As Zhang Qing said in his previous life.

Many people in this world know that the first peak is Mount Everest, but few people know what the second peak is.

Zhang Qingyuan was neither the first nor the second among their disciples at that time.

Not even the top ten.

Perhaps he has also made a slightly shocking record.

But among the many dazzling lights,

In essence, they are all transparent people.

It was so in their same class,

What about the junior disciples of the next session, the inner disciples of the next session?

The three-year generation,

Each generation has names such as Ten Shows, and has the No. 1 in the outer door of that session.

Compared with those dazzling geniuses, Zhang Qingyuan, who had left the inner gate and stationed in the South China Sea for ten years, couldn't make many waves by himself.

When time passed, Zhang Qingyuan also disappeared from the sight of the vast crowd, and after he left, no one cared even more.

Just like a bubble on the surface of the water.

Spin up and spin off,

Overwhelmed by countless back waves, except for a few friends who had made good friends, sometimes they would pay special attention to Zhang Qingyuan's news, and not many people would remember it at all.

Even if something happens sometimes, it doesn’t matter much.

Zhang Qingyuan also realized that he was ignored by the vast crowd, but there was not much fluctuation in his heart.

There is no grievance caused by being neglected, resulting in the anger of the war between the sky and the air.

There was no panic in my heart.

"It's also very good. At least it didn't come out of the deacon’s relatives, friends and villains who came to make trouble. I stayed quietly and steadily for a period of time. After participating in the inner gate competition and fulfilling the master’s requirements, I can go. Do those things for me."

The entire Law Enforcement Hall was not set up specifically for Zhang Qingyuan and him.

There are all areas that need to be managed, from the management of sect disciples to the hunting and killing of monks who are criminals in the outside world.

It is precisely because of this,

When Zhang Qingyuan came, an ordinary deacon received him.

Without any delay,

The restriction of his status was lifted, and by the way, the rewards of the Yuelian Islands who had been guarded for so many years were distributed to Zhang Qingyuan's inner disciple token, and it was completed.

Out of the door of the law enforcement hall.

He weighed the Inner Sect disciple tokens that had been unlocked in his hands, and then looked at the sect monks who were coming and going around.

Zhang Qingyuan shrugged.

There is no such thing as a memento to take a step away.

"After ten years of absence, even if the cave mansion I was assigned to was not taken back, the aura in it is not suitable for me, who has been promoted to the True Essence Realm."

Leaving the law enforcement hall.

Zhang Qingyuan began to plan what to do next.

"There are still a few months to go before the Inner Gate Grand Competition. I took advantage of this time to study the medicine of the Tongzhen Pill, and refine the medicine of the Tongzhen Pill to assist my own practice."

"Before the Inner Sect Competition, the deeper the cultivation base, the better."

"Now I need a quiet, aura-rich foothold...It seems that I can only rent a Unicom micro-spiritual vein from the sect, and the aura-rich retreat has broken through the cave. It happens to be the achievements I have accumulated before. The points are useless, it is not a problem to use up all the time to support the last one and a half years..."

Walking on the road.

There are many Inner Sect disciples around, and there are not none of the four or five mid-level True Element Realm cultivators.

Most of them are in a hurry.

The atmosphere of the entire inner door is somewhat urgent.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't care either. He wandered around the courtyard and began to think about his next plan.

The first thing to do,

It must settle down first.

Then I visited some other former friends to learn about current events in the inner door, and then a good student practiced for a period of time to prepare for the inner door big competition.

There is a plan in mind.

Zhang Qingyuan turned around and walked in the direction of the Sundries Hall.

Renting a spiritually energetic retreat to break through the cave is also exactly what needs to be done in the Zaishitang.

In fact, there is not no Dongfu provided by Zongmen for free.

However, the concentration of its own spiritual energy is not good for other conditions, and it is definitely not as good as those higher-level cave houses that are specifically rented out to the inner sect disciples of the sect to break through.

The use of those cave palaces is generally used for the sect disciples to provide some help when breaking through.

Of course, if you have enough merit points, just like Zhang Qingyuan, renting a place for your daily practice is nothing you can't do.



Transfer to the Miscellaneous Hall.

When Zhang Qingyuan passed a square built by a sect, he found many inner monks gathered in the square, and they seemed to be watching the excitement together.

In the center of the square, the light shocked and oscillated.

The rumbling sound shook the sky and the earth, and the energy impact swept away by the impact caused the air to be distorted.

Fortunately, when he rushed out of the square, he was blocked by a cluster of light curtains on the periphery.

Obviously there are cultivators from the True Element Realm fighting.

Due to the cover of the crowd,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't see the figure in the engagement center either.

Is planning to leave,

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly saw a familiar figure leaning on the periphery, staring closely at the battle in the field.

"Huh? That's...Hu Junshan?"

Some memories came to my mind.

More than ten years ago, when Zhang Qingyuan was still at the outer gate ~, after he broke through the latter stage of the Lingyuan realm, in order to obtain training resources, he began to receive the outer gate contribution point mission and went to Qingshan Town to help guard there. The Hu family of the cultivation family traced and killed the chaotic Monster Beast Spirit Eater Rat.

During that mission, Zhang Qingyuan got a lot of benefits from the Hu family.

So he agreed to the request of the head of the Hu family and brought back Hu Junshan, a descendant of their family, back to the sect. While the other side helped him to cultivate the spiritual land, he gave him a one- or two-point practice.

At that time, although Zhang Qingyuan had never been promoted to Zhenyuan.

But because of the proficiency panel, his understanding of the practice itself, as well as various arts and martial arts, far exceeds that of ordinary peers.

Under his guidance, Hu Junshan did not disappoint him.

The cultivation base is rising steadily,

Reached the triple realm of Lingyuan.

In all likelihood, he will be able to pass the assessment of the outer disciples of the Yunshui Sect.

Therefore, after Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to the inner disciple, he comfortably sent him to the place where the Yunshui Sect outer disciple was evaluated, and he entered the inner disciple to start his own practice.

There was no intersection afterwards.

Now seeing Hu Junshan, Zhang Qingyuan is a little surprised.

What surprised him more was that

The other party was wearing the costume of Xuan Shuifeng's disciple, and he felt a little, that Hu Junshan's cultivation realm has reached the point of half a step of true essence!

"I haven't seen it for more than ten years. Has that honest boy reached the point he is today?"

Thinking like this,

God scan.

Zhang Qingyuan's face showed surprise and weirdness.

"It seems that this kid also has his own opportunities and secrets..."

Thought for a while,

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward and prepared to make peace

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