Cultivation: When you do things to the extreme

Chapter 264 Coming out of the coffin

"How, how could that happen!?"

Looking at the awakened person in the Xuanbing coffin, Su Shaoqing's eyes widened to the limit for a moment.

Is it an illusion of life and death?



Before he could calm down in the panic and chaos, he felt the strong wind behind him and the force of a dragon and tiger pressing down on him.



There was a loud noise, the ice crystals exploded, and the cold air spread like smoke.

The green bamboo stick hit like a raging dragon, but it hit the empty space and only pulled out a deep ravine in the ice, snow and frozen soil.

The inevitable blow fell into the air?

Who had a hand in this?

At this juncture, in this situation, who else can intervene?

Shi Wei frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy, and hurriedly looked forward.

I saw the cold air like smoke, ice crystals all over the ground, and two figures, tall and short, standing in the biting night wind.

Needless to say, the short one was the one who was seriously injured and dying. Su Shaoqing's weak body relied on someone's legs and knees to prevent him from collapsing to the ground like mud.

And the person he relied on...

Black hair is like ink, green shirt is like washing.

The tall and straight figure stands tall and straight.

The calm gaze is even more profound and boundless, as if there are thousands of truths.


Shi Wei's pupils shrank, he stopped in his tracks, froze his body in shock, and looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the giant shadow of the demon god was cut open by the light of the red star sword. Two figures fell in embarrassment, and one person fell in a arrogant manner.

It was the second envoy of the Demon Sect and Chen Pojun who fought with all their might and risked their lives.

Although it was a desperate fight, life and death were not determined. The two demon sect envoys fell to the ground in a panic, the blood master Zhang Ren's face was pale, the ghost Rakshasa Du Xinyu's mouth was bleeding, and there was a knife wound between the chest and abdomen, and the red star sword light was entrenched. Among them, it is like the maggots lingering on the tarsal bones.

Looking at Chen Pojun again, he was still as arrogant and even more domineering. The armor on his body and the Black Iron Divine Weapon were not damaged at all, which showed how much advantage he had in the duel with the ultimate move after just one attack.


As soon as he landed, he saw something change in the scene. The man stood tall, and Shi Wei had a horrified look on his face.


"How is that possible!"


As soon as he glanced at that figure, both the severely injured second envoy of the Demon Sect and the arrogant Chen Pojun couldn't help but change their colors.

Shock, shock, shock!

The four people lost their voices for a moment, and the scene fell into dead silence.

Only Su Shaoqing raised his head with difficulty, looking at the very familiar yet strange figure, his eyes blurred, and murmured: "Ancestor, is it really, really... you!?"

There was fear in the words, for fear that this was a dream that would turn into a mirror and become a dream that would never be real again.

"Ancestor Emperor?"

Xu Yang lowered his head, lowered his eyes, looked at the seriously injured man, and then looked around: "He actually... came back?"

There was a bit of surprise in his words, as if he had never thought that he would return to this world.

Surprised indeed!

He actually came back, returned to the world of "Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", oh no, "Great Zhou Tianwu", and was reborn in the body of "Xu Qingyang".

how did you do that?

You must know that when he left this world, he died in the Temple of War at the end of his life. Even if Zhuang Zhou Mengdie returns to this world, logically speaking, he should inherit the body of another person.

Why did he return to the body of "Xu Qingyang"?

Could it be that Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, with the power of his soul, could not only restore fatal injuries, but also extend his life span?

Even so, how did his physical body survive? The time flow rate between this world and the real world is 365:1. At least more than 10,000 years have passed since his death.

More than ten thousand years!

Even if he returns to the void and undergoes a major repair, he will turn into dust and disappear into ashes.

And when he sat in the Temple of War at the end of his life, he only had a martial arts cultivation level equivalent to Yuan Ling Foundation. Although his physical body was strong, it was far from immortal. He was not like the powerful immortal of Xuantian Sect. How is it possible that after more than 10,000 years have passed since the corpse was shed, it can still regain its life force and come back to life?

Not only that, this body actually still retains the vitality of flesh and blood, as well as his martial arts cultivation and internal energy skills. It seems that he has not died at all in these more than ten thousand years, but is just wandering too weak and his soul has left the body. Therefore, this body Still alive, flesh and blood with vitality.

How could this happen?

Xu Yang doesn't know.

But he didn't get too entangled, because the situation in front of him didn't allow him to think too much.

The chaotic thoughts ended in an instant.

Looking up, the reactions from all parties were the same but different.

"Emperor Tianwu!?"

"How is that possible!?"

Equally horrified and equally disbelieving, Chen Pojun looked at the person in front of him. Although his majestic eyes were full of suspicion, he did not dare to act rashly for a moment.

The other three were just as ordinary, confused and uncertain.

Zhou Taizu!

Emperor Tianwu!

The martial arts myth from 15,000 years ago, the undefeated legend from 15,000 years ago.

The founder of the Shenwu Era, the founder of the martial arts system, a great pioneer that cannot be buried even by the great catastrophes of the ages and the collapse of the era.

Destroying Buddhism and killing Taoism, punishing Confucianism and rectifying the Dharma, eradicating the three religions, defeating all the masters in the world, and suppressing the world for eight hundred years, suppressing all the heroes in the world and the powerful dragons of the ten directions. Hao, the peerless hero who caused all kinds of rebellions at home and abroad, and made the world clear and peaceful.

The first ancestor of Shenwu, the Great Emperor of Tianwu—Xu Qingyang!

The history books of the years are rising like smoke, and each piece of them floats in the mind, like a yellow bell, shocking the mind.

Facing this kind of existence, even if you die, you still have to be in awe, not to mention...

He's alive!

He actually survived?

How is it possible! ?

Although there are rumors circulating in the world, it is said that when the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not yet collapsed, Tianwu's body was taken out of the War Temple and brought back to the underground palace to be stored in the Baoxuan Ice Coffin, and the holy king's relics were also used. , constantly injecting power and essence, hoping to change his fate against the will of heaven and bring him back to life.

But...this is just a rumor.

Go against the will of heaven and change your destiny, come back from the dead?

Not to mention that at that time, he only developed his martial arts to the realm of holding pills. Even the most powerful Shenwu Venerable later did not have the ability to act against the will of heaven.

At most, it is just to take one's body and be reborn, to live another life. How can one be resurrected from the dead?

If you believe this rumor, you might as well believe in the wild history joke that eating Tianwu's body will give you thousands of years of skill and live the flesh and bones of the dead.

Although it is absurd to use corpses as medicine, it is more reliable than the resurrection of the dead, right?

So... what is the situation now?

Everyone was in shock and doubt, and did not dare to act rashly.

Only Su Shaoqing listened to his words, and a big stone suddenly fell in his heart. He smiled with tears in his eyes and said: "Ancestor Emperor, you, you are back, I, we succeeded...ah!"

As he spoke, his body trembled, and he was seriously injured and bleeding again.

Xu Yang lowered his gaze and glanced at him. Then without saying a word, he pressed the Yuan in his hand and landed on his Tianling.

Although I don’t know why, this physical body does retain vitality. Not only does it retain vitality, but it also retains its martial arts cultivation and true energy skills. So this time he did not start from scratch, but completely inherited it. No, Back to the state of "Xu Qingyang" back then.

Not only the vitality of flesh and blood, but also martial arts cultivation, even...

Xu Xian (Xu Yang)

Lifespan: 885/1000

Cultivation: Baodan realm

Skills: Butchering, Eating, Sleeping, Breathing, Medicine, Walking, Archery, Reading, Teacher...

Practicing martial arts (God rewards those who work hard, washes the scriptures and cuts the marrow, never grows old, martial arts connects the gods, the ancestor of martial arts, the unity of nature and man)

Even the attribute panel and skill characteristics that he trained back then have returned with him.

Although from his current perspective, this level of cultivation and these characteristics are nothing, far less than the achievements of the real body and the world of Taoism, but compared to starting from scratch every time, this is already a good starting point.

I saw Xu Yang pressing down with one hand and landing on Su Shaoqing's Tianling. Suddenly a burst of spiritual light flashed out. The martial arts true energy turned into mana and was urged out. The martial arts scrolls and the Taoist scriptures were produced in parallel, and combined with the power of the skill characteristics, they protected him from serious injuries. body to keep its vitality alive.

"This is... a new word scroll?"

Su Shaoqing was hit in the back by Shi Wei's Subduing Dragon and Subduing Tiger Stick. His spine was shattered and his heart was broken. He was already on the verge of life and death. He could not speak, and finally he was dying. He didn't want to lose everything in his body under this hand. The vitality has regrouped so quickly that it has the potential to heal itself even if the heart is broken and the spine is shattered.

Is this a vocabulary test?

No, although the Shenzi Scroll he knew was a wonderful way to heal wounds, it definitely had no such magical effect.

Could it be that the ancestor emperor was really not dead, but was just wandering around in the God of War, comprehending the mysteries of martial arts, and the truth of the God of War. Now that his achievements were successful, he woke up and returned from his dream, so this is why there is this more wonderful Shengzi scroll?

Yes, it must be!

Only with this explanation can everything make sense.

The ancestor is not dead yet, he has gained enlightenment and returned!

The Tianwu lineage will surely be revitalized...

"Scroll of new words?"



Su Shaoqing's heart was surging, and Chen Cejun and the four others were even more frightened.

Although the Great Zhou Martial Arts Book appeared in the human world tens of thousands of years ago and was reduced to a second-rate martial arts after the beginning of the Divine Martial Era, as the world's first holy book in the past, many people still refer to it for practice. This is especially true for the top players, who have more or less dabbled in it.

Therefore, the four of them knew at a glance that this "Emperor Tianwu" used the Wu Jing Sheng scroll.

But it is plausible, and it is different from the new word scroll they know. There is a huge gap.

Could it be...


Chen Pojun snorted coldly, strode out, pressed towards Xu Yang and the other two, and said in a cold voice: "Even if you are the most powerful divine warrior, you can't change your destiny against the will of heaven, and you can't rise from the dead. How can you do that?" How dare you, the lonely ghost here, to pretend to be mysterious in front of me?"


Hearing Chen Pojun's words, the two envoys of the Demon Sect met each other's eyes, and the beggar Shi Wei frowned.

"A lonely ghost?"

"Could it be that he is the Grandmaster of Tianbang and the warrior of Shenqiao who took his body and was reborn?"

"That makes sense."

"It's not that Tianwu was reborn, but which Tianbang Grandmaster, Shenqiao warrior, or Jiu occupied the magpie's nest took away the Tianwu body?"

"No, Emperor Tianwu has been in power for more than 15,000 years. Even if there is a mysterious ice coffin to keep him alive, and the holy relics are injected with essence, he can only keep his body indestructible. His energy and blood have long since dried up. Who can take it away? His body?"

"I'm afraid those Tianwu remnants used other means. Although the Zhou Dynasty failed to catch up with the Shenwu Era, it had already acquired a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. For example, the Bodhi True Seed may not have treasures that can restore life to the corpse. .”

"This Chen Pojun is also brave and dares to challenge a Tianbang Grandmaster."

"Grandmaster of Tianbang, that was in the past. Now he has been reborn and has not recovered his cultivation level. What kind of master is he?"

"The Emperor Tianwu back then only developed his martial arts to the Dan Bao realm. Now, even if the Tianbang Grandmaster takes over his body and is reborn, he will not go beyond this limit."

"This Chen Pojun is ranked thirty-fifth on the Earth Ranking. He is a master of the Great Perfection of Yuan Dan. He also has the Pojun Star Body and the Black Iron Divine Weapon. He is quite confident when facing off against the Grandmaster Seizing the Body who is only one level behind and possesses Dan cultivation. .”

"Hmph, if he didn't seize the body, can you identify the master's method behind the specious scroll?"

"Although the Emperor Tianwu of the time only developed his martial arts to the realm of Bao Dan, he was able to rule the world with Bao Dan for eight hundred years, live forever, and flourish in the spring and Autumn period. Is there not some reason behind this?"


The three of them were speechless, but their glances made each other clear their doubts and gave them a better understanding of the situation on the field.

Chen Pojun stepped out steadily and pressed forward.

Is the person opposite him the resurrected master of Tianbang, or is he really resurrected from the dead for Tianwu?

To be honest, he didn't know.

But that's not important.

Grandmaster or Tianwu!

When it comes to warriors, strength is everything.

To say one thousand, to say ten thousand, the other party can only hold the elixir cultivation level. I have perfect Yuan elixir and have the advantage of the first realm cultivation level. I also have the Army-breaking Star Body and the Black Iron Divine Weapon. I have the upper hand in all aspects, even Crush.

So, why are you afraid of him?

Just kill him, you must get this holy relic.

Chen Pojun stepped out with impressive power, approaching his opponent.

"Ancestor, be careful!"

Su Shaoqing also woke up with a start and quickly reminded him.

Although the ancestor emperor has returned after attaining enlightenment, he has been dormant for tens of thousands of years. Now he has just woken up, and his cultivation level has not been long. Facing Chen Pojun, who is ranked thirty-fifth on the Earth Ranking and has perfect Yuan Dan, I am afraid...

Su Shaoqing didn't dare to think too much and could only remind him loudly.

"Yuan Dan?"


Hearing this, Xu Yang finally raised his hand to heal Su Changqing's wounds. Looking at Chen Pojun, who was approaching step by step with a knife, he actually smiled and said: "Not bad!"

Holding an elixir is like building a foundation, and Yuan elixir is better than a golden elixir.

At that time, he entered the Temple of War and studied the God of War Illustrations for more than ten years. Finally, based on this accumulation, he deduced the realm of Yuandan in martial arts.

After that, he couldn't make any further progress, because the insights from that part of the God of War Illustration could only support him to this level, and the development focus of the world of Taoism and Wandao Academy was biased towards Taoism, Yuanling, Tiangong, and martial arts. The process is inevitably difficult.

Nowadays, there are Yuandan warriors in this world. It should be that after he passed away, someone further understood the martial arts mysteries of the God of War Illustration and introduced a more advanced martial arts system.


that is……

"Pretending to be a ghost, you will die without knowing it!"

Hearing these words of relief, Chen Pojun's face became even colder. He raised the ferocious long knife in his hand and saw the scarlet red star knife slash out.

Destroy the military star!

Black Iron Divine Weapon!

They are all inherited from the God of War and are rare treasures in the world.

This person has the most cultivation level, but the difference in realm, difference in skill and body, and difference in weapons...

How can we be an enemy? How can we be an enemy?

Chen Pojun was full of confidence, his sword power was even more powerful, and he came for his life.

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged and he only raised his palm slightly.

Martial arts cultivation, martial arts and magical weapons?

It’s really not as good as it is, far worse!

But now, with his achievements and accumulated knowledge, he is no longer limited to martial arts.

It's just a difference in one realm. What does it mean to him?

Hands together, palms raised.

All of a sudden...


The situation changed and Thunder fled in shock.

Taoism and martial arts are integrated into one, and magical powers manifest themselves.

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