Nangong Batian is stuck in front of the gate of Tiangu Mountain in Yixian.

Hundreds of people were blocked in the front and dared not move forward, but were not reconciled to retreat, so they could only scatter around waiting for the opportunity.

And as time passed, the monks from the rear kept arriving.

The number of people is getting bigger and bigger.

Since then, it has formed a stage where hundreds of monks gather attention.

no doubt.

On such a stage, everything that happens on the stage will continue to circulate in the mouths of these people.

The confrontation between the newly born Zhang Qingyuan and the veteran crazy knife Nangong Batian.

Naturally became a well-deserved protagonist on this stage.

The center of hundreds of sights.


Nangong Batian didn't want to be such a protagonist at all.

Perhaps at the beginning, he was full of killing intent on the kid opposite, looking at him as if he was looking at a dead person, and then he was ready to kill him.

But at the moment when the three words of Yunshuizong fell, Nangong Batian was already in a difficult situation to ride a tiger.

"Damn, how could you be a disciple of Yunshui Sect?!"

Nangong Batian's eyes flickered and his complexion was ugly.


The first major gate in Yuzhou.

Even if he has now been promoted to the sixth realm of True Yuan, he is just a bigger ant in front of this huge sect.

What's more, I learned from the surrounding voices of discussion.

This kid in front of him is a character like Tianjiao in the Yunshui Sect!

Let's not talk about killing the opponent here, it is very likely to provoke a series of enemies like brothers and masters.

To be honest, he is still at a reasonable disadvantage.

The conflict itself started because of his domineering and drove people, and the source of the matter was on him.

There is no reason to suppress people with realm in full view, and to kill the new generation of Tianjiao in the sect, is it really a decoration of the law enforcement hall of the Yunshui Sect? !

If you really dare to do it like this.

On the occasion of this sect war, it's fine to be killed without being labeled as a spy from the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm!

Anyway, the consequences will definitely not escape Yun Shui Sect's sanctions.

Nangong Ba's face changed.


"This **** kid, how can I allow you to be so arrogant if you are in a deserted place with no one!"

The eyes of everyone around him gathered.

Nangong Batian held the battle sword in his hand, standing above the sky, his expression changed, but he did not dare to do it.

Under many eyes.

A wave of resentment and humiliation poured out in his heart, almost like flame magma, about to swallow his sanity.

Just when everyone was watching.

There is silence between heaven and earth,

Everyone is waiting with bated breath for the development of things.

Boom! ! !

After a ray of sky, there was a violent explosion of true essence, and that wave of sound spread for several miles, even the people in front of the ray of sky canyon felt the powerful vibration.

Countless eyes turned away.

I saw a light flickering at the mountainside of the Qingtian giant peak, and it seemed that there was a strong player fighting.

At the same time, not far away, they also vaguely sensed that the powerful aura of the True Primal Realm caused conflicts and battles, and waves of fluctuations came from within the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

This wave of fluctuations.

It was like waking up a bell, making the True Element Realm monks who were watching the excitement around them suddenly awakened.

They come here,

It's for the Linghai Sword Sect ruins, not for the excitement!

"Friend Nangong, let go of some conflicts for the time being, the remains of the Linghai Sword Sect are important!"

A cultivator of the True Origin Realm shouted.

Then without looking back, Feishen rushed into the Xiantian canyon and entered the gate of the Linghai Sword School.

In the rest of the True Primal Realm, several people arched their hands towards Nangong Batian and bid farewell. They all flew into the Yixiantian Canyon.

Although the excitement here makes people look forward to.

But the remnants of the Linghai Sword Sect's ruins are more attractive. Compared to the actual gain, the so-called liveliness is nothing.

If it is late, there may be nothing left.

They came in here, not for the things inside the mountain gate of the Linghai Sword Sect?

Naturally, the cultivators of the True Origin Realm left quickly one after another.

Flew away in a hurry.

"Hmph, kid, give Yun Shui Sect a face today, you'd better hope you don't meet me again in the future!"

See here.

Nangong Batian took this opportunity to give a cold snort.

Follow the donkey downhill.

The confrontation ended.

Then, without looking back, he turned around and quickly crossed the Tianshan Gate, and broke into the ruins of the Linghai Sword Sect.

As for his inner thoughts, would he still have any thoughts on dealing with Zhang Qingyuan in his heart?

Then no one knows.

Seeing Nangong Batian leaving, Zhang Qingyuan retracted the Black Sky Longsword into its scabbard and took a deep look at the direction where Nangong Batian was leaving.

Also control its escape.

He quickly crossed the Yixiantian Gorge, but drove in another direction, avoiding the possible direction of Nangong Batian.

In fact, Nangong Batian is really not an easy character.

The reason why his own sword was able to force the opponent back was that Zhang Qingyuan's various martial arts were lucid in his heart, and many martial arts were merged under one sword to produce a powerful force that surpassed his own level.

The most important thing was that at that moment, there was not much embankment under Nangong Batian's contempt.

For Zhang Qingyuan's level.

A slight distraction will magnify and become a huge flaw, and thus Nangong Ba genius will be easily forced to retreat.

If you really fight, let's not say whether you can win the opponent.

Even if you win.

The damage must not be low.

Nowadays, dragons and snakes are mixed in this secret realm, and many true element realm monks gather to compete for the legacy of the Linghai Sword Sect in the past.

There is really no need to fight a strong man no less than oneself.

"After all, it is a cultivator of the Sixth Layer of True Yuan!"

Zhang Qingyuan whispered in his heart.

The urgency in my heart is even greater.

Of course Zhang Qingyuan doesn't want to cause trouble, but he doesn't fear the other party either.

Although he is only a double perfection.

There are several realms separated.

However, his solid foundation has caused him a tremendous transformation of combat power after he was promoted to the True Element Realm. No one can go beyond his in-depth cultivation of various spells and martial arts, and coupled with the various trump cards he possesses, he may not be afraid of it. Up him!

With the departure of Zhang Qingyuan.

The oppressive air in the air then dissipated, and at this time all the True Origin Realm cultivators had already rushed into the Linghai Sword Sect Mountain Gate first, and only the Lingyuan Realm onlookers were present.

"What shall we do now?"

Someone looked at the empty one-line sky canyon, a little at a loss.

"Go in! According to the rumors, this was a site of a middle-class sect. What a great opportunity this is for me, I will never encounter it again in the next lifetime!"

"Now that I have overcome all difficulties and came here, can it not be possible to return empty-handed?!"

Someone's eyes were looking at the great mountain behind the line of sky, their eyes flickered, their ambitions were unobstructed, and their voices were low but full of provocative authenticity.

"Besides, the entire Linghai Sword Sect is so big, there are many pavilions and cave houses. Those big people must go to the main hall and other places that are more worthy of exploration. I and other small people are not greedy. Just look for the broth that the big people don't like!"

"In this way, as long as you are not arrogant, and you are looking for death by yourself, the possibility of encountering that crazy knife Nangong Tyrant is extremely low!"

The words fall.

There was a light of greed in the eyes of everyone present.


Everyone should be in harmony.

Afterwards, they also crossed the Tianxian Canyon one after another, flying into the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

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