After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Qingyuan really has no other great methods.

Can only accept the advice given by Lin Yan.

After all, the prices of these two main materials are too high.

As for purchasing a complete alchemy furnace at the magical level, Zhang Qingyuan didn't even think about it.

Despite the previous exploration of the Ruins Dongfu, Zhang Qingyuan has gained a great deal. Compared with other ordinary monks in the nine-fold realm, his wealth is already extremely rich.

However, for the alchemy furnace of this magic weapon series, only some slightly larger families can afford the purchase price.

Take it as one of the foundations of family development.

Zhang Qingyuan, who couldn't even afford the two main materials, let alone a complete alchemy furnace with a series of magic artifacts.

Say goodbye to Lin Yan.

Leaving Lieyang Peak.

Zhang Qingyuan turned and headed to the Internal Affairs Hall.

Here, the disciples in the inner door can spend some contribution points to release tasks.

The 100,000 outer disciples and even inner disciples of the Yunshui Sect’s outer sect can receive it at will, and the rewards are determined by themselves. It is a development platform provided by the sect for cooperation between the two parties.

Looking at the main hall of the internal affairs hall.

People come and go in the hall on the passage.

Huge stone carvings stand on both sides, giving people a breath of majesty.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt a little trance.

A few years ago, when he was in the Seventeenth Courtyard of the Outer Sect, Zhang Qingyuan had also accepted the missions issued by the Inner Sect brothers and sisters to take care of the spirit beasts in order to gain contribution points.

At that time, the brothers and sisters of the inner door were still the objects of their own look up.

I think that one day I can become the person who publishes tasks instead of running errands to earn some hard work on Weibo.


He has also become a figure in the eyes of those newly entered disciples in the outer courtyard, who are high in the inner door of the inner door who issued tasks.

In retrospect,

This is just two or three years of effort.

The status change among them gave Zhang Qingyuan a feeling of vicissitudes of life.

This feeling spread in my heart in a short time.

Then an inexplicable feeling came to my heart.

Why do you want to practice?

Why do you have to practice so hard? With your current realm of strength, it is not impossible to find a mortal area to rule the king, establish a cultivation family, and call the ancestor the ancestor.

Beautiful wife and maidservant, surrounded by servants.

With your current cultivation base in the middle stage of the Nine Layers, you can easily obtain everything that you could not enjoy in the previous life in the mortal world, comparable to the ancient kings in the previous life.

Then why do you still practice so hard?


Under the cover of that inexplicable feeling, such a series of thoughts arose in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

This questioning thought came fiercely.

It turned out that Zhang Qingyuan was suspicious of his own path of cultivation.

Practice practice.

In addition to cultivation, it is cultivation.

What is the meaning of this kind of life like a tool man?

In his heart, Zhang Qingyuan's Dao heart was suddenly shaken.

This kind of Dao heart shakes fiercely.

It is also extremely secretive, without the slightest fluctuation in the outside world.

The people around him kept walking by Zhang Qingyuan, and didn't notice any vision of the person who stopped in front of the gate of the Internal Affairs Hall.

What is the meaning of cultivation?

Why endure this boring practice?

The changes in status and status in the past few years, and the vicissitudes of time, have made Zhang Qingyuan in this kind of

Such skeptical thoughts.

Constantly scouring Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

Let his Dao heart falter for it.

This is the Tribulation of the Heart Demon!


This heart demon's calamity is not without reason.

The inexplicable feeling triggered by the passage of time and status change is just an introduction.

It detonated.

It was a concentrated explosion of all negative emotions caused by Zhang Qingyuan's rejection and alienation of this world after a few years.

That's right!

The root cause of everything is surprisingly Zhang Qingyuan's rejection of this world!

Perhaps even Zhang Qingyuan himself had never thought of it. The reason why his character could become so determined from a salted fish in his previous life after crossing the road is except for the progress displayed on the proficiency panel itself.

In fact, with the sudden change of the world, Cumin alone is living in this world, and has a special sense of alienation from the outside world. It has a great relationship.

Traveling to this world and communicating with others are all just talking.

Reluctant to make friends with others deeply.

Spend more time in the practice retreat, with busy practice, to make yourself forget, to escape this sudden change, and escape this strange world.

I don't want to have more in-depth contact with the world.

From his previous life to this life, the reason why Zhang Qingyuan jumped up and turned over after he crossed the journey, surprisingly has something to do with the alienation and rejection that he hadn't even noticed.

This sense of rejection of the world made him accustomed to a person's own small world independent of this world, and also allowed him to make unconscious changes and become a legendary hardworking genius.


His perseverance is not the kind of beautiful quality he imagined.

The original mind at the beginning.

It's just to escape.


It is also under this kind of coincidence that the biggest source of the heart demon tribulation that shakes the doubts about oneself is brought out!

This kind of heart evil catastrophe is extremely terrifying.

Everything is invisible and quality, but it is the doubt of one's own path of cultivation.

No one can help can only rely on themselves.

Once through.

Broad sea and sky.

But the degree.

Sinking down.

The meaning of time.

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's mind has been lost.

In a trance,

It seems a long time has passed.

It seems that only a moment has passed.

"There are so many whys!"

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the dark pupils gradually revealed their brilliance and became brighter than ever before.

Certain things,

suddenly see the light.

"The reason I practice is only because I want to practice!"

"I work hard because I am unwilling to live in the bottom of this bright and vast world forever and be the frog and ant that sits on the well and watches the sky!"

"Since I exist here, then this world also exists!"

"I want to stand taller, become stronger, see the farther landscape, see the excitement of the outside world, see this vast and vast world... and even one day, touch this world The realm of the illusory fairy legend!"

This one opened and closed.

How long did not pass.

The world is already different.

Zhang Qingyuan raised his foot, and walked briskly into the gate of the Internal Affairs Hall without any muddle.


Some invisible shackles broke apart.

It seems that something is quietly changing.

The flow of monks coming and going around just felt that the person around him seemed a little strange, especially not knowing that it had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron,

Now leap forward from the beginning!

That step forward seemed to span the entire world!

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