"Although mechas are good, they must be used within their capabilities, especially Lingbao mechas, which are not something ordinary people can afford."

Looking at the people below who were eager to try, especially Chu Nan with a fiery face, Ye Chen seemed to see his old self. Although he couldn't bear it, he still had to fight: "Even in the Ten Thousand Dao Academy, there are tens of millions of weapon-level people There are only a hundred Lingbao mechas, and only Zhenjun is eligible to apply."

"But there are so many True Lords in the Wandao Academy, and there are also a large number of newcomers. Just relying on the resources of the academy, it will take at least hundreds of years to wait for the turn of the newly promoted True Lord."

"So, if you students are interested in Lingbao Mecha, you'd better set your sights on junior and intermediate Mechas of the Ten Thousand Weapon and Hundred Thousand Weapon level. The Junior and Intermediate Mechas only need one magic weapon as the core center, and then It can be easily driven with the control of the Yang Shen of the Golden elixir cultivator."

"In addition, Tianchuang Institute is developing mecha integration technology. According to the principle of formation, multiple mechas are combined and controlled by multiple cultivators. If the research and development is successful, the combat power of Lingbao mecha will definitely be taken to a higher level. .”

"The above is a general introduction to the Tianxian Craftsman Academy and the Lingbao Mecha."

Ye Chen glanced at everyone, especially Chu Nan and the girl in red: "We are about to arrive at the academy. There is still some time left. I can answer one more question for you. Who wants to ask?"


Chu Nan did not hesitate and raised his hand directly.

Ye Chen smiled and didn't care: "What do you want to ask?"

Chu Nan stared at him, extremely serious: "I want to know if the legendary Xuanyuan really exists?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes froze.


There is a legend circulating in Wandao Academy, no, it should be said that the entire cultivation world, a legend about the "Fairy Mecha".

Mechas are composed of countless magic weapons, and the number of magic weapons determines the quality of the mechas. Therefore, the mecha ranks are divided into "ware levels": ten thousand weapon level, one hundred thousand weapon level, one million weapon level, ten million weapon level...

Currently, the Lingbao mecha launched by Wandao Academy is the "Dutian Supervisor Great Spirit Officer" mecha with a maximum level of 30 million. It is based on the "Five Manifestation Spirit Officer Talisman", the treasure of the Wanshou Palace in the past. This magical weapon is composed of parts, and it is the ace mecha of Wandao Academy.

In addition to Wanshou Palace, there are also Chunyang Palace and Yanxia Cave, which were the top mountain-holding treasures of the three ancestral palaces of the Dao Sect in the past. They have now become the three ace mechas of the Wandao Academy, each of which has a level of 30,000,000. exist.

But there has always been a legend in the outside world that in addition to the three ace mechas in the Wandao Academy, there are also two "Wanwan" weapon-level fairy mechas hidden inside.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of millions!

A mecha composed of 100 million magical artifacts?

Does such a thing really exist in the world?

No one dares to say for sure.

But there have been rumors circulating that there are two such fairy mechas hidden in the Wandao Academy. One is based on the Yinshan Prefecture's general marshal, and the other is based on the treasure of the Wandao Academy. "Xuanyuan" is the core.

Chu Nan stared at Ye Chen: "Two thousand years ago, a demon brought trouble to the world and endangered the people. The Taoist sacrificed his life for justice, sacrificed his blood for Xuanyuan, and killed the demon."

"Xuanyuan has perfected the three magics of heaven, earth and man, and transformed into the number one spiritual treasure in this world, and may even be among the immortal weapons."

"If this kind of spiritual treasure is the core, can it support a million-level fairy mecha?"

Chu Nan stared at Ye Chen closely, and everyone else was also looking forward to his answer.

Ten thousand weapon level, fairy mecha?

Does it really exist?

If it exists, then its power...

"I can't answer this question for you either."

Ye Chen shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm just an ordinary student from the Tianjiang Academy, and I'm not a real person. I can't even touch the tens of millions of weapon-level Lingbao mechas, let alone the fairy mechas?"


Everyone looked at each other, helpless.

"This answer can only be found out in the future, when you are successful in your studies."

Ye Chen smiled and then said: "But there is one thing I can tell you for sure."


Everyone was curious.

Ye Chen smiled and said confidently: "As long as the academy continues to develop unswervingly, there will be tens of millions of weapon-level fairy mechas in the future, and even surpass tens of millions, creating billions of level mechas. , tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions of levels, comparable to ancient immortals, Buddhas, and even ancient gods and demons' ten thousand mechas!"

Those words made everyone excited and passionate.


"Unfortunately, that must be tens of millions of years or even endless years later."

Ye Chen sighed and said quietly: "Life is short. Even if I cultivate into the Nascent Soul and enter the Seventh Realm, I will only live for a thousand years. I don't know if I will have the chance to see the fairy mecha or even the Wandao Mecha in this life." A is born?"

After hearing this, everyone's excited mood also cooled down, and they returned to reality, feeling a little depressed.

But no matter where and when, there will always be a few weird things born.

"Um...senior, why don't you consider working in the Yinshan Prefecture?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that the ghosts and gods of Yinshan Prefecture have extremely long lifespans. As long as the incense burns and offerings continue, it is not a problem to live for tens of thousands of years."

"You guys are such clever little guys!"

Listening to the words of several people, Ye Chen was also helpless.

"In fact, there are indeed several seniors who pursue the way of Tiangong who have chosen this path, but Wandao Academy does not encourage such behavior."

"Although the life of ghosts and gods is long, it is difficult for ghost spirits to enter the holy world. Once they enter the path of ghosts and gods, they will cut off their future. Now is the time of great prosperity. The Luotian Great Jiao opens every two years. The gates to the seven realms will not be broken. It is difficult to cross. In addition, the upper realm also needs to be managed, so it is better to practice the righteous Dharma and ascend to the upper realm as much as possible."

"Upper Bound?"

Everyone became interested again: "Can the Academy communicate with the outside world now?"


Ye Chen was about to speak when he saw the flying boat slowing down.

"Sorry, the time has come. You can log in to the Academy God's Domain to inquire about this issue after you enroll."

Ye Chen shook his head and introduced: "Now let me formally introduce Wandao Academy to everyone."

After saying that, the sealed hatches around him opened, revealing the surrounding scene of the outside world.

I saw the flying boat in the sky, with a vast ocean below.

In the vast ocean, I saw another island, like a golden turtle dormant.

This island is so huge that it can no longer be called an island. It should be said to be a continent.

Everyone was in the sky, looking down from a high position, and saw only an outline in front of them, including only scales and half claws on the head of the golden turtle.

Even so, it is still shocking. The smoke and clouds are like jade belts surrounding it, and you can see the majestic peaks and mountains, and the waterfalls. It is really "flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen from the sky!"

One place is a mountain, the other is a snowfield, the northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow.

There are also lonely smoke in the desert, sunset over the long river, and all kinds of topography and landforms, all of which can be found on this "island".

The landforms are different, and the buildings inside are also different. There are Taoist temples crowned on the mountain peaks, there are quiet small buildings among the woods and bamboo seas, there are ice crystal palaces in the snowfields of the North...

"These are the major colleges of Wandao Academy!"

"You don't need to pay attention to the appearance. There are many formations inside the academy and the academy, with endless changes. Although it looks like it is just a small bamboo forest, in fact, it is a world of its own, a world of its own, accommodating tens of millions of students, and hundreds of millions of students. Thousands of people will not be a problem.”

"In addition, the presence of spirits and abundant vitality in this place is one of the manifestations of the resurrection of the souls of heaven and earth. Especially in the centers of major universities, there are Yuan-gathering formations and spirit-containing formations. Our students have them every day. Obligation, inject mana and strengthen the spiritual array, in order to protect the spiritual earth and strengthen the heaven and earth spirits."

"After being cultivated for thousands of years, the place of the academy has more spiritual energy. Living here will be of great benefit to both mortals and cultivators. Mortals can live longer and have no disease or disaster, and cultivators can improve their practice and make great progress."

"In addition, it can optimize fertility and increase the probability that descendants will have spiritual roots. It is a must for inheritance!"

“The benefits are countless and countless!”

"But there is one thing..."

Ye Chen turned around and looked at everyone: "It's not easy to live in such a big academy!"

His words were filled with sighs.

Since the Wandao Academy came to dominate the world, this world has entered a stage of rapid development. The number of people who practice Falun Dafa under false pretenses has been vigorously promoted and focused on development. Even the slogan of "having more children, benefiting the country and the people" has been Out.

As a result, the population has grown rapidly. According to statistics from Wandao Academy, the world's population is now close to one hundred billion.

With a population of hundreds of billions, if it were not for the extraordinary cultivators, the academic palaces to govern the world, and various methods of farming to ensure production and supply, they would have been unable to bear the heavy load long ago, and the world would be in chaos.

Even so, some problems are still inevitable.

For example - housing prices!

The Ten Thousand Dao Academy is the heart of the world and is favored by spiritual energy. All cultivators in the world yearn for it.

But there are so many cultivators in the world, how can the Wandao Academy accommodate them all?

In desperation, some measures can only be implemented.

Over time, there was a sentence.

The academy is big and it’s not easy to live there!

It’s really not easy!

Even students who pass the exam can only be exempted from residence for ten years. After ten years, they will have to take on various work tasks assigned by the academy. They will also be given rotations at intervals and work alternately with faculty and staff from branch schools in various places.

If you want to live stably in the academy, you must either have enough legal money to buy a cave, or pass the real-person professional title assessment and obtain the cave assigned by the academy.

In addition, Wandao Academy will hold a Luotian Festival every two years. During the ceremony, all major colleges will send teams to gather at Wandao Academy to start a "big ritual battle." Private practitioners can also participate. If you perform outstandingly and win the ranking, you will also receive a school cave and a series of rewards.

None of the three is easy. I don’t know how many golden elixirs and even Yuanying have worked hard for this.

Ye Chen understands this deeply because he is also one of them.

"The Yuanling of heaven and earth, the Yuanling of heaven and earth!"

"It is said that the souls of heaven and earth are resurrected. Why, after thousands of years, is there still only one spiritual place in the world, the Academy?"

"Is there something hidden in it?"

Ye Chen thought secretly in his heart.

Everyone in the audience was unaware of his thoughts. They only looked at the Wandao Academy getting closer and closer, imagining the campus life that was about to begin.

There are more behind

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