scattered cultivators in this remote town.

But in the face of the crisis of death, everyone's potential will most likely be forced out. Maybe they are not strong and have few cards in their hands, but there is a little talisman in the east, and there is an ancient treasure fragment in the west. All kinds of armed cards are not Decorative, especially when there is a qualitative change in the number of people.

Especially when the strongest Gongsun Wen left, the remaining disciples of Yanxingmen lost a lot under the desperate counterattack of the scattered cultivators in Zhujiang City, and the front line was crumbling at this moment.

For this reason, it is too late to even slaughter mortals!

almost at the same time,

"Where to escape!"

Gongsun Wen roared, and stabbed a sword across the sky, until a thunderbolt in the clear sky shattered the vacuum, and suddenly it crossed the vacuum of thousands of meters, split the air of thousands of meters, and chopped at the running figure. superior!


The escaping figure was severely injured in an instant, and the blood was sprayed, and the whole person was more like a cannonball, and it fell into a restaurant!

The restaurant collapsed and fell into a big pit in an instant.

see this scene,

Gongsun Wen only sneered,


Ren Yu was in mid-air, the long sword in his palm suddenly fell, and it burst into bloom in mid-air, turning into a rain curtain!

The dense long sword shadows,

Each sword shadow is a drop of water, densely packed, dozens or hundreds of drops, almost covering the sky!

shhhhhh! ! !

Without the slightest intention to communicate, Gongsun Wen squeezed the seal with both palms, and the tens of hundreds of hard moments were like a downpour, pressing down in the direction of the collapsed restaurant!

Every phantom of the sharp sword is a terrifying sharp-edged Prepare to use this to completely wipe out the enemy and even that restaurant from the world!


When the hurricane-like hard cover pressed down like a tiger descending a mountain, the palm that had been white as jade suddenly stretched out from the dust, and **** easily pinched the phantom of the long sword with the fastest shot!

The rest are hard, and the time seems to be frozen in mid-air, and there is no way to advance!

And this is just the beginning!

Some kind of invisible energy spit out, except for the sword shadow caught by two fingers, the dense sword light around it collapsed!

It seems to have been wiped out by some kind of force and vanished into ashes!

"You are the one who gave the order to massacre the city just now?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face slowly emerged.

His eyes passed through the vacuum of hundreds of feet and looked at Gongsun Wen, his eyes were cold.

The gaze that seemed to be looking at a dead man disappeared in a flash.

"So what?"

Gongsun Wen stopped and looked at Zhang Qingyuan not far away, with a look of fear on his face, and bowed his hands towards Zhang Qingyuan not far away:

"The master is the head of the Yanxingmen. I don't know where you are from? Please don't stop you from doing things! Otherwise..."

While speaking, Gongsun Wen has already expressed his backstage vaguely, with a hint of fearlessness, and the meaning of using his backstage Yanxingmen to shock Zhang Qingyuan!


Gongsun Wen hasn't finished speaking yet,

The sight in front of him was a whirlwind, and darkness descended quickly. At the last moment of falling into the dark abyss, he seemed to see a familiar headless corpse quietly processing high in the sky, and blood spurted out!

That is,

his body!

It's just that in the blink of an eye, Gongsun Wen didn't even see what happened.

his head,

It was taken off!

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