Cultivation: When you do things to the extreme

Chapter 261 Dreaming Again (Harvest Summary Transition Chapter)

Wandao Academy, Golden Turtle Island.

Xu Yang opened his eyes and sighed quietly: "Time is ruthless, and old friends are withering away!"

Two thousand years, although said to be a quick time, went by in a hurry, but in reality it was an extremely long period of time.

During this period, Wandao Academy will inevitably undergo a replacement of the old with the new, and blood replacement.

New people come, old people go!

After all, not all cultivators can achieve the art of immortality by practicing the earthly method like him.

As early as five thousand years ago, when the Ten Thousand Dao Academy was first established, he passed down the method of the earth spirit, hoping that a second earth spirit and a second land of Yuanling would appear in the Ten Thousand Dao Academy.

As a result, they all ended in failure.

Because at that time, the Taoist world and the Yuanling world had not merged, the world was barren, and Yuanling was silent. Unless he had the help of skills and characteristics like him, it would be impossible to cultivate the method of the earth, open up a spiritual land like Jinlu Island and use it as a spiritual land. This extends life.

It didn’t work before the two worlds merged, but what about after the two worlds merged?

Not very good either.

Although the integration of the two realms has made Yuanling abundant, the method of the earth still requires the divine seal. In the world of black water, this thing is either awarded by the "Heaven" or by combing the geomantic omen for condensation.

This is a very long process. It has lasted for more than two thousand years, and no one has succeeded yet.

Is it because the earth's laws are not adapted to the soil?

Or is there something left behind by the ancient immortals and gods in the Taoist world that makes it difficult for the earthly laws of the Blackwater world to take effect?

Xu Yang can't make a conclusion at the moment. He only knows that apart from him, there is no one else in Wandao Academy.

Without immortality techniques such as the Law of the Earth, the lifespan of a cultivator would appear to be quite limited.

Therefore, Xu Yang had to send away one old friend after another.

Chu Nan is one of them.

Xu Yang admired this underachieving student very much. Because he was like-minded, his love and pursuit of Tiangong's creation method and Lingbao mecha even surpassed his original creator.

To Xu Yang, the Heavenly Creation Technique is just a spell and a method. It is important but not fundamental. Practice should still focus on one's own foundation.

Chu Nan was different. He almost regarded the Lingbao Mecha as his life, and devoted his whole life to the advancement of the Tiangong Creation Method. He even delayed his practice for this reason, so that he could not break through to the God Transformation in time.

The average lifespan of a Nascent Soul cultivator is no more than a thousand years. Before the two realms of Dao, Law, Yuanling and Yuanling merged, Chu Nan was already a thousand-year-old Nascent Soul. If Xu Yang hadn't given him spiritual pills and other life-extending spiritual objects many times, he wouldn't even have been able to support the two realms. .

After the two worlds merged, the heaven and earth had abundant souls, and the skills needed to be complete. With his talent, the obstacles at the level of becoming a god were not too big.

But because of the three magic weapons and the threat from the Demon of Desire, he had to devote his time and energy to Bai Yujing, the Magic Locking Tower and other matters to ensure that Bai Yujing was foolproof and that the three magic weapons could not break the seal and threaten Wan Daoxue. palace.

Xu Yang had nothing to do about this, because everyone was like this during that time. Even he, the Taoist master, spent twelve hundred years at the Xuantian Sect ruins, trying his best to understand the Xuantian Formation Tao.

The threat from the world of desire and the hidden worries from the devil are so great that no one from top to bottom dares to relax.

In this way, everyone worked diligently to study the magic-making method, and finally relied on the power of the three magic-locking towers and the three fairy mechas to provide some protection for the situation. Even the big demons in the United Realm who were attacking from across the boundary were attacked by Bai Yujing. retreat.

The result is successful and the effect is remarkable!

However, Chu Nan also delayed his practice and missed the best opportunity to break through. His last attempt failed and he could only leave with regrets and go to Yinshan Prefecture to start a new life as a ghost and god.

It is difficult for a ghost spirit to become a saint. There is an essential difference between the body of ghosts and gods and the body of living beings. From now on, unless someone vigorously supports you, there is almost no possibility of further advancement.

Even over time, if the bodies of ghosts and gods are poisoned by incense, they will change themselves. After thousands of years, it may be difficult for even him to tell whether he will still be the original Chu Nan.

Xu Yang was helpless about this.

Cultivation is risky, and breakthroughs must be made with caution.

In the world of Taoism, although there is the Patriarch's Dharma Altar, Luotian Dajiao, and many other methods, it has successively created three-yuan foundation-building elixir, five-element gold-forming elixir, yin-yang infant condensation elixir, Yuan Shenling liquid and other elixirs, which can effectively help people break through. , ensuring that one’s life is not lost and one’s foundation is not damaged, but that’s all.

The foundation-building elixir is okay. As long as you use the spiritual elixir and combine it with the ancestor's altar and Luotian Dajiao, the probability of success can reach 99%. Unless it is too heaven-defying, there is almost no possibility of failure.

But when it comes to the Nascent Soul Transformation Level, the success rate has dropped. Especially in the first level of Divine Transformation, the Patriarch's Altar and the Luotian Dajiao are no longer able to provide help for breakthroughs. They can only ensure that one's life is not lost and the foundation is not damaged.

Although Wandao Academy has now used the resources of the Yuanling World and combined it with the remains of Xuantian Sect and other ancient immortal sects to develop the Yuan Shenling Liquid, the help of the Yuan Shenling Liquid to cultivators is far less than that of the Foundation Establishment Pill. The golden elixir can only provide 30% of the assistance, and the rest depends on the cultivator's own talent.

Although Chu Nan's talent was not bad, he still failed at this level and had no choice but to turn into a ghost and go to the underworld.

What Xu Yang can do is to hand over the fairy-level ghost mecha "Underground Yin Si Mansion" to him, so that he can continue the mecha business that he regards as life and loves incomparably.

Unavoidable regret.

But don’t be too sentimental.

Compared with his old friend from two thousand years ago, Chu Nan is already doing well.

In this world, he failed to break through and become a god, and he turned into a ghost only after being hopeless.

Two thousand years ago, when the two realms were not reunited, many Nascent Soul monks, such as True Lord Evergreen, Fairy Fengming and other Xu Yang's old friends, had no chance at all and could only ascend to the upper realm to find hope.

Even now, five thousand years have passed, and there is still no trace of the mud cow drowning in the sea.

What is the situation in the upper world? Why are there so many monks who have ascended and there is no news yet?

Xu Yang didn't know, but the matter of ascension had been classified as high-risk for him.

It's okay if I didn't have a choice before. Everyone has their own ambitions, so you can't force it.

But now... Wandao Academy has banned the matter of ascension. No, the qualification for ascension has been upgraded from Nascent Soul to Fusion.

After all, the two realms are in harmony, the Yuanling is abundant, and the skills must be completed. The monks under the rule of Wandao Academy can completely break through in this world to become gods, return to the void, and even merge into the realm of integration.

Therefore, although Nascent Soul has the ability to break boundaries, Wandao Academy is not allowed to ascend.

Rou Baozi has been beating dogs for more than three thousand years, and Xu Yang doesn't want to continue beating dogs.

At least until the merger, or even Mahayana, to test the upper limit of development after the integration of the two worlds, and then talk about ascension.

In the original world of Yuanling, ancient immortals could achieve the realm of integration. Now that the two worlds of Taoism, Law and Yuanling are combined, is it possible to achieve the Mahayana immortality, or even a higher realm, a higher-level existence?

Xu Yang kept his expectations and worked hard for them.

As the saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Many of his old friends, like Chu Nan, entered the Yinshan Prefecture.

It is difficult for the Yin spirit of all tribulations to become a saint, and there is little hope for the future path.

But slimness is not absolute. As long as he continues to improve and achieve immortality in the future, he may not be able to help him.

Human beings are not grass and trees, and who can be ruthless? These old friends are all his disciples, and each of them has made great contributions to Wandao Academy and his cultivation foundation.

As a Taoist master and a teacher, as long as he has this ability, he must give them a hand.

This is the basis for governing a family, governing a country, and governing the world.

All living beings are a community of interests. Although Taoist monks are virtuous and can sacrifice their lives for righteousness, as a monarch and leader, you must ensure the interests of the collective and everyone above and below.

In this way, a force or a group can last for a long time and develop bigger.

Relying on love to generate electricity and selfless dedication?

You are so stupid that you have to die!

Immortals and gods are all things in the future, there is no point in thinking about them.

Now he is just a small god-transforming monk.

Not bad, transform into a god!

After two thousand years, his cultivation is still the transformation of gods, and he has not yet entered the realm of returning to the void!

There is no way, he has too many things to do. Chu Nan has given up his path for Bai Yujing and the matter of locking the Demon Tower. How can he, as a Taoist master, ignore the world and only seek transcendence through his own merits?

The threats from the Realm of Desire and the hidden dangers from Heavenly Demons are too great and must be dealt with emphatically, otherwise the Taoist World and Wandao Academy will be in danger of being overturned and destroyed.

The foundation of Taoism in one life, the advancement of cultivation in one time.

Which one is more important, needless to say.

Therefore, Xu Yang's main job during these two thousand years was not to practice cultivation, but to receive inheritance, the Yuanling World, and the ancient immortal sect's relics.

Under the leadership of his Taoist master, Wandao Academy worked hard to tackle key problems and turned the relics of Xuantian Sect and other ancient immortal sects into its own heritage, so that the skills such as alchemy, talisman, weapon, formation, etc. were upgraded from the fourth level to the fourth level. Sixth level, and obtained the results of Yuan Shenling Liquid, Five Elements True Spirit Diagram, Five Elements Sealing Heaven and Locking Demon Tower, etc.

This is the craft aspect.

In terms of skills, ancient relics have also been combined to combine the two major systems of Taoism, Soul and Yuanling into one, and two high-level systems have been launched: "Tao Jing·Yuan Shen Chapter" and "Tao Jing·Return to the Void Chapter" Dharma door, it is expected to launch combined and Mahayana parts in the future.

What a great achievement!

With this, the situation is barely stable. Unless the Mahayana Demon Lord or even the Demon God of the Realm of Desire comes in person at any cost, the three fairy mechas will definitely be able to suppress the situation in the Demon Locking Tower.

There was peace for a while, although the world of Taoism will continue to develop, and it is necessary to attack the seventh-level skills and the combined Mahayana exercises, but those realms are too profound and mysterious, and without thousands of years of hard work, it is almost impossible to imagine the results. .

Thousands of years?

Regardless of the Taoist world or the Yuanling world, the time difference from the real world is a hundred times, and it has not changed after the two worlds merged.

Although ten thousand years is a long time, in the real world, it is only a hundred years, which is nothing.


In the Xuling Cave, all the heroes gathered, watching with eager eyes!


It has been two thousand years since I entered the dream this time, and twenty years have passed in reality.

According to previous estimates, in another seventy or eighty years, the Void Spirit Cave will be opened, and the Beidou Immortal Sect and other Immortal Sect Holy Lands will come to kill, return to the Void and overhaul, and the combined powers will compete for the Void Spirit Lord's legacy. , and may even alarm the Mahayana Immortals.

Is the situation more than dangerous?

In such a critical situation, Xu Yang urgently needed the power to protect himself, so he fell into a dream like this.

Although the harvest was huge this time, it still could not break the situation.

So what if the Wandao Academy deduces the seventh-level magic door? It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. The resources in the Void Spirit Cave can’t support the application of these high-level magic doors at all. Building fairy mechas and setting up fairy formations are just wishful thinking!

Skills are useless, how about relying on cultivation?

The cultivation level of the body is still in Yuanying. Although he now has the skills, he is also limited by resources. In a few decades, he can reach the sky and become a god, and he can't even touch the edge of returning to the void.

In this way, facing the major immortal sects and major holy places in the northern region, returning to the virtual world, the combined power, and even the Mahayana immortal, how can he save his life and escape?

Maybe he could give in and join one side. After all, he is not Lord Xu Ling, and he has no interest in the so-called immortal treasure.

But that's the next best thing.

A man born in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?

Looking at people's faces and letting them manipulate you is not what they want.

If possible, it is best to get out and stay away from this vortex.

As for taking it head-on... Xu Yang is not that unwise. He uses Yulong Island's hundred years of achievements to forcefully challenge the hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation in the Holy Land of the Immortal Sect.

Getting away is the best option.

But how to get out?

Although Xu Yang had several plans in mind, they didn't feel very feasible.

Therefore, Xu Yang decided to have another dream.

real world?

There's not much to say, just tolerate and hibernate.

Just over twenty years have passed, and the situation in Xuling Cave and Liang Kingdom's cultivation world has basically not changed. Tianshu Sect and the Immortal Sect Holy Land outside have not opened any more passages to check inside.

There were only cultivators from Liang Guo who were engaged in chaos and disputes, and some of the remnants of Tianshu who he had deliberately spared were secretly acting. They were small characters whose highest level was no more than Nascent Soul. He really didn't have the time to argue with them.

Therefore, Xu Yang does not intend to return to reality this time, but is preparing to directly start the next journey of Dream Butterfly.

Dream butterfly?

Not bad, Mengdie!

Instead of releasing Yang Shen's clone to explore the surroundings of the Taoist world, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly again and traveled around the world.

The level of the Taoist world and the Yuanling world are quite different, and the surrounding world is expected to be average. Unless he ascends to the upper realm with unknown conditions, it will not be able to meet his needs and provide a chance to break the situation in reality.

Therefore, we can only dream of butterflies and look for a higher-level world, preferably like the Black Water World, where there are gods and Buddhas in the sky. Only in this reality can we have a chance to break the situation.

However, if the teaching of Taoism is not over in one lifetime, how can we dream of butterflies again?

Do we want to abandon the world of Taoism and the Ten Thousand Tao Academy?

Of course it's impossible!

Such hard work, such achievements, and endless potential, how can we give up so easily?

If you don’t give up the body of Tao and Dharma, how can you dream of butterflies again?

Simple, matryoshka doll!

Li Liuxian (Xu Yang)

Cultivation: Yuanshen (Taoist Yuanling, fifth level perfection)

Skills: life, travel, alchemy, weapon refining, beast control, spiritual plants, formations, Taoism, martial arts training, cultivation...

Newly added: Dreaming (Zhuang Zhou Mengdie)

Xu Yang has always had a bold idea, which is to transfer the characteristics of Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly to his clone, like the "Li Liuxian" in the Taoist world. In this way, the dream within a dream can create infinite matryoshka dolls and preserve each world. The foundation of meritorious service.

But this idea has always been difficult to realize, because the level of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie's characteristic is too high. Whether it is a Taoist clone or the real body, its soul power is not enough to support the transmission.

Until he breaks through in cultivation and becomes a god!

The Nascent Soul transformed into a soul, and the power of the soul was greatly improved, so Xu Yang tried to use the Taoist clone to consume the power of the soul and absorb the Zhuang Zhou Mengdie characteristics of the real body.

And then...he succeeded.

Although the cost was depletion of soul, severe damage, and recovery after more than three hundred years of cultivation, he still succeeded in the end.

Therefore, he can dream again and again, starting Zhuang Zhou's journey of dreaming of butterflies with "Li Liuxian".

Although this felt a bit overwhelming, Xu Yang didn't care.

Regardless of the real body or the clones of Tao and Dharma, they are all themselves. However, the difference between the left and right hands is that the person is still the same person and the consciousness is the same consciousness. Talking about the clones of the body is just for differentiation. In fact, there is no priority.

That is to say, it is not certain whether the attribute panel and other clones can continue to exist after the death of the real body. Otherwise, Xu Yang does not need to pay too much attention to the crisis situation in the Void Spirit Cave, and it is not a problem to directly attack the major immortal sects.

Although this thing cannot be attempted, it is still possible to dream within a dream.


On the Golden Turtle Island, Xu Yang smiled, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the dream, enter another dream.

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