In front of the barren tree.

Tan Nansheng, the Taoist Zizhu, Nangong Batian, Lu Lin and the others, all of them looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Come together.

Lingdu Void,

The majestic and boundless breaths meet each other, as if distorting the space.

The sky trembled.

The sky is drooping.

It looks like a huge mountain overwhelming the world and blocking the front.

"Your Excellency, this place is already in our possession, please leave it quickly!"

Tan Nansheng's face was solemn,

The deep voice echoed in the void.

The person in front of him is weird.

I'm afraid it's hard to deal with.

In terms of pure strength, he can easily smash the attacks of those true essence realms and break through the siege.

But it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a light weight!

To know,

He also saw the conflict just now.

The means displayed by this mysterious black-robed man, fluctuating only around the first and second levels of true essence, completely blasted the cultivators with three levels of true essence and four levels and above into the air with all their strength!

This method is simply unimaginable!

"Oh, come to fight, why be so pretentious!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face is hidden under the black robe.

The low and hoarse sneer voice oscillated into the void.

The powerful aura is like tide, although not as depressive as the opposing group of people, it is like a sword that pierces the sky, tearing through the sky!

There is no compromise.

The footsteps never stopped.

The central area where the momentum collided was actually distorted to an extent visible to the naked eye.

It seemed to burst into sparks.


Zhang Qingyuan's choice of head-on confrontation indeed possesses his own confidence.

not long ago.

Facing the mad sword Nangong Batian and other powerful Nanhai hegemons with the sixth level of true essence and above.

If it is one-on-one, Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid.

Accumulate with his many hole cards.

Leapfrogging challenges is not impossible.

But once the opponent and the others joined forces, the six-fold True Yuan cultivators with multiple positions and above were besieged, and the two fists were hard to beat with four hands, but he did not have the ability to attack the crowd.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan can only hide from the side, waiting for the opportunity.

But now the situation has changed.

Zhang Qingyuan never imagined that the token he had accidentally obtained back then contained the remnant soul of such a secret disciple of the Linghai Sword Sect.

I didn't even think that I could get the next broken chapter of the secret technique Taiyi Alchemy of unknown rank that I had practiced from the opponent!

"If a quarter of an hour ago, I really didn't have the strength to face you."

"But now, it's different!"

Zhang Qingyuan's figure crossed the void with a huge momentum.

Between sparkling flints.

It's like crossing the space.

Approach quickly.

"Asshole, everyone do it together!"

Seeing such unscrupulous people, Nangong Batian snorted first.

The sound oscillates into the void.

The remaining few people were also bad-faced, and they shot one after another.

Rumble! ! !

The vast real essence swept across, hitting Xu Tian.

The sky is terrifying.

Under the terrifying true essence attack that covered the sky and the sun, half of the sky was covered by the vast true essence power, and the terrifying pressure was crushed down like a heavy mountain.

The space seems to be torn apart!

"Hi! What a terrible power!"

The cultivators of the True Origin Realm not far away took a breath.

Even if the attacks of those South China Sea overlords were not in response to them, the terrifying momentum generated by the vast Zhenyuan oscillation still made them feel like a mountain pressing down on their shoulders!

Extremely terrifying divine might,

It even spread over the surrounding formation community, spreading to the outside space of a dozen miles.

At this time, gathering in the sky above Daluo Jinchi, facing the remnant law-forbidden community in front of Daluo Jinchi's core area, the True Element Realm monks who were hesitating, sensed the terrifying momentum coming from the core area.

They all opened their mouths in amazement.

The people around felt this terrifying pressure.

Faced with the siege of these several people, Zhang Qingyuan felt the pressure even more terrifying!

It is a kind of as if falling into the abyss of the sky and the earth,

There is no escape,

Avoid the inevitable desperation!

The overwhelming True Yuan made the entire sky seem to collapse.

But at this time,

There was no fear on his face.


In front of his mighty spirit, the joint attacks of those South China Sea overlords were full of several fatal flaws!

"Unless it is crushed with absolute power, otherwise, the quantity has lost its meaning to me now..."

Suspended the void.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were indifferent.


Raise your hand,

make a fist.

A fist carried an inexplicable meaning, as if it was shot across the spatial interface, tracing a mysterious trajectory, and striking it out.

This punch,

It seems to come from outside, like an antelope with horns, without the slightest smell of fireworks.


The fist was like a glow, condensed into a beam of profound light that penetrated the sky and the earth, crashing into the attack from the joint attack of Nangong Batian and others!

This punch is mysterious.

As if hitting the culprit of several majestic attacks,

Space is stagnant.

The next moment rumbling horrible explosions sounded one after another, and that massive amount of true energy was directly exploded out of thin air, and the attacks of several powerful South China Sea hegemons began to explode and disintegrate out of thin air!


Whether it is Tan Nansheng or Nangong Batian.

Everyone looked terrified.

This is another method!


They are the powerhouses at the peak of the mid-True Yuan period!

A panic was born in the depths of my heart.

The face of Zhang Qingyuan on the other side was extremely calm from then on.

This has long been expected.


Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much time to accept Fan Yehuang's inheritance of Taiyi Divine Art.

But with this little effort, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Through the previous chapters and the previous chapters, China Unicom has been unable to improve the Taiyi Refining Technique for many years, and Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved.

This improvement,

The number of divine consciousness has not changed much.

But in terms of qualitative aspects and the condensed use of divine consciousness, there has been an earth-shaking improvement compared to before.

And the improvement of divine consciousness,

It has a great effect on Zhang Qingyuan's certain ability increase!

That was the idea that he developed by himself from a lot of knowledge in his previous life, and used the power of God's consciousness to see through the weakness of the enemy's attack The concept of confronting the enemy with the smallest force!

This concept brought Zhang Qingyuan a tremendous increase in combat power.

Especially now,

After successfully acquiring the chapter of Jishen Immortal, the bottleneck of the consciousness that is suddenly penetrated makes this concept exert a more powerful force!


It is the confidence to be able to face the siege undefeated!

"Any monk who uses his moves can't fully exert his power at all. In the process of magical martial arts bombardment, more true essence is consumed in vibrating the surrounding air machine and exploding to generate energy, which can really play a role. The ten is not one."

"As long as you find the nodes of that power and the flaws in the attack, you can destroy the seemingly vast attack with a very small amount of power."

"A monk is so."

"If many people work together, there will be more flaws, even more deadly!"

"As long as it can hit that point, no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing but a falsehood of being strong from the outside!"

"This is my confidence that I am not afraid of your siege!"

Certain thoughts,

It passed in a flash in my mind.

No one knew Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts.

Seeing the combined blow was easily shattered.

Tan Nansheng couldn't believe it.

Nangong Batian couldn't believe it!

"I don't believe it! You guys work together and use Xeon lore together. It's up to you to see if he can block it!"

Nangong Batian roared wildly.

At the same time the true yuan fluctuates.

A deadly breath was brewing, shocking the surrounding space.

The real Zizhu, Lu Lin and others looked at each other, and started together, each gathering the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

A wave of shocking and terrifying waves,

Start sweeping!

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