After traveling through time and space for so many years, Xu Yang had already figured out his golden finger.

If you want to develop skills, it's very simple, just one word - do it!

As long as you persevere and do something for many years, even if it is a trivial thing, you can develop skills, develop characteristics, and gain the power to turn decay into magic.

But there are requirements for doing this. You must complete all aspects of a thing before it can be considered "done". Only by accumulating over time can you develop skills.

Taking breathing as an example, two actions of "exhaling" and "inhaling" must be completed before a breath is completed.

Therefore, skills can only be developed by "doing", and there is no such thing as "not doing".

What does "not do" mean?

Let’s take breathing as an example. Breathing can generate skills. What about not breathing? Can skills be generated as well?

Also, not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, not practicing. Can this kind of opposite "not doing" behavior generate skills?

Obviously not.

Xu Yang can be sure of this. In order to avoid covering up the problem of his strong vitality and blood, he has not married for so many years. He even arranged for himself to spread a rumor that his lifeblood was injured, so that he would not marry a wife, have children, or even I have never even been to a prostitute with a half-open door.

In this way, for decades, I haven't seen him develop any skills such as "not prostitution".

There is not even a skill like "abstinence".

Therefore, Xu Yang was sure that there was no way to develop skills by "not doing" such things.

You must actually do something, complete it, and accumulate it over time before it can be solidified into a skill on the attribute panel.

And there are requirements for doing this. It doesn’t mean that subjectively you think you have done it, then it will definitely be done.

Taking martial arts as an example, when his memory was just restored, Xu Yang also thought about using the knowledge he had before time travel to match the attribute panel, such as "Tai Chi", "Military Boxing", "Broadcast Gymnastics" and the like, to see if he could practice it. Some martial arts skills.

The result is nothing.

Xu Yang guessed that the reason was probably because the punch he punched was not systematic. In the system's judgment, the punch he punched was not a punch at all, so it naturally could not generate related skills.

Therefore, if Xu Yang wants to develop combat power skills, he must do something that can actually enhance his combat power, such as practicing serious martial arts.

But Xu Yang can't do martial arts now!

There is no other way, so you can only do something offensive and lethal, such as throwing rocks to generate "flying rocks".

By extension, flying knives, flying swords, and flying harpoons can also have some attack power and lethality.

But can these things defeat warriors?

Xu Yang was not sure either.

After observation and testing, the skill characteristics generated by the attribute panel do have the power to turn decay into magic. Some of them can even be said to be magical powers, which are beyond the scope of the mundane.

Take the flying stone as an example. If Xu Yang's flying stone skill can generate a characteristic of "no false shots", then his flying rocks will definitely hit the target 100% of the time, even if the opponent uses peerless movements. Even if he flies into the sky and escapes from the earth, he can't avoid the flying rocks that he always throws at him.

But it's one thing to definitely hit, and it's another thing to cause damage after hitting. The specific effect still depends on the skill characteristics.

Therefore, Xu Yang was not sure whether he could develop skills and characteristics with powerful lethality to deal with various hidden dangers and threats in the future.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, there is still no effective plan.

But Xu Yang is not anxious. Decades of forbearance and dormancy have greatly tempered his patience. Although the current situation is a bit tricky, it has not yet reached a real life-and-death crisis, so he cannot be thrown into chaos.

If you can't figure it out, just leave it alone. There will be a way for the car to reach the mountain and for the boat to reach the bridge. There will always be a way.

With this mentality, Xu Yang happily ate another pot of fresh river porridge, and then slept with his clothes on.

Sleep (soothes the mind, preserves health, keeps fit, prevents illness, and prolongs life)

Needless to say, the characteristics of sleep are that it can soothe the mind and nourish the soul, and nourish the body by nourishing the essence and affecting the body. In addition, it has the effects of strengthening the body, preventing diseases, and increasing longevity. Most of Xu Yang’s current strong body is due to it. It is developed through sleep, and the other half is due to diet.

Eat well, sleep well, and your body will naturally be in good health!

In addition to the effects of strengthening the body and extending life, the sleep skill also has a hidden benefit, that is, you can sleep whenever you want, just close your eyes, and you will never have the trouble of insomnia.

Xu Yang fell asleep with his clothes on, and his consciousness sank into a warm ocean. He vaguely saw tall buildings and busy traffic again, as if he had traveled back in time and returned to the modern city where life was full of money and wealth, and he had lived three o'clock again. On the front line, the boring life of a social animal.

Is it true or false, good or bad?

Xu Yang couldn't explain clearly. Half asleep and half awake, he reversed his dreams and fell into the psychedelic state.

Like this, for an unknown amount of time, all the scenes disappeared and returned to darkness.

Then, the darkness was punctured by flickering lights. The sound of water, wind, and the cry of osprey rushed into his senses together with the familiar smell of fish, calling him back to reality from his deep sleep.

Xu Yang slowly opened his eyes, propped up his body, sat blankly for a while, and then called out the attribute panel that only he could see.

On the panel, in the skill bar, a line of text was slowly generated, and it was still shining with a little golden light.

Dreaming (Zhuang Zhou Mengdie)

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie?

Xu Yang was stunned when he saw the four-character characteristics shining with a little golden light.

Xu Yang has only mastered one of the four characteristics so far, and that is his swimming skill.

As for the four-character character with light and shadow effects, it was the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair!

In addition, dreaming is not included in the "sleep" attribute column, but becomes an independent skill.

What does this mean?

It shows that it has the qualification to become an independent skill!

The potential is huge and the future is promising!

It doesn't even need the future, now it has a four-character characteristic with golden light.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie?

What effect?

Xu Yang examined it carefully, and his expression changed accordingly, showing shock, weirdness, and joy.

After a while, he looked outside the cabin and looked at the already bright sky. Instead of going out to fish, he lay back on the bed and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

The darkness is like a tide, and the light is fleeting.

In a valley somewhere, under a cliff, among the green grass, there was a blood-stained man lying.

It was a young man with a pale complexion, tattered clothes, and his body was covered with scars and bloodstains. He had no breath. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was a corpse.


The silent corpse suddenly opened its eyes, filled with confusion, surprise, shock and joy.

Then, he sat up, looked at his hands and body, and then looked up at the cliffs and vines in front of him. A memory that did not belong to him suddenly emerged, mingling with the milk of his soul.

"I am...Xu Yang?"

"No, I am Li Qingshan!"

"No, I am..."

"Zhuang Zhou dreams of butterflies, and butterflies dream of Zhuang Zhou!"

"I am Xu Yang, and I am also Li Qingshan!"

After muttering a few times, he recovered himself, and the confusion in his eyes subsided. Xu Yang stood up and began to look around.

Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, and butterflies dreamed of Zhuang Zhou!

This is the effect of the four-character characteristics, which allows him to travel to another world through dreams. Zhuang Zhou becomes another person like a dream butterfly, accepting his body, memory, and his life past.

Was he really reborn and transported to another world?

Or is it a fantasy travelogue woven by imagination?

Xu Yang couldn't explain clearly, but it didn't matter. To him, whether this world was real or fake, whether this period of life was false or real, it didn't matter at all. What mattered was what benefits he could get from it.

According to the memory of the original owner "Li Qingshan", he was born in "Xiaohuang Village" and was a poor mountain hunter. His parents had passed away long ago, leaving behind two younger brothers and a younger sister. Their life was very difficult.

As the mainstay of the family, Li Qingshan not only has to work hard to cultivate the few acres of thin farmland at home, but also often goes into the mountains to hunt, collect, and search for medicine, so that he can barely support himself and his two younger siblings.

However, there are not only delicacies and game in the mountains, but also many dangers, including countless poisonous snakes and beasts. Every year, countless mountain households lose their lives due to this.

The original owner, Li Qingshan, met with an accident and came here to collect some precious herbs. As a result, he accidentally lost his footing on the cliff and fell heavily to the ground, losing his life.

Then, Xu Yang traveled through "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly".

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie not only allowed him to travel through time, but the accompanying divine soul power also helped him recover the internal and external injuries of this body, even making up for the weakness and weakness caused by hunger.

The power of the soul is the key to "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly".

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie needs to consume the power of the soul. This power of the soul can be supplied by Xu Yang's body, or it can be accumulated independently by the clone after time travel.

The death of the clone will not cause the death of the main body, but will cause some damage to the soul of the main body.

For ordinary people, damage to the soul is a very serious matter. It can range from dizziness and listlessness to being stupid and crazy, with the soul dissipating.

But for Xu Yang, this is not a big deal, because he has the skill of "sleep".

The soothing properties of sleep can effectively warm and nourish the soul. Even if the clone dies and the soul is damaged, he can recover through sleep training, and then continue to use Zhuang Zhou Mengdie to travel through time.

In other words - he is not afraid of death!

In addition, the power of the soul has another wonderful use.

That is……

Xu Yang (Li Qingshan)

Cultivation: None

Longevity: 16/49

Skills: None

Looking at the empty attribute panel, Xu Yang had no words, just a thought in his mind.

Then he saw a line of text slowly appearing in the empty skill column above the attribute panel.

Diet (chewing, digestion, energy, strengthening, smooth flow)

This is the wonderful use of the power of the soul. As long as a certain amount of the power of the soul is consumed, the skills of Xu Yang's body can be copied and given to the clone.

In the same way, the clone can also transfer the skills it has developed to the main body, which is equivalent to opening a power training account.

Not just skills, as long as the power of the soul is enough, you can even transfer items between the two worlds and exchange what you need.

It's a pity that Xu Yang has no cultivation now, and the soul raised by sleep is only a little stronger than ordinary people. Currently, he can only "transmit" one skill, and the rest is unsustainable.

This was the only support from the main body. Xu Yang thought about it for a while and finally chose the diet with the widest applicability.

Why not choose breathing?

Because breathing is easy to practice and does not require support from the body at all. After a while, the clone will be able to practice it on its own.

Diet was different. According to his memory, the living conditions of the original owner Li Qingshan were not good. It was common to suffer from hunger. He didn't know how much time it would take to practice the skill of diet.

Dream travel and seizing the body's clone are the basic functions of Zhuang Zhou's Mengdie.

In addition, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie also has a special hidden effect.

That is - the speed of time.

There is a huge flow gap between the dream world and the real world, and the flow speeds in different worlds are also different. The current flow speed ratio between this world and the real world is one to three hundred and sixty-five.

In other words, one year has passed in the dream world where the clone is located, and only one day has passed in the real world of Xu Yang's body.

Avatar power leveling + time plug-in?

This is Zhuang Zhou Mengdie!

The golden legend and four-character characteristics are indeed extraordinary!

After receiving all the information, he looked up at the rare herb growing on the cliff. Without thinking, Xu Yang picked up the scattered items and backpacks around him, turned around and left.

climb mountains?

Sorry, no!

Even if you can't crawl, even though this is just a clone, you have the capital to be free and not afraid of death, but there are also things to pay attention to, and how to take risks to get the maximum benefit is something that must be considered.

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