Although there are a lot of doubts, Zhang Changyang also understands that Zhang Qingyuan just came back when he was exhausted.

I am afraid it will take some time to rest and retreat.

Therefore, in my heart, there is no complaint about Zhang Qingyuan's departure.

On the contrary, after he went out for a trip, his cultivation level skyrocketed again, which made Zhang Changyang sigh in his heart that the family rejuvenation is hopeful!

I feel happy a lot.

Just go to arrange the daily affairs of Yuelian Islands.


And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan has returned to the place where he usually retreats.

Put the white jade futon under your body and sit cross-legged.

With excitement, he took out the sword pill.

This is a mottled appearance, losing all its luster, as if it were just a big sphere cast from a piece of gold.

"Sword Maru, the most peculiar magic weapon among the rumored spirit weapons, its forging method is extremely harsh, and as long as the forging is successful, any sword maru is born with a level above the spirit weapon!"

"According to the legend, Jianmaru can accommodate any sword technique that the monk himself has practiced, and then can use this sword technique with more than ten times the power in battle!"

Looking at the plain sphere in front of him.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up.

Before that, Zhang Qingyuan's understanding of Jian Wan was only a spiritual weapon among other populations.

Then, before bidding farewell to Mingshui Daoist, he asked him for information about this spiritual weapon, sword pill.

Get the details.

I also knew that among the magical instruments used by the monks, Jianmaru was the most special kind of magical instrument.

It's not just because of their spiritual weapon level.

It is even more because the sword pill has a terrifying increase in the cultivator of kendo!

"I hope I can succeed!"

In Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, there was endless hope.


The reason why Zhang Qingyuan desperately desires to obtain this spiritual weapon.

Not only because of the personality of the sword pill spirit weapon, but also not only because of the resonance with the sword type in his body when he felt on the Daluo Jinchi at the beginning.

Even more because,

This sword pill is undoubtedly the most suitable natal magic weapon!

"The meaning of the sword of water, the swords that have been cultivated for many years, as well as the many perfect-level swords, can be activated with this sword pill. It undoubtedly has a great effect!"

"Once the fusion of the sword pill is successful, then my strength may even break through the huge sky trench in the middle of the spirit yuan, and touch the power of the latter stage with the threefold cultivation base of the spirit yuan!"

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan had great ambitions in his heart.

Concentrate and hold your breath.


Zhang Qingyuan soon entered the empty and bright realm of spiritual gathering, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped the sword pill in his hand.


The proficiency panel in the depths of my mind was mobilized.

Turn directly from the proficiency panel on the first page to the second page.

Zhang Qingyuan took a long breath.

Begin to use the function of the second page to refine the sword pill.

This refining,

Just three months!

Among them, Zhang Qingyuan's consciousness was exhausted several times, and his head became groggy, which made him have to stop to meditate and take a pill to restore his consciousness to rest.

The divine consciousness is getting more and more depressed, but the smile on Zhang Qingyuan's face is getting worse.

Finally three months later,

The smile on the face turned into substance, turned into a wild laugh!

It's a success!

When that round was mottled and dim, the sword pill, which had no strangeness, reappeared with golden light, although it was far less bright than the original one, the whole body was also damaged in many places with pits and pits.

But Zhang Qingyuan is still laughing!

Three months of hard work.

"It's worth it!"

Rao is based on Zhang Qingyuan's disposition.

At the moment, they couldn't help showing excitement.

For this moment,

He really waited too long.

Although Jian Maru was severely injured now, because Fan Yehuang did not consider the loss and outbreak, his stage position fell directly from the spirit weapon to the level of the low-grade magic weapon.


In this world, I am afraid that there is no more suitable magic weapon for Zhang Qingyuan than Jian Wan.

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan learned one thing from the information in the words of the people of Mingshui Dao.

That is, the sword pill, as a very special spiritual weapon, is like a lifelike existence, capable of absorbing the energy of the outside world and other resources to continuously grow and repair automatically.

And even gradually restored to the peak state!

Can maximize Zhang Qingyuan's achievements in kendo, and at the same time have the potential to be restored into a spiritual weapon.

In this world,

Is there a natal magic weapon that can surpass it?



In the ensuing time, Zhang Qingyuan first practiced the fragments of Taiyi Refining Divine Art, and spent ten days restoring the divine consciousness that was originally consumed by refining the sword pill to its peak.

People's spirits and spirits also rise to the peak state with rest.

Started refining Jian Wan.

What Zhang Qingyuan didn't expect was that what he thought was the easiest step had become the most difficult step.

Although Jianmaru fell to the stage position.

But it is still a spiritual weapon in essence.

And the monk refining the magic weapon of his life also needs to consume blood and spiritual consciousness.



In this world, I am afraid that there is no more suitable magic weapon for Zhang Qingyuan than Jian Wan.

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan learned one thing from the information in the words of the people of Mingshui Dao.

That is, the sword pill, as a very special spiritual weapon, is like a lifelike existence, capable of absorbing the energy of the outside world and other resources to continuously grow and repair automatically.

And even gradually restored to the peak state!

Can maximize Zhang Qingyuan's achievements in kendo and also has the potential to restore to become a spiritual weapon.

In this world,

Is there a natal magic weapon that can surpass it?



In the ensuing time, Zhang Qingyuan first practiced the fragments of Taiyi Refining Divine Art, and spent ten days restoring the divine consciousness that was originally consumed by refining the sword pill to its peak.

People's spirits and spirits also rise to the peak state with rest.

Started refining Jian Wan.

What Zhang Qingyuan didn't expect was that what he thought was the easiest step had become the most difficult step.

Although Jianmaru fell to the stage position.

But it is still a spiritual weapon in essence.

And the monk refining the magic weapon of his life also needs to consume blood and spiritual consciousness.


In this world, I am afraid that there is no more suitable magic weapon for Zhang Qingyuan than Jian Wan.

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan learned one thing from the information in the words of the people of Mingshui Dao.

That is, the sword pill, as a very special spiritual weapon, is like a lifelike existence, capable of absorbing the energy of the outside world and other resources to continuously grow and repair automatically.

And even gradually restored to the peak state!

Can maximize Zhang Qingyuan's achievements in kendo, and at the same time have the potential to be restored into a spiritual weapon.

In this world,

Is there a natal magic weapon that can surpass it?



In the ensuing time, Zhang Qingyuan first practiced the fragments of Taiyi Refining Divine Art, and spent ten days restoring the divine consciousness that was originally consumed by refining the sword pill to its peak.

People's spirits and spirits also rise to the peak state with rest.

Started refining Jian Wan.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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