at the same time.

Somewhere within the mansion.

"The remnants of the Ma family have not yet been cleaned up, and now they are involved with the Hanhai Sect. Yuanyang, now the external crisis is uncertain. During this time, you should practice in the sect for a period of time."

Zhao Jingping stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the hazy sky outside the mansion.

There was a trace of sorrow that could not be concealed.

Ma family, Han Haizong.

This kind of scheme involving foreign powers, especially powerful foreign powers, can be destroyed if you are not careful.

In front of that huge top power.

Their Zhao family are nothing more than larger ants.

I only hope that the people of the Yunshui Sect can handle this matter well, so that they won't turn the Zhao family into a cannon fodder.

"Understood, Uncle San, thank you for your previous guardianship. In the next period of time, I will devote time to the improvement of my cultivation level."


Zhao Yuanyang's voice was a little low.

With a kind of inexplicable.

"Originally, I had the intention of cultivating for a period of time. This time I think it just happens to be the meeting."

Zhao Jingping heard the words in front, and felt something was wrong.

Turned his head.

I saw that although he was elegant and friendly when he was outside, there was a kind of arrogant Zhao Yuanyang exuding from his bones. At this time, it seemed that he had experienced some kind of blows.

The pride in my heart disappeared.

The look was a bit sullen.

It seems to have grown a lot overnight.

"what happened?"

Zhao Yuanyang's identity is somewhat special among the family.

If not, how could an inner monk in the middle of the Ninth Stage go out to practice, and how could it be worthy of a real person in the True Origin Realm to guard in secret?

Zhao Jingping didn't want any accidents under his guardianship.


Zhao Yuanyang shook his head calmly.

His eyes are calm.

"Just after this time, I was a little unwilling, and suddenly I figured out a lot."

"In this world of comprehension, after all, strength is respected."

"Before, I was too obsessed with other things, but it caused my own strength improvement to encounter constraints...On the road to cultivation, I did not advance or retreat. I used to be extremely confident in my strength improvement."

"But now, it's just a joke."

Zhao Yuanyang couldn't help but have such an idea.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he has reached the Ninth Level of Lingyuan, and in the entire Zhao family, he is also a generation of top geniuses with outstanding talents.

But after this time, the accident of exploring the ruins of Dongfu.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's powerful strength, he felt a lot.

When intercepting the attack on the way, he severely inflicted the half-step True Essence Realm. That's right, but those hole cards were given to him by the family elders, not his true strength.

Real strength.

Just like Zhang Qingyuan, kill the puppets with gestures.

Stepped forward in the interception, repelling the heavily damaged half-step True Primal Realm.

Maybe there is no feeling in my heart once.

But twice and three times.

Watching a person who was originally far inferior to himself, in a short period of time, was able to surpass himself, reaching a point that he couldn't reach.

This feeling really made him feel uncomfortable.

Especially Zhang Qingyuan two or three years ago, he was still the kind of person who could only see his back.

but now,

Not only was overtaken, but also overtaken.

This gap.

Finally Zhao Yuanyang awakened.

The wealthy couple's place,

There are four extremely important aspects on the path of comprehension.

But for these four, the ultimate goal is just to improve one's own strength.

Weili belongs to itself!

If you blindly seek to expand your contacts and pursue the land of wealth, this is just putting the cart before the horse!

This time,

Zhao Yuanyang was awakened by Zhang Qingyuan's powerful strength.

Suddenly wake up!

"The most important thing is, after all, only one's own strength!"

"Zhang Qingyuan can do it, why can't I do it!"

"The cultivation aptitude he showed is just average, but he can rely on tenacious efforts to quickly increase his strength to this level. If it were me, the improvement in strength would only be even greater!"

Zhao Yuanyang thought to himself in his heart.

Since returning to the sect, I recalled the power Zhang Qingyuan showed in this line.

He has already made up his mind.


Zhao Jingping looked at Zhao Yuanyang.

There is surprise in his eyes,

It is also full of relief.

Zhao Yuanyang's aptitude is not bad, and with the Zhao family as the backing, his own strength should be improved by leaps and bounds.

It's a pity that I have gone the wrong way over the years, instead of focusing on spiritual practice, I have instead devoted most of my energy to communication and network expansion.

This time,

Zhao Yuanyang was able to recognize this by himself and woke up. As an elder, Zhao Jingping was obviously extremely satisfied.

To Zhang Qingyuan who made Zhao Yuanyang wake up.

At this moment, Zhao Jingping also had a trace of gratitude in his heart.

Although he did not know the detailed psychological activities of Zhao Yuanyang.

But if you think about it a little bit, you can guess one or two.


This is what Zhao Jingping hoped for that day.

Let the rapidly increasing strength shown by Zhang Qingyuan wake up Zhao Yuanyang himself and put his energy back into his practice.

Now it seems,

The effect is very good.

"Very well, Yuanyang, you have such an idea. We are all happy for you."

"On the road of spiritual practice, after all, more can only rely on yourself."

"Your aptitude is not weak. You may have the opportunity to advance to the True Element Realm before you are twenty-five years It is bound to be on the list of characters on the Qianyuan list in the Yuzhou cultivation world. Have your place..."


Zhang Qingyuan has no way of knowing what Zhao Jingping said.

Obtained the blood dragon fruit.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't delay for long. It took a few days to raise his mind to the peak, and then he began to refining the blood dragon fruit.

Within the cave house.

Zhang Qingyuan sat on the futon.

The red fruit is placed in front of him.

Take a bite.

Immediately, the whole fruit turned into a warm current, melted from the mouth like a liquid, and entered the abdomen.

The whole fruit dries out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The gray color spread.

Surprisingly, Zhang Qingyuan swallowed all the essence, leaving only the skin and flesh scum of no value.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly entered a state of meditation.

The powerful and unmatched Lingyuan began to carry the dantian in front, filling the entire dantian like a lake, and the Lingyuan wrapped the blood dragon fruit warm current falling into the abdomen like a vast ocean.

Flowing slowly like a spring.


With the passage of time, the medicine power of the blood dragon fruit in the abdomen began to appear, and the time was like a hot lava gathering in the abdomen.

The blazing heat spreads along the meridians towards the flesh in all directions.

That feeling,

It's like magma flowing in blood vessels!

Zhang Qingyuan let out a muffled snoring when the severe pain swept like a tidal tsunami.

His face was pale.

But at the same time,

In the intense pain, he clearly felt it.

Under the scorching flow of heat, the flesh and blood that flowed through became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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