Longhai Security Bureau, in the director's office.

"Three conditions, three rewards."

"Medicine, teaching, live broadcast..."

Looking at the documents in front of him, Nie Hailong frowned.

Ning Qing stood by, saying nothing, quietly waiting for the result.

Although she promised Xu Yang that she would try her best to facilitate this matter, there are some things that are more effective if you don't say anything than if you say it. She believes that with the vision and wisdom of her director, she will make a wise choice.

as expected……

"Promise him!"

Nie Hailong threw the document away and said to Ning Qing: "You are solely responsible for this matter."


Ning Qing nodded, picked up the file, and exited the room.

"Qianjin, live broadcast, medicine..."

Nie Hailong was left alone, muttering to himself and frowning.

I felt a little uneasy in my heart, uneasy for no reason.

Is that live broadcast a coincidence, or...?

Nie Hailong couldn't tell clearly. Perhaps it was his professional instinct to be suspicious, or perhaps it was his nervous sensitivity caused by various events in recent times. He was quite wary of people and things at this stage.

But being on guard is guarding. As the leader of a bureau, he cannot ignore the overall interests just because of a little personal suspicion.

Including this person into the Security Bureau and promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between both parties would be of great benefit to the Security Bureau. He really could not find a reason to refuse. The most he could do was to maintain supervision and deal with problems after they were discovered.


As soon as Ning Qing left, there was another knock on the door behind her, with a clear sense of urgency.

Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he immediately replied: "Come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a person walked quickly: "We found traces of the movements of a large number of black sect personnel."

Nie Hailong immediately stood up: "Where are they, who are they?"

"They are all middle- and lower-level members of the Black Sect. They are moving collectively towards Wuyuan. They are also carrying a large number of Black Lotus cultists and prohibited items, and are creating a large amount of chaotic cover operations in various areas."


"Damn it!"

Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he said sternly: "Notify all departments immediately and intercept these Black Lotus cultists no matter what."


The visitor nodded and left in a hurry.

Nie Hailong didn't say much and picked up the phone: "Contact me immediately to all the agencies in Wuyuan and surrounding areas to implement a regional blockade and martial law. No one is allowed to enter the area."

"In addition, notify the General Administration and request support. The Black Lotus Sect will carry out major terrorist activities in the Wuyuan area."

"Team one and two, armed and on standby, waiting for my instructions!"

After a series of instructions, Nie Hailong also hurriedly left the office.

No wonder he was so nervous, the situation had developed to the point where there was no need to delay.

The predecessor of Black Gate was the Black Lotus Sect, a sect organization of extraordinary nature.

This kind of organization is unlike ordinary gangs and armed groups, and even federal agencies cannot tolerate its existence.

Why is it intolerable?

Because they are a bunch of crazy cultists!

The Federation can tolerate the existence of extraordinary people forming groups, gangs, and even warlords, and tacitly allows them to establish themselves as kings and separate themselves from one side, because these people can communicate, manage, and control, and they only pursue interests. As long as they are controlled well, It's completely within your grasp.

Organizations like the Black Lotus are different. They are a group of lunatics from top to bottom. They are completely unable to communicate and do not understand what compromise is. They do not act for simple interests, but for some pursuits that ordinary people cannot understand. Create various horrific events of extraordinary nature.

How can federal agencies tolerate this kind of thing and this kind of behavior?

Can only attack!

But after so many years of fighting, they have not been able to drive them all away.

The reasons are, firstly, that the Black Sect has a long history and profound foundation, like a centipede insect that is dead but not dead; secondly, because the federal power is limited, there is really no way to completely wipe out this organization.

Although the overall strength of the Federation is far superior to that of the Black Gate, it is impossible for the Federation to mobilize all its forces to encircle and suppress a Black Gate, because there is more than one organization like the Black Gate in the world, and there are many similar existences scattered in various regions of Blue Star. , always restraining the power of federal agencies.

Although the federal agencies have been vigorously cracking down on these intolerable sectarian organizations, they are often in a passive defense or even belatedly aware of the situation. It is often the other party that takes action first, and the federal agencies only notice and react hastily. , make amends for the situation.

There is no way, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear, so we are so passive.

The top leaders of these sectarian organizations are all powerful extraordinary beings, and they have various means to avoid the supervision of federal agencies. With the current strength of federal agencies, it is impossible to nip problems in the bud.

If you can't monitor the top management, you can only monitor the middle and lower levels. But when the middle and lower levels take action, what should be done has already been done.

If nothing else, just say that now, these Black Lotus cultists are taking large actions and openly exposed to the eyes of federal agencies, which shows that the plan of the top leaders of the Black Sect has been completed. Letting these cultists come over is just the icing on the cake. It is best to have them, but it is also not possible to have them. It's harmless.

The Black Lotus Sect's actions can no longer be stopped. What they can do now is try their best to control the situation, avoid further deterioration of the situation, minimize losses, and then wait for the powerful combat power of the General Administration to arrive to clean up the situation.

The process is just such a process.

But Nie Hailong was not sure whether he could control it.

After all, this was the first major terrorist incident after the Red Moon.

On the night of the red moon, the impact was huge, and the strength of those sectarian organizations was most likely enhanced.

Although the influence of the Red Moon is comprehensive, and the federal side has also been strengthened, it is impossible to say who is stronger. If the Black Lotus makes greater progress, then the federal agencies want to control the situation...

I feel worried and even more uneasy.

But at this time, Nie Hailong had no choice but to lead two rapid response teams from the branch and rush to Wuyuan.

After boarding the helicopter and looking at the rapidly shrinking city below, Nie Hailong took out his mobile phone again, but this time he did not see the familiar update prompt.

This made Nie Hailong a little disappointed.

It’s unclear whether the Black Lotus Sect’s actions were revenge or something else.

But no matter what, he was the cause of this matter.

Why don't you solve the problem you caused?

Can't make sense?

On the other side, Wuyuan Town.

This remote rural town is now under lockdown.

Around the town, there were forests of steel, tanks, tanks and armed police standing ready.

In response to this martial law, there was no response in the town, not even a single person was seen.

Silence, deathly silence, a silence so deadly that you can hear a pin drop!

Faced with such a strange situation, even the heavily armed federal military police did not dare to investigate in depth and could only impose martial law outside.

An hour or two ago, this small town was the same as usual, but before anyone knew it, the people were disappearing, and finally it became this strangely empty dead town.

Town residents, where have they gone?

No one knew, and federal agencies did not dare to investigate rashly, so they could only block it and control the situation.

In this tight atmosphere...


The cold wind howled, flowers were flying all over the sky, thick fog came like a tide, and the boundaries were blurred for an instant.


"not good!"


Seeing this scene, everyone changed their colors, and the commanders of each team hurriedly issued orders to evacuate, but there was only noise on the walkie-talkie, all communications were interrupted, and there was no response at all.

"Damn it!"

A combat team huddled in the chariot and quietly looked out. They saw thick fog all around, the outline of the building was looming, and there were even snowflakes flying...

No, not snowflakes!


There was a soft sound, flying flowers floated down, and stuck to the observation port of the chariot, it turned out to be a talisman, a talisman made of white paper and red sand.


He also heard the howling wind, talismans flying all over the sky, and the thick fog filling the air, like a ghostly realm.

"what happened?"

"This is where?"

"What about the rest?"

Inside the chariot, several soldiers clenched their weapons, unable to conceal their fear.

Even elite soldiers are no different from ordinary people when faced with such strange situations.


At this moment, the sound of footsteps became intensive in an instant.

Several people's pupils shrank and looked outside again.

I saw figures emerging from the thick fog, like zombies, coming straight towards here.

There are also Sanskrit Zen chants, and the echoes of compassion penetrate into the ears.

"Blessings, blessings, flesh and blood Bodhisattva, Great Black Buddha Mother, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, you will find a shore when you turn around, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, you will find a shore when you turn around..."

"Reincarnation is endless, the Buddha Mother is compassionate and compassionate, and her loving kindness saves all sentient beings..."

"This is what I hear, this is what I see, this is what I observe..."

"Amitabha Amitabha, Amitabha Amitabha..."

The chanting of Sanskrit chants turned into demonic sounds, and the words of praise were full of evil sounds and strange tones, layer upon layer, like the tide, rolling in all directions.

In the chariot, several soldiers felt as if they were in a daze, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

Darkness, darkness, darkness comes in waves.

In the darkness, a lotus flower bloomed and turned into a lotus platform.

On the lotus platform, there is a Buddha sitting alone, but it is not sitting upright with a solemn treasure, but sitting upright with a big horse and a golden sword.

A golden Buddha, with a belly as big as a drum, covered with dark incantations, sitting on the black lotus with a big horse and a golden sword, with many babies kneeling at its feet, with eight arms on its upper body, and six arms dancing behind it. , holding a vajra and other magical instruments, with his arms in the lotus position in front of him, there is something strange and terrifying amidst the sacredness and solemnity.


Everyone's eyes trembled, and their eyes and sights were uncontrollably lifted up and looked at the face of the Buddha statue.

On top of the black lotus, the giant Buddha sits upright, with a red talisman on his forehead, covering his face like a turban.


The moment it was touched, pitch-black flames rose, and the scarlet spell ignited, then turned into ashes in a blink of an eye, revealing the face underneath.

Under the spell, there is neither compassion nor majesty.


Hollow eyes, hollow face!

That's Him, that's Him!

Flesh and blood Bodhisattva, jealous of the Demon Lord - the Great Black Buddha Mother!

the other side……

Deep in the mountains, in a Taoist temple.

Under the altar, in front of the statue.


With a sigh, the Taoist opened his eyes and stood up solemnly.

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