
The door of the van opened, revealing a gloomy face. It was a strong man in his thirties. He was sitting in the back compartment with a handsome look and said to Xu Yang: "Isn't this brother Jin? Long time no see. Come up and talk?”


Xu Yang was silent for a while, then walked into the carriage.


As soon as they entered the car, they saw a young man with yellow hair pushing the car door open with his backhand. The man with a gloomy expression said directly: "Drive."

In this regard, Xu Yang had no words and just silently searched for the memories of his predecessor.

Content soon emerged. This man's name was Zhang Qiang. He was a project manager of a lending company. He belonged to a very dynamic social group. Although he was not the eldest brother, he was still a small leader.

As for why the original person got involved with this kind of person, it goes without saying that it must be because of online loans.

Falling in love makes you lose your mind, and being a dog licker is even more hopeless. In order to support Zhang Xuemei's expenses, Qianjin borrowed countless online loans. Zhang Qiang and the lending company behind him are the biggest creditors.

So it makes sense for him to come.

The car restarted, Zhang Qiang stretched out his hand, put it directly on Xu Yang's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Jin, those accounts are about to expire. I wonder if you have the money ready?"

Xu Yang looked at him, his expression unchanged: "I have a house, how much can I exchange for it?"


Zhang Qiang was also startled when he heard this.

As the project manager of a loan company, he naturally knows all the situations of his "customers" and knows that Xu Yang will never be able to repay those debts. This time, he will use coercion and inducement to squeeze out the last value of him. What is left behind by his parents? real estate.

Although Longhai is a first-tier big city, housing prices remain high. As Ganjin's parents are middle class, the property they left behind is worth several million yuan. Otherwise, this lending company would not have granted so many loans for no reason. give him.

Now, before he could threaten or induce him, Xu Yang offered to pledge the real estate?

Zhang Qiang was a little surprised by this. It took him a while to react, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his gloomy face: "As expected of Brother Jin, he is so bold and bold. I like it. Seeing that we are so familiar with each other, I will give your house to you." How about paying out 300,000 yuan and canceling all your debts?"


When Xu Yang heard this, he simply said: "I want the three hundred thousand now, and I can transfer the house to you right now."

"So urgent?"

Zhang Qiang frowned and had some doubts.

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged and he continued: "Give me another month to move and vacate the house."


Zhang Qiang frowned, but finally said: "Okay, happily, it's settled!"

After that, he asked his younger brother to drive to Xu Yang's house.

Although he didn't know what stimulated this kid, but a house with several million dollars was now sold at a low price of 300,000 yuan. There was no reason for him not to do this kind of business.

A few hours later, the housing notary office.

"Brother Jin, it's a pleasure to work with you. If you need anything next time, just call me."

After completing the transaction and making a huge profit, Zhang Qiang's smile became much brighter. He patted Xu Yang on the shoulder and put him down in the van.

Xu Yang didn't say much. He turned around and entered a convenience store with the bank card and house transfer contract he had just entered.

"This kid..."

Zhang Qiang sat in the van and looked at his leaving figure. He felt a little strange, but he couldn't explain it.

The yellow-haired boy next to him was also average: "Brother Qiang, isn't it too cheap for him? He still has 300,000?"


Zhang Qiang sneered, clapped the house book in his hand and said: "You have to be merciful and merciful. We have already made enough money from this business. Let's let him go for now, so as not to jump over the wall in a hurry. We will start with other projects after a while. I hope this guy has sense and doesn’t spend all the three hundred thousand dollars so quickly.”

The younger brother's eyes lit up after hearing these words: "Brother Qiang is wise!"

"How can I be your boss if I'm not wise?"

"That's that's..."

Let’s not mention the conversation between the two for now.

In the convenience store, Xu Yang pushed a cart of things in front of the counter.

"Eighty-five yuan, thank you...ah!"

The cashier looked up and exclaimed, looking at Xu Yang with horror in his eyes.

Xu Yang's face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. His appearance was particularly terrifying. No wonder the cashier was frightened by this.

Ignoring the horrified cashier, the pale Xu Yang endured the pain in his head, took out his mobile phone, completed the payment, and left the convenience store with a bag of things.

When I walked out of the convenience store, I didn't have time to go anywhere else. I opened the bag directly on the street, took out a bottle of mineral water, poured a bag of white sugar into it, shook it, and drank.

"Tons, tons, tons!"

A large bottle of sweet sugar water was poured into the stomach. Under the influence of a series of characteristics of the diet skills and the effects of martial arts, it was quickly decomposed into sugar, which was absorbed by this weak and barren body.

In this way, the severe pain in his head subsided slightly, and Xu Yang's pale face regained some color.

But Xu Yang kept moving, taking out several packs of high-calorie food from the bag and stuffing them into his stomach hungrily.

People like Zhang Qiang have a characteristic, that is, they are greedy and greedy.

Do you think that if you cooperate obediently, provide him with offerings, and let him exploit you, he will stop at nothing and let you live?


This kind of people are like jackals, hungry tigers and jackals who can’t get enough to eat!

He will only eat you up and wipe you clean. He never understands what it means to finish you off.

Therefore, Xu Yang had to resort to means and used the magic of the devil to capture his soul.

Although he has no cultivation at all now, the soul-capturing technique does not necessarily require magic power to be used. There are also similar techniques in the martial arts, such as the Heavenly Demon Technique in the God of War Illustration, which all have the ability to capture souls and seize souls.

At the cost of consuming a lot of energy and blood, he used the most superficial level of the Heavenly Demon Technique on Zhang Qiang and others, slightly confusing their minds, so that he could successfully pocket the 300,000 yuan without being further knocked to the bone and sucked out the marrow.

But the consequence of doing this was that he had no cultivation at all, and his body was extremely weak, and he entered a state of severe Qi and blood deficiency.

If someone else did this, at least half their life would have been lost and they would have to struggle with disease in the future.

But Xu Yang is not an ordinary person. He has skills and martial arts skills, so this shortcoming is nothing to him.

After eating a bag of food, his body recovered a lot. Xu Yang stopped staying and found a bank to withdraw some funds, and then started purchasing.

Although he has no cultivation and is very weak now, he can still kill several gang members with his skills and capture them easily.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he chose to use the devil's secret method to facilitate the deal between the two parties.

There are two reasons for this. One is that he needs starting capital, and the other is that he does not want to alert the enemy.

Killing is easy, but the aftermath is difficult!

This is modern times, not ancient times. There is no such thing as people not being held accountable by officials. Zhang Qiang and others are part of a social gang, a loan company, and there are cameras all over the street. They can be beaten to death directly. If Xu Yang doesn't deal with the aftermath, he might still be killed. It will attract the attention of federal agencies and eventually find him.

I just saw the red moon last night, how dare I kill someone today?

Doesn't this make it clear that there is a problem?

Before you have enough power to protect yourself and understand the truth about the world, you still need to maintain a certain degree of vigilance towards federal agencies.

Therefore, Xu Yang decided to let them go and spend all the money after a while, then settle accounts with them and do some cleaning work of social garbage.

Withdrawing tens of thousands of cash from the bank, Xu Yang did not go to the cafeteria to eat and drink as planned. Instead, he went to an electronics mall and purchased a brand new mobile phone and a laptop with excellent performance.

Three hundred thousand yuan, one-tenth of it was lost in one go.

Xu Yang didn't feel any distress, and walked to a cafeteria with his things.

"Eighty-five yuan per person, no time limit, no limit, seafood and steak, all you can enjoy."

Ignoring the dubious advertising slogans, Xu Yang paid the meal fee and deposit, picked up a large plate of food, then turned on his mobile phone to record, and started eating and drinking in front of the camera.

In this world, spiritual energy is thin.

This body has low qualifications.

How to practice quickly and gain powerful combat power?

Just by eating?

That's not enough!

You have to start elsewhere.

For example...population resources!

Population is also a cultivation resource for Xu Yang.

Because he has the two classics of Taoism and Martial Arts, as well as feedback from skill characteristics, he can add "training pendants" to himself!

The geographical area of ​​this world is similar to that of the Daofa world. Although the population is not as exaggerated as under the rule of Wandao Academy, the five major regions of southeast, northwest, and middle have a population of nearly 100 billion.

With a population of hundreds of billions, if the martial arts scriptures are taught, how many spiritual accessories can be added?

Even if it cannot completely replace spiritual energy, it can still enhance practice with great efficiency.

Therefore, it is imperative to spread the Dharma!

But how to teach this method?

Direct transmission?

It doesn't work!

Not to mention how federal agencies will respond, popularity alone is a big problem.

This world, on the surface, is an ordinary world, and there is no such thing as cultivation. If you find someone and tell him that I want to teach you peerless martial arts, he will most likely treat you as a lunatic.

If you want others to accept your ideas and practice martial arts with you, you must first have enough influence.

Therefore, Xu Yang decided to debut as an anchor!


Internet celebrity?

Although it sounds a bit cheap, you have to admit that the Internet is an extremely excellent communication platform.

Xu Yang is a pragmatist. As long as he does not deviate from his original intention and can achieve his goal, he doesn't mind any means.

It's the same now. Although the anchor Internet celebrity belongs to the bottom of the screen contempt chain, and even has serious derogatory meanings, he doesn't mind making a cameo and taking advantage of it.

In fact, there is no distinction between high and low professions. The negative image of anchors and Internet celebrities is mostly caused by the crazy behavior of those people on the Internet.

Xu Yang decided to make a reverse mudslide and open up a new track as the "Martial God Anchor" as his first step to influence the world.

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