Boom! ! !

The violent force slammed into Zhang Qingyuan's body, exploded and spread countless electro-optical stores, covering the surface of his body.

Zhang Qingyuan's whole person seemed to be covered by the dazzling electric light, and the hot high temperature rose up all over his body, as if he was about to burn Zhang Qingyuan into ashes!

But also at this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's majestic True Essence force swept away, stalemate and collided with that violent Heaven and Earth Thunder, constantly bursting with dazzling sparks.

boom! ! !

The majestic true essence and the lightning shock,

Immediately there was a huge explosion, and the air expanded rapidly, seeming to sweep away the air within a radius of tens of meters!

In the dazzling electric light, Zhang Qingyuan's scorched body and the somewhat dim armor on the surface of the body were revealed.

For a moment,

The violent thunder and energy of heaven and earth almost severely damaged him!

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyuan was prepared early, wearing armor that was a top-grade magic weapon, and eventually resisted most of the damage from the thunder.

Now Zhang Qingyuan's body is scorched black, and the remaining electric light is flashing on the surface, but in fact, the damage in the interior is not much.

Instead, in this seemingly embarrassing end,

Saw what he wanted to see.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the Thunder really has the effect of training the body!"

Above the sky, pressing on the scorched body in the clouds, both eyes suddenly opened, shooting out sharp and sharp gazes like a sword!

Those thunder and lightning forged bodies in previous lives,

It is real!

Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt that the moment he rushed into the thunder,

Among them, the violent destructive power was resisted by the high-grade magic weapon worn on the body, and the remaining violent amount of violent violence poured into his body with a trace of vitality in the destructive power of thunder.

While the destructive force remaining in the thunder rushed to the left and right in his body to tear the muscles and flesh, the traces of extremely high-quality vitality were also fully restoring Zhang Qingyuan's destroyed flesh and blood.

In this pulling process of destruction and healing, Zhang Qingyuan's body was like a piece of iron, with its bones and flesh, which was repeatedly forged, the impurities were constantly being discharged, and little by little it became strong and tough.

"Thunder, synonymous with destruction."

"In this world, it is the main method of becoming a catastrophe."

"Dadao is fifty, heaven is forty-nine, escape one... There may not be fifty avenues in this world, but the principles are the same. After the cultivator has survived thunder tribulation, he can break through the realm to a higher level, and bring his life to the next level. Promoting is probably related to the high-quality vitality contained in Thunder Tribulation."

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes ignited a burning ambition.

Perhaps some great family inheritance also knows the secret of the vitality possessed by the Thunder of Heaven and Earth.

However, the way of heaven is the best,

Especially as the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation.

You have to face something if you want to get something.

Unless you face the power of thunder directly, you won't be able to get a touch of vitality in that thunder.

If you want to be rewarded, you have to face and pass the test yourself.

And the power of this world of thunder is obviously not something that ordinary True Element Realm cultivators can resist.

Even with Zhang Qingyuan's current strength, he could only barely resist it, and the top-grade magic weapon armor he was wearing was also under the bombardment of the thunder, and there was a slight crack in the road. Cola Literature

"Although this damage is not much, once the thunder bombardment is suffered too many times, it will inevitably cause damage to this defensive armor magic weapon!"

"Moreover, the damage caused by Thunder Force is extremely difficult to repair, and almost all are irreversible..."

The spiritual consciousness swept around, and Zhang Qingyuan was already aware of the specific situation of the magic weapon he was wearing.

In this way, this high-grade magic weapon series armor becomes a consumable item.


Even a great family who knows this secret is basically impossible to use the top-grade defensive magic weapon as a consumable item.

It is impossible to cultivate a junior monk who is as strong as Zhang Qingyuan's Three Treasures, who can refine the vitality of Thunder Tribulation.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that this secret is of little use, and naturally it has not been spread out to be known.

"Although the top-grade magic weapon is good, it is only a dead thing, unable to grow... Moreover, with the proficiency panel, I can cleanse the contaminated consciousness in the monk’s natural magic weapon, and rejuvenate the originally useless magic weapon. To me, it’s not as important as I thought..."

"Compared with the body refining harvest in Thunder, this armor magic weapon is not that important."

In just an instant, Zhang Qingyuan weighed the gains and losses and made a decision.

Keep practicing!

Zhang Qingyuan shook his whole body. The originally charred surface of his body was cracked like an eggshell. Then he shook with vigour, and immediately bounced all the charred lumps to pieces, exposing the matte skin, faintly. Suddenly there is a strange luster flowing in between.

Restore the spirit and energy to the peak,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't hesitate much, and jumped to the sky again, rushing into the thick storm and thunder.

Boom! ! !

Another shocking thunder slashed through the with terrifying power, it blasted Zhang Qingyuan down fiercely.

Immediately, the dazzling light shined again for half of the world,

The sparks of the electric snake burst all over the body, and the whole body was bursting with dazzling light, and the whole body was on fire.

The ordinary five-fold cultivator of the True Element Realm is here, if there is no particularly powerful means of life-saving, it can't be said that he will be instantly bombarded by thunder and lightning.

Zhang Qingyuan was sitting in the void,

Most of the power of the violent thunder on the body surface was swallowed by the top-grade magic weapon armor, and the remaining power poured into the body, but could not cause much damage to him. On the contrary, because of the vitality contained in it, Zhang Qingyuan’s body was absorbing it. Become even stronger after being alive!

After half a quarter of an hour,

The vitality within the second thunderbolt was once again absorbed and refined, and Zhang Qingyuan's body became even stronger.

This improvement can be sensed even by Zhang Qingyuan himself.


[After being tempered by the thunder, you have successfully swallowed the vitality in the thunder, your body strength has become stronger, your Huangtian body refining skill proficiency +1...]

Seeing the changes in the proficiency panel in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan was a little hesitant.

Zhang Qingyuan cultivated the Huangtian Body Refining Technique, he naturally knew what degree he had reached. According to the previous experience of improvement, there was definitely a long way to go before the Huangtian Body Refining Skill was improved.

Now Huangtian Body Refining Art's proficiency has increased, obviously because of other factors.

I am afraid,

It is the thunder that quenches the body and absorbs the vitality of the thunder!

For a while,

A lively thought emerged in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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