Seeing the giant turtle's mountain-like corpse sinking to the bottom of the water, Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged, and there was no ripple in the ancient well.

Only the thousands of "navy troops" arrayed behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

This giant turtle is really powerful.

Xu Yang arranged a plan. When it once again explored the restricted area and was filled with black water aura, and was unable to bear the heavy load, he personally led all the naval forces to form a formation to surround and kill it. It can be said that it took advantage of the right time, place and people.

This was the first time he had done anything to a giant turtle in fifteen years, and it was also the last time he had done anything to a giant turtle.

Fifteen years of dormancy, fifteen years of savings, and if you don't come out, you will kill them fiercely, leaving no room for anything, and you will succeed in one blow.

The giant turtle is therefore at a disadvantage.

Even so, its resistance was still astonishing. It fought for its life several times, but it was all an illusion. In fact, it still had the intention to break through. In the end, it used all its strength to rush outwards, hoping to break through the siege and board the shore.

As long as they go ashore, they can escape. After all, Xu Yang's navy troops are all aquatic, and most of them are not capable of fighting on land. However, his black water turtle is amphibious on water and can survive ashore.

But it knew this, how could Xu Yang be unprepared?

He could allow the giant turtle to die in the restricted area of ​​the Black Water without asking for spoils of war, but he could never let the tiger return to the mountain, let the dragon into the sea, and let the giant turtle escape and become a thorn in his side, sleeping soundly on his bed.

Therefore, he had already prepared a "Xuanbu" naval army.

Xuan Zhe, Heiye, the so-called Xuanbu Water Army, to put it bluntly, is the army of monsters in the Blackwater River.

Unlike the Denbu, which is only a few hundred in number, the Xuanbu Navy has a large number. All monsters and even spirits who have awakened the talent of "water control" have been incorporated into the Xuanbu Navy by Xu Yang.

After fifteen years of accumulation, with the support of black water aura and breeding skills, the Xuanbu's size has reached 5,000.

Five thousand monsters, Xuanbu formed an array, and collectively used the power of "water control".

What scene was that, what sight?

Half of the Blackwater River must be driven by it!

Although the giant turtle is a natural alien species, the black water black turtle, how can it compete with the five thousand black water navy with only the power of one turtle?

Xuanbu controlled the water, intercepted it layer by layer, and blocked the giant turtle in the Blackwater River, giving him no chance to break out and escape and rush to the land.

Finally, coupled with the power of Xu Yang and the Ministry of Electric Power, they fought fiercely for three days, spending their lives and deaths, and finally trained this giant turtle to death.

The Xuanbu navy suffered heavy casualties as a result.

The generals of the Ministry of Electric Power were also exhausted.

Even Xu Yang, the "Dragon King", spent a lot of energy.

But these efforts and sacrifices are all worth it.

From now on, Xu's herring is king in the Blackwater River!

Xu Yang swung his body and tail, came out like a dragon, came to the body of the giant turtle, and began to enjoy this hard-won trophy.

As for the Blackwater Restricted Area... there is no rush to explore.

Because he has been exploring for a long time.

In the past fifteen years, not only the giant turtle has been exploring the restricted area, Xu Yang has also been exploring the restricted area, absorbing the black water aura and improving his own strength.

In this way, both sides have been exploring for more than ten years, but still found nothing, and there is still no trace of the divine palace.

Could it be that what the giant turtle said was false and that there was actually no divine palace at all?

Xu Yang doesn't think so.

The giant turtle has shown with its life that it firmly believes that there is a divine palace in the restricted area.

The various manifestations of this black water also indicate that there must be magic and mystery in the restricted area. Even if it is not the divine seal of the divine palace, there are other rare treasures.

The reason why no clues can be found for so long is because there are only two possibilities: either the restricted area is too large and the exploration is not enough, or there is a formation inside that disrupts the isolation.

Xu Yang had no good way to solve this problem, so he could only use the most unpretentious way to solve it.


Is the restricted area vast and unfathomable?

Then just explore a little bit, and one day you will be able to find out everything.

Is there a formation inside to block any obstacles?

Then just wear it off little by little. If you don't believe that the effectiveness of this formation will not be reduced.

Even if the effectiveness is not reduced, Xu Yang can still absorb the black water aura and continuously improve his strength. As long as his strength is improved to the point where it surpasses the formation, he will naturally be able to overcome the obstacles of the formation and find the divine palace.

Not to mention that he still has his subordinates, various marine armies, and thousands of monsters who can use the black water aura to grow and explore the restricted area with him to find the divine palace.

There is strength in numbers, and the same goes for fish.

So, one word - endure!

Leave the problem to time, it will solve all problems.

Of course, the premise is that your life must be long enough, otherwise it will also solve you when it solves everything.

In this regard, Xu Yang is still very confident.

In the black water river, herrings are boiling.

Accumulate quietly and explore quietly.

On the other side, the real world...

"The fish and dragon live for twenty years, and the yellow beams lie dormant for three years!"

"The big dream must eventually wake up, I am who I am!"

Xu Yang opened his eyes, sat up, stretched his body and muscles, and heard the sound of tiger and leopard thunder.

"Three years!"


The Tang Dynasty ended, and I dreamed of entering the realm of black water for more than three years.

Three years is neither long nor short.

But there are also many changes, even radical changes.

Xu Yang got up, washed up, and then came outside the house as usual.


A cry penetrated the sky, and a terrifying shadow fell, covering Xu Yang's whole body.

Turning around, following the sound, I saw a golden eagle fluttering its wings. Its wingspan was more than three feet wide. Its feathers were like steel. Only its sharp claws and sharp beak were dazzling with golden light. The shape of a curved hook was frightening.


After the golden eagle, there are many birds of prey, the largest of which are a cormorant and a peacock.

Cormorants, peacocks, and many birds of prey followed the golden eagle and landed around Xu Yang.


The golden eagle landed on the ground, crowed, moved its paws somewhat comically, came close to Xu Yang, rubbed his shoulder with its big head, and then squatted there, staring at him eagerly.

That is to say, there is no long tail behind it, otherwise it might take off in a spiral.

Xu Yang shook his head at this: "Not today, let's talk about it another day."


The golden eagle gave a pitiful cry, but did not dare to pester him and could only squat down.

Xu Yang ignored it, picked up two large wooden barrels, and collected fish and shrimp from the ground cages and cages.

In this way, ten large buckets were moved back and forth, plus five bags of rice and one bag of white corn, and today's bird food was ready.

"Fortunately, I feed him once every ten days and eat three meals a month. Who can do this every day?"

Looking at the feasting golden eagles and the raptors, Xu Yang shook his head and wondered whether he should capture a few people and go to the island to help with the work, or continue the enlightenment and get some spirits to do hard work?

The former... let's forget it. People talk too much and you have to fall asleep. It's not very safe.

You can try the latter, but it will take some time.

Although he has transferred the herring breeding skills, now the body can also enlighten strange beasts and unlock spiritual intelligence, but this enlightenment comes at a price, which requires the consumption of skills, spiritual energy, blood and other powers.

Xu Yang now has no spiritual energy or bloodline power to consume, and can only consume his own skills.

Although it is only the reserve that is consumed, not the upper limit, it will take a lot of time to recover.

He is now about to break through and enter the realm of concentration, and cannot suffer any damage.

Therefore, he rejected the golden eagle's request for enlightenment just now.

After feeding the eagle, Xu Yang carried several large bags of rice to the "cage breeding base" by the lake.

The cages are arranged in rows with clear lines!

Xu Yang poured several bags of ordinary rice mixed with fodder into the cages of ordinary fish species.


The feed is poured in, the water surface boils, and the fish surge out and start grabbing the fish feed.

Xu Yang stood by and observed for a moment, then reached out to activate his Qi, and used various methods to capture several large fish that had evolved into alien species, and threw them into the area outside the cage.

Then, he turned around, picked up the last sack, and poured the white corn, which was full of grains like pearls, into the lake.

"Puff puff!"

When the white corn is poured in, the lake water immediately boils, and all kinds of strange fish appear, competing to grab the white corn kernels.


Looking at the dazzling variety of precious exotic fish in the lake, Xu Yang shook his head with satisfaction.

After transferring his herring breeding skills back and obtaining abilities such as "Spiritual Beast Enlightenment" and "Dragon King's Command", Xu Yang focused on fish breeding.

Although Dongting Lake is not as good as the Heishui River and does not have the unique resource support of the Blackwater Aura, with his breeding skills and food input, Xu Yang has also raised a lot of exotic fish in recent years, including a few Reached the "spirit" level.

Now, Xu Yang used his quick eyes and quick hands to activate his Qi, and took a monster-level big herring out of the lake.

This is his main meal today.

Throw the herring into a cage and store it as a prepared ingredient.

Then, Xu Yang turned around and came to the field and began to harvest this season's mature white corn.

That's right, white corn. After three years of "improved breeding", all the rice grown on the island is white corn. The ordinary rice used to feed the fish just now is still in stock and will be gone after it is used up.

Xu Yang now not only eats white corn himself, but also uses it to feed birds and fish.

This shows what he has gained from farming in the past three years.

The island is not big, the area is limited, and there are not many cultivated fields, but with his "planting" skills, Xu Yang can still get a bumper harvest.

One harvest in January can yield thousands of kilograms of white corn.

Not only white corn, but also an excellent variant of white corn - yellow corn!

The grains of white corn are plump, like pearls. The essence is extremely nutritious. Eating it can increase qi and blood.

The grains of yellow corn are small and not full, but they have a strange power. After eating them, they can slightly increase the soul.

To Xu Yang, its value is much higher than that of white corn.

Unfortunately, they are few in number!

In these farmlands on the island, one harvest can yield a thousand kilograms of white corn, but less than ten kilograms of yellow corn, which even Xu Yang himself cannot satisfy.

If the quantity is sufficient and used to feed exotic beasts, and combined with breeding skills and enlightenment, it will definitely have miraculous effects.

It's a pity that we can't be so extravagant at this stage.

After harvesting the rice fields, Xu Yang went to the medicinal fields to check and make sure there were no diseases or insects before leaving.

Is this the end?

not at all!

Xu Yang carried another bucket of fish and shrimp and a bag of white corn to another breeding base.

"Eat, I'll need your help later."

Looking at the calm lake, Xu Yang smiled and poured a large bucket of fish and shrimp and a large bag of white corn into it.

"Crack crack crack!"

Immediately, the water surface boiled, electric current flashed, and several large golden electric eels led thousands of small electric eels to start fighting for food.

I owed three updates yesterday, so I'll try my best to make up for it today.

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