Although the realm of Dongzheng can be called the "immortal" level by the vast number of middle and high-level practitioners.

But this does not mean that once you have reached this level, you have truly transformed into a desireless and desireless immortal, stripped of the five emotions and six desires of the person himself.

The reason why it is called immortal,

That's because their strength is tyrannical and invincible, completely surpassing all living beings, and they can hardly be challenged by others.

Leaping over that step is like leaping across a moat.

That's why it is considered a "fairy" on top!

Even though those who can be promoted to Dongzheng are all influential figures of the same era, Dao Xinxing will not be much worse.

But still retains the **** desires that people have.

Even after being aloof for a long time, in some respects it is more important than others.

Lu Tianxu is like that.

This time, the Yuantian Realm and his party left behind a lot of back players. They were full of self-confidence and would surely be able to seize the seeds.

However, no matter what he did, he did not expect that not only was the new generation Tianjiao the Lu family most valued died, but he himself was also injured, and even the direct disciples who accompanied him with his own teachings were all wiped out.

This can be described as a heavy loss!

Daoist Mingshui is strong and tyrannical, and he can't afford to provoke him. Coupled with the fact that the opponent's deadline is approaching, there is no need to put too much hatred on the opponent.

In this way,

As the fuse of the incident, Zhang Qingyuan naturally became a thorn in Lu Tianxu's eye.

And Lu Tianxu, as the power of the realm of Dongzhen,

To deal with the existence of a True Primal Realm, it may not necessarily be done in person...

Being a lofty hole is really powerful. There are some people who go to the other side for trouble in order to be able to sell him a good one, for his favor.

For example, Yin Tianjun in the Yuantian realm.

The power of the realm of Dongzheng against Zhang Qingyuan will be blocked by the people of Mingshui Dao, but if the person who comes is from the realm of Zhenyuan or half-step Dongzhen, then I will say two things.

It is conceivable that

Even if Lu Tianxu was in retreat and healed his injuries, Zhang Qingyuan's situation would not be any better next.


Regarding the trouble that may be coming behind you,

Zhang Qingyuan is still unknown.

At this moment,

After evading Lu Tianxu's attack at the cost of suffering heavy losses, he was swallowed by a powerful space-distorting force.

At this time, he was already unable to resist, and in amazement, he watched when he was in danger.

A familiar voice spread from the void to the Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel at ease.

【Don't panic, it's my teacher. 】

It's from Mingshui Dao!

Immediately, the space vortex was allowed to swallow it, and then appeared in a clear, azure blue space heaven and earth.

The space is like a splash of water rolling and shaking, and the power of the Taoist visible to the naked eye appears in a vacuum like the substance, continuously giving rise to twisted waves and ripples.

This is the jurisdiction!

Feeling the majestic aura around him and the grand sun-like grandeur from the figure in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

However, he didn't stay in his comprehension much, and he bent over to the familiar figure not far away and bowed his hands in salute.

"See Master! Thank you Master for your help."

"You don't have to be polite. Although the old man hasn't taught you much, there is still the truth between you and me. How can I, an incompetent master, watch my disciple being bullied and indifferent? "

Accompanied by the old as if it broke the bellows, but at the same time it spread with a gentle voice,

The Taoist Ming Shui who was sitting on a futon didn't see any movement, but the void swept through an invisible force and helped Zhang Qingyuan up peacefully.

Looking up,

Seeing the face of the person in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help being startled.

"Master, how are you..."

The words couldn't help but blurted out, and then suddenly stopped in his throat.

too old!

At this moment, the figure sitting on the futon in front of it is like a squatted old wooden pile!

The hair is all gray, the skin is full of wrinkles like the bark of the old locust tree, and the whole person is filled with a rotten atmosphere that is difficult to conceal, and it seems to be able to see the black and unknown mist lingering in the vague!

The black mist twists and twists, giving people a disgusting feeling, just a glance, there is a kind of self as if it is about to decay, producing a kind of unspeakable malice!

this moment,

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but his eyes widened in horror.

If it's not the familiar voice, if it's not the familiar breath, and the strong breath that exudes.

Zhang Qingyuan can't even imagine that this is his master!

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, the end is approaching, nothing to be surprised."

Daoist Mingshui shook his head slightly, the old hoarse voice sounded, and slowly raised his head, his turbid eyes scanned up and down Zhang Qingyuan.

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that all the secrets in his body had been seen through.

But he didn't react, and stood there calmly, with sadness on his face.

"It's your kid, I didn't expect to bring me a big surprise..."

"Your power of the five elements is about to be condensed and completed!"

Mingshuidao people’s pupils are muddy,

But it is still extremely sharp I saw the secret of Zhang Qingyuan in an instant!

In fact,

This matter Mingshuidao people had already learned about it through Wang Yuenian's mouth.

Even so,

Under the old face of Taoist Mingshui, there was still a stormy sea!

There are people who are about to follow this path!

As the inheritor of the ancient Five Elements Sect, the people of Mingshui Dao know what this means!

"Yes, Master, the power of the five elements is still not good enough, but the disciple of the Yuantian Realm line got an unexpected gain. After going back to retreat for a period of time, he can fill up the last shortcomings of the golden line, and then he can start acting and step out of the five elements. Avenue."

Although the people of Mingshui Dao didn't always bring Zhang Qingyuan to teach, Zhang Qingyuan's gratitude to the other party was also sincere. After all, the existence of the other party also helped him a lot.

This trip even saved his life,

If not, he would undoubtedly die under the chasing of the ancestors of the Lu family without Mingshui Daoist’s action.

There is no doubt at this point.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan did not conceal anything about this master, and there is no need to conceal it.

Zhang Qingyuan's frank words made Ming Shuidao's eyes very complicated at this moment.

He never thought of it anyway,

At the beginning, I thought this disciple was wishful thinking and thought that after hitting a wall for decades, he would come back, otherwise he would be hopeless in his life and the realm of Dongzhen.

The little disciple who gave up at the end of the day,

It's really about to complete the path that no one can walk through for thousands of years!

"This...maybe it is God's will..."

The old voice of Mingshui Dao people whispered in a low voice, with a certain unidentified meaning.

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