The secret technique that reaches the mysterious rank or higher,

That already involves the power of Tao and Dharma.

That is the power category that Dongzhen Wonderland is qualified to master, and it is simply not something that True Essence Realm can touch!

Just like the human rank martial arts in the Lingyuan realm.

This powerful martial art is like a real sword and real spear, and the monks of the Lingyuan realm are just children in front of them.

Only those who have grown up to the True Primordial Realm can fully exert their power.

But after absorbing the treasure of the earth attribute, Zhang Qingyuan was able to observe the law of a strand of earth among the treasure of the earth attribute.

In the end, it succeeded in real cultivation of this incomplete mysterious secret technique, which was able to display its true power!

This power,

It even surpasses the true sea-covering three-fold waves created by Zhang Qingyuan at the beginning!

It was also the intrepid force shocked by that force that made Zhang Qingyuan truly aware of the terrifying force of high-level martial arts, and understood the terrible gap between himself and the high-level monks.


Mastered a mysterious martial skill, even though it was an incomplete martial skill, it was enough to be one of his biggest cards!

"After several years of hard training, my strength has been greatly enhanced, and I don't know how far I have reached it, but unfortunately no one can come to me to check it out!"

Sitting cross-legged on the white jade futon, Zhang Qingyuan recalled the retreats of the past few years, sorting out his own income, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

I can't wait for a close opponent to appear on the spot and fight with him to check the gains over the years.

At least,

Zhang Qingyuan believes that with his current strength, fighting against the eightfold Zhenyuan in his heyday, his confidence will not fall in the slightest!

"The various backgrounds have been absorbed almost, and the foundation is already strong enough, but after all, there are still some deficiencies and cannot be perfect."

"Mysterious martial art, Xinghuoliao, hasn't been able to truly complete the entry for nine days, and the improvement of the true sea-covering threefold waves is only half the journey. For the previous Buddhist concept, the world is derived from the four elements of earth, fire, wind and water. Thoughts, no clue at all..."

Zhang Qingyuan briefly counted and summarized the gains over the past few years.

I couldn't help but sigh.

There will be failure if there is success.

After all, it is impossible to be perfect.

But this is not surprising,

No matter how amazing the proficiency panel in my mind is, and how amazing the calculation power of Dayan is, it is not a panacea after all. It must be based on reality and rely on his own level.

The level of those things involved is too high to even look at it.

Failure is also a natural thing.

Even with that kind of swordsmanship, Zhang Qingyuan today may not be able to say that he himself fully understands its secrets.

"This time we have reached the limit, and if we continue to cultivate in this area, we will not gain much."

"Next, it's time to focus on the improvement of the cultivation level!"

Zhang Qingyuan is not a person who likes to be horny.

Since this direction is already difficult to go, it is natural to put the mind and spirit back on the improvement of the cultivation level. After all, the cultivation level is the root of a cultivator.


A few days later,

Zhang Qingyuan tidied up his mind and officially left.

Zhang Qingyuan, who is accustomed to low-key, did not cause much movement when he left the customs.

Everything is business as usual on the island.

But the outside world is not so peaceful.

Especially inside the sect, there seemed to be a weird aura, even Zhao Yuanyang, a disciple of the inner sect, could feel it, and there was a special mention in the letter.

In the communication with Senior Brother Wang Yuenian, his words also allowed Zhang Qingyuan to stay in the outside world as much as possible, and it was best not to go back to the sect for development.

This made Zhang Qingyuan feel the extraordinary.

"Strange, what's the matter with the sect? Does my cheap master's retreat have something to do with it?"

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan was sitting on the island owner's mansion, holding a talisman sent by Zhao Yuanyang not long ago, and whispered in a low voice.

It's really strange.

Now Zhao Yuanyang's realm is only the triple level of True Yuan, which is inconspicuous among many inner disciples.

If even he feels something wrong, then there is really something weird thinking about coming to Zongmen.

For a time, many figures flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

The few friends of Liu Zhangyuan, Zhao Yuanyang, Shen Hongzhou, the big brothers of Wang Yuenian, Lu Yunxi, Yang Wenqian, etc., as well as the 87 disciples from the other courtyard that he had taught...

Although he is outside the sect, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the sect.

But no matter what,

He didn't want any major changes in the sect.

"Forget it, instead of worrying about this, it is better to practice hard and strive for an early promotion to Dongzhen!"

"Only when you stand up high can you participate in it!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed.

I can only hold this matter deep in my heart.

Although the atmosphere of the sect was not right, there was no chaos on the whole, and it was generally stable.

It's just that,

Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts on spiritual improvement became even more urgent.

"Cultivation base, cultivation base!"

"In the past few years of retreat, I have only been promoted to the mid-seventh stage. If I want to improve quickly, I need a lot of resources!"

"Various treasures of heaven, material and earth, and medicinal pills that can be used in the late Zhenyuan period, etc., and in my realm now, ordinary spirit stones can no longer play a lot!"

Zhang Qingyuan thought, her eyes flickered.

Pondered for a moment,

He flipped his hand and took out a jade slip from the space jade bracelet.

This is a treasure map.

Zhang Qingyuan’s incident in the Zhang family was one of the gains from the Hou Tu Sect secret This map was first inscribed by Liu Daoyan from the secret land of inheritance, but in the end it became Zhang Qingyuan’s trophy. .


"That insidious guy definitely hides some information!"

Looking at the treasure map information in the jade slips, Zhang Qingyuan's expression was not good.

It is clear,

This treasure map is incomplete.

It's like a book, with a few pages missing from the middle.

Something is missing.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know what was missing, but Liu Daoyan didn't burn it down. It was definitely not because of a hurry!

The missing information,

Absolutely hide that guy's calculations!

This is the hidden back hand of a large sect comparable to the Yunshui Sect thousands of years ago, and there may be some kind of deadly trap hidden inside!

This is why Zhang Qingyuan didn't leave immediately after getting this treasure map!

"No matter, let's explore it first. The big deal is that soldiers will come to cover the water and soil. Now I am sitting on such a strong knowledge base of cultivation as a backing. Be careful. It should be no problem to recognize the traps!"

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly authentic in his heart, and already had a plan to explore in his heart.

Just right,

The place this treasure map points to is in the deep sea area close to the South China Sea. If you don't explore it, you will be unwilling to do so.

And at this time,

Just when Zhang Qingyuan sat in a chair thinking about what kind of preparations should be made,

Suddenly his brows moved,

Lifting his eyes to look out of the sky, his eyes seemed to penetrate the sky.


Several powerful auras are approaching towards Yuelian Islands.

There are guests coming to your door,

Will it be an enemy or a friend?

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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