Thirty-six months in the dream, one hundred and eight days in the present world.

Three years have passed.

In the Blackwater River, in the shallow bay.

A herring is moving stealthily.

I saw that its body was more than six feet long, with green scales all over its body like jade, as if there was light flowing around it. The body under the scales was tightly stretched, like a big bow with fully stretched strings, showing strength from the inside to the outside. feel.

An extremely powerful feeling!

It seems that what is hidden under the scales is not fat, but muscles like dragons and horns.

In fact, it’s both!

In this shallow water bend, the herring is already so huge that no predator dares to provoke it, and all fish can only become its prey.

But it was still sneaky, poking around, and only after making sure it was safe did it act confidently and start swimming in the shallow water bay.


He swung his tail, flew out like an arrow from the string, rushed to the river bed and bit a big river clam.

That’s right, bite!

Ordinary herring has only pharyngeal teeth and cannot bite its prey, but can only swallow and crush it.

But this herring has sharp teeth, like shark-like teeth.

He took a bite of the river mussel and cracked its shell into pieces with a few clicks. Then he stuck the fish head into the shell and began to enjoy the plump and sweet mussel meat.

It was indeed plump and sweet. After becoming a fish, the taste seemed to have changed. The mussel meat, which was very fishy to ordinary people, seemed to him to be extremely fresh and sweet, making it very suitable as an appetizer before a meal.

After a few clicks, the clam meat was taken down, and the herring swam out from the shell, with a little brilliance shining between its mouth and teeth.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a pearl, the pearl conceived in the body of the river oyster.


The herring held the pearl in its mouth, chewed it into pieces and swallowed it into its belly without talking nonsense.

Then, he patted his belly/chest with his fins and continued to swim comfortably in the inlet to hunt for food.

Xu Yang

Race: Herring (different species)

Cultivation: Qi and blood realm

Lifespan: 3/29


Swimming (Muddy Water Dragon)

Eating (eating a cow a day to make up for the shape, the big fish eats the small fish)

Breathing (strengthening the body, strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality)

Sleep (soothes the mind and nourishes the soul)

Taoism (whim, grassroots divination)

Martial arts training (the transformation of fish and dragon, external training of muscles and bones)

Kung Fu: Martial Arts: Fish-Dragon Transformation!

Three years is neither long nor short.

In the past three years, Xu Yang's body size has grown from less than three inches to more than six feet.

It can be said to be completely transformed and turned upside down.

Herring is a fish that grows relatively slowly. In just three years, it grows from three inches to six feet, which is equivalent to a child of five, six or seven years old. In just a few months, it grows to two or three inches tall. A meter tall little giant.

Very exaggerated.

But looking at the skills column, this is very reasonable.

In addition to the "Muddy Water Dragon" feature that was originally supported by the main body, and the "Taoist" skill that was specially delivered some time ago, Xu Yang has worked hard over the past three years and developed several more skill features.

Needless to say, breathing and sleep are all old acquaintances.

The point is eating!

Eat an ox a day to make up for the shape, and the big fish eats the small fish.

Eating an ox a day is a characteristic that Xu Yang's body also has, including low-level characteristics such as "digestion", "chewing" and "smoothness". The ability to digest and chew is enhanced, and defecation is smooth, and there is never any trouble.

Using form to make up for form is Xu Yang's new skill feature. As the name suggests, the effect is to use form to make up for form. What you eat will make up for it.

Eating shrimps, crabs, snails and other crustaceans can effectively increase the strength of scales. Eating different types of fish can also obtain different types of enhancements. Xu Yang's fangs are eaten by eating pomfret, catfish, black fish and other sharp-toothed carnivorous fish species. from.

Not just fish, as long as he eats and digests anything, it can have the effect of "complementing the form with the form."

For example, the pearl he used as a tooth-beating sacrifice just now can whiten and nourish his fish scales, increase their strength, and at the same time slightly enhance the energy and blood in his body.

With this, Xu Yang evolved slightly and became a "different species" herring!

As for the big fish eating the small fish at the end, it is a characteristic that is used in combat.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp!

When the body is larger than the opponent, all abilities will be improved, including but not limited to strength, speed, physical strength, nerve response, life recovery, scale armor protection, etc.

In short, as long as you are larger than the opponent, your abilities will be improved across the board. is limited to fish, shrimps, crabs, turtles and other aquatic creatures, and requires an underwater environment.

If the opponent is not a fish, or aquatic creatures such as shrimps, crabs, turtles, and turtles, and the battlefield is not in the water but on land, then "big fish eat small fish" will lose its effect.

There are many restrictions.

However, these limitations cannot erase its value, but instead make it even more powerful and valuable.

Xu Yang has personally tested it, and this "big fish eats small fish" characteristic can currently improve a whole level of physical training.

That's right, the realm of physical training!

After a year, Xu Yang used himself as a model, constantly experimented and revised, and finally created a martial arts technique suitable for "fish" physiques and dedicated to horizontal training, named "Yulong Transformation".

Because the time is too short, the only person who can refer to it is himself, and there is not enough data. Therefore, the fish-dragon transformation method currently only has three cultivation realms.

They are the Qi and Blood Realm corresponding to the Internal Power Realm, the Skin and Flesh Realm corresponding to the True Qi Realm, and the Muscle and Bone Realm corresponding to the True Gang Realm.

Practicing this "Fish-Dragon Transformation" technique also allowed Xu Yang to develop his martial arts skills and gain two new characteristics - the Fish-Dragon Transformation, which can train muscles and bones.

The Fish-Dragon Transformation can enhance the training effect of the "Ichthyosaur Transformation" and gradually transform the "fish body" into a dragon body.

That's right, transform into a dragon!

When creating the fish-dragon transformation technique, Xu Yang referred to the "Dragon Subduing Palm" which means subduing the dragon.

With the Dragon Subduing Palm, you can subdue your own dragon and master your own power, thereby reborn and reaching the ultimate level of martial arts.

Fish-dragon transformation, taking this as the core concept, also surrenders oneself, masters oneself, controls the evolution of the body, and finally the fish turns into a dragon.

According to Xu Yang's idea, as long as the fish-dragon transformation continues to improve and he continues to practice, it will definitely be possible to transform the fish into a dragon in the end. Even if it does not become a real dragon, it can also become a fish-dragon, dragon and other dragon-like beasts.

Now, the martial arts training skills have the characteristics of "fish-dragon transformation", which is more in line with his vision.

If you develop in this way and persist, one day you will be completely transformed and your fish will turn into a dragon!

Compared with this fish-dragon transformation, the other feature of "external training of muscles and bones" is not so eye-catching, and can only enhance the effect of "body training".

But it's not satisfactory, and it's better than nothing.

It is precisely with the help of these skills and characteristics, coupled with the "Fish-Dragon Transformation" technique that he adapted, that Xu Yang was able to transform from a malnourished little herring nearly three inches tall to a six-foot-tall one now in just three years. A strange herring with a vertical and horizontal shape, a powerful body, covered with green scales and jade armor, and a mouth with sharp teeth.

Not to mention the outer shallow bay where there are no big fish, even in the black water river where there are swarms of big fish and numerous water monsters, he can be regarded as the number one... fish thing!

By the way, Blackwater River!

Although as a fish, Xu Yang could not communicate with the outside world, but by chance, he came out of the water to check the situation. He actually heard a few passers-by talking on the shore and learned the name of this river and water.

The name of this river is Black Water!

When he first heard the name, Xu Yang was shocked and even a little panicked.

Blackwater River, there seems to be a Blackwater River in Journey to the West!

Could it be the same one?

This time, he actually traveled to the world of Journey to the West where gods and Buddhas filled the sky?

Are you kidding me?

Xu Yang was a little shocked, but he soon calmed down, investigated carefully, and finally found...

It should just be the same name.

This Blackwater River is not the Blackwater River in Journey to the West.

Because he had been wandering in the river for more than a year, but he didn't see any soldiers or generals, let alone the second-generation dandy Xiaolong who took over people's caves, snatched people's daughters, and insisted on eating Tang Monk's meat.

Therefore, it is basically certain that the two rivers just have the same name.

After confirming that he was not traveling to the west, Xu Yang felt much more at ease and began to gradually explore the Blackwater River.

First of all, the river can be divided into three areas, namely the outermost shallow water bay, the middle and inner deep water areas, and the deepest layer, the black water area that is also the real "black water".

Repulse Bay is a normal water area, with normal fish growing there. At most, some big fish come from deep water from time to time, but it is not too exaggerated.

The situation is different in the deep water area. The river water has begun to turn black. There are a large number of strange fish and even strange water monsters living in the water. The competition is very fierce. Every day, many big fish fight and even die in it.

Xu Yang found it difficult to understand this.

The world of beasts is very simple, not as complicated as humans. Beasts fight with each other for basically two purposes. First, to hunt for survival, and second, to continue courtship.

Apart from this, there are very few things that can make beasts fight and fight at the risk of injury and death.

But the situation in the deep water area breaks common sense.

Those big fish fight fiercely in deep water, neither for hunting nor for courtship.


Xu Yang couldn't explain clearly, but he had a feeling that these big fish were like worms raised by humans, fighting each other under the influence of a certain will and a certain factor to improve and evolve.

Xu Yang believed in his feelings.

Therefore, he can be sure that the water in this Blackwater River is not only black, but also extremely deep!

After the deep water area, there is the black water area that he defines as a "forbidden zone".

The river water in that area has turned completely black and is as thick as paste, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Xu Yang has never entered this area so far.

After all, he was only at the first level of physical training and could not fully cope with the strange beasts and monsters in the deep water. How could he possibly enter this unfathomable and terrifying black water area?

Not to mention entering, it is difficult to even get close, because the outer edges of the black water area are filled with powerful water monsters from the deep water area. The top overlords, as if the black water is of great benefit to them, are entrenched there and do not want to leave.

Last time Xu Yang went over to check the situation, he ended up getting a bite from a big fat catfish that was entrenched there, and he barely managed to get his back away.

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