In the mid-air, the thunderous anger made the sky change for it, and the majestic will swept across like the scorching sun and the sun, distorting the void!

But it was the great elder of Qianyun Mountain who was preparing to converge his breath and leave, suddenly he sensed a wave of fluctuations in the breath of someone not far away!

Someone is spying!

Immediately thunder was angry, and suddenly shot!

boom! ! !

The overwhelming light lit up, and between the golden light surging, the invisible power quickly gathered and turned into a big hand that covered the sky and covered the sun.

The mysterious golden lines linger in the golden giant palm, exuding a very strange wave!

The boundless pressure is straight down, like the entire sky is suppressed by this force!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Beneath the golden palms, the steep mountains and mountains are as if they have been oppressed by a terrifying invisible force. Go down!

At this moment,

The Qianyun Mountain monks who had originally gathered around here and were in the strongholds surrounding the void mirrors all raised their heads in horror, and there was an uncontrollable fear on their faces!

The big hand that covers the sky and the sun is mighty and mighty,

Just the breath that escapes, there is a terrible pressure that they can't bear!

And at the same time,

In the center of the big hand that covered the sky, the void that was originally empty was suddenly distorted, like a figure squeezed out of the gap in the space!

"Damn it!"

The pupils of the figure squeezed out reflected the golden giant palm that was crushed by the overwhelming sky, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

It's just that there is not much panic on his face.

Parallel fingers are like swords,

Draw a circle in the void.


Void tremor,

In the circle, it seemed as if the boundless sword power gathered, and then turned into a monstrous tsunami in an instant, converging into a bright sword energy hundreds of feet long that penetrated the sky and the sky, as if cutting out a big hole in the sky!

Sword Qi is in the air,

If the sky floods, the dazzling white light almost blinds people's eyes.

The space passed along the way was torn into two halves like paper, and with boundless sharpness, it slammed into the golden giant palm!

Rumble! ! !

In the eyes of everyone, two terrifying forces slammed together, sending out a terrifying explosion that made the whole world tremble.

Waves of energy shock like a torrent of tsunami spread wildly and raged, and under the impact of the expanding air current, the steep and cloud-like mountains were destroyed one after another like paper!

The dazzling light like the sun, destroying all the shock waves sweeping every corner of the world,

Formed this magnificent scene like a natural disaster!

Those monks in Qianyun Mountain hiding in the formation stronghold had to frantically squeeze the true essence of their bodies, and focus their attention into the crumbling formation, lest the formation be shattered by shocks and be drawn into the natural disasters of the last day. Inside the horrible energy storm!

But even so,

At this moment, each of them has a feeling as if they were torn in the midst of a storm!

All the True Primal Boundary monks in Qianyun Mountain who were involved in the battle around them, neither of them paid any attention to them.

call out!

Under the horrible collision,

The prying figure was shaken back by the powerful impact force by dozens of feet, his face turned pale, and a trace of blood shed from the corner of his mouth.

It’s just that he didn’t love to fight afterwards,

Taking advantage of the explosion of this blow, the whole person stepped into the space, as if a fish had escaped into the water, and disappeared with a swish.

Awesomely escaped!

It’s just that Qianyun Mountain’s Great Elder could easily let go of this mouse who has been spying in the dark for an unknown period of time, or how many secrets he has learned? !

"Huh, can you escape?!"

Great Elder Qianyun Mountain snorted coldly, and his voice exploded in the void like thunder.

The world is shaking!

The majestic and boundless aura suddenly swept across, and the void was torn apart, revealing the dark nothingness that could not be seen.

A figure of an old man with white hair fluttering out of the void.

Then a punch condensed the supreme power, and slammed in the direction that the spying person left!


The space cracked, breaking a huge hole.

It actually broke through the space directly with brute force, forming a short space channel!

The old man didn't even look at it, and stepped directly into the space channel, chasing him in the direction that the person left!

In place,

The Qianyun Mountain monk who had been dizzy by the cold snort of the great elder before barely recovered.

The terrifying energy storm is still impacting and sweeping, and the smoke hits the sky, dyeing half of the sky gray.

And at this time,

Looking at the previous moment, there were still many mountains and peaks, and the next moment it was shattered for several miles, and huge pits were smashed. A large area of ​​mountains was a terrible scene of collapse and destruction.

A group of cultivators in the True Origin Realm of Qianyun Mountain looked at each other.

Difficult to swallow a mouthful of saliva.


The descendants of the sect cultivator behind him were shocked by the terrifying sight of this powerful short-term encounter.

The Great Elder Qianyun Mountain who had pursued hundreds of miles away knew nothing.

At this moment,

His eyes were fixed on the front.

The majestic and boundless divine consciousness interweaves the void, shuttles through the nine places, where the vastness of the thought power is like the sea, and the heaven and the earth are all at a glance!

His divine consciousness quickly locked the figure that swam in the void ahead!

"Want to escape? Stay for this seat!"

Great Elder Qianyun Mountain's gaze was dazzling, killing intent filled the sky, and the whole person completely let go of all energy, merged into the void of the universe, and melted into the world.

Endless Taoism permeated, and the aura of Qianyunshan Great Elder's whole person seemed to rise rapidly at this moment, as if filling the boundless stalwart of the world!

Boom! ! !

A palm fell, the big hand covering the sky and the sun reappeared, the turbulent sky, the collapse of large swaths of the void, revealing the chaos of the abyss!

The power of terror, as if to destroy this whole world!

Suddenly across a dozen miles of turned into a heaven-killing cage, covering the escaped figure!

Bang bang bang!

The body of the figure lit up one after another, and magic weapons emerged one by one.

This amount can be called a rich man!

However, under this palm, no matter how large the number is, it will not play a big role, and it will be burst and burst like bubbles one after another!

The big hand that covered the sky and sun slapped that figure directly onto the ground like a fly!

The world is shaking violently,

It was as if an eighteenth-level storm was set off, and heavy soil exploded, soaring into the sky!

The entire sky is dyed khaki!

"Huh, I don't know the so-called!"

Seeing that a palm suppressed the secretly spying, the elder Qianyunshan was also a little relieved.

It seems that when the first fight was played, he had already been wounded.

Therefore, it can be defeated like a palm with this full force.

It's not bad,

Captured this **** gutter rat,

In this way, the news about this cave sky can at least be kept for a while.

This is the foundation that Lushan scattered people prepared for the establishment of the sect. If they can eat it, it will definitely have great benefits!

Many thoughts flashed in my mind,

The Great Elder Qianyun Mountain stepped forward, like a teleportation, instantly spanning several miles.

To go to the place where the suppressed figure is,

Prepare to take him captive and torture if there are any other accomplices.


At this moment,

As he relaxes slightly,


A feeling of extreme danger suddenly descended from spiritual consciousness!


As fast as electricity!

"not good!"

In an instant,

Great Elder Qianyunshan felt the danger of making his hair stand upright, and his complexion changed drastically!

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