When I clicked on the video, before I saw the familiar face, a large number of barrages came overwhelmingly.


"real or fake?"

"Ninety days, are you kidding me?"

"You can't grow as fast as you can even when I take hormones."

"After the big fanatic started, everyone came to follow him."

"I don't even want to see if I have that strength!"

"One look at the thimble, hard work with technology, identification completed!"

"Brother, please reply to the private message!"

"Brother, do you want to make a date? I'm 36G!"

"I'm looking for the recipe for medicated bath, the recipe for great tonic soup, and the secret book of Zhuang Gong."

"Brother, money is not a problem whether the medicated bath formula and Zhuang Gong secrets are sold or not."

"Have I changed or the world has changed? Why are people who know martial arts everywhere now?"

"Ah ah ah, I also want to practice martial arts, and I also want to be a muscular tyrant. Please sell me some of that medicine, boss!"

The dense barrage blocked the line of sight, making Lu Xuemei frown and quickly choose to block it.

Then he saw a familiar figure, it was Qian Jin who had disappeared for several months.

Gan Jin in the video is no different from before. His body is still thin, his skin is dull, his eyes are dull, and he looks morbidly weak from the inside out. He does not have the youthfulness and vitality that a young man should have.


"Don't die on my phone!"

"Brother, how much did you charge?"

"Be more moderate and maintain your health, otherwise you will die suddenly sooner or later."

In this regard, a lot of ridicule also emerged among the high-level barrages that cannot be blocked.

However, as the video progressed, the human body began to change. The flesh and blood body, dull skin, and dull eyes gradually became majestic, full, and bright.

Ten days, twenty days, thirty days, in the blink of an eye, the video jumps to ninety days later, and the man has been completely transformed, with a tall and straight figure, showing his majesty.

"What the hell!?"

"Changed the actor?"

"What kind of medicine are you using? It's so exaggerated?"


"Either substitutions, special effects, or fake duration."

"I have practiced this for ninety days. It is true that I stand on my head Akaishi."

"Looking for recipes, looking for contacts, looking for friends!"

“Reply to the private message!”

"Although it's still far from the big maniac, it's pretty good. Can you teach me, please."


The barrage flew by, with different reactions.

However, there was no response from the video, only that the man's body was majestic, showing a majestic vitality.


Lu Xuemei frowned and remained silent.

On the contrary, Meng Qianqian on the side was shouting and rekindling the flames of war.


"What a man!"

"So Ganjin is so handsome?"

"Why didn't you notice it before?"

"Nympho, your saliva is almost all over the screen."

The girls laughed and taunted secretly, which made Lu Xuemei's face look even uglier, so she could only turn her back and ignore it.

At this time, the video also jumps to the next one.

"Food Supplements - Buffet Method!" 》

"Buffet owner: Don't come over!"

"Brother, are you the reincarnation of Bajie, so you can eat so much?"

"I'm the restaurant owner and I've called the police!"

"It must be borrowing or editing. This appetite is beyond the scope of human beings."

“Brother is so unyielding in fighting counterfeiters!”

"Maybe there's a toilet attached to his butt, and he's eating and defecating at the same time."

"Don't be disgusted. This is a cafeteria. How can we borrow space for editing?"

The video jumps, and as expected, the screen is filled with barrages.

Lu Xuemei frowned, and then shielded herself, only to see the thin figure of Gan Jin, eating in front of the camera, consuming the food on the plate at an astonishing and calm speed, with a smooth and beautiful flow.

Although it is a video recording, he does not say a word, which is completely different from other "eating broadcasts".

One video only lasted for ten minutes, but he destroyed an amazing amount of food.

Lu Xuemei frowned and pulled the progress bar. Sure enough, several videos named "Food Supplement Buffet Method" all had the same content, with just one word - eat.

Although the main content is the same, the characters and locations are different. The changes in the image and the replacement of restaurants silently describe the efficacy and process of "food supplements".

In this way, after several videos, we finally came to the end of "Food Supplements".

"Food Tonic Chapter—Food Tonic Methods and Qi and Blood Kung Fu!"

The video jumps to show a person facing the camera, but he is not eating, but acting like a lecturer.

"The path of martial arts is based on the human body and Qi and blood!"

"If you want to enter the martial arts and become a warrior, you must first strengthen your energy and blood and strengthen your body."

"As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Eating is the most direct and effective method of supplementation."

"But how to eat, what to eat, and how to transform and use it after eating, so that the nutrients of the food can be transformed into the body's qi and blood."

"These are the core of the food supplement method!"

“Not only do you need to know how to eat, you also need to know how to practice!”

"When your body is strong enough and your qi and blood are strong enough, you can try martial arts practice to transform your qi and blood into internal strength and even true energy."

"This is the power of Qi and blood!"

Although these words did not teach the method, they laid out the concept of martial arts and the cultivation process, unveiled the mysterious veil to the world, and presented it clearly and concretely in front of people.

"Food supplement?"

"Qi and blood?"

"Martial arts?"

Lu Xuemei frowned, confused and confused.

Is this Ganjin the same Ganjin she knows?

What happened in these short few months that made him change so much?

I felt a little uneasy in my heart, but it was difficult to express it, so I could only grit my teeth and continue watching.

"All things are created to nourish people, and the path to martial arts is inseparable from the assistance of medicine."

"As a doctor, you need to understand the principles of medicine and the nature of the human body, the yin and yang and the five elements, and the emperor and ministers to assist you, so that you can maximize the effectiveness of medicine without harming the human body."

"Compared with ordinary food, medicine has a stronger tonic effect and can be taken internally or externally!"

"This medicinal bath method is for external use. When combined with the operation of Zhuang Gong, it can greatly strengthen the body's qi and blood."

"The first step in preparing a medicated bath is to understand various drugs and their effects..."

The introductory video of traditional Chinese medicine ended, and the screen jumped again. Xu Yang, who was naked from the waist up to his shorts, stepped into the steaming tub and was soaked in the thick, dark medicinal liquid.

Then, he closed his eyes and sat quietly in the posture.

Lu Xuemei frowned and realized something was wrong. She looked at the length of the video and found that it was hundreds of minutes long.

"Medicine Replenishment Chapter - Medicinal Bath Jingzhuang Kung Fu!" 》

"what's the situation?"

"He shouldn't be soaking in this dark potion for more than ten hours, right?"

"Aren't you afraid of soaking yourself?"

"My fingers became wrinkled after being put in the water for more than an hour, but he dared to soak his whole body for more than ten hours."

"Is there really any martial arts?"

The barrage flew across, everyone was shocked and confused, and Zhou Xiaohua and others in the dormitory also screamed in surprise.

Lu Xuemei was speechless and just pulled the progress bar to the end.

At the end of the video, Xu Yang was still sitting in the bathtub, his eyes closed, his body motionless, only his breathing rising and falling, his chest slightly broad, and the liquid, which was as black as ink, has now become light yellow and almost transparent.


"Boss, awesome!"

"I really ran for more than ten hours."

"The color of this potion has become so pale."

"Is he a master with real skills like the crazy gangster?"

"Please give me the recipe for this medicinal bath. Money is not an issue!"

"After the show started, a number of so-called martial arts anchors popped up on the Internet, but most of them were just trying to fool people. There are only a few that are genuine like Kuangshou and UP."

"Does the boss accept disciples?"

More than ten hours of soaking in medicinal baths directly dispelled the doubts, and the direction of the barrage also changed accordingly.

However, the person in the video didn't care about this. After the medicinal bath, he took off the high-pressure medicinal pot on the stove and rolled the pills in front of everyone.

"Refining medicine in a pressure cooker is really simple and unpretentious!"

"Where does the anchor live? Can we all get to know each other?"

"Is this medicine really edible?"

"Please, bring the goods. Just sell this medicine. I will definitely buy it."

The audience showed a strong desire to buy, but Lu Xuemei searched for a while but could not find the purchasing channel.

There is no product, so it’s not an advertisement?

Could it be...

A sudden thought occurred in my heart, and I felt even more strange.

But now, she couldn't do anything but grit her teeth and continue watching.

At the end of the food and medicine supplement chapter, the video jumps to the mountainous area.

Farming chapter!

The first video is about buying land and building a house at the foot of the mountain, in the fields, and beside the reservoir.

Mechanical construction was used to build the house, without exquisite decoration, and it had the style of a thatched cottage.

Even so, the number of viewers and comments remain high.

"Look at Internet farming and become a cyber migrant worker!"

"The big city is too busy, even if you know martial arts, you can't handle it, so you can only go back to the countryside and lie down."

"This is the life I dream of. I don't have to go to work, I can build a hut, farm and raise dogs, go to the mountains to hunt in the wild, and go down to the river to fish. I'm comfortable and ordinary. How good would it be?"

"When you wake up, it's still ordinary. This mountain and land contracted by the anchor also have a reservoir. Do you know how much it costs per year? There is also the investment in this kind of planting, especially those few medicinal fields. You don't have the capital to do it. hair?"

"I thought you were an ordinary rural anchor, but I didn't expect you to be a big capitalist engaged in land inheritance. I don't like you anymore, it's boring!"

"If this medicine field has not been cultivated for more than ten or twenty years, can any good medicine be grown? Don't bring a bunch of defective products to bring the goods."

"Leading Huang on the left and Qingcang on the right, anchor, can you still train an eagle?"

The article about farming is unremarkable, it is nothing more than building houses and cultivating acres of land.

Because it was the early stage of planting and there was no harvest to show results, everyone was not too surprised. In other words, the final method of taming the eagle dogs was a bit surprising, but it was still acceptable.

On the contrary, in the dormitory, Meng Qianqian, the loudmouthed emperor, the invincible sister, and the God of War's best friend, spoke out again to stir up the flames of war.

"Hey, why did he run back to the countryside?"

"Isn't it because some people are too shameless?"

"What a pity. With his traffic, he can easily become a millionaire after cashing in."

"Oh, God, please give me such a good boyfriend. I will definitely not be a cheater!"

"You can't say that. Jiang Tao's family is a big company, and a rich man is not hundreds of times better than an internet celebrity anchor."

"Then we have to let him in. Maybe he's just playing for fun and then kicks him away when he's done playing?"

Zhou Xiaohua and Meng Qianqian pulled the two neutral girls, and there was another strange anger. Lu Xuemei gritted her teeth with hatred, but she was unable to refute. Even her best friend Li Shuangshuang stopped speaking to help.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaohua felt even more relieved. She opened the reward interface without even looking at it and just clicked on it randomly. Then she said to Meng Qianqian: "Qianqian, your little tablet is too boring to watch. I declare, For everyone’s welfare, I will buy an indoor projector and come back tomorrow, and let’s watch Brother Qianjin’s live broadcast together!”

"Fuck brother?"

Meng Qianqian screamed strangely when she heard this, and said with a smile: "Then you don't want Jiang Tao?"


Zhou Xiaohua snorted coldly: "To hell with that rubbish, how can a pretty boy be as good as my fucking brother? Look at these chest, these shoulders, this back, these abs and these long legs, you feel so safe, okay?" , let alone martial arts. You see, he is proficient in horseback riding, archery, swordsmanship, and swordsmanship. No, he is so handsome!"

"No wonder your name is Zhou Xiaohua, you are such a nymphomaniac!"

"I like it, I want you to take care of it!"

"Ha ha……"

Some people were laughing and joking, while others were silent. There were six girls in a dormitory, and it was really exciting.

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