Snow God Mountain, Yu Wenshang.

If you make a mistake, you will fall into the devil's path and destroy yourself.

A somewhat clichéd story.

But clichés are clichés because they happen all the time.

But that’s not the key, the key is…

"Now, with the help of fellow Taoists, the blood seeds are divided into two parts, one is destroyed and the other is destroyed."

Meng Fuyao looked at Xu Yang: "What are your next plans, fellow Taoist?"

Xu Yang did not comment, but asked: "What do fellow Taoists think?"


Seeing the opponent kicking the ball back, Meng Fuyao had no choice but to say: "Although the blood demon is a new demon, like the ancient demon, he is a true species of the demon world. He has just fought to the death with his fellow Taoist, and even more... He has completely fallen into the devil's path, and even the last trace of himself has been lost."

"The true species of the demon world is like a centipede insect, dead but not stiff. Even the ancient immortals cannot completely kill them, they can only seal them off."

"I'm afraid this blood demon is also ordinary. Although my fellow Taoist has destroyed half of its blood seed this time, it is only half of its blood seed. What's more, metaphysically, even if the body dies, the Tao will never be destroyed!"

"Like this, one day, the Blood Demon will come back and bring trouble to this world again!"

Meng Fuyao sighed and said quietly: "This can be regarded as a different kind of immortality. No wonder fellow Taoist Yuwen was so persistent back then. He knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so he went to the tiger mountains and eventually fell into the devil's path."

Xu Yang was silent when he heard this.

The metaphysical is called Tao.

What is physical is called a tool.

The true seed of the demon world, the disciple of Bo Xun, has the essence of "Tao", which is the embodiment of the power of Bo Xun, the demon lord of the desire world.

The demonic path is immortal and Bo Xun is immortal. With the support of this Dao root, the demonic species is extremely difficult to destroy. Even the ancient immortals, who transformed into gods, returned to the void, or even merged into one body, could only destroy their form, but could not cut off their roots.

If you want to destroy the demonic species, you must destroy Bo Xun.

If you want to destroy Bo Xun, you must destroy the demonic path.

Only by removing the fuel from the cauldron can both the symptoms and the root causes be cured. Otherwise, we will be nothing more than a centipede insect, dead but not stiff.

"The demonic path is so powerful that there is nothing we can do!"

Meng Fuyao shook his head and said in a deep voice: "We can only use expedient methods and treat the symptoms first."

Xu Yang nodded: "What's your plan, fellow Taoist?"

"Heavenly disaster!"

Meng Fuyao said in a deep voice: "Although the demonic path is powerful, there are secrets in this world. The heavenly path in this world may not be able to defeat the fundamental demonic path, but it is more than enough to suppress one demon species. As long as this true blood demon species is suppressed, Or just like the ancient monsters, destroy their sanity, and that will ensure peace for hundreds or even thousands of years."

"Thousands of years have passed, and the sea has changed. Maybe there will be a turning point to solve this difficulty!"

Meng Fuyao looked at Xu Yang: "So my four sects have made a plan. After suppressing the blood demon, we will help all the Taoist friends from all over to achieve corpse dissolution, and then use the power of the ninth cultivation of corpse dissection to ascend. One will lead to the thunder tribulation to destroy this blood species, and the other will help me Wait until you ascend to the upper world and seek ways to break the demons to resolve the misfortune of this world!"

After saying that, he looked at Xu Yang and waited for his response.

Are these words sincere or false, true or false?

It is both sincerity and hypocrisy, truth and falsehood!

His intention to destroy demons was certainly true, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to plot against the Corpse Blood Lord.

But it is somewhat difficult to tell whether this method can solve the disaster, and whether ascending to the upper world is to kill demons and save the world, or to transcend oneself.

In ancient times, a group of immortals ascended to heaven.

At the end of darkness, there are also corpses breaking through the world.

There are many people who go to the upper world, but can one of them return to slay the demon?

No, the mud cow went into the sea, and there was no news. To this day, no one has returned.

Of course, there is nothing to say about this. Immortals are inherently selfish and understandable. The immortals who stayed behind to control the world in ancient times are certainly righteous, but it does not mean that those who ascend to seek life are shameless. In such a situation, should people be forced to stay and wait for death?

Therefore, Meng Fuyao's words were a sincere invitation to him to cooperate and work together to ascend. As for whether he could find a chance to defeat the demon after ascending, or whether he could return to this world, he could not give a guarantee.

Even so, this is the most promising and the only way to break the situation now.

If you don't ascend, you will be trapped in the demonic world, and there will be only despair!

Just like Yu Wenshang back then, a generation of prodigies, with amazing talents and brilliance, obviously have the hope of a higher realm, but they are limited by the limitations of heaven and earth, trapped in this filthy world, wasting their lifespan in vain, unable to see the way forward, unable to find If things turn around, they can only go to extremes and eventually fall into the devil's path.

It's so sad.

If you don't want to do this, you can only ascend.


Facing Meng Fuyao's expectant gaze, Xu Yang shook his head and said calmly: "I have no intention of ascending."


Hearing this, Meng Fuyao was disappointed but not surprised. He just asked, "Do you have a way to solve the troubles in this world?"

Xu Yang's tone remained unchanged, and Gu Jing remained calm: "Not yet!"


Meng Fuyao looked him up and down, and then said to herself: "After the ancient war, a group of ancient immortals did not want to ascend, and chose to guard the human world, and finally sat in the human world. Afterwards, there was darkness and turmoil, and the immortal method of corpse dismemberment came out, and experienced Thousands of years have passed, and to this day, there has been no improvement, fellow Taoist..."

After a pause of words, there was a moment of silence: "How long can we stay?"

Xu Yang smiled and said calmly: "There must be a road for cars to reach the mountain, and for boats to reach the bridge."


Such words made Meng Fuyao silent, not knowing how to persuade him.

He had already spoken.

From ancient times to the present, the ancient immortals and corpse-dismantling monks have not found a way to eliminate the evil disaster for thousands of years. How long can you stay alone?

If you don't seize this opportunity and ride on the ascension, then the next time you collect the nine corpses and make up for the ascension of merits, who knows when. Do you have that much longevity?

Don't be like Yu Wenshang when the time comes. His life is approaching, he becomes mad with despair and enters the door of the devil.

This was Meng Fuyao's worried persuasion.

But it had no impact on Xu Yang at all.


What it is?

In the world of Tao and Dharma, the earth has been completed, and life span has no great significance to him. Although he dare not say that he is eternal and immortal, and all realms are immortal, he still lives the same life as the cave heaven, and has the same life span as the blessed land.

As long as the Ten Thousand Dao Academy is not destroyed, the laws of the earth are immortal, and the spiritual world continues to develop endlessly, then he does not need to worry about his life span.

Therefore, he does not need to ascend and can keep grinding until a turning point occurs and the problem is solved.

It's also in his interest.

Over the years, Wandao Academy has sent out more than two thousand ascendants one after another, but in the end, there was no news about them all.

It can be seen that there is definitely something wrong with the upper limit, otherwise it would be impossible for more than two thousand people to ascend without any news being sent back.

What went wrong?

Xu Yang didn't know, but he was certain that there was definitely a catastrophe, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to stop the two thousand ascended seventh-level monks.

Therefore, ascending to the upper realm is a very risky thing. Although it has benefits, it is really unstable.

In comparison, this demon-polluted world is much better.

The tombs of those ancient sects are treasures to be developed. They contain ancient inheritance, spiritual treasures and immortal weapons, as well as the techniques of transforming gods, returning to emptiness, combining techniques, as well as alchemy methods, formation methods, and talismans. Tao, high-level skills such as the way of refining weapons, as well as the transformation of demons and spiritual objects, the secret of salvation...

They are resources that are visible to the naked eye, and benefits that are visible to the naked eye can be grabbed by reaching out and swallowed by opening one's mouth.

If so, why fly?

The resources of this world alone, the inheritance and treasures left over from ancient times are enough for the Wandao Academy to digest, raising the overall strength to a big level, and even transcending the boundaries between immortals and mortals, and the boundaries between heaven and earth.

Instead of taking advantage of the immediate benefits, you take huge risks and ascend into the unknown?

Xu Yang's brain hasn't had such a big problem yet.

Although the ascension will not be ascension, the problem of the filth in the demon world still needs to be solved, otherwise the sword above the head will fall down one day.

If the Desire Realm strikes again and the Six Desire Demon returns, then the foundation he has worked so hard to build may be in vain.

Therefore, we must try to solve this evil disaster, not only the root cause, but also the symptoms.

Although Meng Fuyao didn't know what Xu Yang was thinking, he didn't try to persuade him.

Because persuasion is useless.

Monks like them are decisive people. Once they make up their mind, it is difficult to be shaken. At least that's what he sees in Xu Yang.

Any attempt to persuade is just a waste of effort and lip service.

"Since fellow Taoist is determined to do so, I won't say anything more. I just hope that fellow Taoist will do it for your convenience."

Meng Fuyao looked at Xu Yang and said calmly: "The foundations of the three sects of Bailong Ridge and Snow God can all be owned by fellow Taoists, but our four sects need to help four people's corpses to become Taoists within a hundred years, so that we can gather them together The number of ascension.”

Xu Yang looked at him and said calmly: "For four people to ascend, they need four fourth-level demon-transforming spiritual objects, or four ancient spiritual treasures, as well as many second- and third-level demon-transforming spiritual objects with the ability to transform and eliminate demons. Planning and preparation, and more. Otherwise, you have to swallow a lot of five internal organs human elixirs."


Such words made Meng Fuyao silent. After a long time, he said, "Fellow Taoist, you don't agree?"

"Of course I won't allow it!"

Xu Yang said in a cold voice: "Cannibalism is insane, and it is also a demonic method. Even if you become enlightened, there are endless hidden dangers. You will definitely be a demon in the future. After today, Bai Yujing will command the world. Anyone who practices the five internal organs elixir method, no matter who he is, will be a demon." Kill him!"


Meng Fuyao was silent for a while, but finally nodded in response: "This method is indeed harmful to Tianhe, and there are many hidden dangers. Our four sects try not to use it, and only use it with sinful villains. Since fellow Taoists are determined now, then we Let’s abandon it and ban this method together!”

Between the words, there was a concession.


"If you don't want to take the Five Zang Pills, then you have to rely on demon-transforming spirits."

Xu Yang shook his head: "The opportunity to transform demons into spiritual objects and purify the world is what I, Bai Yujing, need. I want to search all over the world and introduce them to the gate of Baiyu Jing!"


Hearing this, even Meng Fuyao couldn't help but frown, and after a long time he said: "Fellow Taoist, this is too overbearing!"

"It's true that I'm overbearing, but the situation forces me to do it, and there's no way around it!"

Xu Yang's tone remained unchanged and he said calmly: "I will fight for Bai Yujing if I turn into a demonic creature, and I won't hesitate to make the world my enemy."

Meng Fuyao frowned: "Do you really want to do this, fellow Taoist?"

Xu Yang nodded: "Not bad!"


Hearing this, Meng Fuyao fell silent again, and took a deep breath for a long time: "Since fellow Taoist is determined to be like this, then we can only become enemies with fellow Taoist!"

"not necessarily."

Hearing this, Xu Yang changed the topic: "I am not a person who leaves no room for others. There is still a way to help fellow Taoists ascend, and I am willing to do my best to help."


Meng Fuyao's eyes narrowed and he asked tentatively: "What do you mean by fellow Taoist...ancient spiritual treasure?"


Xu Yang nodded: "The ancient spiritual treasures can also be used as a sustenance for the corpse. I am willing to help fellow Taoists search for secrets, and even attack the Demon Realm, excavate the ancient sect's relics, and collect four spiritual treasures for the corpse's sustenance."


Meng Fuyao was silent, hesitant in his heart.

The method of deconstructing corpses requires sustenance, and one can choose between demon-transforming spiritual objects and ancient spiritual treasures.

The best choice is naturally to transform into a demonic spirit object. Not only does it have the advantage of dispelling demonic energy, but it also has considerable growth potential and its combat power is also quite good. It is equivalent to occupying a spiritual object and rebuilding it with its body.

Although ancient spiritual treasures can also be used as corpses for sustenance, they are more similar to weapon spirits, just like lonely ghosts. It is difficult for ghost spirits to become saints. After that, they have no potential, and there is no hope of advancing to a higher level.

Therefore, if you have a choice, it is best to use corpse corpses that turn into demons. For example, they have four sects, one Confucianism, three Buddhas, and except for him, the supreme elder who uses ancient immortal weapons, the corpse corpses of the other four sects are all their sustenance. Transform into demonic creatures.

But now...

This person is extremely domineering in his actions. Not only does he want to ban the elixirs of the five internal organs, but he also searches the world for demon-transforming spiritual objects, leaving only ancient spiritual treasures to go with him.

What can they do?

Could it be that we can still use all the strength of the four sects to fight against it?

If he could do this, would he still sit here and give in again and again?

No matter what, Nascent Soul Corpse Dissection is corpse dissection anyway. As long as nine people can ascend, who cares what happens in the future?

Anyway, he already has the support of immortal weapons, and his disciple Li Qiankun and the three Buddhist monks have already transformed into demonic creatures. It would be great if they can support the next four corpses. How dare you pick and choose?

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Fuyao was ready to agree.

But getting ready, there was still some doubt on his face: "Ancient relics, there are many dangers!"

Xu Yang smiled and asked, "What is so safe in this world?"


Such an answer left Meng Fuyao speechless.

He originally wanted to bargain, but the person in front of him didn't give him any room.

Yes, the ancient relics are very dangerous. There are many buried monsters, as well as ancient formations and prohibition methods. Even if they are dissected and explored, they may still be destroyed.

But... the ancient relics are dangerous. Isn't Bai Yujing not dangerous?

There are only two ways now, either go to the ancient sect to dig graves, or fight Bai Yujing, you choose one.

Very gangster, very domineering!

But people have the strength and domineering capital of gangsters.

In this regard, Meng Fuyao had no choice but to say: "After the creation of the immortal method of corpse analysis, most of the ancient secrets that can be easily explored have been dug out by the world. The remaining places are all in danger, and we need to fight The power of Taoist friends.”

"It's natural."

Xu Yang nodded and said calmly: "As long as you keep your promise, don't use the five internal organs elixir method, and don't seize the demon-transforming spiritual objects, I am willing to explore the ancient relics for the vanguard, and I will collect the number of corpses for my fellow Taoists."

"That's it...just according to what fellow Taoist said!"

Meng Fuyao fell silent and then said: "But I have something to say first. We can only restrain the disciples of our sect. Others are cultivating independently. We cannot guarantee it and cannot stop it. Fellow Taoists have great ambitions and need to be personally involved."

With these words, a hot potato was thrown out.

The five internal organs human elixir, which transforms demons and spiritual objects, is not only necessary for corpse dissection, but also for spiritual practice.

In this world, cultivators, even if they are not in the realm of corpse dissolution, still need to take Five Zang Pills and rely on demon-transforming spirits and objects to eliminate the demonic energy, otherwise they are in danger of becoming demons.

Now, Bai Yujing wants to ban the five internal organs elixirs and search for all the demon-transforming spiritual objects. Wouldn't that mean that the monks in the world will be driven to death?

Luckily for the four disciples of their sect, they have accumulated a lot of sect knowledge, and they have a few of their Corpse Execution monks to support them for a hundred and eighty years. When all the corpses are collected and the sect ascends, they will be free.

But what about those casual cultivators?

They have no hope of ascension. Even if they don't seek corpse dissolution or higher advancement, they still have to take the Five Zang Pills and demon-transforming spiritual objects if they want to survive.

Bai Yujing has done things so well, so he is not afraid that all the cultivators in the world will fight against him, or even turn into demons and die together with him?

Even if I am barefoot, I am afraid of those who wear shoes. Even if I can't help you, I will still cause a bloody storm under your rule.

No matter how strong you are, Bai Yujing, you can still suppress the world. Although the casual cultivators don't have corpses, they have a lot of foundation-building elixirs. They also have the method of transforming demons and the method of burning jade and stone together. In the past, all the major corpses sects had to give in. Given a certain living environment, if you are doing things so well now, are you really not afraid that others will come to your door and turn into demons and fight to the death?

Meng Fuyao was very curious.

Xu Yang didn't care, however: "I know the secrets of heaven, and I have a way to transform demons. I will introduce various substitutes in the future to replace the five internal organs pills, and cooperate with me to ban this method."


Meng Fuyao's eyes narrowed: "How can fellow Taoist have such a merit, even better than the five internal organs elixir method?"

Xu Yang shook his head: "At present, the effect is slightly inferior, and it is even worse than transforming into demons and spiritual objects."

Meng Fuyao frowned: "It's hard for loose cultivators in the world to accept this!"

"Kill if you don't want to give in!"

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged and he said coldly: "I have left room for a way out. If you are still stubborn and do the right thing to death, then I can only fulfill his wish."

Meng Fuyao: "..."

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