


After hearing this, several people were silent, and the atmosphere became solemn.

In the end, it was Li Feihong who took the lead and said, "Since senior insists on doing this, I can only ask for advice."

After saying that, he flew up from the boat, took out the sword from its sheath, and although it didn't have the power of a three-foot sword, it still had a sharp edge, and it went straight to the old man fishing on the boat.

As he said before, the matter of the Wuse Lake Spirit Fish is of great importance. It is not the personal benefit of his family, but the common interests of all the major forces in Wuse Lake and the imperial court.

As the local boss of Jiangning Mansion, the Li family occupies a large share. When encountering problems, they naturally have to stand at the front and carry the banner, otherwise how can they convince the public.

Therefore, even if he knew that his opponent was extraordinary, Li Feihong had to bite the bullet and give it a try.

After one try, he achieved his full success, and the flying rainbow came out of its sheath, really as fast as lightning.


On the bow of the awning boat, the fisherman did not move, still sitting in a fishing posture, only holding the fishing rod in his hand.

The fishing rod is about eight feet long, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, and it also has a fishing line. It is not suitable for use as a weapon.

However, in his hands, it was like a spear and a sword, stabbing lightly...


With a clang, the fire burst out, and Li Feihong turned over and landed on the boat, causing the boat to sink downwards and the water waves swayed. He took several steps back, retreated from the middle of the boat to the stern, and was able to stop his strength. , did not climb into the lake.

Even so, the expression on his face was still horrified, and the hand holding the sword couldn't help but tremble.

One move, just one move, broke the Feihong Sword that he was proud of.

It's not just the difference in swordsmanship and moves, it's also the crushing of basic strength.

During the contact and collision, the opponent's explosive power completely crushed him.

If it is a heavy weapon such as a spear or a halberd, it is understandable that it is so powerful.

But this fishing rod, with its front section as slender as a whip, can actually explode with such force.

That can only mean...

Li Feihong's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. When the cold night wind blew, he woke up even more excitedly.

"The senior's martial arts are so superb that the juniors cannot match them!"

"Please forgive me for any offense!"


After saying that, he cupped his hands and exerted force under his feet, and the boat quickly retreated away.




Seeing this, the remaining people were silent for a while, and then they all moved together.

As quickly as it came, it retreated just as quickly. In the blink of an eye, a few bright lights disappeared into the darkness.


Just as the few people retreated, they saw a fiery red light in the darkness.

A ray of red light, as blazing as fire, flew towards the scene in the blink of an eye.

"Su Hong, who is from the Li family, wants to learn from you about your brilliant moves."

The red light flashed over, and he drank softly, and a figure appeared, which was absolutely stunning.



Xu Yang's eyes condensed, his expression remained unchanged, and he whipped the fishing rod in his hand like a whip, hitting the opponent's sword directly.


Although it was going straight, there was no way to avoid it. The tip of the green bamboo collided with the edge of the Bailian sword. As the fire splashed, a phantom flipped up, and another sword slashed out.

However, she is faster and her opponent is faster.

The sword energy came out, like a fishing rod whipped by a whip, and then stabbed straight forward. The tip of the green bamboo pole, as slender as a willow, was like a spear as a sword. Lightning flashed past, not only breaking through the sword energy, but also hitting the opponent's body. .


There was a muffled sound and blood splattered.

Li Suhong snorted, then turned over and turned into a sword light and flew away.

"I understand!"

It came in a hurry and left in a hurry, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yang smiled and did not pursue him. He took back his fishing rod and continued fishing.


Not far away, a stunned Ah Qing woke up and looked at the fisherman who was back to fishing. He didn't dare to disturb him in any way, and tremblingly swayed the oar away from this land of right and wrong.

the other side……


The red light was like fire, sweeping back and falling on the brightly lit ship, revealing a stunningly beautiful figure.

It was Li Suhong.


"How about it?"

As soon as Li Suhong landed, everyone gathered around and asked nervously and concernedly.

"This person is unfathomable, don't act rashly, let him alone for now!"

Li Suhong said a word, and left with a cold face, even though she didn't care about everyone's gaze.


The rest of the people looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

But this has nothing to do with Li Suhong, and she can't care about it at the moment.

He hurried back to the room, closed the door and window with his backhand, and then fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"Ho, ho...!"

While gasping, he tore open his clothes, exposing the skin of his upper body.

I saw a bloody wound running through the shoulder that was as smooth as jade.

The blood-stained sword shape is faintly visible. In the bright red flesh, a large number of granulations sprout out, trying to entangle and combine to seal the wound, but are suppressed by the sharp sword energy. The granulations spurt out blood and squirm into a ball, as if they are alive.

"Ho, ho!"

Li Suhong panted for a while, propped up her body, and looked at the horrific wounds on her shoulders. There was some hesitation in her eyes, but she finally gritted her teeth and took out a jade bottle from her arms.

The jade vase is green in color and looks extraordinary. After removing the cork, a strange fragrance comes out.

Li Suhong poured it down, and a bright yellow pill rolled out.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Li Suhong's eyes flashed with disgust and resistance, but in the end he closed his eyes, raised his head, put it into his mouth, and swallowed it.


Once the elixir enters the abdomen, it will take effect and most of the demonic disturbances will be eliminated immediately.

Li Suhong sat upright and activated her magic power. The sword wound on her left shoulder immediately glowed red like fire.

In the red fire, the sword energy gradually disappeared, and a large number of flesh sprouts sprouted out, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The horrific sword wound that almost penetrated the shoulder blade recovered as before in the blink of an eye, and there was no more scars on the beauty's jade shoulder.



Li Suhong opened her eyes, her chest heaved, and she couldn't sit still anymore. She threw herself on the ground and started retching. Then she covered her face and let out a weird laugh, which turned into sobs in the blink of an eye.

"Demon fish?"

"Demon cultivator?"

"No, no, no, that's it, it's not really a demon!"

"Their foundation is still the soul of heaven and earth. Demonic energy is not material, but negative and filthy."

"They can only be regarded as monster beasts and cultivators with incomplete demonization."

"They also know the harm of demonic energy, so they have been trying to find ways to reduce the influence of demonic energy."

"This spiritual fish is one of them. If the demonic energy in the heaven and earth Yuanling is used as a benchmark, the demonic content in a portion of the heaven and earth Yuanling is 100%, then the demonic content of monsters such as the black forked fish is 100%. Seventy percent, and these spirit fish are fifty percent, or even thirty-two percent..."

"If nothing else, the Spirit Fish King should be a pure spiritual beast. Not only is it not contaminated by demonic energy, it can also reversely eliminate demonic energy. Therefore, it is of immeasurable value to cultivators in this world."

"Although this world is eroded by demonic energy, the heaven and earth are infinitely created, and there is life in desperate situations. This Spirit Fish King is where the life is, the means of self-purification for this world, and the life-saving straw for those demon cultivators."

"This world has not completely fallen into the hands of demons?"

"But what's going on with that demon at the level of a god? Can a cultivator polluted by demonic energy in this world be able to become a god without falling into the demon path, so that he can compete with the other party?"


On the awning boat, Xu Yang was sorting out information while fishing.

In the past month, apart from practicing, his main job has been to collect intelligence and study the so-called spiritual fish that appeared in Wuze Lake.

Although I was still confused at the end of the explanation, I also got a lot of important information, including the characteristics of cultivators in this world.

Demonic influence!

Demonic energy, demonic nature, filth and pollution are unavoidable problems for cultivators in this world.

Not only cultivation, but also recovery. Cultivators also need to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to recover.


"Cultivators in this world should cultivate their physical bodies more, draw nutrients from food with less evil energy and less pollution, and restore their vitality."

"The previous few warriors in the martial arts world were purely external martial artists. They fought with others with their physical bodies. They had no real energy and energy. The most they used was light and dark energy. Although their combat power was not strong, their consumption was relatively small."

"Only the later woman, who has fire spiritual roots and practices magic power, is a Yuanling cultivator."

"The mental state of this type of cultivator..."

Xu Yang shook his head, lowered his gaze, looked at the unconscious black fish in the fish cabin, and murmured: "Beast nature is worse than human nature, and human nature is worse than animal nature!"

After saying that, the fishing rod moved, and another spiritual fish took the bait.

Not surprised, Xu Yang put the fish into the basket, hung up a piece of fish meat as bait, and threw the rod again for fishing.

Although he is an experienced fisherman, when it comes to fishing, technology has always been secondary. The main thing depends on resources and bait.

Needless to say about resources, there are fish everywhere in Wuze Lake. Failure to catch them is your problem, not the lake’s.

Therefore, the focus is on this bait.

After a month of fieldwork, Xu Yang discovered a bait that was very popular with spiritual fish.

That's meat, black forked fish meat!

But it can’t be ordinary blackfish meat. It has to be washed with mana and thunder to eliminate the evil spirit and filth in it. Only then can the blackfish meat after such purification be very popular with spiritual fish, and it will even attract other species of blackfish. .

To be honest, using such bait for fishing is not worth the gain.

After all, the purpose of cultivators in this world to catch spiritual fish is to increase the absorption of spiritual energy and reduce the pollution of evil energy by eating spiritual fish.

If mana is expended to make such bait, the spiritual energy obtained from eating the spiritual fish may not be enough to consume the bait.

If the gain outweighs the loss, I won’t do it.

But Xu Yang is different. He can effectively refine demonic energy and doesn't care much about mana consumption.

In addition, he did not catch this spiritual fish to eat, but to raise it.

The demonized ones are not mature enough, but the spiritual ones can always be matured, right?

Either way, give it a try.

Therefore, Xu Yang started his spiritual fish fishing business.

The next day, early in the morning, frost and fog began to rise, and smoke spread across the sky.

The weather has become even colder, but there are still many fishing boats, braving the cold wind, entering the lake to set nets.

When will the tide of spiritual fish end?

No one knows, so we can’t slack off and fish with all our strength every day.

The same is true for Ah Qing. Although he was very sleepy after staying up all night last night, he still had to work hard to get out of the boat.

"It's frosty!"

Looking at Wuze Lake with thick frost, fog and sea of ​​smoke, Ah Qing shivered and had to take off the gourd from his waist and take another sip of strong wine to warm up.

Jiangning Mansion is located in the south, where snow rarely falls, but frost does occur during extremely cold weather.

By this time in previous years, most fishermen have stopped their boats to dry their nets in preparation for the winter.

But this year...

"The ship is still going out!"

"Rice is more expensive, salt is more expensive, everything is more expensive."

"Only the warm-up wine is cheaper, but the prices of other fish are also extremely low."

"The Feihu Gang sealed the lake and moved many fishermen from other places. Everyone needs firewood, rice, oil and salt to live on, but they raise the price like this. This is clearly forcing people to catch spiritual fish for them!"

"How can we catch in this weather?"

Thinking back on the recent changes in the fish market, Ah Qing gritted his teeth and started to lower the net.

The water in Wuze is deep and there are many big fish, but the spirit fish are not necessarily big fish. On the contrary, many spirit fish are small in size.

Small fish are difficult to catch, and if big fish cause trouble, it will be even more difficult. In the end, fishermen can only go into the water to catch them.

But in this kind of weather, can the water fall freely?

But what if it doesn’t go down?

The Feihu Gang has a rule. Although they use knives to force fishermen out of their boats without knowing it, the price of rice and salt are rising and changing almost every day. Only the price of fish is getting lower every day. Except for spiritual fish, everything else is sold. If prices are not raised, the big and good fish that were popular in the past will have to be discarded at a low price.

Until now, many fishermen would rather prepare their own meals than waste their energy going to the market to sell.

But people can't just eat fish, and they can't have less food, rice, oil and salt.

Therefore, even if it is freezing cold, the ship will still go out.

She's pretty good. She caught a spiritual fish yesterday, which is enough to last for a while.

Those who are poor and have not caught any spiritual fish are miserable. Not only do they have to get out of the boat, they also have to go into the water.


Another gust of north wind blew, making Ah Qing tremble.

"No, I need to buy more wine later, otherwise I won't be able to hold on for the rest of the day."

Ah Qing gritted his teeth and started to close the net. As expected, there was not a single spiritual fish.

Seeing this, Ah Qing could only sigh, put away the wet fishing net, and turned to the fish market pier.

Along the way, we met many fishing boats, many of whom were familiar fishermen, but rarely greeted them.

Silence, silence, all silence.

Depression gradually turned into despair.

"The price of rice has gone up again!"

"The same goes for salt, it has increased by 30%!"

"The Flying Tiger Gang who killed a thousand swords!"

"Are you trying to force people to death?"

"Old Li's family fell into the water last night and will die this morning."

"Aguang and the others met Black Yaksha last night, and only one of the three brothers came back."

"Jiangzhou Prefecture, Ningzhou Prefecture, and our Jiangning Prefecture have all blocked the roads and won't let us leave at all."

In just a few days, the atmosphere of the fish market has changed drastically.

Ah Qing didn't dare to say anything, so he went to the drug store first, only to find that the store door was closed.

Obviously, "Doctor Mo" didn't open the door today.

Helpless, she could only purchase a batch of supplies and then hurriedly left the market.

She felt that the current fish market and the current Wuze Lake were like a stove. The fire inside was burning more and more fiercely. It was already uncontrollable and it would explode at some point.

Very disturbing.

But there was nothing she could do but stay away as much as possible.

at the same time……


"Immortal Master!"

Li Suhong led a group of people and welcomed a young Taoist into the hall.

This Taoist looks very handsome as a young man. He is wearing a scarlet Taoist robe, which is as blazing as fire and is quite eye-catching.

Li Suhong was in front, her attitude was respectful and somewhat deserted.

A group of people were waiting behind, but they were also hesitant to speak.

When the young Taoist saw this, he smiled: "I already know the matter. This person and I are of the same way. You are not opponents. Let him go for now. When the Fish King was born, I had sex with him again." Field, the end of cause and effect.”

"This is!"

When everyone heard this, although they had doubts, they did not dare to say anything and could only respectfully agree.

The young Taoist also waved his hand: "Okay, please step aside. Su Hong and I have something to say."


Everyone exchanged secret glances, then responded and bowed to retreat.

Li Su Hong was left alone in the hall and said nothing.

The young Taoist looked at his disciple and said with a smile, "How is the injury?"


Li Suhong was speechless and silently took off her clothes.


Looking at Li Suhong's flawless jade shoulders, the young Taoist nodded: "Just one move can hurt you so much. This person must be a Qi Refiner, but I don't know which sect or sect he comes from?"

Li Suhong put on her clothes: "His sword energy is very sharp, and his magic power is pure and very powerful."

"Hmph, so what if you're awesome?"

The young Taoist smiled and said coldly: "The ancestor of Daxing Mountain is about to be born. The Daxing royal family is searching for demon-transforming objects for him all over the world. It is said that the Spirit Fish King of Wuze Lake is bound to win. , can he still compete with Daxingshan?"

Li Suhong nodded, with a little hesitation in his eyes, and looked at Zhu Yang and said: "Master, now that the weather is getting colder, those mortals can't stand it anymore, and they are already a bit resentful. If we continue to force ourselves like this..."


The young Taoist glanced at her: "Bodhisattva has such a heart, can't you bear it anymore?"

"No, it's not!"

Li Suhong shook his head and defended: "It's just that my disciple feels that this tide of spiritual fish may last more than one cold winter. If there are too many fishermen killed and injured at this time, subsequent fishing may be unfavorable. It is better to postpone it for a while and wait until spring warms up..."

"If you enter my immortal cultivation sect, all the animals in the world will be treated like animals!"

The young man smiled solemnly and looked at her coldly: "Do you understand?"


Li Suhong was silent for a while, then nodded: "Disciple understands!"

"It's good to understand, it's good to understand... Hahaha!!"

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