
"What happened?"

A few days later, everyone in the live broadcast room was confused.

At this moment, the live broadcast was resumed, showing this scene.

"I want to report a case!"

"King Garuda forced me to break the Heart Demon Oath and grant them the method of the Wandao Academy!"

"Please ask the academy to do me justice!"

Facing the camera, Disha gritted his teeth and uttered these words word by word, with a look of hysterical pain and madness.

It's no wonder that as the most promising prince of the Garuda clan, his future was cut off by his father and brother. The gap from the clouds to the abyss, and the pain of the road being cut off, others can't understand it at all.

He hated, hated his ruthless father and brother, and hated the Wandao Academy that made him take the Heart Demon Oath!

So, he risked his life, gritted his teeth, and came to the law enforcement office under the pursuit of Garuda.

He wanted to start a war between the Wandao Academy and the Garuda clan to complete his revenge.

Both sides were his enemies. No matter who won or lost, who lived or died, he would be able to avenge himself.

But would the Wandao Academy do as he wished and start a war with the Garuda clan, fighting his father and brother with swords and fighting to the death?

To be honest, Emperor Sha was not sure. After all, his father was a god in the "Nine Wheels" realm, and the most brilliant record of the Wandao Academy so far was just killing a few Seven Wheels monks.

Do they have the strength to challenge the "gods"?

Emperor Sha did not know.


"Good fellow!"

"This Garuda..."

"What a loving father and filial son, and a friendly brother and respectful younger brother!"

"You have the nerve to ask the academy to help you with your family's scandal?"

"King Garuda is a god after all, the academy shouldn't go to war with him for such a small matter, right?"

"The Wandao Academy has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for five hundred years, and the laws and regulations of the academy have become a joke for the past five hundred years if we ignore this matter now?"

"If you break your promise and gain wealth, people's hearts will be shaken, and even their foundation will be destroyed. , half a century of operation, collapsed in one day! "

"Over the years, Wandao Academy has killed countless monks in the name of law, including several powerful combined masters. If they are afraid of King Garuda now and dare not ask about this matter, they will not only become a laughing stock, but people in the world will also be dissatisfied, and the monks who were killed before will cry out for justice! "

"This Garuda... is going to put Wandao Academy on the fire!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe Wandao Academy is thinking of him doing this!"

In another live broadcast room, the same picture was released, causing everyone to talk about it.

This is... Emperor Sha's live broadcast room!

That's right, he is also broadcasting live, broadcasting this report!

Since five hundred years ago, under the leadership of those three people, the era of "supernatural live broadcast" began, and a large number of monks have devoted themselves to this industry, winning the hearts of the people in the world and gathering the merits of disaster.

The descendants of Dongtian and the Taoist disciples of Xianmen in Dongguo are the best among them. With the popularity accumulated through live broadcast, they have gathered a lot of disasters and obtained a lot of merits. In just five hundred years, they have raised their cultivation to the level of returning to the void and even merging.

With this precedent, after the establishment of the Wandao Academy and the opening of the world's blessed land, the cultivators of other divine systems also joined in, expanding this "supernatural live broadcast" from Dongguo to the world.

As a "Dongtian" Taoist, Disha also followed the trend and became a member of the anchor. Although he started late and could not compare with the descendants of the immortals in the East District, he has accumulated a lot of popularity over the past few hundred years.

Now, he has opened a "reporting" live broadcast in his live broadcast room, putting this matter on the table and in front of the public.

This is his method-the general trend is involved!

Wandao Academy, the law governs the world!

This is the popular saying in the world for five hundred years.

Since the reorganization of the Federation and the establishment of the academy five hundred years ago, the Wandao Academy has been governing the world with "laws" and restraining people and monks from all sides with iron laws.

But how can a monk with sharp weapons, murderous intentions, and extraordinary powers be easily restrained?

At the beginning of the implementation of this strict law, there are often people who cross the line intentionally or unintentionally and test the law with their bodies.

And then... there is nothing else!

The Wandao Academy has shown unparalleled determination and means.


Killing a head rolling and blood flowing into a river, but also killing a world that is bright and clear, and the sun and the moon are shining.

For five hundred years, I don't know how many people have tested the law with their bodies, blood splashed under the knife, and laid the foundation for the legal system of the Wandao Academy with their lives.

It is precisely because of this that he can be coerced by the trend.

You must take care of this matter!

If you don't care, the law will collapse, people will be separated, and these five hundred years of hard work will go to waste.

“So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is!”

In the cave, Yuzhao sat alone, and the Qiantian mirror split into two images, which were the live broadcasts of Emperor Sha and Wu Kuangtu.

The two people live broadcast the same content, and the meaning is self-evident.

Wandao Academy must intervene in this matter, no, this matter was pushed by them.

Yuzhao finally understood why they wanted to increase the price of renting immortal tools and exchanging methods.

That’s why!

They want an excuse, an excuse to attack the immortals and gods in the caves, and at the same time strengthen their own law majesty, so that they can restrain the immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons in the major caves in the future.

After all, most of the cultivators in the world are not stupid, and those who can achieve immortals and gods are even smarter.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the current situation. The mighty virtue of King Nagaluluo, who has solved the cave heaven by himself, and descended into the human world, will he kill tens of thousands of Taoist schools to vent his anger at being threatened and forced by him to solve the cave heaven?

Of course not!

He is not a fool. Everyone can see that Li Xuanyuan and the other three are no small matter. They must have support behind them and are not afraid of immortals at all.

He is a third-level tribulation god who has just entered the world, is seriously injured, and is threatened by the fourth level of divine tribulation. In this state, how can he test the five hundred years of achievements of Wandao Academy and the hidden edge of Li Xuanyuan?

Isn’t this making yourself unhappy?

The wise choice would be to lie dormant, not to conflict with Wandao Academy, or even give them an excuse to attack. Instead, lie dormant, recuperate, and wait until the cave is completely resolved and the immortals and gods gather together in the future to go find those three people to settle matters.

This is the wisest choice and a powerful idea. Recuperate and recuperate first. In the future, all the secret realms of the Brahma Sect's caves and heavens will be unlocked. The four Garuda kings will gather together, and then they will attract the gods of the Brahma Sect and kill them with the strongest posture. Wandao Academy completely strangled those three people.

Some things must be either not done or never done, leaving no room for the opponent.

But he is not the only wise person in the world?

How could those three people not know Weide's plan?

Therefore, they promoted all this and created a reason for themselves to attack Garuda in a famous way.

They had already expected that Wei De would force Di Cha to hand over the high-level method granted by Wandao Academy.

After all, they had just raised the price of the magic door exchange and closed Jiuyi Xuanyuan, an important channel for earning credits. Those cave gods and gods who want to obtain the high-level magic door of Wandao Academy in a short time have only two choices.

Either use your family wealth and exchange it for precious high-level spiritual objects, or... attack your own people!

Weide chose the latter. As a three-tribulation god, his family was not rich, and he spent a lot of money to survive the tribulation of the world. He simply could not produce enough spiritual objects in exchange for magical powers such as reversing yin and yang.

Therefore, he chose the most cost-effective option and operated on his youngest son.

As the prince of Garuda, Disha has worked diligently over the years and earned a lot of credits through Jiuyi Xuanyuan's limited-time tasks. Not only did he redeem the Tiangang magical power of Inverting Yin and Yang, which is very suitable for the Garuda clan, but he also redeemed the Five Elements Great Power. Escape, the accumulation is very rich.

Weide attacked him and did such a thing. On the surface, it was his own business, but in fact it violated the laws of the academy. The next step was to punish Shi Chuming.

Yuzhao is a Xuanmen monk. To be honest, she doesn't care whether the god of the Brahmin sect dies or not.

What she cares more about is this "law!"

For five hundred years, Wandao Academy has governed the world by law, binding monks all over the world within the iron net of law.

Now that the cave world has been opened and changes are coming, facing the immortals and gods from the cave world who have emerged one after another, can the laws of Wandao Academy still be maintained unchanged?

Yuzhao doesn’t know.

But judging from the current performance of Wandao Academy, they have no intention of changing. On the contrary, they have a tendency to intensify their efforts to restrain all the immortals and gods of Dongtian under the "legal network".

This time, it’s Garuda, next time…

Don't talk about lessons. Even if other cave gods can learn from Garuda's lessons and not do the same thing, there is more than one law. How can they not break it at all?

With the behavior of the major cave heavens and the temperament of those immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons, can they really tolerate it under the law of this academy?

Even in the past, in ancient times, the rules of heaven of the Eastern Immortal Court could only restrain the monks of the Xuanmen Immortal Way.

Where did the Ten Thousand Dao Academy have the courage to restrain the major gods and keep all the immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons under his legal net?

"I'll go!"

Before Yuzhao could make up his mind, he heard a voice that struck his ears with force.

Looking up, he found that Di Cha's report had ended, and the live broadcast screen jumped back to the Mingxiao Temple.

Taoist temples, shrines, and altars are filled with incense and solemn.

The warrior stood up and turned to the outside of the palace.

The Taoist closed his eyes and recited the scripture silently.

The swordsman holds his hands behind his back and doesn't say much.

"Please choose your hero!"

"It's not King Daxi who is going?"

"Is it time for the big fanatic to take action this time?"

"Martial God: I never had any lines before, now I should have a role, right?"

"I haven't seen the palace master take action in many years, and I don't know what state he has reached."

"The Eighth Realm of Divine Martial Arts, the Ninth Realm of Martial Arts. The Martial Arts Scripture does not describe much about the ninth level of martial arts. I don't know whether the palace master has achieved it or not?"

"The ninth realm of martial arts corresponds to the immortal realm, which is the realm of immortals who have overcome tribulations. It has only been five hundred years, so it should not be like this."

"King Nagalura is the god of three tribulations. This martial arts disciple was only at the level of Nascent Soul to the transformation of a god 500 years ago. Even if he is the master of tribulations, with the help of merit and rapid progress, he will not be able to reach the Mahayana level at most in 500 years. How can I have the confidence to fight against King Nagalura?"

"Could it be..."

Everyone was talking, still in shock and doubt, when they saw the camera turned and they were outside the main hall.

Outside the main hall, the warrior raised his hand, and the void suddenly shattered, revealing a palace.

A palace, magnificent and mysterious, came from the void and firmly occupied the sky.

The warrior stepped flatly across the void and entered the palace. His figure suddenly became smaller, and he saw only forty-nine picture tablets hanging in the air, which seemed to hide the principles of heaven and earth and the secrets of the infinite universe.

"That is……"

"War Temple!?"

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