"This is..."

"Heavenly punishment!"

Yuzhao's pupils shrank, and she was even more horrified.

As a disciple of the True Immortal and a descendant of the Alliance Heaven, she naturally knew what this was.

It was the manifestation of the Way of Heaven, a punishment from Heaven and also the will of Heaven!

Although this world is extraordinary and the Way of Heaven is even more manifested, such a situation is still extremely rare. Either the fetus of disaster is born, which will bring about the destruction of Heaven and Earth, or...


Yuzhao's eyes condensed, and she suddenly realized the key point, and she couldn't help but lose her voice: "This is not the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation!"

While speaking in horror, in the endless calamity clouds, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment was fully manifested, and a purple crystal pupil composed of destructive thunder stood upright in the air, tightly closed and jumping, which made everyone tremble with fear and doubt.

"This is..."

"What's going on?"

"Has God opened his eyes?"

"Brother, what have you done to anger the heavens and the people?"

"Where's the Taoist priest? Won't he come to save us?"

"It shouldn't be like this, how could it be?"

"Is there a misunderstanding?"

The Eye of Heavenly Punishment took shape, and everyone was even more suspicious.

At this moment...


There was thunder in the sky again, and the sky was shaking. The purple crystal eyes jumped. I don't know how much effort it took, but it finally opened the eyelids a little.

The pupils stood upright, and a line was pulled horizontally, opening a little vision, cold and indifferent to the common people!

The way of heaven is unkind and treats all things as straw dogs!

The most impartial and just, selfless and selfless!


When the eye of heaven opened, the thunder in the sky suddenly stopped, and the nine-nine disasters and the hundred-eight thunders were all immersed in the eye of heavenly punishment, turning into a mysterious and mysterious destructive divine light, pouring straight towards the warriors at the top.

The thunder fell, hitting with all its might, but the warrior was not afraid, still stood up, and was instantly submerged in the thunder, leaving only a purple light.

In front of the screen, everyone held their breath, unable to utter a word, and could only stare at the violently moving thunder of destruction, waiting for the final result.

In this way, in a blink of an eye, it seemed like thousands of years, and it was unknown how long it took for the purple light to dissipate.

The purple light dissipated, the thunder disappeared, and a figure appeared, like a god or demon standing majestically, the thunder up and down scared away, but there was no trace of burn marks, let alone the slightest injury, the body was extremely strong, like the dragon's tangled body, the sound of heartbeats, like heavy hammers beating drums, echoing the world, shocking people's hearts...


Needless to say, the surging sense of power, like a volcanic eruption, rushed straight out of the screen and into everyone's hearts.

So shocking!

Everyone was shocked. Before they could come back to their senses, they saw the warrior moving his body and punching hard. His extraordinary body showed extraordinary strength, and there were also dragon roars and tiger roars. They could faintly see the golden swords and iron horses, bloody knives and weapons, and finally all the strange phenomena disappeared, leaving only an extremely strong body, as if it was indestructible like a diamond.

"This is..."

"The Overlord has no power!"

"Subdue the Dragon and Subdue the Tiger!"

"The Heavenly Tribulation Kills the Wolf!"

"Break the Diamond Kung Fu!"

"The God of War's Immortal Body!!!"

Although they had not practiced martial arts, seeing this situation, a set of skills and five unique skills still appeared in everyone's mind.


In Wuxiang Mountain, Diamond Temple, Beiming Longteng frowned, and the monk Sattva was even more shocked and angry.

Diamond! Diamond!

Although he was a demon, he just came from Buddhism and focused on the way of body training. He was an absolute expert.

Therefore, compared with others, he knew more about the content of the other party's fighting body!

In the words of Buddhists, it is the body of diamond!

What is Vajra?

Vajra is invincible!

Vajra is indestructible!

Vajra is immortal!

It is supreme wisdom, unparalleled power, the true meaning of Bodhi, the true form of Brahma, which can cut off all troubles, all kinds of evil demons, Tathagata, Bodhisattva, and Mingwang all have it.

In this way, it is Vajra!

Although this person has not reached this state, he has already shown some performance. If he continues to develop in this way, he may not be able to obtain the fruit of Vajra in the future, prove the Buddha Tathagata, and become a Bodhisattva Mingwang.

Such people are not only a big problem, but simply...


Before the shock was over, another change was seen, the sky-filled calamity clouds dissipated, leaving only a golden light, falling on the warrior's body.

"This is..."

"Golden light of merit?"

"How is it possible!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone lost their composure, and the horror was beyond words.

On the other side, in Cangran Mountain, in the blessed land, Yuzhao got up in shock, and lost his composure even more.

Seeing this, the leader of the Cangran clan beside him also looked sideways, with doubts in his eyes.

"Golden light of merit?"

"What's going on?"

"You still have merit after overcoming a calamity?"

"Just say it when it's open, there's no need to do this."

"Brother Tian: You are trying to fleece me, right?"

"I said why the Taoist priest didn't come, it seems that you are also Brother Tian's brother?"

"Tell me the truth, are you the illegitimate son of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Brother Tian: This is my half-brother, what's wrong with giving me some benefits?"

In the live broadcast room, although the situation was also unclear, it did not prevent everyone from making a fuss.

But it was this noisy talk that revealed the key.

In Cangran Mountain, in the blessed land, Yuzhao finally restrained his demeanor, sat down, looked at the screen again, and looked at the warrior who had merit and golden light in his body, with a complicated expression that was difficult to describe.

Seeing this, the leader of the Cangran clan beside him also carefully probed: "Fairy, this..."

"Great vows and great wishes, merit granted by heaven!"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yuzhao. This person from Mengtiandao looked more solemn than ever before. He looked at the screen and muttered to himself: "The will of the people, the heaven and earth are witnesses, this person... will be the master of the calamity!"

"The master of the calamity?"

The leader of Cangran murmured, and then his face was shocked and he was speechless for a while.

Yuzhao ignored it and just looked at the screen with a complicated expression and even more confused thoughts.

At this point, others may not understand the situation, but as a descendant of Mengtiandao, how could she not know the key points?

That calamity is not the calamity of transformation, but the calamity of the Nascent Soul!

That eye is not the eye of heavenly punishment, but the eye of heaven's will!

The difference between the two is that the former is a calamity and the latter is a calamity test.

The calamity test of the great vows and great wishes!

As a descendant of Mengtiandao, she can be said to know the inside story very well.

Mengtiandao practices Buddhism and Taoism together, with "Mengtian Great Oath" as the highest realm, and those who achieve it can become true immortals.

What is Buddhism and Taoism, and what is Mengtian Great Oath?

Take the Buddhist vows and combine them with the natural principles of Taoism. Combine the two, and practice Buddhism and Taoism in parallel. This is the great vow of heaven and earth. This is the great vow of the Buddhist and Taoist practitioners.

Great vows are the sacred law of Buddhism. Since ancient times, the great saints of Buddhism have been said to have "great aspirations".

The most famous one is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He vowed not to become a Buddha until hell is empty, and to save all sentient beings before he can attain Bodhi. What a great aspiration is this?

Not only Ksitigarbha, but all the saints of Buddhism have great aspirations. For example, the great compassionate Guanyin, one of the four great Bodhisattvas, has the saying of "Guanyin's Twelve Vows".

Therefore, vows are the sacred law of Buddhism. Once established, there will be many great powers to help the Buddha achieve this great wish.

However, this kind of sacred law of Buddhism cannot be practiced by everyone. One must have certain qualifications to respond to the vows.

If a young monk imitated Ksitigarbha and Guanyin as a mortal, and also made a great vow of "I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty, and I will save all sentient beings before I can attain Bodhi", will the heaven and earth be moved by it and help him wholeheartedly?

Of course not!

If it were possible, then cultivation would be simple. What qualifications, what enlightenment, what Dharma, wealth, and land would be needed? Just make a great vow, and then wait for the help of heaven and enjoy the benefits of the vow.

Anyway, this vow does not have to be fulfilled. Hell has not been empty for so many years, and Ksitigarbha is still sitting there, right?

As long as you make a vow and get the help of the great power of heaven, the result can be discussed later...

There is no such good thing in the world!

You don't have the qualifications and the ability, and this vow method will not work at all.

You don't have the Buddha nature and status of Ksitigarbha, so what is the point of saying that hell is not empty?

You don't have the compassion and the fruit position of Guanyin, so what is the point of saving all sentient beings?

To put it in a more vulgar way, this so-called great vow is actually borrowing from heaven.

Without certain qualifications as collateral, how could the heavens possibly fulfill your vows?

You are a penniless beggar with nothing in your house. Wouldn't it be a foolish dream to want to borrow tens of millions or even hundreds of billions of dollars from the Heavenly Dao Bank?

You must have certain qualifications as collateral!

Yuzhao herself is an example.

Why could she make the great vow of "I will not become an immortal until the demonic calamity is eliminated"?

Because she is the descendant of the Alliance Heaven, she has a master who has become a true immortal after nine calamities, and a heavenly spiritual body that was born with innate qualities. In addition, she has the Alliance Heaven Dao Law, as well as the master's treasure, the top-grade immortal artifact - Qiantian Mirror. With so many pledges, this great vow of the Alliance Heaven can be established.

For others, even if they are returning to the void cultivators or combined great powers, it is difficult to make such a great vow.

Even so, the effect of her great vow of the Alliance Heaven is only to improve her practice efficiency. There is no bottleneck before the true immortal. It can only reduce the calamity to a certain extent, turn misfortune into good fortune, and turn disaster into blessing.

Although this is already very good, there is a saying: "Comparing people will make you die, and comparing goods will make you throw them away!"

It depends on who you compare with!

If you compare with the person in front of you now...

The Heavenly Dao Tribulation Test, Merit and Virtue Help!

What is this concept?

If her Great Alliance to Heaven Oath is a loan of tens of millions from the Heavenly Dao, then he is equivalent to borrowing hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions!

The two are not at the same level at all.

To what extent must he achieve in order for the Heavenly Dao to manifest, bring down the Tribulation Test, and grant merit and virtue?

What is his basis?

What collateral did he take to make the Heavenly Dao think that he is qualified and give him such an investment?

Of course...live broadcast!

Yes, it is live broadcast!

It sounds a bit incredible that the effect of the vow made by an online anchor can be equivalent to the Great Alliance to Heaven Oath with the Nine Tribulations True Immortal as the guarantee and the top-grade immortal weapon as the collateral.

It is incredible, but it is actually reasonable.

The Heavenly Dao, what is the Heavenly Dao?

The natural world, all living things, are the Heavenly Dao.

And in this world, there are hundreds of billions of mortals alone.

He used live broadcasts to take the name of righteousness and win people's hearts. This is the qualification, which is better than her qualification of the Alliance Heavenly Dao!

Unless her master, the Alliance Heavenly Dao Lord who became true after nine tribulations, replaces her and responds to the hearts of hundreds of millions of people with the status of a true immortal, otherwise he can't even think of making a higher vow.

Not to mention, he is more than just the people's heart!

The name is on the body, the weapon is in the hand, the power is in the hand, and the strong fist is in the hand!

All kinds of things are combined in one body, even without words, making a vow, the Heavenly Dao will take the initiative to give help and bring down merits.

Such examples are rare from ancient times to the present.

Not only must there be enough qualifications, but also the timing and destiny.

If it weren't for the invasion of external demons, even if he had such qualifications and potential, Heaven would not give him such treatment.

After all, in times of peace and carelessness, who would want you to make such a vow?

This is the fate of the time. When the world is in disaster and the world is in danger, the savior will come out in response to the disaster.

This is a means of self-rescue from Heaven!

This has been the case in several great catastrophes throughout the ages.

As long as the tribulations are measured together, there will be a tribulation master born, with good luck in the body, no disadvantages, protection from heaven and earth, evil spirits are difficult to harm, true misfortune can be turned into good luck, and adversity can be turned into good fortune.

Although he has not reached that point yet, he has already shown such performance. If he continues to grow bigger and becomes the real master of calamity, then even if the major caves come to the world, not many people will dare to embarrass him. This is especially true for Jingxianren.

Because the cause and effect on him is so deep, if you kill him with the front foot, God's punishment may come down on you with the back foot.

Overcoming the tribulation and becoming an immortal?

Go ahead and dream!

After clearing his thoughts, Yuzhao became even more silent, muttering to himself: "Master, this is what you said...a meat bun beating a dog?"

After saying that, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Now she finally knew why her master had such an attitude when she left the mountain gate.

As a Nine Tribulation True Immortal, she might have already predicted that this person would become the master of calamity!

As a descendant of the Alliance, I have made such great oaths and great wishes. I cannot embarrass the Lord of Doom no matter what. Otherwise, it will be contrary to my oath and the way of heaven. Needless to say, the result will be the result.

Not only should we not embarrass him, but we should also help him, and even drive him, so that in the future we can resolve the cause and effect and fulfill our vows.

After all, God is the only one who will reward you based on your merits after the calamity is over. If you, a descendant of the alliance who made a great vow, fail to make any achievements and only know how to fish in the water, then it goes without saying what the result will be.

What is this situation other than a meat bun beating a dog?

When the time comes, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes are destined to be free!

This is the drawback of the Great Vow practice. Sometimes it is inevitable that you cannot help yourself and there is nothing you can do about it.

Yuzhao sighed secretly, shook his head, then corrected his attitude and started planning.

We must try to contact him and inform him of the news about Beiming Longyuan and Xuantian Sword Sect.

Although Taoist Mingxiao is proficient in the secret method of heaven, his cultivation level should not be at a high level. However, Beiming Longzi and the descendant of Xuantian have cave-heaven treasures on their bodies, and they are also top-grade immortal weapons, which can cover up the secret of heaven and protect themselves. .

If they were allowed to connect with the major demonic blessed places and risk their lives to free a group of demonic cultivators who had returned to the void or even merged into one, the consequences would be serious.

So, how to contact?

Yuzhao hesitated for a while, then stood up and said to Sect Master Cangran: "I have important business to leave. Please forgive me, Sect Master Li!"


Hearing this, Sect Master Cangran did not dare to say anything more: "Fairy, go away, there is no harm here!"

"Then I'll say goodbye!"

Yuzhao nodded, turned around and flew out of the cave, came to the mountains and took out something from his sleeve.

Hyuk is a mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone, flew into the sky, and soon saw the signal. Yuzhao also skillfully operated it, opened the live broadcast, clicked on the private message, and sent a private message.

"Hello are you there?"

On the other side, Wuxiang Mountain and Vajra Temple.

Satao's face was as dark as water, and Beiming Longteng's face was also full of clouds.

But it was Beiming Longzi who recovered quickly and looked at Satao: "Are you afraid?"

His words were direct and no longer polite, which showed his mood at this time.

"The Lord of Destiny!"

"Vajra body!"


Sattva shook his head and spoke calmly: "Either he dies or I die. There is no way to retreat, so why should we be afraid?"

"Okay, okay!"

Beiming Longteng's eyes flashed: "You are worthy of being named and praised by your father. If you have great courage, I will give you this Nine Tribulations Body Forging Pill. Combined with the secret oil of the magic dragon, you will definitely be able to turn danger into safety." , when the time comes, we will eliminate this scourge in one fell swoop.”

After saying that, he turned his eyes coldly and looked at the screen: "The master of calamity, heaven and earth protect each other, hum, my demonic way goes against the heavens, don't say that your trend is not achieved, even if it is achieved, I can stop it with one hand!"

Leng Ran's words echoed in the cave, full of determined murderous intent.

the other side……

In a blessed place, a man in white clothes with a sword sat alone, with the sword lying on his knees.




"There is nothing that cannot be cut with Xuantian's sword, and there is no one that cannot be killed!"

"Martial Crazy Disciple, Li Xuanyuan, you guys...do you have this destiny?"

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