This surprise attack was truly unexpected.

What kind of person dares to make a sneak attack after seeing what he can do?

Could it be that his own strength is still superior to the masters of the Black and White Sect, the Buddha and the Demon Sect, etc.?

No one knows.

But he did take action.

The figure was like a ghost, filled with gloomy energy, menacing demonic energy, erratic and difficult to figure out.

Xu Yang was not surprised by this. He raised his hand and shot back. However, he did not hit the ghostly figure, but fell into... the void?

Void, void, void, in the air!

Xu Yang clapped his palm, and saw ripples appearing. A figure fell out of the void. His hands were as fast as lightning, and he made six hand seals in an instant. The movements were uncertain, and the movements were life and death.

Immortal seal!

At this time, Xu Yang's palm power has arrived, but unlike before, he has no regrets and is extremely strong. This time, the power of Hunyuan in his palm is combined with Wuji's intention. It is like heaven and earth, integrated into one, which is truly wonderful in the world. .

Dou Juan - Hunyuan!

What is Hunyuan?

Hunyuan refers to the vitality of chaos before the world opened.

The essence of Hunyuan's moves is that it is self-contained, just like the universe, heaven and earth, and cannot be offset by any method of absorbing energy and converting energy, discharging energy and transferring energy, eliminating energy and breaking energy. This is one of the unique techniques in the martial arts fighting scroll. one.

In words that are easier for modern people to understand, it means...ignoring any blocking and damage saving throws.

Unless the opponent's martial arts level and fighting skills can surpass Xu Yang's martial arts, it will be impossible to neutralize this Hunyuan power.

Can this person be so capable?



The man shouted angrily, his hands frantic, like a madman, making six big hand seals, facing Xu Yang's Hunyuan palm.

It is the secret skill of the Evil King of the Demon Sect - the Seal of Immortality!

The six immortal seals are combined into one move. Between the virtual and the real, life and death change. One moment, they are close at hand, and the next moment, they are far away. They want to use this to defeat the opponent.



There was a loud noise, and the Immortal Seal was shattered under Hunyuan's palm.

The person who came flew out in response, flickering in the void one after another until he landed more than ten feet away.

Xu Yang did not pursue him. He stood on the spot and stared at the visitor calmly: "Shi Zhixuan?"

I saw the person coming, wearing a black robe, with white temples, an evil look between his brows, and a sense of compassion inexplicably. His face is even more difficult to describe. Obviously, his facial features have not changed much, but his impression is... Completely different, sometimes fierce and evil, sometimes compassionate, sometimes invisible and formless...

With such a temperament, needless to say, he must be the number one person in the Demon Sect, the Evil King Shi Zhixuan.

Xu Yang looked at Shi Zhixuan, and Shi Zhixuan also looked at Xu Yang. He raised his hand to wipe away the bright red blood stain on his lips, with shock and doubt in his eyes.

As the head of the eight masters of the Demon Sect and known as the "Evil King", Shi Zhixuan is often compared with Song Que, the Heavenly Sword, and regarded as a "grandmaster" level master.

But his family knew his own affairs, and Shi Zhixuan knew very well that he had not yet entered the realm of a grandmaster, and he was not a match for any grandmaster in the world.

If this is the case, why do people in the world regard him as a master?

It's very simple. Although he can't win or fight against a master-level expert, he can save his life or even retreat calmly.

At that time, he transformed into a great eminent monk and sneaked into Buddhism. He became a disciple of Master Jiaxiang of Sanlunzong and Master Daoxin, the fourth ancestor of Zen. He secretly learned the secret skills of the two saints, so that the four saints joined forces to hunt him down. , determined to take back his martial arts.

Each of the four holy monks of the four sects of Buddhism is a master-level expert. They are indistinguishable from the three great masters in the world. The four monks joining forces are even more terrifying. However, Shi Zhixuan escaped from their siege three times. Although Each time he suffered serious injuries, but in the end he saved his life.

It is precisely for this reason that people all over the world regard him as a master. After all, if a person who cannot defeat the four holy monks is not a master, it is really unreasonable.

But this is just the ignorant view of the world. Shi Zhixuan knows very well and is very sure that he has not entered the realm of a master.

He was able to escape repeatedly from being surrounded and chased by the four holy monks. First, because the four monks were great Buddhists and compassionate, they only wanted to capture him alive and did not kill him harshly.

The second reason is that he has two extremely mysterious martial arts, the Immortal Seal Technique and the Phantom Demon Body Technique.

The so-called Grandmaster, although extremely powerful, is still in the realm of "concentration" and has not yet entered the realm of "integration" that can shatter the void.

So, why can the Grandmaster be superior to other Concentrating Warriors?

It’s because of the spirit!

The master's mind and spirit have reached perfection and even developed the existence of "momentum".

Ningshen warriors, heaven and man are one, and the efficiency of mobilizing the power of heaven and earth directly affects the outcome of the battle between Ningshen warriors.

The master's mind and spirit are perfect, and he has cultivated the existence of "power". After unfolding, he can seize control of an area, making it impossible for ordinary concentrating warriors to unite heaven and man and mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

In this way, how can ordinary Concentrating Warriors fight against the Grand Master who is one with the unity of man and nature?

There is no way to fight against it!

Shi Zhixuan is not a grandmaster and has not yet become powerful. He is also unable to compete against a strong master.

But if you can't beat him, he can run away!

His Immortal Seal combines the principles of virtuality and reality, the principles of life and death, and can effectively blur the power of virtual attacks and transform the power of life and death.

Even if he is a master, it is difficult to knock him down with one blow or severely injure him with one move without using his full strength.

And when the grandmaster exerted all his power, expanded the "power" to the limit, and mobilized the power of heaven and earth to launch the most powerful killing move, he had already escaped with the unpredictable magic body method. After all, he had mobilized the power of heaven and earth with such strength. It takes a lot of time.

In this way, Shi Zhixuan became a grandmaster who was not a grandmaster. He couldn't beat the grandmaster, but the grandmaster couldn't beat him to death. And the top masters under the grandmaster were no match for him, so they could only treat him as a grandmaster.

With this, Shi Zhixuan went rampant in the world, provoking not only the four great holy monks of Buddhism, but also challenging Song Que, the "Heavenly Sword" among the masters who was famous for his war and the most lethal one.

This shows what he is capable of.

But Shi Zhixuan knew that his skills were not invincible, and there was still a possibility of being defeated.

It is actually very simple to defeat his move. As long as the move is exquisite and better than his Immortal Seal Technique and Phantom Demon Body Technique, you can kill him directly without mobilizing the power of heaven and earth to give him a chance to escape.

Shi Zhixuan also knew this, but since he created the Immortal Seal, he had been traveling all over the world for many years, and he had never met a master who could surpass him in martial arts attainment and skill level.

Even the four great sage monks and even Ning Daoqi, who is implicitly known as "the best in the world", are only on par with him in terms of martial arts attainment. Killing someone is just wishful thinking.


Looking at the overly young face of the person in front of him, Shi Zhixuan's heart was filled with turmoil that could not be calmed down for a long time.

How could this person break his immortal seal?

His Immortality Seal is based on the principle of "virtual and real life and death". It is like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, which circulates in reincarnation. It can remove all power and transform it into the energy of life and death to feed itself back, thus realizing the ability of "immortality".

But just now, the other party's palm used the power of Hunyuan and united Wuji's intention, as if the heaven and earth were one of their own, flawless and indistinguishable. His Immortal Seal could not be removed at all, but was shattered by one of his palms.

The difference has been made!

Not an opponent!

withdraw! ! ! !

His mind turned quickly and he made a decision. Shi Zhixuan's body moved and transformed into several ghostly figures, breaking out in all directions.

Phantom magic!

Just now, he dared to make a sneak attack, so he had something to rely on.

Don't get me wrong, he has a clear understanding of his own strength, and thinks that he, a master who is not a master, can be a terrifying master who can use this move to wipe out the black and white paths and the two sects of Buddhism.

He dared to sneak attack because the opponent had just used his ultimate killing move.

A strong master, the situation has been achieved, he can unite heaven and man, and activate terrifying power.

But on this day, the burden of human unity is huge, and the loss of both mental and physical strength is very serious. Therefore, after performing the ultimate move, the warrior will fall into a relatively weak state for a period of time.

It was precisely because of this that Shi Zhixuan dared to make a sneak attack. Moreover, this sneak attack was not intended to capture the opponent, but simply to use his physical skills to get closer and snatch the Evil Emperor's relic.

Who would have thought that Xu Qingyang was so powerful that even without the power of heaven and man, he could break his Immortality Seal.

So, why bother fighting? Just run away for your life.

No matter how important the Evil Emperor's relics were, they couldn't be compared to his life, right?

The phantom demon body technique unfolds, and there are several ghostly figures, each of which is difficult to figure out, and they are each looking for a direction to break out.

Which one is the real one?

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged. He took one step and shrunk the ground to an inch. He moved forward several feet in an instant. At the same time, he used both hands to move Tai Chi. It seemed to be slow but was actually fast. The last move came first and shocked the void with one force.


The void shook, like a bell ringing, and a figure fell out among the rolling ripples.

Shi Zhixuan!


Although he had expected it, Shi Zhixuan was still frightened when the phantom magic was broken. He couldn't care about the injury, and twisted his body to transform into another figure.

But don't want to...


Xu Yang moved his hands, and the two qi of yin and yang turned into black and white fish and moved one after another. Using the power of Tai Chi to pull the surrounding void, the phantom magic method collapsed immediately, and Shi Zhixuan himself was pulled along, and he involuntarily turned over in front of Xu Yang.

Doujuan - Tai Chi!

If the power of Hunyuan is strong in being solid and integrated, without leakage or defect, then this Tai Chi method is better in being tolerant, swallowing up the world, encompassing everything, and possessing extremely strong control power.


Shi Zhixuan, who was forcibly pulled into the whirlpool, was extremely frightened and furious, and was about to force the Immortal Seal out.


Xu Yang's movements were like those of a tortoise and a snake, extremely slow yet extremely fast.

Before Shi Zhixuan could cast the Immortal Seal, he was hit on the chest with the back of his hand. Under the shock, the Gangyuan was scattered, and the Immortal Seal was stillborn.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, several moves were struck in succession, and the strikes fell on Shi Zhixuan's body everywhere, cutting off the movement of the Gang Yuan and blocking the circulation of the acupoints.



The black and white Pisces came out one after another and knocked the evil king of the demon sect away with one blow. He fell to a distance of more than ten feet and could not get up again.

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