This is too outrageous!

But in a hundred years, what can be done?

For the existence of the Heaven and Human series, it is only one percent of the time in one's life, or it may only be a small retreat.

The existence of many levels of heaven and human beings may be only a small step of improvement, and it will take hundreds of thousands of years to grind through.

But for such a short period of time,

This person in front of him has completed the leap from the level of the Dao to the level of the virtual sky!

At that time,

It took Murongyue 800 years to go from Hedao to Xutian, and he has become a rare genius in the entire Central Continent cultivation world in ten thousand years, and his fame has caused a sensation in the entire Central Continent cultivation world.

What is Zhang Qingyuan in front of him? !

for a while,

Murong Yue was so shocked that she couldn't speak!

"It's just a fluke. Speaking of which, Fairy Murong and Fellow Daoist Shen gave way back then. Otherwise, if there wasn't that nine-turn flower, Zhang might not have been able to get to this point so quickly."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands and bowed, modestly and authentically.

"In the battle that day, it was you who contributed the most. If you hadn't taken action to defeat the three of Wanleishan, the opponent might not have surrendered, not to mention the nine-turn union flower in the end."

Murong Yue shook her head lightly, not receiving this skill, she was very awake.

"The gossip will be discussed later, and I also ask fellow Daoist Zhang to help me and resolve these two people first!"

"It's not difficult."

talking room,

The dim light of Zhang Qingyuan's body bloomed, the divine light shone, and the strands of avenue mana were layered on top of each other, shrouded in all directions!

The two men in black on the opposite side had already been injured by Zhang Qingyuan's sword from the air. They knew that this man was an unprecedented enemy, and their expressions became extremely solemn.


The two looked at each other, the aura of the virtual sky gushing frantically, turning into a turbulent space like a real space, and the impact of the black smoke cloud swept across the sky!

The two virtual worlds appear,

mirror each other,

complement each other,

The power suddenly doubled!

But at this time,


Zhang Qingyuan's attack has arrived!

I don't know when, a dazzling golden divine sword appeared in his hand, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and it was dazzling.

in an instant,

Heaven and earth seem to be reversed under this sword!

The supreme sword force swept away, and the avenue sword force of the hole seemed to open up the world, giving people a terrifying power that could not be contested and resisted!

"Not good! What avenue is this?! How can it be so scary!"

Can't stop!

Seeing the sky-opening sword light reaching in front of them, the two men in black flashed such a thought almost at the same time!

Cold hairs stand up all over!

And in fact,

But as they perceive it,

this sword,

They can't stop it!

In the past, when Zhang Qingyuan was at the level of Hedao, he was still able to defeat the three virtuous Tianren of Wanlei Mountain in one fell swoop with the power of Yimu Shenlei.

Now, he is already in the middle stage of the virtual sky, and he has directly crossed a large level, which is consistent with the realm level of the two men in black!

not to mention,

Zhang Qingyuan laid the perfect foundation of the Void Realm when he joined the Dao Tianren.

What condensed before entering Heaven and Man was the terrifying Chaos Avenue that gathered seven mainstream avenues!

Any of these will give the cultivators the possibility of leapfrog challenges!

And in front of Zhang Qingyuan who has everything,

The monks who are also at the level of the virtual sky are undoubtedly weak!

terrifying sword light,

The light enveloped the whole world,

The death crisis that made even a black-clothed man tremble has come to an end!

Emergency moment,

The Void Realm of the two men in black was fully stimulated and reflected on each other. In the confrontation between each other's Taoism, a huge hole was torn apart in the void, and the arc of fire cracked in the cracks, erupting and sweeping in all directions!

boom! ! !

The invincible sword light swept across,

The two men in black with their figures were chopped to pieces!


It's just that the figure was cut off and shattered!

The remaining sword power pierced through nothingness, traversing thousands of miles, cutting the entire sky into a huge crack that ran through the entire sky!

The figures of the two men in black in the same place were cut off and disappeared with the surrounding vacuum!

On the other hand, however,


There was a vacuum thousands of feet away, and it seemed like a hole had opened in the void, and two men in black, panting and pale, with sweat on their foreheads came out!

At the moment when the scythe of death came,

The two broke out and cooperated,

Demonstrated an escape method called teleportation, and escaped in almost one ten thousandth of an instant!

Only had time to leave an afterimage in place!


He was lucky enough to escape, but also paid a great price, and his avenue mana was almost completely consumed!

And the two of them didn't have time to relax.

The silence spreads silently,


Suddenly, with the sound of clear sound resounding throughout the world, the sound turned into a rapier that was literally thousands of meters long, traversing the sky, and suddenly slashed across the necks of the two men in black at the same time!

Two headless heads were thrown into the air!


It was Murong Yue who had been hiding to the side.

Zhang Qingyuan's strength was much higher than those of the two men in black. In addition, Murong Yue was standing by the side, waiting for an opportunity to make a move. The two men in black didn't react at all, but they were separated from their heads!

A crushing battle!


Killing the Murong Yue also breathed a sigh of relief.

on the white forehead,

There were also some beads of sweat.

Obviously, this battle is not so easy for her.

If Zhang Qingyuan hadn't just appeared and stepped in to help, I'm afraid she would have died here in the next few days!

"Daoyou Zhang's methods are still so unpredictable! It's really enviable."

"The fairy has won the prize. If there is no fairy to consume the mana of the two in front, maybe it will take a lot of work."

"Friend Daoist is too modest, even if there is no little girl, these two people may not be able to hold a few tricks in front of Daoyou Zhang!"

this moment,

Murong Yue's gaze towards Zhang Qingyuan was full of complexity.

In the early years, she also thought that one day she would surpass the young man in front of her.

but now,

All her competitive spirit was dissipated.


The meeting a hundred years ago, if she came up with some means of pressing the bottom of the box, it might not be as good as Zhang Qingyuan.

but now,

Although it is only a two-stroke shot,

But it was enough for Murong Yue to see that the other party had already reached a level that she couldn't match!

tomato novel

Such terrifying strength,

This rate of progress,

It's really scary!

"The fairy is too modest, by the way, I don't know what the identity of these two people are? How did the fairy get off with these two people?"

Zhang Qingyuan grabbed the storage space of the two men in black casually, and the vast spiritual sense instantly destroyed the imprint of the spiritual sense and opened it.


When he saw some familiar token inside, Zhang Qingyuan Tong Kong shrank.

Then he didn't make a sound,

He turned his head and asked Murong Yue.

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