In the mirage dragon abyss, in the white jade capital.

Xu Yang was sitting in the Dao Palace and saw the void shattering into a figure.

The body fell and sat on the ground. A golden light flew out from it and disappeared between Xu Yang's eyebrows.

It is Tao Fa Yang Shen!

Yang Shen returned, Xu Yang opened his eyes, waved his sleeves and put away the broken God of War mecha in front of him.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed.

Although cultivators have a different concept of time than ordinary people, thirty years can still be considered a period of time.

In the past thirty years, he has traveled all over the Northern Territory, leaving many traces of him in the wilderness and the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Through auctions, transactions, giving away treasures, etc., he spread the Dao and Wu Classics everywhere, throughout the frontiers and even the hinterland of the Central Plains, and successfully added a large number of pendants to himself.

In addition, he also used the method of fishing to kill many tribulation cultivators and even destroyed several chambers of commerce and sects, plundering a lot of resources and greatly accelerating the development of Bai Yujing.

Overall, it was very successful and very complete.

But that’s it!

After all, the Holy Land of the Immortal Sect is the Holy Land of the Immortal Sect. It has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, and its heritage is far deeper than ordinary people imagine.

Although now, they are overwhelmed by him and exhausted, but that is because they still don't know his intentions and are unwilling to pay the price to get him, a small character who is not even a Mahayana.

If we continue to force them to make these Immortal Sect Holy Lands jump over the wall and use their true heritage, then even if they cannot find his true form hidden in the South China Sea, it will not be a problem to capture his walking incarnation.

Therefore, the matter of spreading the two classics of Dao and Wu has to come to an end for the time being.

Although with his current capital, he could afford to sacrifice a Yang God incarnation and a fairy mecha, but as a good Taoist who is diligent and thrifty, such meaningless expenditure is really unnecessary.

Now that the two scriptures of Dao and Wu have been spread throughout the Northern Territory, no more efforts will be made to increase the number of disseminators, and there is still the risk of being killed by the ten holy places. One disadvantage is the loss of an incarnation of the Yang God and a fairy mecha. .

The benefits are not proportional to the risks. Such a thankless task is really unnecessary.

Therefore, the Dharma transmission plan is temporarily suspended.

After the teaching was put on hold, Xu Yang didn't have much to do.

On Bai Yujing's side, all developments are carried out step by step and in an orderly manner, and they will only bear fruit if time accumulates.

The same is true in terms of cultivation. The Second Dao and Wu Sutra spread throughout the Northern Territory, and he added a large number of new cultivation pendants. He will soon be able to improve his cultivation level, and then start refining the off-the-ground flame flag and high-grade fairy mecha.

There is nothing to say about these things. It all depends on time and effort.

The trouble is with Shi Feixuan, no, with Meng Fanyin.

Xu Yang once thought about bringing her back directly, but the existence of the Manjusri Sword Seal forced him to give up this idea.

Although he has the ability to escape and is not afraid of any heavenly secret deductions, the Manjushri Sword Seal has nothing to do with the heavenly secret deductions.

If he takes Meng Fanyin away and lets Jingnian Temple find Mirage Longyuan and Bai Yujing through the Manjusri Sword Seal, then most of the Wandao Academy's years of operation will be destroyed, not to mention wiped out in ashes.

As a superior, he cannot act emotionally and make such irrational choices.

Not only Meng Fanyin and Manjusri Sword Seal, but also the spiritual objects and prisoners of war that he has collected through "self-defense counterattacks" over the years. He is also picky and selective. Those with hidden dangers will not be discarded. Those who can be released will be released, and those who cannot be released will be killed. Some Suspicious items are also buried in other places and will never be brought back to Mirage Abyss.

No wonder he is so careful. Those Immortal Sect Holy Lands have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have all kinds of weird methods. They may be able to hide from the sky and resist the care of his Chongmu Celestial Eye, so they must act cautiously.

The existence of the Manjusri Sword Seal prevented him from bringing Meng Fanyin back to him. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Of course you can!

Xu Yang gained a lot from his trip to the Earthly Immortal World. With various magical powers and secret techniques, coupled with skills and characteristics, it was not a problem at all to remove the Manjusri Sword Seal set by Mahayana, so he just had to try a few more times.

Xu Yang was already making preparations in this regard, and passed on the Tiangang method "Wandering God Controlling Qi" obtained from the heaven to Meng Fanyin.

This Tiangang supernatural power specializes in cultivating the soul to the realm of Dharmakaya. Even if it is not Mahayana, it can make the soul leave the physical body for a long time and become immortal. It can even continue to practice and achieve enlightenment and become an immortal.

According to the records of the earthly immortal world, there were many such immortals in ancient times, called Yuanshen Sanxian.

Meng Fanyin has cultivated this magical power, and removing the Manjusri Sword Seal in the future will not cause much damage to her.

But removing the Manjusri Sword Seal is only the next best option.

If possible, Xu Yang still hopes that Meng Fanyin can master this Buddhist technique with extraordinary origins.

He is a pragmatist. There is no difference between Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. It is just about strength. It all depends on the individual. The good ones will be accepted and the bad ones will be discarded. There are not so many sectarian views and differences between far and near.

Therefore, he didn't mind Meng Fanyin practicing Buddhist techniques, but he hoped that she could succeed in her practice.

In this way, he will be able to reduce a lot of resistance when he conquers Jingnian Temple and even the entire Brahma Sect in the Northern Territory in the future.

What, destroy the whole family?

Don't be so irritable as a person, you can kill people all over the house at every turn.

If you don't talk to them, how do you know they are unwilling to cooperate?

If we can't come to an agreement on things like extermination of the family, then let's talk about it.

If that doesn't work, let Meng Fanyin switch to other Buddhist practices. Anyway, there is also Buddhist inheritance in the earthly immortal world. After the cooperation with the heaven is stable, the mecha market can be opened up in Hezhou, Xiniu, so as to scratch the profit of these great monks.

To sum up, Xu Yang did not bring Meng Fanyin back to him, but only prepared Yang Shen to travel and meet him from time to time.

When talking about Meng Fanyin, we have to mention Xin Si Niang.

From Guobei Academy to Wandao Academy, Xin Sianniang accompanied him in the world of Taoism for more than two thousand years, and then reincarnated into this world through the method of reincarnation. Counting the time, it was hundreds of years ago.

Xu Yang never likes the new and dislikes the old, nor does he like the old and dislike the new. Over the years, he has been looking for traces of Xin Shisi Niang, but he has found nothing. He even used the Chongmu Heavenly Eye to predict her with the method of heavenly secret inquiry, but it was also in chaos. , I don’t know the result.

Where was she reincarnated and what is her current situation?

Xu Yang didn't know, but as expected, she shouldn't be in the Northern Territory.

If he were in the Northern Territory, with his current cultivation level, even if he couldn't find out the specific location, it wouldn't be a complete mess with no clues.

If it's not in the Northern Territory, then it's in the other four territories, or the land of demons, the endless ocean?

Xu Yang couldn't tell.

But no matter what, personal safety should still be guaranteed. After all, Xu Yang spent a lot of soul power to reincarnate for her, and he should be able to regain his previous wisdom soon after reincarnation.

As long as the wisdom from her previous life is restored, it will not be difficult to protect herself or even gain a foothold with the various methods Xu Yang taught her.

When his strength reaches a further level and Wandao Academy has completely established its foothold in the Northern Territory, then he will step into the Endless Sea and go to the other four territories to find her back.

Xu Yang believes that this day will not be too far away!

After talking about Meng and Xin, he was the only one left.

The affairs of this world have basically come to an end, and the next step is dormancy and development, waiting for time to mature the fruits.

Strategy shifts back to the dream world.

In the dream, there are three worlds, each of which is developing.

Xu Qingyang runs the world of Shenwu.

Li Liuxian is in charge of the Taoist world.

Zhen Yuanzi conquered the immortal world.

Each performs its duties and develops.

Both the world of divine martial arts and the world of Taoism have "demonic disasters" as hidden dangers. Although it has not yet broken out, it is difficult to go further. It can only develop step by step, with soldiers coming to block it and water coming to cover it up.

As for the Earthly Immortal Realm, the current strength of Wandao Academy can only stick to Nanzhanbuzhou and use the ascension platform to manage the lower worlds. It is difficult to break the pattern of four states and two domains. After all, there are Nine Tribulations True Immortals suppressing them. It would be bad if the persecution is excessive and the person is destroyed at all costs.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the three dream worlds will not change much, and it is not easy to do too many things.

But what is Xu Yang’s personality now?

If he doesn't cause trouble, he will feel uncomfortable all over!


Xu Yang smiled, closed his eyes, and fell into sleep again.

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