Just do it!

In the cabin, on the bed board, Xu Yang was sitting cross-legged, with his five hearts facing the Yuan Dynasty, preparing to attract the Yuan Spirit of heaven and earth, and feel what it would be like to cultivate the Five Elements Spiritual Root, which is comparable to the top-grade Heavenly Spirit.


As soon as the energy was channeled and the spirit moved, Xu Yang frowned.


Demonic energy!

There are indeed Yuanlings in this world, unlike the world at the end of Taoism.

But in this Yuanling, there is not only vitality and spiritual energy, but also a trace of demonic aura, a trace of filthy demonic aura.

This demonic energy... seemed familiar. It seemed to come from the same source as the demonic energy that he had forcibly extracted and brought back to Wandao Academy.

Recalling the nature of the demonic energy, Xu Yang frowned even more.

This demonic energy and spiritual energy are entangled together, inseparable and even intertwined, and cannot be resolved at all. If the soul is introduced into the body, the body will be corroded by the demonic energy.

One can imagine the consequences.

This is the world of demons. Xu Yang currently has no plans to integrate the demon system, so there is no reason to absorb demonic energy into his body.

But if he doesn't absorb the demonic energy, he can't attract the souls of heaven and earth. If he doesn't attract the souls of heaven and earth, how can he practice?

You can't overturn the plan you just made and recruit disciples to develop your power, right?

"As of now, that's all it can do."

Xu Yang shook his head and his mind shifted.

After a while, a line of small words appeared on the skill bar.

Skill: Martial Arts (Qi and Blood Furnace)

When things happen, you can always ask the main body, and the main body can always ask the plug-in. This is an excellent quality for a clone.

For this problem, the solution given by Ontology is - cheating!

Therefore, through the attribute panel, Xu Yang from the Taoist world consumed another part of his soul power to transfer the "Qi and Blood Furnace" characteristics of the martial arts skills.

After refining Yang Shen's clone first and then passing on the skills and characteristics, the Taoist body has been exhausted and cannot provide any other support in a short period of time.

As for the real deity, Yang Shen’s injury has not yet healed and he also needs cultivation.


"Then you can only rely on yourself!"

Xu Yang smiled, closed his eyes, started practicing again, and introduced the Yuan Spirit into his body.

Although there are Yuanlings in this world, they are not particularly abundant. At least this is the case in Wuze Lake. The level of the first-level low-grade spiritual land is similar to that of Yulong Island, which was just starting out.

Although it is only a first-level low-grade spiritual land, it is enough to meet the needs of early practice. Coupled with the effects of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots and the Five Spirits True Art...


In the void, ripples appeared, faintly rolled into a whirlpool, and Yuanling surged in.

Is this the Five Elements Spiritual Root?

Sure enough, it was amazing. Although it was only a low-grade Huang Ling, its cultivation efficiency was comparable to that of a high-grade Tian Ling.

If one were to practice the Five Spirits True Art, collect various Five Elements spiritual objects, and be promoted to Xuanling, Earth Spirit, or even Heavenly Spirit, wouldn't the cultivation efficiency be inferior to that of a spiritual body?

Xu Yang sighed, and then concentrated on practicing his spiritual roots for the first time in his life.

When the Yuan spirit enters the body, the demonic energy follows it.

However, Qi and blood are like a furnace, calcining and refining, refining wisps of demonic energy, not only burning out its demonic nature, but also turning its spiritual energy into firewood to aid cultivation.

The so-called demonic energy is actually the energy of demonized Yuanling. As long as its demonic nature can be eradicated, it can be absorbed into the body and turned into the practitioner's magic power.

But in many things, the difficulty lies in the word "as long as".

Fortunately, Xu Yang has the help of skills and characteristics, and he can refine that demonic nature without much cost.

Qi and blood are like a furnace, demonic nature is like firewood, and the fuel fire is blazing, Xu Yang's cultivation level continues to rise.

The first level of Qi refining, the second level of Qi refining, the third level of Qi refining...

During the first practice, I passed three levels in a row, and the exercise did not end until the third level of Qi refining.

There are four levels and twelve levels in the Qi Refining Realm, and the third level is the initial stage of Qi Refining.

Xu Yang opened his eyes and looked outside the cabin. He saw the sun shining in and it was already a clear sky and day.

Before I knew it, it was already a night.

In one night, just by meditating and absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, I entered the third level of Qi refining.

Is this the Five Elements Spiritual Root?

If there are elixirs and other resources, and their cultivation efficiency is comparable to that of high-grade heavenly spirits, wouldn't it be possible to complete the Qi refining and plan the foundation construction in just one month?

Sure enough, people will die when comparing with others, and goods will be thrown away when comparing goods.

“Although entry is fast, there are also hidden dangers.”

"Although the Qi and Blood Furnace can refine demonic energy, it is not without cost."

"Too much refining puts a huge burden on the physical body's energy and blood."

"Either slow down your practice and figure it out slowly, or start farming and cultivate some spiritual plants that are not infected by demonic energy as food."

"However, this world is so deeply eroded by demonic energy, and the spiritual plants I cultivated may not be contaminated by demonic energy."

"Even so, this field still needs to be planted. This Five Elements Spiritual Body is all good, but one thing is very troublesome. Every level of improvement requires the Five Elements Spiritual Body, otherwise there will be defects that will be difficult to repair in the future."

"Fishing has to be done, fields have to be cultivated, and law has to be practiced. This world is by no means stable!"

Thoughts were confused and resolved in a flash.

Xu Yang lowered his gaze and looked at the corpse beside him.

Scarface, the corpse of the fisherman and bandit, had been practicing with him in the cabin all night.

Being in the same cabin with a corpse is definitely a horrifying experience for ordinary people.

But for "Yinshan Mansion Lord", it is completely worth mentioning.

It's just materials, nothing.

Xu Yang sat down and prepared to start practicing.

Yinshan Dharma Book, the art of conquering ghosts.

It's been a long time since he tinkered with this stuff.

In the real world, the main work is in Lingbao Mecha.

The world of Taoism has been peaceful for thousands of years, and there is no intrusion from foreign enemies at all. As the master of Wandao Academy, he naturally cannot use the souls of ordinary people to practice magic. Even the ghosts and gods in Yinshan Prefecture rely on incense to support their growth. Both generals had to change their diet from ghost spirits to offerings of three animals.

Therefore, this ghost art has been left out for quite some time.

But this does not affect its value. Xu Yang will reuse it now, and this corpse is the material now.

After a person dies, unless he has cultivation skills, he will not immediately become a Yin ghost. It will take a period of brewing, waiting for the Yin energy to accumulate and combine with the soul.

Before this, the soul of the deceased would be hidden in the corpse. After becoming a ghost, if it is not seduced by the underworld, it will always be based on the corpse.

Xu Yang activated his magic power and penetrated it into the corpse to help it condense its soul.

Within a moment, it became cold inside the cabin, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

In the cold and gloomy wind, an illusory figure appeared. Ever since the body surfaced, people were ready to pounce upon seeing him.


Xu Yang snorted coldly and punched out a talisman, which hit the ghost's eyebrows heavily.


The evil ghost wailed, fell to the ground, and twitched violently.

In this way, for an unknown amount of time, the evil ghost propped up his body, knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Xu Yang ignored it, casually took a jar, pointed at the corpse on the ground, and together with the ghost, turned into a stream of yin energy and put it into the jar.

Then, using his finger as a pen, he drew a talisman in the air, placed it at the mouth of the altar and sealed it.

In this way, a simple "yin altar" is ready.

Put the Yin altar under the bed and let it sit for seven days. The Yin Qi will solidify and you can get a Yin soldier for exploration.

In this way, by repeatedly refining it, without making much fanfare, you should be able to obtain a five-strong army in a few years.

At that time, it can come in handy whether it is to be the eyes and ears, or to fight with others.


"You still have to rely on yourself."

Xu Yang shook his head, took a harpoon, and walked straight out of the cabin.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don’t eat one meal, you will get hungry!

Although he has five elements spiritual roots that are comparable to high-grade heavenly spirits, he cannot live by simply absorbing the heavenly and earthly spirits.

Before reaching a certain state, you still have to eat food, not to mention the role of spiritual roots. Not only the Yuanling of heaven and earth, but also food and supplies.

For the same elixir, if you take the high-grade Tianling and the low-grade Huangling, the absorption and exertion of the medicine's power are completely different.

Therefore, if Xu Yang wants to eat, he must eat extravagantly.

First, he cast a spell on himself and transformed into the scarred-faced man. Then he carried the harpoon to the outside of the cabin, skillfully propped up the awning boat and sailed out of the reed marsh.

He is really proficient, after all, he has been fishing on Dongting Lake for nearly half his life.

Fishing for half a hundred is a helpless move. After all, the immortal fate monitoring system established by the three sects is too strict.

This world should be a lot more relaxed. As long as it's not too outrageous, no one would care about a little fisherman.

Even so, Xu Yang did not intend to waste time on meaningless interpersonal interactions and social relationships.

His knowledge reserve has become self-sufficient, and he does not need to interact with the outside world at all, such as fishing tyrants, gangs, court officials, and wherever he can cool down.

He just fished honestly, then found an uninhabited desert island to cultivate fields, fed a few birds, raised a few dogs, then set up a breeding base to raise fish, brought some electric eels over to practice, and reenacted the Dongting Lake scene back then. happy life.

So, just...


There was a loud noise and the ship shook, interrupting his thoughts.

Xu Yang turned around and watched coldly for a while, then jumped into the water with the harpoon in hand.

After a while, blood surged out from the bottom of the water like a spring.

A shadow emerged, exploded out of the water, and hit the cabin of the awning boat.

It was actually a fish, a big fish with scales like armor, a black body, and sharp teeth in its mouth.

The big fish landed on the deck, its body was bleeding profusely, and there were actually two blood holes that penetrated its body.


There was a sound of splashing water, and a man came out of the water and landed on the board of the boat. He looked at the big black fish that was still struggling. Without saying a word, he picked up the deformed harpoon in his hand and struck it hard again.


Although the harpoon had been deformed, it could not hold it against the strong manpower, so he pierced the fish's head with a fierce harpoon, nailing the black fish to the board of the ship. The fish blood spattered out, making the scene extremely horrifying.

Although the head had been penetrated by the harpoon, the body of the black fish did not stop there. It was still flapping fiercely and struggling fiercely.

Xu Yang was beside him, frowning and saying nothing.

After a while, the blood was thick, and the black fish's struggle gradually subsided, and it was declared dead.

Xu Yang stepped forward and pulled out the harpoon, only to see that the fork head was severely twisted and even broken off.

Looking around, there were no awning boats at all on the vast lake, only a few large boats with distinctive signs. The people on the boats seemed to have noticed the movement here, and a few small boats came immediately.

When Xu Yang saw this, he didn't say much. He lifted the black fish into the cabin with one foot, then paddled with both hands and started the boat vigorously.

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