The old man was very happy.

"So much luck has gathered in this place, it seems that the era of great contention is coming!"

In the teahouse, the old man Tianji was drinking tea while thinking, and there was a hint of worry in his expression.

Everything has two sides, and the arrival of the era of great contention means that the great catastrophe is coming!

Then he pinched his fingers again, and then frowned slightly: "Strange! I can't figure out this variable, it shouldn't be."

The old man Tianji wanted to deduce the future development of this world, but he didn't expect a variable to appear, which disrupted the secrets of heaven.

The strange thing is that with his skills, he couldn't even calculate what the specific variable was, he only knew that there was such a thing.

He continued to calculate unwillingly, but he still couldn't figure it out after several calculations!

He shook his head helplessly, laughed and muttered to himself: "Forget it, why do I think so much? I'm just a passerby..."

After that, he picked up the teacup in his right hand and drank the tea. His figure slowly disappeared as if it was virtual, but the guests around him didn't seem to notice this change at all.

After a while, the waiter found that there was no one at the table of Tianji Elder, but he didn't see the money on the table.

"Where is the person? No, I haven't paid yet!"

He scratched his head, looking at a loss, the key point was that he didn't see anyone go out just now.

What a ghost!


In the night, a black bird flew at a very fast speed. When it saw the two guards outside the Sunset Sect's formation, it swooped down and flew towards one of them.

"Huh? Where did the bird come from!"

The Xuanxin bird landed on the palm of one of the guards who looked a little bit feminine, with a small jade slip in its claws.

The guard took the jade slip curiously and subconsciously read the information in it.

After reading the information, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed an imperceptible weird smile.

"What's wrong with this bird?" Another guard asked curiously when he saw the bird landing on him.

"Oh, nothing, it's a letter from my family." The guard with a feminine appearance quickly regained his composure and put the jade slip away calmly while speaking.

After delivering the jade slip, the Xuanxin bird flew away without looking back.

"Is that so? I really envy you. Unlike me, I am alone..."

After saying that, he felt a little emotional in his heart, looking at the bright moon in the sky, as if he was recalling something.

"Haha, you want to ruin my Demon Summoning Sect? Don't even think about it!" The feminine guard thought so in his heart. As for the words of the people next to him, he was too lazy to listen.

After perfunctorily dealing with the "partner" next to him, he continued to stand guard diligently.

At the same time, Long Tianchi, who rushed back to the sect overnight, reported the news to the sect master. The sect master was shocked and hurriedly held a meeting.

In the end, the senior leaders agreed to go to support the friendly sect, saying that the Demon Sect should not be so arrogant.

"Immediately organize people to go and support the friendly sect!"

The next day, in Ling Yuan's room.

"Universe Superman, open your eyes, I am..."


Ling Yuan turned over, quickly turned off the alarm on his mobile phone, and then stood up and stretched.

"Great, I haven't had such a good sleep in a long time!

Today is the day of the outer sect competition, right?

Now there will be real fighting to watch!"

"Master, good morning! Breakfast is ready for you!" Upon hearing this strange alarm clock, Qingfeng hurried over to greet him.

"Well! Not bad!" Ling Yuan nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

It must be said that it is great to have someone take care of your diet and life.

Although he can fast, it would be stupid not to eat delicious food.

When he came to the living room, a table of sumptuous spiritual treasures was already in place.

The red liquid in the cup was the juice squeezed from dragon blood fruit.

After breakfast, he left Lingjie and returned to the small shabby house.

Then, he flew towards the venue of the outer sect competition.

He was looking forward to this free special effects movie.

The venue was full of people. Although it was an outer sect competition, many inner sect disciples also came to join in the fun.

The venue is a field similar to a football field, except that there are eight arenas in the middle and stairs around for the disciples to sit and watch.

"Brother Ling! This way!" Han Feiyu saw Ling Yuan walking through the aisle and waved and shouted.

As soon as Ling Yuan arrived at the venue, he heard someone calling him, but saw Han Feiyu and the others were already sitting together.


! You all came so early! "

He glanced at the people sitting and found that there was one missing person in the small group.

"Why haven't you seen that boy Li Yan?"

"Oh! He, there is brother Li Yan in the first competition, and he has already prepared below." Wang Yan explained after hearing this.

"That's it!" Lingyuan nodded and found a seat to sit down.

He thought that Li Yan was late again just like before when he tested his spiritual roots.

The competition hadn't officially started yet, and a few people started chatting boredly.

Boom, boom, boom!

The loud drumbeat suddenly shook the venue, causing the originally noisy scene to suddenly become quiet.

The disciples all looked at the source of the drum sound.

After a while, the drums stopped, and a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Disciples, I am Sect Master Shen Yang. Next, I announce that the outer sect competition has officially begun!"


As soon as Shen Yang finished speaking, the scene suddenly burst into excitement and cheers continued.

The exciting drum beat sounded again!

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!

Next, the referees of the competition began to enter. There were eight of them, each standing at the edge of a ring.

"Please take the seats for the disciples participating in the first competition!"

"Look, isn't that Li Yan?"

"Where where?"

"It's true, I didn't expect him to show up in the first scene!"

“I hope you won’t confront me in the future (ノД`)”

"Wow! Look, sisters, it's Li Yan!"

After the last battle for love, Li Yan has become quite famous in the outside world!

As soon as he appeared, many disciples recognized him.

"Li Yan! Li Yan! Come on!" A group of female monks gathered together and kept shouting loudly. They were obviously his female fans.

"I'll go! What do these women think? They know that my brother has a Taoist partner but they are still so fanatical!"

Li Miao looked a little envious.

"Don't worry, if you achieve good results this time, I believe there will be suitors!" Han Feiyu comforted him when he saw him like this.

"Yeah!" He nodded heavily, the fighting spirit in his eyes already burning.

For girls!

Wang Yan didn't feel unhappy when she saw a bunch of female cultivators cheering for Li Yan, but instead felt a little proud.

When Ling Yuan saw this scene, he immediately felt a little funny. He didn't expect that his cheap apprentice had quite a lot of female fans.

"Junior Brother Ling!" At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Turning around, he saw that it was Lan Yudie and Li Qingwan who came.

"Why are you here?"

"Want to see the excitement? In fact, the main reason is that senior sister wants to come!" Li Qingwan glanced at Lan Yudie and said.

"Ahem..." Lan Yudie pretended to cough twice and walked over to sit next to Lingyuan without saying anything.

Seeing this, Li Qingwan also sat down.

Lingyuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and focused his attention on the venue again.

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