
"What do you mean again?"

"So I hate the Riddler the most!"

"Yesterday's cause, today's effect, today's cause, tomorrow's effect?"

"Can any emotionally intelligent person translate what they are saying?"

"Taoist Priest: You have attacked so many people in Lingyun Mountain today because you did not practice good deeds. If you are resentful, want to take revenge, and create more karmic debts, then even if I don't kill you today, , Brother Tian will kill you tomorrow, so what should we do, do you understand?"

"If I hadn't taken action today, I'd be afraid that everyone in Lingyun Mountain would be wiped out. If you don't know what's good and what's good, and still want to be a monster, then even if the Taoist doesn't punish you, God will accept you so that you can take care of yourself, understand?"

"Old man: I understand, I understand, I understand. From now on, we must be honest and honest, and we will eliminate demons and defend the law!"

"King Xuanyuan Daxi: If you don't reason with him, then I will come and talk to you about life!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone's words, although mostly ridiculing and joking, also revealed the facts.

Looking at the scene again, the Taoist returned to the Dharma altar, and amid the sweet rain and dew, he saw golden light falling again.

The golden light of merit!

Seeing this scene, all the cultivators in Lingyun Mountain had complicated expressions.

Although Ling Yun solved what happened today, his share of merit was not fully counted on Lingyun Mountain. At most, only three points were able to resolve the calamity, and the remaining seven points were fully realized. This golden light of merit was awarded to this person.

There is no way, cause and effect, Ling Yun's self-explanation is only the result, and the other party's persecution is the main cause!

If they hadn't pushed it with one hand and forced it with all their strength, how could Lingyun Mountain have freed itself from the blessed land?

Therefore, Lingyunshan only gets three-thirds of the merits of this blessed land's entry into the world, and the rest belongs to this person.

This is the cause and effect of heaven. Although it is rigid in some places, it is strict and absolutely fair.

The golden light of merit falls, the body of the Taoist disappears, the rain and dew are also coming to an end, and the great drama is finally coming to an end.

On the altar, the Taoist didn't say much. He just waved his fly whisk, and clouds and mist rose up. The altar and the Taoists were all lifted into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"It's over again?"

"Taoist Master, take me with you!"

Seeing this scene, cries of mourning arose again in the live broadcast room.

On the other side, the Ling Yun cultivators also had complicated expressions.

Finally, it was Headmaster Lingyun who said: "Go back to the mountain!"

After saying that, he summoned his magic power and turned into a rainbow, returning to Lingyun Mountain.

The blessed land solved itself and Yuan Ling entered the world. Although it no longer has the same scenery as before, some aura remains.

Such a mountain gate can still be used as a foundation to maintain temporary practice, even if one does not know the way out in the future.

If there is no other way out, it will be difficult for Nascent Soul to support him with this Ling Yun spiritual energy, let alone his return to virtual reality.

This is the second difficulty in joining the world. The soul is thin and the road is very difficult!

In this way, a few days later, another guest came to Lingyun Mountain.

"Lingyun Blessed Land has become like this!"

"What a pity, what a shame!"

"The nine sons of Ling Yun were so famous in the past, but now they have suffered a disaster and only three of them are left."

"With the abilities of Headmaster Ling Yun and his ability to slay demons in the past, it is not difficult to maintain this blessed land for another hundred years."

"Now, he was forced by the evil way to take the risk and suffered heavy casualties!"

"The current situation is changing rapidly, and the number of days is even more so. In just a few years, the calamity of Nascent Soul has been avoided. Even if the calamity of becoming a god is unavoidable in another hundred years, most of it can be eliminated. With the ability of Ling Yun's nine sons, whether they can survive it safely, Use that evil path to become such a good person?”

In front of the mountain gate, a group of people were waiting and talking.

The position is unabashed and the intention is even more clear.

In response to this, at the mountain gate, the disciples of Lingyun who were welcoming the guests remained silent and allowed them to speak.


"When a distinguished guest comes to your door, he will be welcomed from afar!"

A young man came out of the mountain and walked in front of everyone.

Everyone's eyes narrowed, and then they saluted: "I've met Master Linghu."


The young man waved his hands and said repeatedly: "You fellow Taoists are all disciples of the Immortal Sect. Linghu Yun is not the master of a small sect. How can I accept such a great gift from you? Please get up quickly, please get up quickly."

Having said that, he held up his hands and invited everyone to get up.

Everyone looked at each other and then each spoke.

"I wonder how injured Senior Ling Yun is?"

"I heard that Senior Lingyun suffered a thunderstorm and was seriously injured. The sect ordered me to send you this Jade Lin Pill. It can be used to cultivate the body and is more effective in treating injuries caused by thunder."

"Master also ordered me to send these Five Cloud Pills so that Senior Ling Yun must take care of himself."

"Ling Yun was robbed, and we all feel the same..."

Everyone spoke and presented gifts, all of which were panaceas.

Seeing this, Linghu Yun shook his head repeatedly and declined, saying, "Thank you for your kindness. Master's injury is fine. He just needs time to rest. He is currently in seclusion and cannot receive you. Please forgive me."


Everyone's eyes narrowed and they stopped talking. The atmosphere was inexplicable for a moment.

Linghu Yun turned a blind eye to this, and raised his hand to invite: "I also invite all distinguished guests to come to the mountain, have a cup of fragrant tea, and let me show my friendship as a landlord."

Everyone was silent for a while, but finally nodded.

"In this case, we will be disrespectful."

After saying that, he followed Linghu Yun into the mountains.

After entering the mountain, I saw that the top and bottom were withered, and many of the formation restrictions were ineffective and were being dismantled.

When everyone saw this, they didn't say anything and just followed Linghu Yun to the guest reception hall.

"Everyone please!"

After entering the palace, spiritual tea and fragrant tea were served, and Linghu Yun also raised his hand to invite him, but no one made any move.

Linghu Yun was not surprised by this: "Is it possible that this Yunfeng tea is not to your liking?"

"No, no!"

"The tea is great, but..."

Everyone spoke their own words, and finally a young man spoke up: "Master Linghu, we are here today on the orders of our master, and we have important matters to discuss. Can you pass this on to Senior Ling Yun?"


Linghu Yun shook his head and said resolutely: "Master is in seclusion. We dare not disturb you. If you have any important matters, let me just say that as the sect leader, Linghu Yun can still take charge."




After hearing his words, everyone fell silent again.

In the end, it was the man who spoke up: "Since Master Linghu said so, let me get straight to the point. I came here to ask Senior Ling Yun to come forward to help the world, save the people's livelihood, and stop those people! "


Linghu Yun's eyes narrowed and he looked at everyone: "Who are the people you are talking about?"

"Bai Yujing, Li Xuanyuan!"

"War Temple, martial arts fanatic!"

"And that Taoist Mingxiao..."

Everyone knew that he knew what he was asking, but they did not point it out. They just took advantage of the situation and said: "These people are destroying mountains and cutting down temples, attacking and destroying the major caves and blessed places with the power of heavenly calamity. They are braving the injustice of the world and arousing the anger of people and gods. But it is limited to heaven." The calamity is so heavy that Dongtian and I can't take action, so we can only ask Senior Ling Yun..."

"You all think too highly of me, Lingyun Mountain!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

I saw Linghu Yun shaking his head repeatedly: "Then Li Xuanyuan can be said to be a swordsman who has fallen into dust. His swordsmanship has reached a state where ghosts and gods are unpredictable. He kills gods like slaughtering dogs. He has swept through the five major demonic blessed places such as Molongling. So far, he has not been able to unite. There is no enemy who can match his sword, and no one can see the true appearance of the flying sword in his box..."

"There is also the martial arts fanatic. Although he is a martial artist, he has unparalleled power. He has cultivated the immortal body of the god of war. He can shake the flying sword with his bare hands and break the blood fountain alone. Xuantian's high disciple is not his match. Heretic blood The devil is even harder to resist..."

"Moreover, Taoist Master Shi, Mingxiao's name is not false at all. His Taoism can communicate with gods, and thunder can obey orders. He also has ritual methods that can reach Tianting. The five great demonic blessed places such as Molong Ridge were all destroyed. Under its thunder..."

His words were full of praise, which made everyone look embarrassed.

Linghu Yun ignored him: "Such an expert, such a fierce warrior, how could I, Lingyun Mountain, be so virtuous as to stop what he did?"




Everyone was silent after hearing this.

Such words, such praise, his attitude is already clear.

But they didn't want to retreat like this, after all, the sharp sword hung high above them.

So, after a moment of silence, everyone spoke up again.

"Master Linghu, this is wrong!"

"Although those people have means, they are not invincible."

"On the contrary, such bluffing shows that he is strong on the outside but capable on the inside."

"We have transmitted his image back to the sect. All the teachers and masters in the various caves have unanimously concluded that the cultivation of these three people has never exceeded the realm of transforming into gods. They only relied on their magical powers and the power of heaven and earth to be so vicious."

"Senior Ling Yun is a master of returning to the void, and he is also an orthodox sect. His cultivation is profound and his foundation is solid. As long as Senior Ling Yun takes action, he will surely be able to calm those three madmen and relieve the worries of the common people!"

"I heard that Senior Lingyun destroyed the Lingyun Mountain Formation, the treasure of the Lingyun Mountain Sect, in order to overcome the heavenly catastrophe. My sect ancestor was very sad to hear that, and specially ordered me to send this object to help Senior Lingyun eliminate demons and defend the way!"

After everyone talked, they took out another object and put it in the jade box, with fairy light shining through it.

Linghu Yun frowned: "Is this...?"

The person holding the box smiled: "Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains!"


Linghu Yun was silent for a while, then shook his head: "No, absolutely not!"

After saying that, he pushed the jade box back.

The man's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke in a deep voice: "The Three Mountains and Five Mountains Picture is a middle-grade immortal artifact, which is more in line with the meaning of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. It has a mysterious mechanism of formations. It has the same purpose as Ling Yun's method. Senior Ling Yun will definitely be able to master it..."

"I appreciate your kindness!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, and Linghu Yun had a cold look on his face: "But I, Lingyun Mountain, will never do anything about this!"

"Master Linghu..."

"No need to say any more!"

Everyone was still about to speak, but Linghu Yun suppressed him with one hand: "This time our sect's blessed land liberates itself. Although it is a last resort, it is still an act of obedience to nature and people. That Taoist priest Mingxiao Shi also offered sacrifices to our sect." , to resolve the calamity, to have the grace to save lives, and to protect the way, how can I, Lingyun Mountain, betray my faith?"

After saying that, he stood up and said in a deep voice: "Lingyun Mountain will never dare to bear such infamy for all eternity. Everyone... please go back!"

"Master Linghu, this is wrong!"

At a glance, everyone seemed to have expected this, and one person stood up to refute.

"Cause causes cause and effect. If there is no reason for his persecution, how can there be the result of Ling Yun's self-liberation?"

"Seven of Ling Yun's nine sons died, and most of this hatred will be recorded on this person."

"These people have evil intentions. They say they are responding to the calamity of the devil, but in fact they just want to take advantage of the situation to gain credit and support themselves."

"Nowadays, the heretic evil spirits are eyeing us. The descendants from the Cave Heaven Blessed Land like us are entering the world. Killing the demons and gaining merit is to pave the way for the future. As long as the time comes, we will obey the heavens and respond to the people and return to the world."

"He acted so arbitrarily and forcefully, forcing all the great caves and paradises to self-destruct, and faced the catastrophe without preparation. In the end, he died tragically in the catastrophe and was wiped out in ashes!"

"If we do this, even if all the cave heavens and blessed lands return to the human world, most of our cultivators will be destroyed by the heavenly calamity. The vitality of all sects and schools will be greatly damaged. How can we respond to the demonic calamity and protect the human world!"

"Senior Lingyun is very righteous and must know the interests involved. This is not a plan for personal gain, but for the world and the people!"

"In this way, how can we be cursed for eternity and only praised for righteousness!"

The crowd spoke fiercely.


Linghu Yun shouted: "I, Lingyun Mountain, have no intention and power to deal with this matter. You should ask for help from others. Come on, send the guests away!"

"Master Linghu!"

"Please, please!"

After hearing this, the crowd wanted to speak, but saw two Nascent Soul cultivators step forward and show a tough attitude.

Although they were disciples of the immortal sect and descendants of the cave heaven, most of them were only at the Golden Core stage. Facing Linghu Yun's attitude, it was not easy to force them to do anything, so they could only leave coldly.


A cold snort echoed in the hall.

Everyone left with a wave of their sleeves, and when they came to the outside of Lingyun Mountain, they spoke even more harshly.

"You are not worthy of being a consultant!"

"I pity his misfortune and am angry at his lack of struggle!"

"A dog with a broken spine recognizes the thief as its father!"

"How can you swallow such a great hatred?"

"With Lingyun Mountain as a precedent, everyone in other blessed places will surely follow suit and enter the world on their own."

"Those people, although their current cultivation is only at the level of transformation, if they can unlock all the blessed places of various sects and gain the merits of the Heavenly Dao, their strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds and become bigger and bigger."

"Then it will be a critical moment for our Dongtian Immortal Sect!"

"We must not let him get what he wants. If Lingyun Mountain fails, we can think of other ways. We must stop this hidden danger no matter what!"

Everyone spoke for a while, then withdrew and dispersed.

At the same time, in Lingyun Mountain.


Linghu Yun came quickly with a solemn look.

Ling Yunzi sat on the group, his face pale, but his expression was calm: "Are they all gone?"


Linghu Yun nodded and said in a deep voice: "These cave heaven immortals really do everything they can!"

"When it comes to life and death, it is natural."

Ling Yunzi shook his head and said calmly: "Dongtian blessed land, Dongtian blessed land, the cause and effect of this cave heaven is much better than the blessed land. We still have a 37% chance of passing the tribulation, but for them, it is either a life or death, or a 28% chance. How can they accept this?"

Linghu Yun was silent after hearing this.

Entering the world, the heavenly tribulation, the gate of life and death!

If it is not forced, who is willing to face it?

Those cave heaven immortals, with big families and big businesses, are even more unwilling to endure this tribulation.

This time, Lingyun Mountain entered the world, and only a few incarnations were killed. If it were them, I don’t know how many returning to the void, fusion, Mahayana, and even tribulation immortals would be destroyed by thunder.

Especially the calamity realm, which is related to cause and effect and has a lot of implications. It's okay if the nine calamities come true, but the probability of those calamity immortals who are in the calamity surviving this calamity of entering the world... let's not talk about it!

In such a dangerous situation, they will do anything they can. This time, going to their Lingyun Mountain is probably just the beginning. Next...

Linghu Yun's heart sank, and he asked tentatively: "Master, how should I deal with Lingyun Mountain next?"

"Eliminate demons and defend the way, don't get involved in right and wrong!"

Lingyunzi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Although we are now in the world, Dongtian Immortal Sect is Dongtian Immortal Sect after all, and its strength is not trivial. I can't get involved in this dispute in Lingyun Mountain. Just do my duty."


Linghu Yun nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "Master, is their move expected to succeed?"

"Who knows?"

Lingyunzi's eyes condensed, looking into the sky, muttering to himself: "God's will, human heart, demonic calamity..."

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