One month later, a bamboo house was erected on the desert island.

In the bamboo house, on the bed, Xu Yang was sitting cross-legged and still practicing.

The spiritual energy is like a tide, sweeping over, continuously integrating into the body of the cultivator, and turning into the magic power of the five elements and five attributes.

In this way, I don't know how long it took before the tide of Yuanling calmed down. Xu Yang's breath was firm, his eyes slowly opened, and at the same time he opened his mouth and spat out a stream of undercurrent visible to the naked eye.

"The ninth level of Qi refining, the later stage!"

"As expected of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots!"

Feeling the Yuanling mana in his body, Xu Yang was filled with admiration again.

A few months ago, he went to the market to buy a batch of supplies, and then returned to the island to transform into an infrastructure maniac.

Build houses, cultivate fields, arrange spirit gathering formations, build cages and collect fish species...

There are many things to do and the work is very busy.

But he was always in an orderly manner in his hands. While construction and development were taking place, cultivation did not fall behind.

In this way, after one month of hard training, I have passed several levels, and now I have reached the ninth level of Qi training, the later stage.

According to this development, it is reasonable to build the foundation in a hundred days.

Such rapid speed is, firstly, the mysterious power of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, and secondly, it is the result of Xu Yang's accumulated wealth.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, several reincarnations, endless repetitions on the path of cultivation, coupled with the creation of the Martial Arts and Taoism, the deduction of the Ten Thousand Dao Academy...

Xu Yang dare not say that he has achieved perfection in the early stages of cultivation. It is also within the limits of manpower and is almost flawless.

After rebuilding in this way, we have made rapid progress without any bottlenecks or problems.

Unfortunately, the Five Elements Spiritual Roots and the accumulation of foundation can only solve the problem of mana cultivation.

He still hasn't obtained any of the Five Elements spiritual objects needed to build the foundation of the Five Spirits True Art.

Although he could be promoted to Foundation Establishment without the Five Elements Spiritual Item, it would be equivalent to wasting an opportunity to purify his spiritual roots and improve his qualifications. Xu Yang really didn't want to give up unless he had to.

"At the ninth level of Qi refining, I already have a certain strength. I can explore the surrounding area and collect the five elements spiritual objects to prepare for foundation building."

"But before that..."

Xu Yang murmured, then closed his eyes, activated his magic power, and catalyzed the thunder.


I saw thunder flashing, electricity moving like a dragon, faintly mixed with the five elements and five colors, green, yellow, red, white and black turning in turns, immersed in Xu Yang's body, passing through the flesh and blood, penetrating between the bone marrow, all limbs and bones, without exception.

The power of driving away thunder and raising electricity!

Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Technique!

In one month, the ninth level of Qi Refining has entered the late stage from the early stage. The rapid progress is all due to the five elements spiritual roots.

However, there is demonic energy in the Yuanling. The more it is absorbed, the more demonic it becomes. Although the Qi and Blood Furnace can be refined, it puts a heavy burden on the physical body. Therefore, Xu Yang has to put the physical training plan on the agenda.

For this reason, he searched Wuze Lake for several days, hoping to catch some electric eels and bring them back for practice.

It turns out this method doesn't work.

It's not that there are no electric eels in Wuze Lake, but...

In short, the electric eel is useless.

Xu Yang could only consume his own magic power, use the thunder method to temper his body, and at the same time refine the demonic energy.

"Thunder method can refine demonic energy!"

"Not only lightning, but all things, including living beings, can neutralize part of the demonic nature after absorbing the demonic energy."

"Cultivators in this world should have a method that can refine the demonic energy and reduce the influence of demonic nature. After all, it is unreasonable to talk about toxicity regardless of dosage."

"But no matter how you reduce it, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Unless the influence of demonic nature can be completely eradicated, after you practice to a certain level, you will still fall into the devil's way and become a demon."

"So, what is the state of the high-level cultivators in this world, and why do mortal dynasties still exist safely under their rule?"

"There must be a secret in it!"

"You have achieved something small, and you are still thinking about moving. It's time to go out for a walk!"

Thoughts were swirling in my mind, and my thoughts were fixed.

Xu Yang got up, walked out of the bamboo house, and came to a pool in the center of the island.

The pool is his newly built pool, located in the center of the island, surrounded by fields.

It's said to be a pool, but it's actually bottomless, more like a deep cave in the water.

Xu Yang came to the edge of the pool, took off his clothes, exposed his strong body, and jumped into the water.

After a while...



The water surface exploded, lightning flashed, and a figure flew out, it was not Xu Yang.

Xu Yang was holding something in his hand. It was an eel as thick and long as a snake, with a dark body.

The eel was pinched by his head and neck, and its long and thick body directly wrapped around his arm, crackling with golden electricity.

Xu Yang didn't care, he stood down, picked up a sharp knife, and pierced the electric eel's head with a pop, then nailed it to a rock nearby, leaving a wooden basin to accumulate blood, and let it struggle.

The electric eel hung on the rock wall and struggled fiercely for a long time before it died down and its life was gone.

Only then did Xu Yang come over, tear off the electric eel's dark scales, cut open its internal organs, and then pull out a long tendon from its back.

Finally, he threw the thick-wristed electric eel on the chopping board, lifted up the broad and heavy bone-chopping knife and "tuk-duk" it a few times, and chopped it into pieces.

Xu Yang put down the machete, picked up a large bowl full of fish, turned and walked into the kitchen.

After a while, you can see wisps of smoke and fragrance.

One for stir-frying, one for steaming, one for soup, one for boiling porridge, one for...

In short, everything is covered and nothing is wasted.

Although he is very particular about eating, Xu Yang is not a foodie, and he does not even want to satisfy his appetite in this way.

But... this electric eel is disobedient!

Wuze Lake is indeed a large lake formed by the intersection of five lakes. It contains many species of fish and many rare and exotic animals.

Xu Yang searched the lake for several days and successfully found a group of electric eels, which he captured and brought back to culture.

According to the normal development, these electric eels will be cultivated by him into strange beasts, and then they will turn on their intelligence and become spirits. Finally, they will practice the "Taiyin Form Training Method" and transform into human forms, becoming his most loyal subordinates.

However, what is unusual now is that his clone has not yet developed the breeding skills, nor does it have the power of the Earthly God Lord. It cannot control beasts to enlighten spirits or enlighten spirits. It can only breed spiritual beasts through ordinary methods and then control them.

So here comes the problem.

The common breeding method is to use Yuanling as food for breeding, but everything in this world contains demonic energy. Under the pollution of demonic energy, can the things bred under the pollution of demonic energy... still be called spiritual beasts?

It turns out, no.

Xu Yang has been raising these electric eels for more than a month, but they are still not mature enough to raise them. They go crazy when they see him. They are the kind that will not stop until they die. They cannot be used to practice martial arts at all. They will also attack ordinary people when raised in cages. Fish species, in the end they can only dig out a fish pond connected to the underground water veins for them to live alone.

Xu Yang was helpless about this.

This is the influence of demonic energy. Electric eels are like this, and other fish species are no exception.

Xu Yang can't solve this problem at present, unless he is willing to spend time, spend mana, and refine the bodies of alien beasts day and night to help them refine their demonic energy.

But that's obviously unrealistic.

Xu Yang estimated that unless he re-trained the two skills of "Beast Control" and "Earth Beast" and developed various characteristics, this problem would not be effectively solved at all.

Without the ability to breed spiritual beasts, the development of power will be a problem because of the lack of loyal subordinates.

As for substitutions...

Demonic energy is entangled and everywhere, so won’t people be affected?

Demonic energy, demonic energy!

It has to be said that the existence of this demonic energy caused great obstacles to Xu Yang.

But it's just an obstacle, not an insurmountable chasm.

At Wandao Academy, under the leadership of the "Tao Fa Noumenon", they have used the previously extracted demonic energy to conduct research and research, striving to launch a method that can completely eliminate or significantly refine the demonic nature.

The main body works so hard, and the avatar naturally has to work hard too.


"This porridge is good, and these fish are even better. I can catch two more next time."

After drinking and eating, Xu Yang left home and drove the awning boat to the fish market.

Although he is a cultivator in the late stage of Qi refining and can fly in the air even without a magic weapon, he still doesn't know much about the situation in this world, so he should keep a low profile as much as possible.

The black-topped boat sailed leisurely, and soon arrived at the fish market pier. Using the identity of the scar-faced man, he paid the fee to stop the boat, and then went ashore to the market.

It was already late autumn a month ago, but now it's even colder.

Although it is located in the south and there is no snowfall, the humidity and cold that penetrate into the bone marrow are not something ordinary people can bear.

However, the business of the fish market has not decreased because of this, but has become more prosperous. After all, fish are eaten in autumn and winter, and autumn fat is the most plump and very popular with buyers.

On the seller's side, although the weather is cold, life is even crueler. Even in winter, many fishermen go out to catch a lot of big fish that have not lost their autumn fat, hoping to sell them at a good price and have a more comfortable New Year.

People come and go, rushing for three meals a day and livelihood.

Xu Yang did not set up a stall, but went to a restaurant and ordered some wine and food to eat. He also saw the various aspects of life and the chaos in the world.

"Have you heard that Lao Li is gone?"

"Oh, what happened?"

"What else can I do? I'm old enough."

"Fifty to eight, not bad!"

"Those of us who are begging for food on the boat are going through the wind and rain. How can we be dissatisfied at this age?"

"He has a good fortune. He has taken care of the three fat boys his mother-in-law gave birth to. He will have three members of his family before he dies, and he will have the honor to meet his ancestors when he goes down."

"What? Those three families came here to fight for the family property. I heard that Old Li Tou was a disciple of the Flying Tiger Gang when he was young. Later he was injured and returned to fishing. It is said that he also left behind a martial arts secret book. The three brothers of the Li family came here for that thing. A pig’s brain is almost like a dog’s brain.”

"The Flying Tiger Gang is one of the three major gangs in our Jiangning Mansion. How great would it be if I could also join them?"

"Just think about it, look at the Third Master, he is just an outer steward of the Feihu Gang, how can you compare to the Third Master?"


A group of drinkers chatted nonsense, some had short-lived parents, and some were famous for their affairs, but most of them couldn't live without Jiangning Mansion.

In the feudal dynasty, many people had never left the county in their lives, and matters about the state capital were the biggest topic of conversation after dinner.

Although it is not of much value, Xu Yang is not bored.

Suddenly, I glanced over and saw two figures outside the store.

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