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...The Dragon Burial Heaven Tribulation is very powerful, powerful enough to destroy the space, it can be called destroying the heavens and the earth!

The power generated at that moment made the avenues between heaven and earth seem to be obliterated.

Under such devastating power, even the monks who are also in the realm of the Dongzhen law domain, I am afraid they do not have any counterattack ability!

In response to this trick,

Zhang Qingyuan has used almost all the means, but whether it is the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation or the Five Elements Taoism, they are defeated in the breath, and finally have to rely on the delay of the first two to use the mayfly world. A secret technique forcibly escaped away.

But even so,

At this moment, he was also hit hard,

The Yu Wei of the Shenlong Burial Tribulation spread to him, leaving his body with a wound that was almost impossible to heal!

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan’s complete meridians in his body are almost non-existent. A dying force lingers in the body's dantian, continuously eroding his body, as if to erode his entire body. Exhausted.

If his body is not inferior to the body refiners of the same level, and at the same time the Five Elements Taoism complements each other, protects the heart with supreme power, suppresses the sea of ​​consciousness, and constantly repairs the damage in the body, I am afraid he has already fallen. Destroyed by this blow!

This is not surprising,

Being able to become one of the top ten martial arts of Jinjizong, an ancient sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, naturally has its strengths.

Zhang Qingyuan was able to survive at this time because of six points of luck, three points of background, and one point is that the Dragon Burial Tribulation is also of the same origin from the ancient holy land of the Five Elements Sect. Zhang Qingyuan has just obtained the inheritance of the ancient five elements, and holds thousands of times. The Five Elements Taoism, which no one has been able to pass in 10,000 years, has been able to see where the students are in that trick!


Using such terrifying martial arts to beat Zhang Qingyuan so miserably, how could it cost him nothing? !

As one of the top ten town martial arts that only monks above the realm of Dongzhen can use, this is a means to suppress the bottom of the box for any monk in the realm of Dongzhen!

After performing this blow, the true vitality of the hole in Lu Tianxu's body has already consumed more than 80%!

Almost all the power of the whole body is used on this!

It's just that even if there is less than 20% of the Dong's true vitality left, the little ghost on the opposite side has already been severely injured, and Lu Tianxu thinks it is easy to kill.

So he didn't stop anymore,

Not forgiving,

In an instant, it spanned hundreds of meters of space, wrapped in majestic power, and slapped it with a palm, almost squeezing out the remaining power in the body, and Zhang Qingyuan was about to be killed on the spot!

Even with only 20% of the power left, Lu Tianxu's palm is still covering the sky of hundreds of feet, and the dazzling golden path seals off the vacuum, and slashes it with great strength.

Such a scenario,

If other people are in Zhang Qingyuan's situation, they must be dead forever!


He is facing Zhang Qingyuan!

From here to the end,

Zhang Qingyuan also concealed a magical means to kill Wushuang, whose power is not even under the tribulation of the dragon burial!

"Old dog, you are too careless!"

With a sigh, Zhang Qingyuan, who was originally shaky, could see the folds in the light of Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, and the light penetrated the void, like a round of the sun!

boom! ! !

The void lifted heavy waves visible to the naked eye, shaking like a tsunami, and an inexplicable Tao Yun radiated from him, and the whole figure's momentum seemed infinitely high at this moment, running through the sky!

The change at this moment made Lu Tianxu's eyes, who burst out with all his strength, revealed a trace of doubt.

It's just that very quickly, it is almost the work of electric light and flint, Lu Tianxu need not doubt.

The doubts in the pupils were quickly covered by panic!

Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the midst of the trembling air flow, suddenly lit up a bright mark between his forehead and eyebrows, and suddenly burst out a power that made the heaven and the earth terrified!


In the void, hundreds of thousands of meters of electric light shot away, and the clear electric light tore the vacuum.

It was as if five stars had descended from outside the world, and the huge phantom had descended on the world with a dazzling light!

The stars revolve, unleashing endless Taoism and meaning!

Five Elements Magical Powers——

The Five Elements Reincarnation in Great Week!

The five stars quickly merged, and gathered into one side in the horizon of Lu Tianxu to reflect the heavens and the world, as if the horror wheel that explained the ten thousand ways, slowly pressed towards him!

Wherever he passed along the way, the void collapsed, setting off a terrible storm of the abyss!

that moment,

Everything in this world, every plant and tree, the waves rising in the void, everything has become slower!

Time and space seem to have been affected!

"not good!!!"

At this moment,

A great horror rose in Lu Tianxu's heart, and an unprecedented color of fear flooded his face, almost distorting his face, turning his face into a hideous look!

He felt an extreme danger to his life,

This kind of power that shatters a series of avenues,

If you hit it head-on, you will be wiped out!

Must avoid! ! !

However, at this moment, Lu Tianxu suddenly realized that because of the previous blow of the Shenlong Burial Tribulation, he went all out to completely solve the, bursting out his remaining power, and wanted to The little demon in front of him was crushed and killed.

As a result, at this moment, he didn't have any spare energy.

Even as a great power in the realm of Dongzhen, he didn't have any means at this moment!

Can't avoid,

Completely plunged into desperation!

Boom boom boom!

The figure of Lu Tianxu was instantly overwhelmed by the light of the terrifying five-element round wheel.

The world seems to be crushed and obliterated at this moment!

And at this time,

A battle was erupting all around, and the monks who were approaching Zhang Qingyuan and Lu Tianxu were originally on the battlefield.

I was shocked to find the center of the Jitian Peak where a splendid explosion erupted,

Suddenly, a more terrifying aura power erupted, and then the power of the heavens and the earth was trembling and horrified. In the bright light, the chains of laws seemed to be shattered by bombardment at this moment. , On the plane of the void within a radius of hundreds of miles, set off a terrifying torrent of tsunami!

The power that burst out from this blow,

The earth in a radius of ten miles collapsed in an instant, as if it had been squeezed by boundless force, forming a terrifying and boundless pothole.

And ten miles away,

Large tracts of soil collapsed and were lifted up by the substantive air currents. Heavy trees and boulders were shattered in the impact and rolled up to the sky. The earth was lifted layer after layer in the violent shaking, revealing that Bare soil!

Twenty figures retreated one after another in the substantial impact, staring at the center of the battle with amazement!

"What happened?!"

"The breath fluctuation that broke out at that moment, even I felt a terrifying feeling of horror, is there any way Lu Tianxu has?!"

There is a hole that can really speak out in amazement.

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