
Zhou Lingyun screamed, instinctively trying to resist.

But the man had already arrived in front of her, flipped over and passed over her head.

Then, regardless of her reaction, a pair of rough hands pressed against her back.

"Hold your spirit and guard your heart, follow my Gang Yuan, and practice the Zhou Tian!"

A word suppressed all actions. Zhou Lingyun was in a state of shock and doubt, but she could not move. She only felt a hot Yuan force injected into her body from behind, running wildly, running through the meridians and limbs of her body.


"What's going on?"

"Sister, don't move. I'm your senior brother!"

"I seem to smell the breath of the Minotaur!"

"I thought you were going to kill her too."

"Don't be so dirty. The madman is obviously helping her heal."

"Healing, that's not right. According to the routine of movies and TV series, healing shouldn't be done by taking off clothes and face to face and hand to hand. Your healing method is not authentic!"

"By the way, I haven't seen the madman's clothes explode for a long time..."

Seeing the two of them sitting on the ground, with a momentum of healing, the people in the live broadcast room started to think again.

Xu Yang didn't care at all. He just operated the Gang Yuan and injected it into Zhou Lingyun's body.


Zhou Lingyun groaned, his face gradually flushed, his breathing became heavier, and he felt very hot all over his body, inexplicably painful and inexplicably comfortable.


"Something is wrong!"

"It's a bull, it's a bull!"

"Are you sure this is a serious healing?"

"Healing is healing, I don't know if it's serious or not."

"I don't know what that "senior brother" would think when he sees this scene."

"Can you guys stop being so vulgar? I believe that the crazy boss must be a pure love type."

Looking at Zhou Lingyun, whose face was gradually red and whose breathing was getting heavier, everyone's expressions became strange.

At this moment, green smoke was steaming, and wisps of blood were dissipating. Zhou Lingyun's face was even more painful.

Before everyone could react, they saw a blood light. Since Zhou Lingyun's eyes were revealed, an illusory face appeared, shouting with a distorted expression: "It's useless, it's useless. I, the Blood God, have merged with her flesh and essence. Unless you kill her, you can't do anything to me!"


"You're not dead yet?"

Seeing that the illusory face looked like Deng Tianqi, everyone was also shocked.

Xu Yang ignored him and only increased his power and penetrated Zhou Lingyun's body.



With a low moan and a scream of pain, Deng Tianqi's face twisted, and Zhou Lingyun was also in pain.

The blood nerves are based on blood, and they have the ability to seize the body, which is better than the Nascent Soul.

Deng Tianqi integrated the second Blood God Son he had just practiced into Zhou Lingyun's body as a last resort, but he didn't want to escape the eyes of this person, was discovered by him, and was driven away.

Fortunately, his Blood God Son has merged with Zhou Lingyun's Qi, which can be said to be a prosperity and a loss. Unless Zhou Lingyun's body is abandoned, there is no way to kill him.

At least he thought so.


Xu Yang ignored Zhou Lingyun's pain reaction, forced the power of the power, and ran the martial arts.

If Deng Tianqi reached the Nascent Soul realm, his Blood God Son had the ability to sacrifice the heart and seize the soul, then this matter might be a bit troublesome to deal with.

But now he only has a golden elixir, and the blood god's possession of the body is also at the most superficial blood and flesh essence. What kind of trouble is this for Xu Yang, who has deeply practiced martial arts?

When a warrior refines his body, he refines the blood and qi of the human body!

I saw the Gang Yuan added to the destruction, the martial arts running, and it went through the body like washing the essence and marrow, and finally pushed the palace through the blood...


Zhou Lingyun spit out a mouthful of blood, which quickly condensed and became sticky in the void, turning into a blood flow and escaping the ground.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed it with one hand, and the void became a ban, forcibly taking back the blood flow, and it fell into his hand and grasped it brazenly.


With a crisp sound, the blood flow exploded and turned into ashes in an instant, and the wailing was gone before it could be heard.

Xu Yang shook his hand, waved away the ashes, and then jumped up and turned into a long rainbow and left.

Came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

Zhou Lingyun was left alone, slumped on the ground, with a complicated expression.


"Is it over?"

"Are you playing speedrun here?"

"This blood demon is lame!"

"I don't know what the point of him being possessed is."

"Put up some more shows, it's only been less than half an hour."

"By the way, where did all this mess come from?"

"It's not good to be a firefighter all the time, is there any way to solve the fundamental problem?"

The warrior turned into a rainbow and left, and the matter came to an end, but there was still constant discussion in the live broadcast room.


The live broadcast was not closed, and the camera shifted accordingly, and a long rainbow broke through the air and returned to the Taoist temple.


Seeing this scene, many perceptive people frowned.

Those who should be killed have been killed, and those who should be saved have been saved. Why is the broadcast still not turned off?

Is there any other material, other programs?


Everyone frowned, and a strange feeling arose in their hearts. The feeling of uneasiness intensified.

After a while, other viewers also felt something was wrong.

"Why not turn off the broadcast?"

"Is there another program?"

"I knew you wouldn't be so short!"

"Are you going to continue fighting the little monsters, or start a new BOSS battle?"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry..."

Seeing that the live broadcast was not turned off, most people were looking forward to it, and only a few were frightened.

In this atmosphere, the rainbow light broke through the air and finally returned to Fulong Mountain.

Fulong Mountain, Mingxiao Temple!

The long rainbow fell in front of the door, revealing the figure of a warrior, who stepped into the hall.

In the Shenxiao Hall, incense was still lingering, and there was a sense of tranquility and peace.

Under the altar, the Taoist sat upright, and there was a man standing beside him with his hands behind his back in front of the altar.

The man was tall and straight, like a pine tree, standing in front of the altar with his hands behind his back, his back to the crowd. His face was unknown, but his white clothes were whiter than snow, flawless and spotless, full of the meaning of transcendence, like a banished immortal.

"Who is this...?"

Seeing this extraordinary, yet completely unfamiliar figure standing in the hall, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, confused, and even more suspicious.

Who is this person, with such style, and still in Mingxiao Temple, looking like a close relationship.

Could it be...

Everyone speculated, and the warrior strode back. It was not surprising to see this person, and sat aside with a big horse and a golden sword.

On the other side, the Taoist was meditating, and did not speak, which made the atmosphere even more subtle.

In this way, the three people were on the same screen, but no one spoke.

After a long time, the person in the center broke the silence.

"The situation is getting worse and worse."

"Those people are still stubborn and stubborn, clinging to the old ways and drinking poison to quench thirst!"

"We can't delay any longer. From today on, we will destroy mountains and temples. Those who are stubborn and stubborn..."

"Kill them all!"

The last word was filled with murderous aura, which made everyone tremble with fear.


"What a strong murderous aura!"

"The three of them seem to be familiar with each other?"

"Is it a new anchor?"

"What mountain to destroy, what temple to destroy?"

In the live broadcast room, the ignorant were in doubt, and the informed were even more terrified.

It's coming, it's finally coming!

Since the battle of Fulong Mountain a few years ago, there has been a sharp sword hanging high above, intimidating the major cave heavens and blessed places, the ancient sects of the immortals, and making countless people feel uneasy and unable to sleep and eat.

Although there has been no second Fulong Mountain disaster in the past few years, no one has forgotten this hidden threat.

Now, he has revealed his true intentions in public.

Destroy mountains and cut down temples?

What mountains to destroy, what temples to cut down?

Isn't it just the various caves and blessed places?

Is he really going to risk the world's disapproval?

Everyone was shocked and did not dare to speak.

Watching the live broadcast again, Daowu and the others were silent about these words.

After a while, the Taoist said: "There are fifty great ways, and forty-nine heavens. Although there is a variable that escaped, the cause and effect is too deep, and the disaster is too heavy. If we force it, there is little hope. It is better to take credit from heaven, eliminate disasters and disasters, and then adapt to the world and fight against the devil's disaster?"

Such words seem to be turning things around.

However, the man in white had his hands behind his back, but he was cold and cruel: "Time waits for no one, the destiny of heaven has given us a glimmer of hope. If you still refuse to change, then you will die without regrets!"

The Taoist sighed when he heard this, and did not persuade him any more: "Then let's make an ultimatum!"


The man in white nodded: "This matter will be handed over to Mingxiao Temple, and the rest will be handled by me and the Temple of the God of War."

"That's it!"

"Go yourselves!"


The two of them talked without a beginning or an end, leaving everyone confused.

On the other side, outside Yunlai Mountain, Monk Ku Rong was holding a computer, watching the live broadcast, his white eyebrows furrowed.

"What does he mean by this, what does he mean?"

"If you refuse to change, you will be killed?"

"How dare you say such a crazy thing..."

"Do these people really want to be enemies with the world?"

"Temple of the God of War, Mingxiao Temple, who are they?"

Beside Monk Ku Rong, a group of monks were shocked and angry.

They are all people from the cave heavens and blessed lands. The disciples of the ancient sects outside the immortal sect naturally know what the conversation between the man in white and the Taoist Mingxiao means.

They want to destroy the mountains and cut down the temples. They will use the means they used to destroy Fulong Mountain in the previous calamity to attack the various cave heavens and blessed lands and make them return to the human world to respond to the demonic calamity.

This is their ultimatum!

If you don’t understand the cave heavens and open the blessed lands, you are stubborn and will destroy the mountains and cut down the temples. No matter who stands in his way, he will kill them all.

How can the cultivators not be shocked and angry with the attitude of the man in white?

As people from the cave heavens and blessed lands, they are very clear about the situation of their sect. If they enter the world at this time, they will be tested by the heavenly way. Even if they use all kinds of means and all kinds of background, there is still little hope, which can be said to be a one-in-nine-death-one-life.

How can the major cave heavens and blessed lands accept such a probability?

Not to mention a one-in-nine-death-one-life, even if it is a fifty-fifty number, the major cave heavens and blessed land ancestors must carefully consider it. Unless it is a last resort and there is no way around it, they will never take their own path to gamble with the slim chance of heaven's will.

Therefore, the major cave heavens and blessed lands will definitely not accept this ultimatum.

But the attitude of the man in white is also very clear.

Don't accept it?

Then kill!

Repeat the incident of Fulong Mountain. One Fulong Mountain is not enough, then ten, a hundred, a thousand, until all the cave heavens and blessed lands are disintegrated and enter the world!

So domineering, so fierce!

Where does he get the confidence to threaten the major cave heavens like this? Isn't he afraid of the backlash in the future?

This is a great offense against the world!

Everyone was surprised, puzzled, and even panicked.

Although it was arrogant to threaten the major caves, judging from the previous performance of these people, they never did anything without purpose, not to mention that they also did a live broadcast and put the matter on the table.

So, they will definitely do it and keep their promises.

How to deal with it?

Just when everyone was at a loss and panicked.

In the void, a ray of light suddenly appeared and fell in front of a person.


The man was startled, not knowing why, and instinctively cast his eyes on the monk Ku Rong, asking for help from this old senior in the late Jindan period.

The monk Ku Rong looked at him, then looked at the computer in his hand, and silently lowered his head without saying a word.

The people beside him also showed a look of surprise, looking at the ray of light in the void, and unconsciously distanced themselves from the man.


Seeing this, the man was helpless and could only grit his teeth and reach out to touch the spiritual light.


As soon as his fingertips touched, the spiritual light shattered, revealing a letter.

The man trembled, raised his hand with difficulty, took the letter, and opened it to check.

After a moment, he looked up and looked at Monk Ku Rong and others, gritted his teeth and said: "Within three months, I must come to the world by myself in Lingyun Mountain, otherwise I will attack and cause thunder to break the door!"




Everyone was silent after hearing this.

The monk's face was ashen: "Fellow Taoists, I will go first!"

After saying that, he took the magic weapon and flew away regardless of everyone's reaction.

Leaving everyone in silence.

After a moment, one person spoke up and angrily broke the silence.

"Heartbroken, heartbroken!"

"How dare they do this!"

"Hmph, you sound so powerful, but you are not bullying the weak. Why don't you dare to send this letter to the various caves, but choose a blessed land in Lingyun Mountain?"

"Although these people have means, they are not many, so they only dare to attack the blessed land first, gain merit, improve their cultivation, and then take the cave after their strength increases!"

"We must not allow them to develop like this. Please ask the seniors of the various caves to come out and administer justice."

"Yesterday it was Fulong Mountain, today it is Lingyun Mountain, then who will it be tomorrow, you or me?"

"It must not be allowed, it must not be allowed!"

The cultivators were shocked and angry, and filled with indignation.

Seeing this, Monk Ku Rong was silent. After a long time, he said, "These people's actions are indeed a bit extreme, but have you ever thought about how to deal with the demonic calamity if the current situation does not change?"


Everyone's pupils shrank, and they looked at Monk Ku Rong, and said in doubt, "What do you mean, senior?"


Monk Ku Rong shook his head and said nothing more: "Under an overturned nest, there will be no eggs intact. If the world is in ruins and evil spirits are rampant, who can hide from the world and keep themselves safe? This is all I have to say. I hope you will think about it."

After saying that, he put his hands together, made a Buddhist salute, and turned away.


Everyone was silent when they saw this.

They naturally knew this truth.

The current situation is becoming more and more dangerous. If the major caves are not resolved and the Yuanling of heaven and earth is no longer restored, the demonic calamity will inevitably deepen and the world will be in danger of ruin.

At that time, can these caves and blessed lands still stay out of the matter and keep themselves safe?

Can they avoid the test of heaven and avoid the claws of the devil?

When the nest is overturned, how can the eggs remain intact!

Having said that, it is extremely difficult for them to take risks and go through the catastrophe of life and death to enter the world.

Therefore, understanding the truth is one thing, and being able to do it is another.

This is also the reason why the monk Ku Rong left.

People have their own positions. These people in the caves and blessed lands have the support of the ancient sects of the immortals, so they naturally have to stand on the side of the sects.

But he... Ku Rong Mountain has collapsed long ago, and he is the only one left. Why should he stand on the side of the caves and blessed lands?

You can't expect these caves and blessed lands to protect him when the devil calamity is in chaos and the world is sinking, right?

Ku Rong left and went their separate ways.

From the small, we can see the big picture. The world and people's hearts are also clearly divided according to their positions.

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