Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 10 Changes In The Golden Bead

Lu Chen has been hiding not far away to protect the stunning beauty in secret, and took out Hua Guangyuan's storage bag to check. There are more than 200 low-grade Spirit Stones, more than 500 medium-grade Spirit Stones, and some low-grade Spiritual herbs.

This made Lu Chen very happy. He sighed in his heart that the wealth of the Great Sect, a Yinshou from the Tianyan Sect, and Hua Guangyuan from the Hehuan Sect, made Lu Chen a little rich again, and the Spirit Stones were enough in a short time.

When Lu Chen saw a large pile of women's clothes, he scolded Hua Guangyuan for being a pervert in his heart, so he quickly took them out and burned them.

Ling Manyu woke up leisurely, checked the status of own in a panic, and after confirming that she had not been frivolous, she breathed a sigh of relief for the rest of her life.

When he saw a man's clothes in front of him, a strange feeling came to his heart, and his face turned red.

The power of the aphrodisiac awakened the comatose Ling Manyu. She clearly saw a figure appearing to kill Hua Guangyuan, but there was no Spirit Power in her body, so she couldn't force the aphrodisiac out of her body. Her eyes gradually blurred, but her consciousness was very clear.

Her crazy actions and the sensation of kissing appeared in her mind, and Ling Manyu was very shy, especially the sentence "Little girl! It's cheap for you!" was deeply engraved on her heart.

But when he thought of such a proud figure, the other party actually held back, anticipating and disappointed at the same time.

After the complicated psychological changes, Ling Manyu took out the clothes from the storage bag and changed again, and disappeared in place after a few jumps.

Lu Chen didn't leave until he noticed that the stunning beauty had left. The only regret was that he didn't know her name, only that she was a disciple of Shennongmen.

After reminiscing about the fragrant red lips, Lu Chen took out the flying boat from the storage bag. Now that he has money, he is not afraid to refuel and fill it up on the 98th. A middle-grade Spirit Stones is boldly embedded in the groove.

Under the control of Lu Chen Divine Sense, the flying boat swayed from side to side and rose slowly, almost hitting a tree, saying: "Grass! This is still a technology job."

Driving a flying boat for the first time is a bit like a sea motorcycle. Spiritual Qi powers the flying boat, and Divine Sense controls the direction. It is mysterious and magical. Lu Chen has never learned how to make weapons and does not know the secrets.

Looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of him with the breeze blowing, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He was just a poor poor guy before, but he was lucky enough to travel to this Cultivation World. It is said that the first-level miscellaneous Spiritual Roots of the eight series cannot cultivate, even if they can The cultivation achievements will not be too high.

But Lu Chen firmly believes that everyone has their own meaning of existence, constantly improve their own Cultivation Base, and strive to climb the unknown heights, even small people can have big dreams.

The flying boat landed slowly on the back mountain of Xuantian Sect. Lu Chen knew that when he didn't have enough strength, he could live longer only by insignificant development.

This trip took about two months, and I don’t know if master Hao Nande has returned. At that time, the master left so suddenly, and he didn’t say what he was doing.

When Lu Chen returned to the familiar courtyard, he didn't see Hao Nande's figure, but he thought that with Hao Nande's Cultivation Base in the Gold Core stage, as long as he didn't meet the old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, he should be able to protect himself.

Lu Chen took out a jar of spiritual wine from the storage bag, and a set of tables and chairs, and drank it alone, thinking about how to learn the pill refining plan. Sect should have an Elder who can pill refining, but he already has a master, not to mention, Own qualifications may not be seen by others

on yourself.

It seems that I can only go to the Cultivation Technique Hall again and learn by myself.

"Brother Lu! It's really great that you're back! I've always been worried about your safety." Gu Feng and Tong Wei came to Lu Chen's courtyard and asked happily when they saw that Lu Chen was safe and sound.

After Lu Chen gave up his life last time, he and Tong Wei were asked to go first. Gu Feng was very moved, and at the same time worried about Lu Chen, so after returning to Sect, he asked about Lu Chen's residence and came to see if Lu Chen was there almost every day. return.

"So it's Brother Gu! Come, please sit down, what can I do, since we're here, let's have a drink together." Lu Chen took out two more chairs from the storage bag, and warmly greeted Gu Feng and Tong Wei.

Lu Chen actually doesn't like Tong Wei's actions very much, but Gu Feng is still a good person, and he can be regarded as Lu Chen's first friend in Cultivation World. Seeing Tong Wei shyly holding Gu Feng's arm at this time, he knows these two people There are tricks, so I love the house and the crow.

"Storage bag? Brother Lu is really very human." Gu Feng said in surprise, with some envy in his eyes, and Tong Wei also looked at Lu Chen in shock. Two months ago, they went to the Poison Mist Swamp together. At that time, Lu Chen They should be as poor as they are, otherwise it would be impossible to accept such a low-level task. I didn't expect that the other party actually had a storage bag in just two months. How could they not be shocked.

"Don't talk about that, come! I'll toast Brother Gu, first of all congratulations to Brother Gu for breaking through to the seventh level of Qi Refining, and then congratulations to Brother Gu for finally getting married with his lover." Lu Chen raised his wine glass and changed the topic jokingly.

"Brother Lu, don't make fun of me. My Cultivation Base is not worth mentioning. Besides, I can be with Tong Wei, and it's all because of Brother Lu's help. This glass of wine is to thank Brother Lu for saving his life." Gu Fengyi After drinking it all, it turned out that Tong Wei experienced life and death last time, and finally realized that Gu Feng was the one who really treated her well, so the two got mixed up when they returned to Sect.

"Senior brother Lu! I was not good before, but thank you anyway." Tong Wei summoned up the courage to thank her. She knew that she had a bad impression on Lu Chen, but since she chose to follow Gu Feng, she couldn't make the relationship too rigid. .

"What's the matter with you two, thank you for the one on the left, thank you for the one on the right, do you still consider me a friend?" Lu Chen pretended to be angry and said, the more he was like this, the more Gu Feng felt that Lu Chen was getting closer, after a few drinks After drinking, several people started talking, from Tiannan to Dibei, from Henggu to Shuojin, Lu Chen did not expect that Gufeng would still be a chatterbox after drinking.

"Brother Lu! Three days later, Sect will hold a martial arts competition for disciples in the Qi refining period. Do you want to participate?" Gu Feng said slightly drunk.

"It's boring, don't go!" Lu Chen categorically vetoed it. He plans to study pill refining recently, and he has no interest in Sect competitions. So what if he won the first place? It's still a word of obscenity, he doesn't want to be noticed too much by others arrive.

"Don't go? Why don't you go? Don't brother Lu want to get a place in Canglan's secret realm?" Gufeng asked suspiciously, and even Tong Wei looked at him with a puzzled expression, one must know that Canglan is a disciple of the Qi refining period It will be a grand event, when the outstanding disciples of the younger generation of the seven sects will participate, and there will be rich prizes to be won.

"Canglan secret realm? I seem to have a little impression. Can I tell you more about the situation when I just came back?" Lu Chen remembered that when he first inquired about the address of the Cultivation Technique Hall, he had indeed heard about the Canglan secret realm.

But at that time, he was only in the Cultivation Base on the fifth floor of the Qi refining stage, and he didn't understand anything, so he didn't care.

"No wonder you don't care, let Tong Wei talk about it! I drank a little too much." Gu Feng said after taking another sip of wine.

So Tong Wei told everything about Cang Lan's secret realm.

It turns out that the resources of the Cultivation World were relatively abundant in ancient times, but with the huge increase in the number of cultivators, the resources for cultivation have become less and less, and often a Spiritual herb is picked before it is mature.

Therefore, for the sake of future generations of practitioners, the ancient Power developed many secret realms and established powerful formation protection. It wasn't until tens of thousands of years later that the formations became loose one after another, and the secret realm gradually emerged.

Canglan secret realm is one of the extant secret realms thousands of years ago, and it got its name because of the Canglan Mountain located to the west of Beichen Island.

This place happens to be within the sphere of influence of the seven major sects, so in order to imitate the sages, the seven major sects jointly agreed to open it every sixty years.

When the first group of people went to the secret realm, they discovered that except for the cultivators in the refining period who could enter the secret realm, all other Realm cultivators would be bounced away by the Restrictions at the entrance.

It is said that there was once a Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen cultivator who did not believe in evil and wanted to forcibly enter the secret realm, but was blasted into scum by Restrictions, leaving no bones left. So far, the seven sects can only obediently organize the disciples of the refining stage to enter the secret realm realm.

Xuantian Sect three days later, the Sect Grand Competition is to select fifty outstanding disciples of the Qi refining period to participate in the trial of the Canglan secret realm.

Hearing this, Lu Chen's heart was moved. With his current strength, as long as it is not the Foundation Establishment late stage, he is not afraid, let alone facing a group of cultivators in the Qi refining stage. This is simply a secret realm tailor-made for him. He thought in his heart: "Go! Must go!"

Lu Chen chatted with Gu Feng for a while, and after the two agreed to sign up for the competition together tomorrow, Gu Feng and Tong Wei left.

In the evening, Lu Chen took out a piece of middle-grade Spirit Stones to practice. When Spiritual Qi entered Dantian, the golden beads in Dantian changed again, and began to snatch the Spiritual Qi in Dantian again.

With the previous experience, Lu Chen was not surprised or scared, and even looked forward to it. In order to explore the secret of Jinzhu, Lu Chen continued to absorb the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones, and the Spiritual Qi was continuously absorbed by the Jinzhu.

Finally, after Lu Chen used up the 300 middle-grade Spirit Stones, the golden beads in Dantian no longer absorbed Spiritual Qi, and there was no reaction, returning to the previous state of stones.

"Is this the end? There's no reaction as expected?" Lu Chen muttered, unwilling to reconcile, Lu Chen closed his eyes and used Divine Sense to check Jin Zhu.

When Divine Sense just touched the golden bead, Lu Chen disappeared into the room, but he didn't know that the surrounding scene had changed.

"It shouldn't be, why didn't there be any reaction after absorbing my three hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones?" Lu Chen wondered, when he opened his eyes, he suddenly mobilized all the Spirit Power, Black Turtle Shield, Mother-Child The Chiba blade appeared in his hand, and he looked around warily.

I saw that the surrounding area was still his room, and it was clearly another space, the space was about the size of two football fields, and at the end was surrounded by a piece of gray matter, even the sky was gray.


Lu Chen looked around vigilantly, his heartbeat was clearly audible, and after a long time, he didn't find anything abnormal. After confirming that there was no danger, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Lu Chen thought.

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