Bo Xun?


Sanskrit Zen chanting was like a demon test, directly hitting Xu Yang's mind.

In the void, dark mist surges like a tidal wave, and demonic energy boils like a cauldron.

If you are an ordinary cultivator, you will definitely suffer a demonic calamity at this time. The demon seeds will turn into demon fetuses, and the demon fetuses will give birth to demons.

Xu Yang is unusual. He is not a cultivator in this world. He does not have a demon seed in his body, let alone a demon fetus.

Even so, he was affected by the Sanskrit Demonic Test and could not stay out of it.

There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds and Zen chants, and the demonic energy moved with it, like tadpoles, earthworms, and pythons, dragons, and snakes. They penetrated into Xu Yang's body one by one, hoping to lay a demonic seed and give birth to a fetus.

Not only the flesh and blood body, but also the inner magic power, and even the sea of ​​consciousness of the soul were undergoing changes at this moment.

Wisps of demonic energy, undercurrents, squirming like earthworms, swimming like tadpoles, outlining obscure characters that seem to be connected into sentences, compiled into a text, and written into a book...

What sutra?

He transformed into the Heart Sutra of Zizai Bo Xun!


In an instant, Xu Yang woke up and shouted angrily, rising like thunder.

In the midst of the angry shouts, the thunderbolt flew away, exploding most of the demonic energy in an instant, and the Bo Xun Heart Sutra that was about to be clearly realized in his mind was also affected.

Each character, each demon species, twisted like an insect, screamed, wailed, and finally collapsed.

The demon seed collapsed and the Heart Sutra was disillusioned, but there was still some demonic energy that refused to retreat and took root in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was about to re-consolidate and write the Demonic Sutra again.

Xu Yang failed to refine them and was too late to refine them.


A man, a monk in white, appeared in front of him.

The earth shrinks to an inch, and the void moves?

Or was he distracted just now, giving him a chance to get close?

Xu Yang had no time to think too much because the other party had already taken action.

The monk is faceless and has a hollow head. A scarlet talisman is placed on the forehead, and a compassionate gaze can be seen beneath it.

The pupils and facial features are gone, where is the compassionate look?

I don’t know, but this is how it feels.

The faceless monk is compassionate and merciful, just like the descendants of immortal Buddhas, saving all sinking sentient beings.

Just like that, he came close to him, stretched out his jade-white hands, and covered Xu Yang's face and head.

The immortal caressed my head, tied my hair and received immortality?

"hold head high!!!"

What responded to him was a dragon's roar and a bright burst of thunder.

The thunder dragon roared loudly, came out in shock, and used all its energy to directly attack the opponent.

At the critical moment of life and death, Xu Yang held no reservations, combining Taoism and martial arts into one, powerful and thunderous.



The thunder exploded into pieces, the dragon shadow collapsed, and even more blood was thrown into the sky.

A figure flew out, twisted halfway, exploded with a bloody light, and Feng Lei walked away in shock.

The demon is disintegrated and the secret technique of blood escape is revealed!

One of the desperate means was originally based on the "Heavenly Demon Strategy" in the Tang Dynasty world, integrating the secrets of the Heavenly Demon, the punishment escape technique, the magic body method, the seal of immortality and other martial arts, and later added the life-threatening secret method of real world cultivation. There are also some heretical techniques from the world of Taoism, which were eventually incorporated into the Wandao Academy system.

In this way, after thousands of years of work, we finally obtained a forbidden technique that can stimulate the body's potential. At the expense of overdrafting the life source, it can greatly increase the body's magic power in a short period of time. You can risk your life and burn with the enemy, or you can Perform blood escape and escape with your life saved.

At this moment, Xu Yang was doing both at the same time, stimulating his physical body, unleashing his potential, and improving his skills to fight the opponent head-on. At the same time, he was consuming his essence and blood, overdrawing his life, using the secret blood escape technique, and escaping violently.

The demon disintegrated, and his blood flew into the air, disappearing in an instant.

Only the monks remained, standing there silently.

After a while...

"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror."

"There is nothing in the first place, so how can it cause dust."

"Amitabha, good, good!"

Bodhisattva's verses came up again, Sanskrit chants and chants were louder and louder, and the figures of the monks gradually moved away.

the other side……


The blood was like a rainbow, and Feng Lei was frightened away, rushed into the island, and then exploded and collapsed, turning into a human figure and falling to the ground.

It was Xu Yang.

At this moment, his clothes were torn and soaked with blood. Under the tattered cloth, the blood was as thick as pulp. It seeped out from every place and every pore, and in the blink of an eye, it accumulated into a pool of blood underneath him.

This is the secret technique of disintegration of demons and blood escape.

Stimulate the body through self-mutilation, explode the potential, obtain a short-term improvement in skill, then squeeze the essence and blood, cooperate with side methods and left-handed techniques to maximize the transformation of mana, and use this to perform blood escape, which is extremely fast, even if it is No matter how powerful the demon is, they couldn't stop him.

Really powerful, worthy of the forbidden technique.

But the reason why a forbidden technique is a forbidden technique is because all its effects come at a huge price.


Xu Yang's body trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Broken flesh could be seen inside, indicating damage to his internal organs.

When he first created this forbidden technique, Xu Yang's positioning for it was very clear. It was either to be destroyed by jade or stone, or to live towards death, so the stronger the power, the better. As for the price, it was acceptable as long as he didn't die.

For this reason, not only did he not reduce the negative effects of this secret technique, he even tried every means to enhance it, pursuing maximum sacrifice and maximum explosion in exchange for a glimmer of hope in desperate situations.

Sometimes, the difference between life and death is just a thin line.

The factual results just now also provide proof.

It was precisely with this forbidden technique and the ultimate explosive power that he was able to fight the monk head-on, and then use blood escape to run away at extremely fast speeds.

That monk was a real demon, the most terrifying existence at the core of this demonic realm, and the golden elixir demon transformed by Shen Hongyu was not only worlds apart, but also a world of difference.

With his current strength, the most he can do is kill golden elixir monsters like Shen Hongyu. Facing this real demon, he doesn't use forbidden techniques and can explode at the limit. He has no ability to parry or deal with it.

Even if he uses the forbidden technique, he can only perform one move, and then he has to escape in blood.

This shows the power of this demon.

For another person, let alone refining Qi, even Golden Pill would have difficulty escaping from its hands.

Having no time to enter the house, Xu Yang sat on the spot and threw out the Qiankun bamboo basket.

The bamboo basket rolled, auras of light erupted, and three people were released.

"Immortal Master?"

Ah Qing propped up his body, but before he could figure out the situation, he saw Xu Yang sitting there with blood dripping from his body. His expression suddenly changed, and he asked repeatedly: "What are you..."

Xu Yang ignored it and continued to activate his magic power. The Qiankun Basket hung in the air and slowly spit out a spiritual light, forming a light shield.

In the light shield, thunder flashed, and a winding figure could be vaguely seen. It was the Wuzawa Fish King that he had caught before.


At this time, Xu Yang's body trembled again, and blood overflowed from his lips again.

He was hurt too badly.

The disintegration of the demon was a forbidden technique. In order to pursue the ultimate burst of potential, it greatly enhanced the stimulating effect, consuming blood and essence, and overdrawing his life. As a result, not only was his vitality and life span greatly reduced, but his body was still seriously injured.

An ordinary person would have died long ago.

It was only he who had practiced internally and externally, and whose physical energy and blood were extremely strong, that he could withstand such torture.

Although he was not dead, his injuries were so serious that he was not far from death.

Not to mention, the physical injuries are not the most serious.

The most serious and terrifying thing is the injury to the soul and the taint of the demonic nature.

"Amitabha, Prajna Mara..."

"I, the devil, am merciful and save all sentient beings..."

"The Lord of Desire Realm, the Sixth Heavenly King..."

"Bo Xun Heart Sutra, the Dharma Door of Freedom..."

In my mind, there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds and the sound of demonic examinations.

There is also an undercurrent, like a demon seed with deep roots, like a tadpole or an earthworm, wandering and squirming in an attempt to become a demon jar, outlining the scriptures.

This is - a demon species!

The devil's seeds are deep-rooted and the devil's energy is filthy!

In the exchange just now, although the monk failed to kill him, he still injected the seed of demonic energy into his body. Now the demonic energy is like a seed, deep-rooted not only in flesh and blood, but also pollutes the soul and corrodes the mind.

Once he can't hold on, he will fall into the devil's path and turn into a monster, just like Shen Hongyu, the old ghost Mo before.

Serious physical injuries.

The devil's seeds run deep.

And in the Demon Realm, there is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Time is passing by, and death is approaching step by step.

What to do?


Xu Yang took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his body, and then looked at the Spirit Eel King who was covered by the Qiankun Basket: "Yu'er, I want you to help me practice!"

"Woo! Woo!"

The world is spinning, and the spiritual light is shining, like a cage and locks, covering the body of the Fish King.

The Spirit Eel King was swimming in it, its long golden body entangled with thunderous currents, making bursts of cries like a child's cry, and even swaying its body in an attempt to break away the spiritual light.

It is the king of fish, it has wisdom and is not ignorant.

Previously, the man didn't know what to use as bait, but he made an instinctive impulse and rushed out of the water veins uncontrollably. He bit the hook and fished, and fell into the basket.

I thought that this life was doomed and that I would be braised, stir-fried, steamed and stewed. How could I have imagined that in just one day, this hateful fisherman would look like this.

Sure enough, the law of heaven is clear, and retribution will not be happy!

But what is this man talking about?

Help you practice?

Are you kidding? You hooked me up and you want me to help you practice?

It would be nice not to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

The spirit eel ignored him and activated his innate power, the power of thunder and lightning, to break through the shaky shield of the universe.

Xu Yang looked calm and said quietly: "I am seriously injured and my demonic nature has been tainted. There is no other way. I can only use your power to temper my body with thunder and transform into demons to remove the taint. Only in this way can I have a chance of nirvana."

After that, regardless of the spirit eel's reaction, he removed the mana.

As soon as the magic power was withdrawn, the magic weapon lost its support, and the already shaky Qiankun Cover immediately shattered, releasing the Spirit Mantle Fish King, which was filled with thunder and brilliance and was entangled with electricity.

"hold head high!"

The freed spirit mantle roared loudly, turned into thunder and lightning, and flew away.

But don't want to...


Xu Yang sat cross-legged and released his magic power. The thunder around him was frightened away, and he saw the undercurrent entangled again.

Since you have created a forbidden technique for self-mutilation, you must be prepared and equipped with a set of healing methods.

Otherwise, it would be funny if the disintegration blood escape escaped the murder, but died of serious injuries in the end.

Needless to say, the method of healing wounds is based on the "Sheng Zi Scroll" of the Martial Arts Sutra. It mobilizes the body's energy and blood and the martial arts Yuan Gong to heal injuries, and then combines the Tao Sutra's creation thunder method to turn the power of destruction into the power of creation. The source, as well as the current world's cultivation system, various rejuvenation secrets, are also included in the deduction of the Wandao Academy system, eliminating the old and bringing forth the new...

In this way, after thousands of years, a Taoist holy healing art was finally obtained, which was still named after the "Shengzi Scroll".

Needless to say, the healing effect of the Shengzi Scroll is definitely worthy of the name of the holy art of healing.

But there is a problem, energy is conserved in everything.

Even the holy art of healing cannot come out of nowhere and produce effects without any support.

Xu Yang's current physical condition makes it difficult to recover from his injuries and remove the demonic contamination, even if he runs the Shengzi Scroll.

Therefore, he needs external help to help him survive this catastrophe.

"hold head high!"

The spirit mantle rose up, and the thunder was about to go away, but he felt a force of energy rising behind him, pulling his instincts and pulling his body.

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