This went on for several months.

West District, Atlan City.

Fang Yuan inspected his manor villa again, and only after confirming that there were no omissions in the newly arranged formation did he reluctantly calm down and return to his room to continue working.

The reorganization of the Federation and the establishment of the academy, the impact caused by it is needless to say, the situation has changed again and again in a few months.

The East District is not bad, it is the base of the Wandao Academy and the main force, and there is the "Live Broadcasting Three Giants" to suppress the situation, the reorganization is very smooth, and the transition is completed easily.

The West District and several other districts are not so good. The original Blue Star Federation was a makeshift team that was built in a mess. There was no subordination between them. Now it is suddenly unified and the reorganization is difficult.

Whether it is the upper-class wealthy and powerful, the power groups, or the lower-class people, it is difficult to accept such a change for a while.

Coupled with the provocation of some people with ulterior motives, chaos, conflict, blood, violence and other extreme events inevitably occurred.

The worst of them is the evil god sect!

Although the major evil god sects have suffered serious blows under the fierce competition of those "anchors" in the East District in recent years, the centipede is still alive, let alone the evil god sects created by the evil demons of the outside world?

They stayed away from the East District and took root in the West District and other regions, developing dormantly, using the evil power of the demons in their hands to cultivate one spokesperson after another, and secretly controlled countless groups.

Now that the federation has been reorganized and the academy has been established, the leaders of each district, those noble families, dignitaries, and the spokespersons of the extraordinary organizations and power groups, although they have to accept this reality due to the strength of the academy and the deterrence of the three people, they still secretly obey and disobey, creating various incidents.

In short, there is only one word - chaos!

Local forces, local strong dragons, evil god sects, demon minions, a lot of messy things mixed together, openly and secretly confronted the Wandao Academy, causing frequent conflicts in various places.

The situation in the West District was no exception, and even worse. Some places had already developed to the point of "gunfights every day".

However, this did not change the determination of the Wandao Academy, but instead ushered in fierce suppression and even bloody extermination.

As far as Fang Yuan knew, the academy had issued a mobilization order. He didn't know what was happening in the East District, but in the West District, many of his classmates and alumni had returned to the Wandao Academy.

In addition, the Wandao Academy also released the supply of "strategic resources" and mobilized official and civilian forces at all costs to suppress the situation in various places. The anchors in the East District also joined in.

Although Fang Yuan was cautious by nature and did not like the risky battles, he did not join the combat team of the Wandao Academy, but he also took on many logistical tasks and was now a busy man.

In addition, he also exchanged a set of second-level formations to protect his manor villa and spiritual fields to prevent the fire at the city gate from affecting the innocent.

In fact, he could move directly to the branch of the academy in the west district, which was very safe, but he couldn't bear to leave his own nest and the spiritual field that he had cultivated for many years, so he would rather spend credits to buy a formation than live in the dormitory of the academy, after all, the space there was limited and no private fields could be provided.

Fortunately, the academy was reasonable and gave him a certain subsidy in his case, half selling and half giving away a set of second-level formations, and also a batch of spiritual stones.

Under the protection of the formation, Fang Yuan's sense of security was greatly improved, and he didn't even care about the sporadic gunshots in the distance. He concentrated on refining pills and completing today's work quota.

After refining the pills, he didn't feel like resting, so he turned on the computer and went online.

Wandao Academy-credit exchange-pill exchange!

Top-grade foundation-building pill, exchange price: 130,000 credits, inventory: 1.27 million pieces.

Top-grade foundation-building pill, exchange price: 70,000 credits, inventory: 21.36 million pieces.

Medium-grade foundation-building pill, exchange price: 20,000 credits, inventory: 178,520,000 pills.

Low-grade foundation-building pill...

"It's really dropped!"

Although he had expected the price of pills to drop, Fang Yuan couldn't hide his joy when he saw the new exchange list.

Foundation-building pills are the mainstream pills at present. After all, the "big anchor era" has been going on for more than 30 years, and many practitioners have approached the second-level barrier and urgently need foundation-building pills to break through the realm and build the foundation.

With the original population base of the Blue Star Federation of more than 100 billion, this "quite a lot" can be imagined.

Although the Wandao Academy has trained a large number of alchemists, who can stably produce foundation-building pills and even provide top-grade foundation-building pills, this is still a drop in the bucket compared to hundreds of millions of practitioners.

Therefore, the price of foundation-building pills has remained high over the years, and there has never been a talk of a reduction.

But now they have reduced their prices. The top-grade foundation-building pill has dropped from 150,000 to 130,000, which is 20,000 less credits. The lower-grade and medium-grade ones have dropped by 30,000 or even 40,000.

With Fang Yuan's current family background, he can definitely buy a medium-grade foundation-building pill.


Fang Yuan did not hesitate and directly chose to exchange it, adding another 1,000 credits to deliver it to his door.

Although the price of this pill may drop further if the trend continues, he can't wait any longer.

The world is too chaotic now. Even with a set of second-level formations to protect him, Fang Yuan still lacks a sense of security. He is afraid that one day he will run into those demon cubs and evil god believers, so he is eager to improve his cultivation.

In addition, the improvement of cultivation is also very helpful for alchemy. Now is the cusp of the new era. If you don't seize the opportunity to make a fortune, it will be difficult to earn a lot of credits when the situation settles down.

So, place an order decisively!

After placing the order, looking at the single-digit credits, Fang Yuan smacked his lips and continued to browse.

This time, he didn't look at the low-level elixirs, but directly clicked on the reverse price order, starting from high to low, ready to feast his eyes and set a future goal for himself.

"Northern Dark True Dragon Secret Oil: A seventh-level secret medicine, extracted from the flesh and blood of a true dragon, which is very beneficial to the body. It can create a seventh-level combat body, with the power to subdue dragons and tigers. Exchange price: 99,990,000 credits."

"Northern Dark Blood Burning Pill: A seventh-level pill, refined by the secret method of the Northern Dark Dragon Abyss, which can burn the blood and qi of the body, the foundation of life, and greatly improve the physical strength and magic power in a short period of time. It is a good choice for meeting disasters and enemies. Exchange price..."

"Reincarnation Pill: A seventh-level pill, from Buddhism, with the power of reincarnation The power to revive the dead, even if the life of a fusion cultivator is in danger, he can be reborn with one pill, the exchange price..."

"Wuhui Huiming Pill: a seventh-level pill, Wuhui Huiming, can nourish the cultivator's soul, and is more effective for the heart demon tribulation. It is a must-have pill for returning to the void, fusion, and Mahayana tribulation. The exchange price..."


Looking at the dazzling array of high-level pills on the exchange list, and the dazzling and frightening exchange prices, Fang Yuan looked strange and didn't know what to say.

These pills are all new products, new products that have just been put on the shelves.

Why are they new products?

As far as he knows, in the Wandao Academy, except for the master and the master of Mingxiao Temple, there are not many high-level alchemists, and the pills produced are generally first-level and second-level, and third-level and fourth-level are rare.

Then these new sixth-level and seventh-level pills...

Needless to say, they must come from the contributions of some people.

This is interesting!

Over the years, with the promotion of the Wandao Academy and the live broadcast trio, all the blessed lands in the East District have been opened. Although many cultivators have been destroyed in the disaster, many cultivators have been able to return to the world.

Although these blessed land cultivators have made a promise that they will definitely eliminate demons and defend the Dao in the future, that is at most a "non-aggression" treaty, and they have not been subordinate to the academy.

The Wandao Academy cannot mobilize them, nor can it use their power, and there is even some unspeakable embarrassment.

Under the whole world, no one is the king's land.

The people of the land are not the king's subjects.

Do you think it's embarrassing or not?

But now...

There are so many high-level elixirs here, just ask if you are tempted.

Fang Yuan dares to guarantee that they will definitely be tempted, especially those surviving ancestors of the blessed land.

Because these high-level elixirs are either the great elixirs for strengthening the body and improving strength, or the healing elixirs that nourish the soul and can turn the world around, and some of them can overcome the inner demons, all of which are treasures for cultivators to overcome the disaster.

Although those blessed land ancestors have survived the calamity of entering the world, what about the future? Will they improve their cultivation? Will they survive the fusion calamity and the great success calamity?

Therefore, these pills are very tempting.

Although their exchange price is also shocking, Fang Yuan does not think this is an obstacle.

Because these pills are exchanged for credits, the credits of the Wandao Academy!

Now is the development stage of the academy, and it is very simple to obtain credits. Even a Qi-refining cultivator like him can earn credits through various means. Then, for those blessed land ancestors who have returned to the void or even fusion cultivation, isn’t it easier to earn credits?

Next, these blessed land cultivators who are not subject to the "king's order" may also have to join the academy and start a vigorous part-time job.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's face was also dark.

Competitors... have increased again!

Is this the world of great contention? Why does it feel more and more competitive?

Fang Yuan shook his head, threw away his random thoughts, and browsed through it again.

"Although the inventory is not marked, the elixir is a physical object, and physical objects have a number. Once they are used up, they are gone."


Fang Yuan's eyes were stern, and he opened another interface.

"Taiqing Jinye Shendan Jing: Seventh-level elixir method, exchange price: 90 million credits (in addition, you need to swear a heart demon oath and cannot privately transfer)"

"Huangdi Jiuding Shendan Jue: Seventh-level elixir method, exchange price: 90 million credits..."

"Penglai Zhongzhi: Seventh-level spiritual plant method..."

"Jiuzhuan Liuzhu Jiudan Jing: Seventh-level elixir method..."


Looking at the elixir books on the exchange list, Fang Yuan smiled bitterly and murmured, "Sure enough!"

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish.

Those high-level elixirs are limited in number and hard to come by. If you want to lock in the monks of the blessed land and keep working for the academy, you have to start with the method.

Although those monks of the blessed land are all authentic inheritances with families, it does not mean that they do not desire these high-level methods.

After all, sectarianism is quite serious in these blessed lands and ancient sects. Not to mention outsiders, even their own disciples cannot be taught all the methods at once. They must rely on teachers to teach or make contributions.

Very difficult!

But now it is different. The Wandao Academy has a clear price!

Although he has never entered a blessed land ancient sect, Fang Yuan can still be sure that the price of these methods is very favorable, even cheap.

How can he not buy them at such a low price?

Those blessed land cultivators will definitely be further trapped.

But this has nothing to do with Fang Yuan, he is not a blessed land cultivator.

Although Wandao Academy does not teach high-level methods now, low-level methods are all free to teach. Apart from some teaching tasks, the monks of the academy do not have to pay anything. Some can even watch live teaching and rely on talent to improve without doing any tasks.

According to this trend, these high-level methods will most likely be open to the public for free in the future. As a monk of the academy, he just needs to wait.

Of course, as a monk of the academy, he is deeply bound to the academy. Every point of his own value-added will bring benefits to the academy, so there is no saying that who loses and who gains, but mutual benefit and win-win.

According to these discoveries, will those monks in the blessed land be included in the academy?

Fang Yuan smiled dumbly. Continue browsing.

On the other side...

On the Tan Mountain, in the cave, Yuzhao held the Qiantian Mirror in his hand, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and it was difficult to relax for a long time.

"36 Tiangang Methods·Five Elements Great Escape: Tiangang Method, a great magical skill, includes the Five Elements Immortal Method and Five Elements Escape, and also contains the wonderful way of the Five Elements' generation and restraint. Those who have achieved this magical power can freely move around in the Three Realms and the Five Elements, and exchange prices..."

"36 Tiangang Methods·Big and Small as You Want: Tiangang Method, a great magical skill, is a method of changing big and small, and also contains the way of creation of heaven and earth. It can imitate the heavens and the earth, and can hide its shape. It is mysterious and infinite, and exchange prices..."

"36 Tiangang Methods· Tianxin Wulei: Tiangang method, great magical power, five thunders are five qi, gather together into one, Tianxin reaches the Tao, can drive thunder and lightning, pray for rain and clear weather, cure evil spirits and demons, exorcise locusts and eliminate diseases, refine ghosts, it can be said to be the command of heaven, exchange price..."

"Tiangang Thirty-six Methods!"

"Disha Seventy-two Techniques!"

"This kind of magical power is unheard of. Although there are similar methods, they are not so. "

Looking at the magical powers on the exchange list, Yuzhao frowned, his eyes full of surprise.

"What is the origin of these people? How can they come up with so many high-level methods?"

"Dan method, weapon method, array method, magic method, creation..."

"Such a foundation, even my alliance of heaven is far from it!"

"Could it be... which earthly immortal, or even the emperor of heaven, made the layout?"

Yuzhao frowned, puzzled.

Fortunately, at this time, the mirror spirit spoke.

"My young master, there is no evidence, no matter how you infer, it is useless!"

"The current focus is to earn credits. These methods are extraordinary. Even if they cannot be passed on privately and turned into the foundation of the sect, they can also be used by the young master personally and become a great help in the future practice."

"In addition, they also displayed the rare treasures and even precious immortal artifacts of the several major demon caves in Beiming Longyuan. If you have enough credits, you can exchange them. If the young master can get a few, they will be of great use in the future or even now."

"So, the current focus is to earn credits!"

The mirror spirit spoke in a deep voice and pointed out the key point.

"Earn credits?"

Yu Zhao murmured, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Open the task interface!"

Seeing her expression like this, although the mirror spirit was a little puzzled, he still honestly opened the task interface.

Then he saw...

"Limited-time task - Jiuyi Xuanyuan!"

A striking title hung in the center of the interface.

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