A few days later, it was a good time point, which did not seem too urgent but gave enough attention.

"According to the Federal Channel, the Supreme Court of the Eastern District will open a hearing today on the serious illegal and criminal case of Ye Chen, the former Eastern District Member, Vice Chairman of the Eastern District Financial Guild, and President of Fushan Group..."

"For the seventy-two crimes he committed, the client Ye Chen confessed. The Supreme Court of the Eastern District ruled that Ye Chen should be deprived of his status as an Eastern District member, sentenced to death and fined..."

Such a piece of news was broadcast on TV.

Xu Yang smiled, turned around and looked at Ning Qing and Nie Hailong who were sitting in front of him: "What are you doing here?"

Nie Hailong sat firmly in his seat and said directly: "Dean Qian, what happened to the Ye family is indeed the fault of the Federation. We hope to make up for this fault and restore the previous cooperation. What do you think?"

Between the words, he expressed his intention to repair the relationship between the two parties.

In the battle of Fulong Mountain, the blessed land was destroyed, and the strength of the "War Temple" and "Mingxiao Temple" were revealed.

The means are astounding and unfathomable!

Although the method of inducing the heavenly calamity made the major caves feel like they were stuck in their throats and like awns on their backs, making them feel deeply threatened and unable to sleep or eat well, as long as they did not take any further actions and continued to destroy mountains, temples, and attack other blessed places, then all parties would You can tolerate him and make peace with him instead of tit for tat.

After all, no Cave Heaven Immortal Sect or Blessed Land Ancient Sect is willing to repeat the mistakes of Fulong Mountain, even if there is only a certain risk.

Therefore, whether they are pretending to be cowardly or sincere, they all hope to repair the relationship between the two parties.

Usher in the temporary peace, keep the temporary tranquility, and worry about other things until later.

This was the idea of ​​the major cave heavens, so the Ye family was pushed out without hesitation. As the first step to ease the relationship, even the golden elixir major cultivator Kurong Monk, who was deeply favored by Fulong Mountain, acquiesced to this.

But it is not enough to introduce the Ye family. We are not children. We have not done anything wrong, just apologize and let it go.

So next...

"We are willing to make amends in any way we can, as long as we can."

Nie Hailong looked at Xu Yang, offered a price, and spoke sincerely.

Xu Yang shook his head after hearing this: "I think you have misunderstood. This matter has nothing to do with me, and I can't help you with anything."

"we know."

Nie Hailong nodded and said calmly: "But this incident was ultimately caused by the Ye family's illegal actions. As the victim, Dean Qian, we should all make up for this mistake."

He didn't know whether Xu Yang's words were true or false, and he couldn't be sure whether he was related to the Mingxiao Temple of the God of War, but as of now, this was the only way they could express their attitude and release their goodwill. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Everyone should give it a try.

"All right!"

Hearing this, Xu Yang did not insist: "I am not a stingy person. The previous cooperation can be restored, but I have a condition."

Nie Hailong's eyes narrowed and he asked in a deep voice: "Dean Qian, please tell me."

Xu Yang smiled and got straight to the point: "I want Longhai University!"



As soon as these words came out, both of them were silent.

After a while, Nie Hailong said: "Is this the Longhai University I understand?"

Xu Yang smiled: "It should be."

Nie Hailong: "..."

That's it, the deal is done.

The two sides shook hands and made peace, and everything was settled.

After seeing the two of them off, Xu Yang stayed alone in the room, thinking about his next move.

This time the Federation comes, it is ready to bleed a lot. No matter what kind of request he makes, as long as the Federation can meet it, it will definitely satisfy him.

But he didn't open his mouth like a lion and put forward such excessive demands. He only wanted Longhai University.

Among the reasons, one is to maintain the "Qian Jin" personality, and the other is the need for Longhai University.

Needless to say about the former, Xu Yang doesn't want to be completely exposed yet. Regardless of whether those people believe it or not, he still has to do what he needs to do.

As for the latter...

According to the investigation, Xu Yang discovered that there is a "node" in the invasion of the demon from the world of desire.

These nodes can be regarded as the weak points of the world, which are easier to penetrate and penetrate.

Therefore, these node areas are more affected by the red moon night than other places.

Longhai University was such a node, which indirectly led to the death of its predecessor.

This kind of node area is actually not good for him. He is not an evil god sect like the Black Lotus Sect. What does he want to do in this node area, facing the penetration of the power of the world of desire at close range?

But many things cannot be based solely on interests and benefits. These nodes are like deeply buried bombs that will one day detonate and cause serious damage.

In addition, evil sects such as the Black Lotus Sect are also eyeing these nodes and will definitely launch operations around them.

Therefore, Xu Yang wanted to nip the problem in the bud and set up a demon-sealing formation to suppress this node to avoid causing trouble again.

Not only Longhai University, but other places and other nodes must also be sealed to slow down the erosion and penetration of the Demon of Desire Realm.

The project is huge and somewhat strenuous, but it is not completely thankless. There are merits in return, among other things. It can also be used as "live broadcast material" to deal with the audience and solve update problems.

Therefore, the next main task is to seal each demon node while developing.

But the world is so big and there are so many demon nodes that he can't handle all the tasks on his own.

So I want to go live and promote a "merit" competition!

Those cave heavens and paradises are deeply threatened by him. Even if the two sides "shake hands and make peace" now, they still have a thorn in their backs and have trouble sleeping and eating.

If you want to solve this problem, you need to go straight to the root cause and eliminate this threat.

But this is impractical, so we can only proceed from the side to gain merit and reduce disaster.

Therefore, Xu Yang believes that after the live broadcast, they will definitely devote themselves to the work of sealing the demon node.

In this way, time flies by and several years pass in the blink of an eye.

A few years later, people were walking around Longhai University.


"Come back again?"

"The air in the school is still so fresh."

"I miss those days so much!"

“Only when you are out of society do you realize how carefree life is on campus.”

"Hey, I can't go back!"

"Okay, don't lament the past and regret the present here. Can't you have some fun at the class reunion today?"

"That's right, the third class next door is also having a class reunion today. I made an agreement with their monitor to have a social gathering between the two classes tonight, so that everyone can have fun together."

"That's great. Class Three is a well-known nun class. It's a perfect yin and yang for our monk class, which has more boys than girls."

"Considering your size, you've already graduated a few years ago and you're still so hungry. Maybe even other children can make a fool of themselves."

"It's a pity that I'm still single..."

A group of alumni who don't look like students or adults walk around the campus, recalling that time of youth and ignorance.

Zhou Xuan slowed down a little, fell behind the crowd, and said to his friend and dormitory leader: "This is the surprise you told me. I only have a few days off a month. What kind of class reunion do you want me to attend with you? "


Friend Li Mu waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "I see you are so tired from practicing. Chen Yan went out again. No one can relieve your stress, so I pulled you out to relax. Don't you think the air is better?"

"do not think so!"

Zhou Xuan shook his head without changing his expression: "Based on the richness of Yuanling, the air in the academy is obviously better than here."

"You guys are so stupid!"

Li Mu shook his head and said in a low voice: "I have found out that Longhai University is owned by the dean. If nothing else, it will develop vigorously. Let's come over to check it out and make preparations for the future."

"Where to step on and what to prepare for?"

Zhou Xuan rolled his eyes at him: "You and I are just a small security bureau agent, not the director of the department. What does Longhai University have to do with us? We just do what the dean says."

"That's what I said..."

"Hey, what are you two hiding behind and whispering?"

Li Mu still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the person in front of him. He could only lower his voice and gave Zhou Xuan a look.

Zhou Xuan shook his head and walked forward with him, returning to his classmates.

"Hey, in the past few years, the world has changed more and more. It's really hard to understand."

"That's right, when I applied for a job, that crazy company actually asked me what my cultivation level was?"

"I'm a graduate from a prestigious school. He doesn't ask me what my academic qualifications are, but asks me how many levels of physical training I have to go through."

"To be a security guard, you still need to develop internal strength."

"Who the hell wants to work as a security guard after they have developed internal strength? Isn't it more profitable than moving bricks on a construction site?"

"A penny is too much for a heroic man. He didn't show any kindness to his classmates. He won't come to this party."

"Today is different from the past. He is now a top Internet celebrity, a billionaire, the president of a martial arts academy and the chairman of a pharmaceutical group. He makes tens of millions a minute. Of course, he has no time to hang out with us ordinary citizens."

"He didn't look like a top scholar before. How could he be so good at martial arts? He also learned such terrifying medical skills that even martial arts fanatics hooked him up?"

"Could it be true that falling in love can make people progress, but a licking dog's awakening will change his destiny!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I heard that guy is very petty. Don't mention the past."

"What are you afraid of? By the way, isn't Lu Xuemei in class three? How is she doing now? Will she come to this party?"

"I'm afraid she won't come. Jiang Tao broke up with her before she graduated and avoided her like the god of plague. There are rumors everywhere in the school. It's good to be able to wait until graduation. How can I come back to this place?" sadly."

"She is also pitiful. She was deceived by that bastard Jiang Tao. If it hadn't been for this, she would be the chairman's wife today."

"Who told her to treat people like dogs? What's there to say about making things happen? It's Jiang Tao who is really unlucky. His company collapsed before he graduated. His parents, second uncle and third uncle, the whole family was packed up and sent to prison. I don’t know if there is any hope in this life.”

"What a tragedy!"

"So I say that guy is cautious. This matter is most likely related to him."


Everyone was chatting, and the fire of gossip was burning brightly.

Zhou Xuan and Li Mu followed, not interrupting and only making eye contact.

"Let me tell you, class reunions are boring!"

"It's all here..."

"If you bump into the dean later, I'll see what you will do."

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

"What do you think, have you seen the dean show up at the college these days?"


"what is that?"

Before the two men finished their secret words, they heard an exclamation. When they looked up, they saw that everyone had stopped and was looking at a huge building under construction.

"New teaching building?"

"No, it's the newly built martial arts hall!"

"I heard that now all the universities in the district, no, all the universities in the federation, have opened martial arts courses."

"This should be the newly built martial arts hall, ah ah ah, why didn't it exist when we were studying there?"

"Why do these crappy schools always like to upgrade their equipment after others graduate?"

"I heard that the universities in the East District have established cooperation with major pharmaceutical companies and have special pharmaceutical shares. The price is lower than the market price, which makes many people go back to retake the college entrance examination."

"My sister was also admitted to Long University last year. I heard that the cafeteria already has medicinal food supplies, which are exactly the same as those in Qianjin's martial arts academy, and the price is also It is cheaper and much more affordable than those martial arts halls. "

"It is better to go to martial arts halls less often. That thing is pure commercial marketing. I have inside information. The recipes of the martial arts college's medicinal diet and medicinal bath, and even the recipe of the Ten-Perfect Qi-Replenishing Pills, will be fully disclosed soon. It is not cost-effective to go to the martial arts hall to buy them now. It is better to stock up on medicinal materials first and make them yourself after the recipes are announced."

"You kid, everyone knows that you have a store in the medicinal material market. You are advertising at the class reunion, right?"

"Forget it, forget it. Today is a class reunion. Let's have fun. Zhenlong Hotel, I'll treat you!"

"It has to be our President Meng..."

After a round of flattery, everyone changed direction and went to the hotel for dinner.

But no one noticed that not far away, beside the mirror-like college lake, a man was sitting alone, holding a bamboo pole, fishing leisurely.

Time flies, and several years have passed in the blink of an eye. Everything is going according to plan and entering a period of rapid development.

Martial arts academy, pharmaceutical company, and cooperation with the Federation, franchising, production, distribution...

The live broadcast is effective and the teaching is successful, which has led to the emergence of a large number of martial artists among the people. The extraordinary power is no longer a secret, forming a new environment, order, and pattern.

This world is in transition and leaping forward!

Although it is only a transitional stage and no results have been achieved, everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as this end is opened, many things will come naturally.

But such changes and such leaps have also caused a series of chain reactions.

For example...

That night, there were bright lights and bustling traffic.

"Let me go!"

"I, I'm not drunk!"

"Zhong Qin, I like you, I really like you!"

"Hey, drink more, drink more, I won't go home until I'm drunk tonight."

"That's enough, I have to go to work tomorrow, today is a day off."

"Mr. Meng, you too, knowing that these guys are poor in martial arts and have a low alcohol tolerance, you still give them a bottle of medicinal wine, now it's in trouble."

"It doesn't matter, there is accommodation in the hotel next door, I'll pay for sending them there."


A group of people staggered out of the hotel with a strong smell of alcohol, the world was spinning, and they couldn't tell the difference between humans and animals.

Zhou Xuan and Li Mu were behind, looking at the group of unruly classmates, and they were helpless, so they could only silently escort them.

At this moment...

"You, you look, the moon has turned red!"

"Where, where?"

"Are you drunk?"

Hearing what everyone said, Zhou Xuan and Li Mu's pupils shrank, and they quickly raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

I saw the bright moon in the sky suddenly turned a different color, a streak of scarlet appeared, enchanting and gradually eclipsing the bright moon.

On the other side...

Longhai University, on the lakeside, a fisherman sat alone holding a fishing rod, looking at the reflected moonlight, silent.

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