It's four o'clock in the morning, before dawn.

On the outskirts of Longhai City, the lights were brightly lit, as bright as day.

The Red Book Bar and the surrounding area are filled with federal military police armed with live ammunition.

Total martial law!

At the entrance of the bar, the vehicles were cleared and all the irrelevant personnel had been sent away, leaving only corpses neatly placed.

Looking at the dozens of corpses in front of him, Nie Hailong's face was as dark as water, filled with gloomy clouds, and a bit of unconcealable horror and anger.

There were dozens of corpses, some well-preserved, some with broken bones and as soft as mud. The miserable state of death was shocking.

"Director, the results are out!"

The assistant secretary came over with the computer in his arms and Shen Shenghui reported: "Based on the technical department's speculation, on-site investigation, and the live broadcast, the murderer completed the crime between eight and ten o'clock last night, but Red Book TV The live broadcast is from 10 o’clock to 1 o’clock in the morning.”

"So the technology department speculates that the murderer used some network technology to delay the live broadcast on Red Book TV for three hours. The live broadcast we saw at ten o'clock actually started as early as eight o'clock. The time in the live broadcast room The process also proves this.”

"Delay the live broadcast?"

Nie Hailong frowned, still puzzled: "Even if he has online means to delay the live broadcast, during the time when the live broadcast was delayed, as the person involved, didn't Hongshu TV discover that his live broadcast was not Does it happen in real time?”


The assistant hesitated for a while: "The technical department also discovered this problem. At that time, Hongshu's network staff did not find that their live broadcast was delayed, but continued smoothly as usual."

"Therefore, the technology department speculates that the murderer and the group behind him have extremely advanced network technology, which completely separates the Red Book TV network from the outside network."

"From the perspective of the staff of Red Book TV, their live broadcast went on as usual without any problems, but from the outside world, they did not live broadcast, and their live broadcast was not put on the public network in the form of a video until the incident was over. "

Nie Hailong frowned and was even more puzzled: "Is there such a technology?"


The assistant shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Theoretically, there is, but according to the analysis and calculations of the technical department, it is difficult to achieve it by network means alone. Physical interference must be added, but we have inspected the site and found no such traces. "

"That is to say..."

Nie Hailong looked back: "The other party's network technology has completely surpassed ours?"

"That's understandable."

The assistant nodded and said in a deep voice: "Based on the delay in the live broadcast time and the other party's unshakable network defense during the live broadcast, the other party's network technology is probably beyond our time."


Nie Hailong fell into silence.

Network technology ahead of its time?

Although it was very shocking, it was not unacceptable. After all, as far as he knew, there were all kinds of messy things in this world. It was not unacceptable for a network god to pop up.

The question is...what is he going to do?

Why would he conduct such a live broadcast and expose what he did to the public eye?

Is it just a desire to express himself and let the world witness his heroic deeds in order to gain personal psychological satisfaction?

Or does it have other purposes?

As a well-known master of criminal psychology in the Federal Security Agency, Nie Hailong is now somewhat unsure of the other party's psychology.

Helpless, he could only turn his eyes and come to the corpses.

The assistant followed closely and continued to report: "In this incident, a total of forty-eight people died. The identities have been clearly investigated. They are all employees of Antai Group and their gang members. Apart from this, there are no innocent persons involved."

"In addition, there are a total of 81 members of the Antai Group here. Forty-eight of them were directly killed by the murderer, 21 were injured to varying degrees, and 12 had no injuries except for shock."

"We investigated the identity information and criminal records of these people and found that the forty-eight deceased had a common characteristic, that is, they were all suspected of participating in homicides or serious injury accidents. Twenty-one of the injured had also committed criminal acts. , and the injuries seem to correspond to the extent of the crime.”

"The twelve people who were unharmed were network employees recruited by Red Book Company and were not involved in the criminal activities of Antai Group."

"That is to say..."

The assistant frowned and analyzed: "The murderer's actions are of a punishing nature!"


Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "How can he accurately distinguish among the crowd who is a criminal and who is innocent, who is guilty of a serious crime and deserves to be killed, and whose crime is trivial and can be spared? Can he still check it in real time? Can’t do it?”

"This... Judging from the current information, yes!"

The assistant shook his head: "The murderer has the ability to distinguish the degree of the target's crime. This may be some kind of supernatural power, or it may be the use of technological means and some kind of facility equipped for real-time analysis."

"Is that so?"

Nie Hailong murmured without saying much. He just squatted down and uncovered the white cloth on a corpse.

This is a relatively intact corpse. Judging from the clothing, he should be a security guard.

The assistant followed closely and made another report: "This is a sentry member of the Antai Group on the periphery. According to the on-site investigation and autopsy report, he was fatally struck by a blow, and the murder weapon was..."

"Steel nails?"

Nie Hailong picked up an evidence bag. Inside the bag was a silver-white steel nail soaked in blood.

“Regular steel nails from the hardware store!”

The assistant added: "It was fired with bare hands and penetrated vehicles, glass, and even steel plates. It was suspected to be a hidden weapon technique from ancient martial arts, and it was attached with real energy to enhance the damage. A total of thirteen Antai Group members died from this weapon, which proves that the murderer had a weapon in China." Long-range attack capability within short range."


Nie Hailong was silent for a while without saying anything. He put down the nails in the evidence bag and came to another corpse.

The white cloth was untied, revealing a corpse with a horrifying appearance. The face was distorted, the eyes popped out, the body was in a completely limp state, the chest was no longer supported, and a large amount of blood and filth were blocking the mouth and nose.

"Armed members of the Antai Group."

The assistant looked at the information and continued to report: "The chest was hit with extremely heavy force, causing the thoracic bones to shatter, and the heart and other internal organs also suffered fatal blows. A total of nineteen people had the same experience and died on the spot. , proving that the murderer has an extremely powerful ability to kill with bare hands.”

"After he arrived, he quickly killed the sentry outside with steel nails, then quickly broke into the bar and locked the gate with the lock he carried. He also used the same method to seal several other reserved exits."

"Then he massacred the members of the Antai Group in the Red Book Bar, and killed them all with one blow, including the key members of the Antai Group, Chen Antai's third disciple, the Qi warrior Chen Tianying..."

Following the assistant's words, Nie Hailong uncovered another piece of white cloth, revealing a corpse with a more tragic death state.

"Chen Tianying, a true qi warrior, a key member of the Antai Group, good at the martial arts Sky Eagle Wandering Dragon Kung Fu!"

"He was also killed by a single blow. The chest bones and heart organs were shattered by a crushing blow, and they were embedded in the wall after a violent impact. The bones were completely shattered and he died on the spot."


Looking at Chen Tianying's body and listening to the assistant's report, Nie Hailong shook his head: "Does that mean he punched Chen Tianying into a cement wall with a thickness of tens of centimeters?"


The assistant nodded and said in a deep voice: "The murderer's physical strength has completely exceeded the level of Zhenqi warriors, and cannot even be compared with ordinary Gangqi. In addition, the murderer's direct speed and reaction speed are also extremely terrifying."

"According to the scene trace investigation, there was only one direct trauma on Chen Tianying's body, which was the blow to the chest."

"In other words, Chen Tianying, who is very good at close combat, only fought with him once, and couldn't even get past him. As soon as he took action, he punched him into the wall. He had no chance to kill the wandering dragon. Expand your body skills."

"In addition, when faced with the attack of Zhang Qiang, a member of the Antai Group, who was holding a firearm, he took a close-range blow from a 7.62 mm pistol bullet and used his muscle strength to squeeze the completely deformed warhead out of the wound."

"To sum up, this person's physical strength, direct speed, sensitive reactions, and martial arts attainments are all at an extremely high level."


The assistant reports and concludes.

Nie Hailong looked at the twisted bullet head in the evidence bag and was speechless for a long time.

The assistant continued: "Except for the criminal members of the Antai Group, he did not cause harm to anyone at the scene, but he took away the cash of 1.35 million and some items in the safe afterwards, and also burned many contract documents and debts prove."

Nie Hailong stood up: "So it should be revenge caused by Antai Group's loan business?"

The assistant frowned: "But the other party has such ability, it is unlikely that he will borrow money from Antai Group."

Nie Hailong's expression remained unchanged: "That's the people related to him. Check, find out all the interpersonal relationships between Antai Group and all the people involved in loan disputes, and other forms of threats, harm, and attacks. "


The assistant nodded and said again: "We have investigated the scene, including the female deceased whose neck was broken by him, and collected the murderer's fingerprints, but after comparing the database, no identity information matched."

Nie Hailong was not surprised by this and just said: "How is Chen Antai doing?"

"Still investigating."

"Go over and have a look."

Nie Hailong didn't say much, turned around and rushed towards the vehicle.

At this moment...


A man hurried over with a frown on his face: "It's a big deal!"


Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he stopped: "What's wrong?"


The visitor didn't say much and just handed him a tablet computer.

Nie Hailong frowned, took the tablet, and found that a video website had been opened with a web page.

When I reached out to click on the video, I saw a figure, tall and strong, as majestic as a mountain and as vast as a river!

The body shape is like a lofty mountain, and the muscle curves are like a python, a dragon, and a snake. He is alone in the darkness, like a demon with his back to the people. A long desolation of heaven and earth, and an extremely powerful force of human power rush towards the face, shocking People's hearts.


Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he turned to look at the video poster. Then he saw the same background avatar and a shocking signature.

"War Temple?"

"Martial maniac?"

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